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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 266 KB, 1040x865, Screenshot_2018-01-19-18-40-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6679579 No.6679579 [Reply] [Original]

How come even sophisticated investors caught up in the scam /biz/? Is there a broader lesson here for the follies of mankind?

>> No.6679602

Il take the b8

>sophisticated investor

>> No.6679605

>black guy

pick one man

>> No.6679644


These desu.

>> No.6679673

dam why did he take out 30k worth of loans. how does this even happen?

>> No.6679681

>take out a payday loan and put it in a ponzi scheme

i'm surprised he can tie his shoes

>> No.6679794

i feel bad for this dude

he had only been researching cryptos for a month and he put 30k worth of loans into it

hes definitely stupid as fuck, but dam man


>> No.6679823

>not only too stupid to realize BCC was a scam
>but so stupid he gets a loan for it
oh boy.

>> No.6679878


>> No.6679930

i feel evil for giggling at this

>> No.6679962

this isn't circlejerk downvotey hugbox you fucking retard.
go back.

>> No.6679977

In the video he said it was his 30k savings

>> No.6679978

I took out a payday loan to buy link at 16 cents. 1 month later I was up 7x

>> No.6679986


>> No.6680045

my secret club

>> No.6680047

This can happen to anyone fellas. Dont forget this is a ponzi from top to bottom.

>> No.6680076


No it can't, because my initial investment was 200 dollars.

>> No.6680089
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All he had to do was just buy bitcoin and leave it alone.

>> No.6680091

The only black people in crypto who did not buy BitConnect are the ones who live in white neighborhoods.

>> No.6680110

Yeah in all seriousness he's an absolute imbecile. In a libertarian utopia he'd have gotten fleeced and rightfully so. Zero sympathy.

>> No.6680111

Losing your gains also counts as losing unless your time is worth literally negatives

>> No.6680121

Man this plebbit crowd is the absolute worst, I've noticed a major difference on just the past few days alone. People needing to be literally spoonfed how to get on an exchange to buy something.

>> No.6680130

I jack off to 2d girls in my free time
of course my time is worth nothing

>> No.6680178

I feel bad for the guy. He seems like a normal dude that just wanted to make some interest on his savings, which is a perfectly reasonable thing to do. He wasn't parading himself on twitter/youtube as a genius crypto investor or calling himself something stupid like TheCryptoKingWizard - he was just a normal dude looking to make some interest on his savings.


>> No.6680183

We need more /pol/ on /biz/. It's the only defense we have against plebbits and females

>> No.6680189

>earn $30,000 via side jobs / self-emplyed
>invest in bitconnect, it goes to $0
>end of the year, owe the gov taxes on the $30,000 you earned

>> No.6680210

I just feel for the dude. I daytrade this shit and even thought I have made my initial investment tenfold with little effort, it still stings when I make the wrong call and lose out on some gains.

I can't even imagine losing real work savings in the blink of an eye but then again, they should not invest what they are not willing to lose forever.

>> No.6680218

And the loan providers were up 10x

>> No.6680231

>research crypto for a month
>don't have the brain capacity to realize when something sounds good to be true
>follow through with a $20,000 loan
>feeling sorry for dumb people making dumb decisions

>> No.6680277

Nigga took out a loan.

>> No.6680298

The thing is, crypto IS too good to be true. We are used to this shit but 10x gains in a month is not normal in the real world.

>> No.6680307

If you bet ALL your savings on a crypto you deserve to get fucked, dont spend more than you can afford

>> No.6680314

If negros are shilling something then stay away.

That includes TRX

>> No.6680329


>> No.6680350

Shhhhhhiiiiieeeeet mayn

>> No.6680370

Then don't invest like an absolute buttfuck re tard. Yeah I bet he's gonna have a lot of buyers remorse as are all the other retards who bought in, and this is one more step towards regulation if FBI/SEC get involved because people are too stupid to make financial decisions in this market

>> No.6680372


>> No.6680387
File: 87 KB, 640x512, 1407751529222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did bitconnect only market this to black people? seems like only black people invested in this

>> No.6680394
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, 1495576523257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy took his video down, but he lost $20k from Bitconnect. He was completely stunned from the video so much so he tried acting normal. It probably hit him pretty hard by now.

>> No.6680404

That's true as well. These guys can ruin this shit for all of us for being carelss.

>> No.6680423

>feeling sorry for dumb people making dumb decisions

I guess I do. Again if this guy was a cunt on social media or being an annoying normie flaunting his crypto wealth, then sure, fuck him.

