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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 61 KB, 974x650, sdfgsdgdfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6722154 No.6722154 [Reply] [Original]

Buckle. The. Fuck. Up.

>> No.6722167

Moon time.

>> No.6722184


>> No.6722206
File: 86 KB, 800x533, no steeppy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Government is asleep
Post sneks

>> No.6722320

hahaha ya dig

>> No.6722354
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>> No.6722362

for what?
dont post some stupid teen girl-style shit go fuck yourself loser

>> No.6722390



>> No.6722444


just wish it would shut down for good

>> No.6722485

Bitcoin to 25k by tomorrow

>> No.6722502
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>ssssssup biszssszszszs

>> No.6722563

Democrats sided with illegal immigrants over citizens, working class just got the middle finger
Usd will be more worthless tomorrow when stocks open and get their due crash
Other countries are riding on this, it is why btc went ape shit 10 minutes before deadline
>/biz/ will call me a shill

>> No.6722667
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>Government Shutdown
>post precious pepes

>> No.6722685
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>republicans control all branches of the government
>it's the democrats' fault

>> No.6722700

As well, not instead of.
Republicans are dumb as fuck

>> No.6722703

john mccain was curiously absent from the vote

>> No.6722727
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>> No.6722742

Dems wouldnt drop daca, trump wont sign if they keep daca without a fund for the wall
Its literally dems fault no matter how much you’ll try to spin it

>> No.6722743

>Being manipulated this hard
kek. No wonder burgers are losing 1st place of everything to other countries.

>> No.6722745

Yes, but a large amount of them are neocons

>> No.6722746

>being this retarded
>republican government shut themselves down
>not realizing this is effectively the result of stalemates and democrats refusing to even come to the table and talk
fug drumpf xD

>> No.6722763

Are you newfags too young to remember the last government shutdown?

nothing happened

>> No.6722769
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>republican controlled government
>still blames dems

>> No.6722780
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>Hello, yes I am getting word the government has shut down. Initiate pumping sequence.

>> No.6722785

They still have control on a lot of state and city governments.

>> No.6722787

Stay safe guys. Any crazy shit going on where you are? Reports of looting all around my area. Hearing intermittent screams, shots, etc. It's worse than last time

>> No.6722797

I dont give a fuck what you guys think, i saw this coming and went 100% into btc 30 minutes before deadline
Democrats value illegal fucking immigrants more than citizens. People are not going to support this system anymore

>> No.6722798
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>> No.6722822

THE PURGE has begun

>> No.6722828

>implying the republicans would come to the table to talk if the situation was reversed
>being this retarded

>> No.6722831

we're talking about the federal government shutdown

>> No.6722858

Why do they always make a big deal about this when nobody even fucking notices when it happens. You would almost think 90% of the government is worthless blubber.

>> No.6722878

They did 4 years ago, they bowed down to democrats hours before deadline because they knew they would never win another election if they were to blame

>> No.6722890

B-but museums and monuments are closed!

>> No.6722900

happened like 10 times in reagan's presidency lol
it's just a vacation

>> No.6722916


retard, btc went up because ascending triangle. Nobody cares about goveretardment shutfaggon.

>> No.6722922

you are full of fucking shit faggot

>> No.6722943

>voter base survives on gibs
>lets shutdown the gibs
I bet .5 btc minorities chimp out tomorrow. Womans march and all that zazz

>> No.6723105

imagine if everytime the govt does this people start using BTC as their bank...oh shit..im getting whacked now

>> No.6723195
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pic related is you

>> No.6723230
File: 506 KB, 594x645, 6F19E75B-E976-4B2F-BD67-D240AB445C66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
>anon explains it better than my angry autistic ass
I hope that explains why this kills the usd, the world knows it and you will too when stocks open monday

>> No.6723284

Does that mean they will cut back military spending?

>> No.6723308

A nice 100b cut wouldnt hurt

>> No.6723316

You must be a Europoor. This shit happens every shutdown, but I've never seen it this bad.

Hunker down burger anons, hopefully it will get better in the morning

>> No.6723460

The right will always blame the left even when they are in full control of everything. Tump could shoot himself in the foot in live tv and right wingers would still find a way to spin the story to blame the left

>> No.6723475


>> No.6723505


>> No.6723507

How can someone be this retarted

>> No.6723601

"The IRS, for example, is expected to furlough 87% of its workers, which means most of the agency’s programs will be shuttered. That includes the agency’s helplines, which are turned off during the shutdown — a potential problem for taxpayers seeking guidance on massive changes this year."


>> No.6723607

>need 60 senate votes to push budget through
>there aren't 60 dems
best part is last time we had a shutdown threat the blue party blamed the (minority) red party then too. American politics is like watching children fight on a playground.

