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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6703705 No.6703705[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>ITT: things your cuckcoins cannot buy

>> No.6703737


>> No.6703755

pffff why the fuck would i want some blue shorts

>> No.6703760

I can easily buy steroids

>> No.6703774

Btc is actually the go to currency to buy steroids. This is the reason i got into bitcoin when it was 200$

>> No.6703778

They can buy steroids

>> No.6703783


pretty sure i can buy wintrol, test and eca op. just dont like to put a needle of my ass like a homo

t. natural aesthetics

>> No.6703787

Few cycles of tren, I can even afford this with my wagecuck job.

>> No.6703788

I have fucked guys bigger than him in exchange for crypto.

>> No.6703791

Apart from genetics in terms of muscle insertions and aesthehics getting shredded and muscular is easy as fuck.

Just takes some dedication, a good diet and some tren.

>> No.6703795
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im sure I can buy that

>> No.6703808
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>tfw bitcoin became too volatile so roid suppliers don't accept it anymore

my gainss

>> No.6703814

You can buy steroids on DNMs

>> No.6703817

a pair of new balls probably

>> No.6703820

You want to buy a male escort?

>> No.6703822

Unironically this

>> No.6703842

Actual rich people are more consumed with fear of death than r9k-tier jealously of athletic men

>> No.6703853

heart attacks?
didn't this guy suffer a major one?

he is kill if its who I think it is.

>> No.6703875

>go to gym for 30 min a day

>> No.6703880

Being balkan masterrace

>> No.6703886

Actual happiness.

>> No.6703931

hahaha. you think you can't BUY that? stay fucking poor dude. asthetics can be bought just like anything else, they're just very expensive to stop the poors from being able to dilute it.

>> No.6703969
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It's not Zyzz brah.

>> No.6703996


>> No.6704082


People don't understand how powerful Tren and Dbol are. If you can put up with the side effects, this is a very realistic body.

>> No.6704106


>> No.6704207

I've done Tren, not dbol
Tren is super powerful, but you still gotta hit the gym hard, put up with lack of sleep, eating properly. It's a mental battle..
Then coming off the shit is living hell for months.

The guy in the picture would have nailed all aspects of his training and diet, and probably have been working out for years previously

>> No.6704211

>Smith Machine Squats 4×10

>> No.6704260

Just convert into Monero, it's more stable unironically.

>> No.6704317


Investing smartly in coins will generate you massive wealth. Massive wealth means you don't have to work a wageslave's 9-5 on top of whatever commute time. Saving all that commute time means you can dedicate that time to self improvement, which includes cooking all your meals, watching your macros and hitting the gym without worrying about "fitting it" into your wageslave live schedule.

Essentially, depending on your circumstances, crypto can help you "buy" your time back that you can reinvest into something else for yourself, rather than for someone else.

>> No.6704325

Money can buy you a chef, perfect food, roids, and access to an amazing state of the art gym.

>> No.6704330

>what is a personal trainer

>> No.6704363

I cope by being a member of Alcor. It's only 200k, it's very worth it for the peace of mind.

>> No.6704477

Props to you for putting up with the Tren side-effects, I would never do that. I stopped myself at Var and Primo.
To your point, I'd say anyone willing to do Tren / Anad / Dbol is pretty serious about their training and diet. But yes, sitting on the couch pounding beer and pizza on gear will no get you to look like OPs pic. But any 2 year "gymrat" that goes on Tren is gonna get some serious gainz....way more than anyone training natty for 10+ years.

>> No.6704510


girls don't like this type of body

>> No.6704658

hahahaha he actually believes this

>> No.6704678


Upward movement in this market. Don't have enough to manipulate this shit.

>> No.6704685

... but i already buy tren, test, and dbol with monero.

>> No.6704703

>2 year "gymrat" that goes on Tren is gonna get some serious gainz....way more than anyone training natty for 10+ years.

Are you retarded? You really think tren would make up for 8 YEARS of training in one cycle? Maybe if your cycle is like 12months long but even at some ludicrous dose like 2g/wk you wouldn't catch up on 8 years in a normal cycle length.

People usually run tren for around 12 weeks. This would mean you would build A YEAR worth of muscle in EVERY WEEK AND A HALF.

Since my last cycle my source added monero, LTC, and ETH. Also some guy taking XRP. The future is now.

>> No.6704722

I can buy steroids with my cuck coins, actually.

>> No.6704743

they dont lol, its just too muscular

girls want /fit/ not /bulging/ it just looks gross af

>> No.6704775

protip: what girls say they like and what they actually like are two different things

>> No.6704881

Ok, maybe my numbers were a bit off. What do YOU think the ratio is? 4 months of tren to compensate for ...12? months of training? 1 year of tren for 3 years of training?

btw i hope you can tell im not anti-gear, I do the light stuff. I've just never done tren or dbol, and I feel like thats where the 'modern bodybuilder' look comes from.

>> No.6704989

yes lol. even a normal test cycle is enough to shoot right past the natty limit.

Natty lifting sucks balls.

