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File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, LINKspaceprogram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6691252 No.6691252 [Reply] [Original]

Good morning fellow LINK space marines. After the successful completion of a Lunar landing yesterday, we have decided to push the boundaries with an even more spectacular launch. Today, we will be launching LINK 2. LINK 2 will be landing on Minmus, Earth's second and furthest moon. No man has ever landed on this celestial body before. Today will change history. There is only one man on the crew for this mission.

Pilot/Engineer: Chad O'Fork

Updates and pictures will be available shortly.

>> No.6691283
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Chainlink Space Program
- Director of Chainlink Space Program: Director Sergey Nazarov
- Co-Director: 500001+ LINK
- Chief of Space Operations: 250001-500000 LINK
- Chief Engineer: 175001-250000 LINK
- Governmental Affairs Officer: 125001-175000 LINK
- Head of Research & Deveopment: 750001-125000 LINK
- Head of Accounting: 50001-75000 LINK
- Head of Public Relations: 35001-50000 LINK
- Flight Director: 25001-35000 LINK
- Assistant Flight Director: 20001-25000 LINK
- Manager of Astronaut Operations: 15001-20000 LINK
- Astronaut: 10001-15000 LINK
- Astronaut in Training: 9001-10000 LINK
- Test Pilot: 7501-9000 LINK
- Electrical Engineer: 5001-7500 LINK
- Scientist: 3501-5000 LINK
- Hull Fabricator: 1501-3500 LINK
- Systems Developer: 501-1500 LINK
- Office Worker: 1-500 LINK

>> No.6691360
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The construction of LINK 2 is nearly complete.

>> No.6691557
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Here is Chad's view from inside the command module of LINK 2. LINK 2 is an Apollo style mission. The command module will stay in orbit while the lander separates to land on the moon. It will then take off and dock with the command module to return home to Earth.

>> No.6691658

>assistant flight director

The coolest job without the danger or responsibility, sweet

>> No.6691680
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We warned Chad of the lack of satellite communications on this mission. However, he still insisted to fly LINK 2 as soon as possible before getting a satellite array up and running.

>> No.6691690

Manager of Astronaut Operations here. Today we make history in the face of all those who FUD'd

>> No.6691742
File: 821 KB, 1080x1594, theworst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture is related. Have a safe flight.

>Chad O'Fork, always gets me, huehuehue

>> No.6691826
File: 304 KB, 450x566, Screenshot_4_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are now in charge of mission control as the most senior flight director.
You will be the one relaying information from mission control to Chad, and back.

LINK 2 on the launchpad.

>> No.6691853

>return home to Earth.


>> No.6691910
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Space travel is a very delicate and all parties involved must be very patient. A slow pace will return results. Chad will also be leaving the LINK on Minmus.

Engines throttled up. Go for launch in 5...4...3...2...1...

>> No.6692076
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We have liftoff.

>> No.6692167
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Mission control, we have suffered a casualty with during the Stage 1 separation. Two of our Stage 2 rockets have exploded and I am unable to manually shut off the stage sequencing. Stage 2 rockets will fire any second...

>> No.6692335
File: 1.56 MB, 691x416, oh shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh shit

>> No.6692391

This is mission control. LINK 2 is on the launchpad

>> No.6692392
File: 565 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180119-110540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flight Director Reporting In

>> No.6692485

CHad. This is mission control. LINK 2 suffered a casualty with during the Stage 1 separation. Two of our Stage 2 rockets have exploded... stage 2 rockets will fire any second

>> No.6692753
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We have separated stage 2, and have stabilized. Returning home for another launch.

>> No.6692767

Chad. This is mission control. it appears we have lost signal with LINK 2 for 11 minutes and 28 seconds.

>> No.6692838
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Parachutes deployed. Looks like we're good for a safe landing in the Pacific. After a few structural adjustments to LINK 2, we are ready for another launch. We have lost nearly 500 sats on this failed attempt.

>> No.6692846

This is mission control. LINK 2 stable after stage 2. They will be returning home. Bring our boys back

>> No.6693075
File: 396 KB, 693x447, Screenshot_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad has launched another LINK 2. This time the separations were successful. Now the command module must turn around and dock with the lander.

>> No.6693100

LINK 2 landed safely in the Pacific. USS Trump en route to evac. 8.7832° S, 124.5085° W. Godspeed

>> No.6693176

This is mission control. LINK 2 launched. Separated. Now entering the dock phase

>> No.6693265
File: 296 KB, 693x447, Screenshot_12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad knows all of these types of things.. he's the one piloting the spacecraft!