>> No.6723620

>There is a whole board full of people equally or more deluded than this

>> No.6723648
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A gov shutdown literally means nothing but some parks and museums close and some federal employees get some time off. Stop fearmongering, anything that does happen on that day was planned and staged by an alphabet agency and manned by crisis actors. The whole world is a stage and everything you think is real is just part of a huge Hollywood/CIA/MI5/Mossad production. None of your favorite politicians or celebrities care one single fuck about you, they just want your money and attention while they fuck and eat babies behind closed doors.

>> No.6723761

>democrats willingly shutdown government to protect illegal immigrants over citizens child healthcare
>this shutdown means nothing
You are fucked in the head lad, enjoy your trump landslide in 2020

>> No.6723810

>democats did -
stopped reading right there

>> No.6723831
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Should I buy more crypto now or wait?

>> No.6723838


If they get rid of gibs we will see total chaos. That's the only thing keeping us from going complete 3rd world. Niggers and spics will fucking murder every person they see once this is gone, guaranteed. Either politicians have a death wish or they want to see us kill each other.

>> No.6723883

Not the first time government shutdown. All essential govt is still running, 90% or some shit. Media blowing it out of proportion as usual. Carry on with your lives.

>> No.6723886

>he dude forget bout last time we did this to the Dems haha fuck those kikes

>> No.6723901

You should have been holding btc prior to deadline, some alts are already recovering while btc levels off up +$800 around the $12400/12500 range
You can try scooping up your favorite alts while they have wild swings

I would strongly recommend being 90% or more into btc before stocks open on monday

>> No.6723916

Any anon remembers last government shutdown?
Bitcoin mooned.
Buckle the fuck up we are going to the motherfuckig moon bitch.

>> No.6723942

>democrats willingly shutdown government to protect illegal immigrants over citizens child healthcare
>this shutdown means nothing
You are fucked in the head lad, enjoy your trump landslide in 2020

Its like you fucking damage control kikes aren’t even addressing the reason behind this shutdown

>> No.6724015

Are u retarded?
Fucking Democrats every time, they democrats are refusing the pass any las to extend spending unless it includes a halt to deportations etc... they’re turning this into an immigration issue, literally holding the country hostage. I’m not even a burger but god damn they might destroy the current bull run because “muh dreamers” “muh beaners”

>> No.6724040
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Man, I really hope those conservative bigots don't decide to deport those helpless Dreamers. I can't believe how hostile this country is becoming to people of color.

>> No.6724054

ikr holy fucking shit

>> No.6724062
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>muh democraps!
>muh publicanz!

>> No.6724068

Maybe if you read a bit more you wouldn't be such a retarded nigger

>> No.6724116

Maybe when you stop believing what you see in the (jewish) media and grow up you wouldn't be the retard arguing party politics

>> No.6724135

You need at least a small amount of democratic support to pass legislation. You stupid fuck.

>> No.6724139

Kek. I pray to god trump wins in a landslide in 2020. I’m as pol as they come. But the msm tells the mindless drones what to think and they’ll blame drumpf all day and all night. If it were up to me I’d send liberals to re-education camps but liberalism is a mental problem, not a point of view.

>> No.6724202
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him left wingy!
he right wingy!

>> No.6724211
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>> No.6724255

>enjoy your trump landslide in 2020

You say that like its the worst possible scenario when in reality its just meh

>> No.6724293

>Usd will be more worthless tomorrow when stocks open and get their due cras

Nice. Underrated gold and silver gainz incoming.

>> No.6724368

Even some republicans voted against it. The plan was literally retarded, as expected from right wingers.

>> No.6724369

congress better get their shit together. this shutdown means over half the IRS can't work now. They have new tax codes to work with and have to deal with more crypto trading then ever.

>> No.6724370

A Republican House
A Republican Senate
A Republican President
A Republican shutdown

>> No.6724466

left wingy vs right wingy

me too stupid to make up my own mind

>> No.6724470

>60 votes required
>Only 51 Republicans in senate
Really activates my almonds

>> No.6724514
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>Dunald blumph
>jawhn mickayne

>> No.6724519

5 republicans voted against it. Let that sink in.

>> No.6724552
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>hilaby kinton
>mernie nanderth

>> No.6724560

The bill still had 50 votes for

>> No.6724572

Criminally unchecked. Yes that would be nice.

>> No.6724578

Sweden seems to be supporting it just fine

>> No.6724592
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Yeah, the neocons who are Democrat-lite. Probably from places like Arizona where they're sucking illegal cock for votes.

They'll be gone in November. The Awoo remembers.

>> No.6724607

A vacation for govt officials to buy cheap btc

>> No.6724635
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>deff seshunz
>bike pits

>> No.6724653

Brainlet meme this all you want but a superpower on the verge of being brazil 2.0 is very relevant for crypto

>> No.6724682

hey synth

>> No.6724690



>> No.6724706
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>world events aren't staged

>> No.6724749

Everyone who doesnt immediately agree with your retarded way of thinking immediately becomes a democrat. You guys are way too deluded to realize just how messed up you really are and it is kind of said tbqh famaliam.