>> No.6705000


nobody here is impressed by your godly knowledge of hormonas. Take that shit back to fitmisc, gh15, PM, and r/steroids

>> No.6705022

How many of you queers use steroids here?

>> No.6705051

You kidding? With more money I'd buy creatine, better equipment, better and more food, and I would get better sleep. Fuck you.

>> No.6705078

>4 months of tren to compensate for ...12
Probably about right for someone working out long enough to roid. Plus a bit more if you include not having to cut after.

>thats where the 'modern bodybuilder' look comes from.

Definitely. Arnold says he was around 7% BF when he used to compete but he doesn't even look that cut by today's standards because they didn't have all the dry compounds we do.

>im small cause im natty

>How many of you queers use steroids here?
That was the only real use for BTC up until recently.

>> No.6705085


try it before you bash it my man.

>> No.6705092

Yes I can buy steroids too. just like this dude did.

>> No.6705098



>> No.6705133

alright lad you do you

somebody with jason momoa's physique is what most women want, not whoever OP posted, in which his shit just looks fucking roided and nasty

>> No.6705146

I mean, if we are pushing it. Either way, creatine is not that bad.

>> No.6705151

That moment when these fucktards think that this is the goal... xD

>> No.6705152


You moron.

>> No.6705165

>inb4 some idiot says 'that's hard work and dedication pussy'

>> No.6705178

>what are steroids and head transplatation

>> No.6705188

AAS is antiquated normie shit. Growth factors, myo inhibitors, and peptides are the future. Most people can't afford the real stuff though.

>> No.6705190

much interdasting.
im still never do tren, but im looking forward to my next var cycle bought with eth profits.

anon, since you seem to be not retarded, what are your thoughts on SARMs?

>> No.6705220
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>That lean

Do you even /fraud/?

>> No.6705268

roids are literally how i got into cryptos though?

>> No.6705277
File: 136 KB, 736x984, plant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: We post pictures of scrawny guys that got way more pussy than this roided out gorilla man

>> No.6705297

I had to pull the pin at 10 week mark of tren

I went from a good body, to fucking amazing.
Everything filled out immensely, but dropped so much body fat.

What people don't talk about is the recovery, when you come off. It's terrible and I wouldn't want anyone to go through that. If I was making serious money off my body, I would put up with it.

Took me a good year to get my test levels back to starting range.

>> No.6705318

Fuck off skelly

>> No.6705321


delts scream roids. since when can you not buy roids?

>> No.6705396

>what are your thoughts on SARMs?
If you care enough for SARMS why wouldn't you just do roids? The gains/sides ratio is better and they are (mostly) cheaper.

>> No.6705408

I used IGF-1 back in like....2008? It worked, but most people arent happy waiting 24 months for their results.
I agree that peptides are very promising, but you can beat the punch of good old fashion juice. If you're not worried about being tested for it (or the side effects), id always choose gear over peptides. Speaking as someone whose ran solo Var/Primo and solo RAD/LGD

>> No.6705425

Purchased 4.1 BTC in 2015at $240 to get steroids , got big but worst mistake in retrospect.

>> No.6705432
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>> No.6705448

lol, yea, dbol for 8 weeks, the cut 4 weeks with tren/var/winny/whatever. it aint hard.

>> No.6705460

just the delts? everything about that physique is roids

>> No.6705516
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>> No.6705517

Why would anyone buy sarms over test? more expensive, more experimental, and less gains

>> No.6705525

Fuck man, I'd love to hear more about this. I've went through opiate withdrawl...that was pretty shitty. But I've never had truly fucked up hormone levels. The Kevorkian in me wants to know.

>> No.6705532
File: 6 KB, 183x275, hendrix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can take all the roids you want but you'll get as much pussy as this dude

>> No.6705596


>> No.6705609

elaborate. Because that btc is now worth $40,000 or because the roids fucked you up?
All of us have SR sob stories man. Shit happens

>> No.6705694

Who /bizfit/ here?

>> No.6705708
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Fucking hilarious dubs

>> No.6705729
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>> No.6705872

>muscular and fit from years of following redpill and chateau
>graduated stem degree and taking over family firm
>making bank for years and have a rental property
>running mining farms
>trading crypto
>fucking bitches
>making bank on ebay flipping gpus that i buy in bulk and at steep discount with my crypto gains
anon if people really knew the details of my life theyd be jelly as fuck

>> No.6705945

Regret, guilt, depression, hopelessness..
Crying over nothing, like bawling my eyes out
Toxic relationships, manipulation
Mood swings
No drive or motivation
Anxiety, paranoia

But the worst, your dick is shut down
Couldn't even get hard. Went from fucking like a stallion to not knowing if my dick would ever work again. Had to pop cialis to get hard, but even then I'd pretty much cum pre-maturely

It all fades though, and you do return to normal, but fuck mate, not worth it.

It happened to all my mates, even though we followed strict pct protocols.

>> No.6705954

Used to be /fit/ in my early 20s (rip zyzz). Now that I'm in my late 20s, I'm like 35% /fit/, 65% /biz/.

I never realized how attractive money was to women.