LINK 2 Command module docking with the Lander. Very delicate procedure...

>> No.6693403

steady Chad. Steadyyy

>> No.6693416
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Docking successful.

>> No.6693481
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Circularizing orbit around the earth.

>> No.6693551

>Chad O' Fork goes to a moon furthest than Alice Blaster and Jason Parser

OP is an insider confirming to us that the Shadow fork is real, through KSP.

>> No.6693622
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Orbit circularized and inclination matched. Isn't she beautiful...

>> No.6693780
File: 917 KB, 1194x719, Screenshot_16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mission control has passed up maneuver data which will get LINK 2 to Minmus. However, it looks like the LINK 2 command module is running low on fuel. We may have to improvise when the time comes.

>> No.6693858

Flight director here, don’t make me look bad

>> No.6693898

Gay astronaut here, please don’t make me straight

>> No.6693933
File: 494 KB, 732x593, Screenshot_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearing Minmus.. We're damn near out of fuel in our command module. During construction, we forgot that nuclear engines do not need oxidizer to operate. However, we left the oxidizer in the tank. More than half of the contents in the fuel tank is Oxidizer. We could have replaced all of that with extra fuel. Chad has a plan though.

>> No.6694099

Electrical Engineer from yesterday reporting in! Sadly I will have no time to monitor this mission as we are currently working on the next. Goodspeed Chad O'Fork!

>> No.6694106
File: 544 KB, 898x593, Screenshot_18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Command module is out of fuel, and will be returning to high earth orbit. We did not have enough fuel to circularize orbit with the command module. The rest of the mission will be conducted with the LINK 2 Lander, and 126 units of fuel...

>> No.6694197
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This little guy will write history.

>> No.6694244

ZOG assassinated Paul Walker to cover up selling guns to beaner drug cartels.

>> No.6694258
File: 31 KB, 515x371, HowtoBuy_03_3Patterns_PT1_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>link moons in the original thread
>link2 fails during launch but crew survives
>link2 relaunches and is on its way to minmus (furthest moon)


>> No.6694329
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Landing must be manually conducted by Chad. Mission control can not help past this point. God speed.

>> No.6694375

Good luck on todays flight

>tfw comfy link astronaut status

>> No.6694454

Godspeed Chad.

>> No.6694486
File: 585 KB, 999x498, Screenshot_21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Killing velocity. Don't want to waste too much fuel here. Have to time it just right.

>> No.6694531
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We have touchdown.

>> No.6694615
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Here is the landing information that Chad has passed to mission control.

>> No.6694638

This was my first job... i was stressed

>> No.6694716

link is going down atm. how will the spaceship ever recover?

>> No.6694721
File: 861 KB, 1224x573, Screenshot_25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad O'Fork, the first man to walk on Minmus, plants a flag to commemorate LINK's commitment to enter the outer reaches of space.

Now, Chad needs to return home for our next mission.

>> No.6695009
File: 328 KB, 572x418, Screenshot_25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad O'Fork has achieved orbit around Minmus with the Lander. This is the first step in returning home. There is a slight problem with his plan though. There are no parachutes included on the Lander.

You can see Earth just to the left of the Lander.

>> No.6695200
File: 303 KB, 723x531, Screenshot_26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad has expertly piloted the Lander back to Earth's atmosphere. He is planning on doing multiple passes through the upper atmosphere to aerobrake and kill his velocity relative to the surface which is now at 3km/s. The lander is not made for reentry, and may not withstand the heat.

>> No.6695271
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Second pass through the atmosphere. Currently 2.6km/s

>> No.6695329
File: 455 KB, 723x531, Screenshot_28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad miscalculated and will not be doing another pass! He is coming in hot!

>> No.6695400
File: 442 KB, 723x531, Screenshot_29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK 2 Lander has miraculously made it through reentry. Speed is at 0.7km/s and dropping quickly. Now Chad must land using his engines and remaining fuel. Again, there are no parachutes on the Lander.

>> No.6695461
File: 434 KB, 723x531, Screenshot_30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe we ever doubted Chad. A bumpy landing, some broken parts, but the Lander and Chad are both intact.

Chainlink Space Program is go for LINK 3 - Mars Edition. I wish you all a good day and thank you for tuning in to the CSP updates.

>> No.6695709

god bless america