>> No.6724754
File: 31 KB, 600x375, Come on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>51 republicans, rest dems
>Need 60 votes

>> No.6724757

>leaving your borders wide open while your government just said gtfo to illegal immigrants
>staging this
Im /pol/ normally except to see which coins to avoid but even this shit sounds retarded to me

>> No.6724810

dude can I get a free skyminer?

>> No.6724814
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>the people in government offices are actually in charge of making decisions and not following orders from people with deeper pockets

>> No.6724835

I literally never said anything like that, you're the one acting like a complete jackass.

>> No.6724874

niggers and spics vs white people... hmmm i wonder whos gonna win?

>> No.6724876
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>cucthk sthumer
>mith miconal

>> No.6724905
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>why him skin blak?

>> No.6724951
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So, I've got 400$ in the bank that I was waiting to invest after the whole tether thing plays out, but now I kind of want to let it ride on BTC. Will there be a pump tomorrow morning when my fellow burgers, without ruined sleep schedules, wake up?

>> No.6724982

>Government shut down under Obama

>Government shut down under Trump

The DNC is like a diseased leg that needs to be cut the fuck off before it infects the entire body.

>> No.6724983

Sad thing is this is 100% correct. Unfortunately Trump is going to figure out how to get this to last only a few days - maybe a week.

>> No.6725034
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>hurrrrrrr i don't understand what im talking about but i think im so smart hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.6725071
File: 88 KB, 768x752, 5fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>republicans and democrats are 2 different parties

>> No.6725076

Republicans hold 51 seats in the Senate, but need 60 in order to pass a budget. 5 Republicans voted against the budget, and 4 democrats voted in favor of it. The democrats decided not to vote for the bill unless they got amnesty, and when they didn't get amnesty they voted no. The democrats are responsible for this shut down, please fuck off back to plebbit.

>> No.6725101

Are you ok, dude?

>> No.6725153
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>I voted

>> No.6725212
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>> No.6725217
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>why him skin stil blak?

>> No.6725299

>Trump is going to figure out
just lol

>> No.6725314

trips of truth

>> No.6725394

we're at 12600

if this shit breaks 12750 we're moonshotting to 14500

>> No.6725410


This vote only needs 51 you dumb twat.

>> No.6725415


>> No.6725421

There was a bipartisan bill to end the shut down but McConnell refused to bring it to the floor.

>> No.6725427

are you ?
you're probably of of those newfags who spams """are you ok dude"" in every thread. Please go kys fuking looser or back to red dit

>> No.6725484
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Yeah, a bill that held 325 million Americans hostage for 4.5 million foreign nationals.


>> No.6725527

Fucking This!

>> No.6725561
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>on a board with IDs

>> No.6725606
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>> No.6725613

Sounds abit like when filthy americans wiped out native americans.

>> No.6725642


>> No.6725646

USD rekt with no government backing. What a shit coin

>> No.6725792

America is filled with a bunch of dumb cowards. Useful idiots moved around like pawns in a game they're lead addled brains are too stupid to comprehend. Lazy, ignorant wannabes and has-beens wrapping themselves up in their flag while shitting on everything America was built on, with the ones screaming the loudest and claiming to be "true patriots" throwing their red MAGA hats in with traitors.

America is the #1 biggest shithole on the planet. You dumb fuckers deserve only the worst in the future. I for one will be more than happy to watch China take your place. They're at least trying to face the future. You ignorant, whiney, special snowflake pricks are too busy clinging to the past and letting yourselves get played by a bunch of sociopathic conmen.

Grats on being this dumb.

>> No.6725865

i'm a brown dude who fucks hot (8/10+) white girls AMA

>> No.6725890

Wow dude, do you watch rick and morty. I'm guessing because I can feel the iq just flowing from your post.

>> No.6725944
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>red team is better!
>nuh uh blue team is better!
>blue is a mental illness fuck you colorxist

>> No.6725962


>> No.6726098

Except this time the natives have tanks. Guess which side I'm betting on?

Interesting how your race is all you have. SAD.

>> No.6726111


>> No.6726126
File: 1.22 MB, 300x169, Crying-baby[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6726143


fcking red dit cancer in this thread.

>> No.6726160


This. Literally nothing happened.

>> No.6726191

i throatfucked a HOT white girl in at the hilton and then nutted in her pussy two times, cuck

didn't even call her back lol

>> No.6726203

You aren't, you're just like.. an asshole man.

The only way we go back to being #1 is if we stop playing world police and cut the fat on our military spending (and there is a lot of fat).

>> No.6726224

price of bitcoin mooned 10x. how new are you?

>> No.6726235

You aren't wrong***

>> No.6726327

You’re the newfag here pretending to know shit.
Last government shutdown bitcoin mooned, this was back when mt gox was the biggest exchange, I don’t remember exactly but it was like x5 I remember thinking that it was IT the moment bitcoin would go mainstream and be adopted lmao.

>> No.6726354
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>Government shutdown 2013, October 1st-17th
>Literally nothing happened

looks all too familiar

>> No.6726881
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>siding with the republicans or democrats