>> No.6680438


I think so, I legit never even heard of it until it all crashed. Granted I've only been into cryptos since november but still. Never even heard of it. Scam companies only try to target suckers.

It's why spam and scam emails are riddle with misspellings and links that look like they'll give you a virus. It's supposed to scare off any reasonable person, so that only really dumb people who will buy into the scam. Basically if you're so dumb you don't notice all the spelling and grammar errors then you are also so dumb you'll agree to wire money

>> No.6680446

racial IQ differences aren't just a meme you know

>> No.6680449
File: 28 KB, 1010x145, Capture1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hit me up in the comments man. tell me what to do

>> No.6680466

Bitconnect appealed to the normal MLM crowd. If you look up conventions for MLM industrys, youll see a ton of women and minoritys because they can rely more on social networks for sales because of being in more tight knit communitys or having large social networks (women).

>> No.6680477

Now that is a smart investment

>> No.6680484

Thanks, just bought 100k

>> No.6680486

ppl new to crypto are the ones who got scammed in the end, there were so many ppl on youtube (who clearly understood it's a scam) giving their name and face behind it, giving away referral codes

>> No.6680512


>> No.6680589

absolutely this.

>> No.6680598
File: 72 KB, 1364x335, wasupwasupbitconect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6680600

I hope you guys realize that nobody that lived through and experienced the crash of 1929 is still alive to tell us about it. You were taught in your AP History class that people jumped off buildings and killed themselves, people tried to sell their Ford cars for $50. Generations come and go, and history repeats itself.

We're not at the top of this bubble yet, but when it blows apart we're going to relive a modern version of 1929 all over again.

>> No.6680603


>> No.6680626

>We're not at the top of this bubble yet, but when it blows apart we're going to relive a modern version of 1929 all over again.
No we wont faggot

>> No.6680643
File: 153 KB, 500x622, 1ways-wash-your-hands-after-touching-animals-28705779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You spelled domesticated wrong

>> No.6680668

I actually feel bad for this guy. Hes one of thousands of normies who got tricked and robbed. this guy had savings and had the drive to invest, and now hes lost it all and wont ever get to again

>> No.6680711

>man it's a shame that teenager died, he had a car, and he had the drive to be a nascar driver, really sad he hit that pole.

>> No.6680766
File: 90 KB, 960x540, and it's gone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get enough of these bitconnect stories.

>> No.6680784
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>> No.6680852

>works for grubhub
>$30k in savings

He said savings and that he gave it out as loans on bitconnect.
Regardless, I doubt a bank would loan him $30k. Did he tell them he was going to get rich from a new alt coin?

Probably lost $3k at most

>> No.6680861

fucking hell can't stop laughing here
Legit someone is going to get shot over this sometime soon, screencap this

>> No.6680870

Hey hey hey

Wassu wasu wassu

>> No.6680903

They can't afford the plane tickets to china to do the shooting

>> No.6680915

If the guy is self-employed shouldn't he be paying taxes quarterly?

>> No.6680925

Do you feel sorry for me because i dropped out of highschool and stayed a neet for 4 years?

You shouldn`t. I screwed up as did that guy and no excuse will take away the fact that i wasted 4 years of my life on my own while most people around me did better.

>> No.6680975

>I doubt a bank would loan him $30k.

Why? If he just pays back 300$ a month it would be a 10 year loan with loads of extra interest on it.

>> No.6680995

>implying the mouthbreathers dumb enough to put their money into this is smart enough to track down anyone
Jesus fucking Christ you reddit faggots need to leave

>> No.6680997

Desperate people make desperate decisions.

>> No.6681126

is he likely to pay it back if he loses it all tho

>> No.6681141

No he didn't watch the video

He had 30k in the bank and he lent it to bitconnect

>> No.6681172


I wonder what happened to the /biz/raeli that got so sick of crypto back in November he took his 17k of bitcoin and locked it up in Bitconnect

>> No.6681182

Who takes a 30k loan to buy a crypto?

>> No.6681202


>> No.6681223
File: 30 KB, 400x300, sperm-killers-bad-diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>U no u no i had mah money u no i said u no and u know what they say u no i made interest on money everyday man u no so I said whay nat man u no so I put all muh money in bitconnect u no wut wuz ay thenken i dunno watafak imma gun do mang this shit is cray man i think im dreaming right nao man bittconnect fucken scam motherfucka man ay didnt make no monie

>> No.6681232

spit on it

>> No.6681258

Rhymes with trigger

>> No.6681268
File: 24 KB, 258x245, 697A8FEA-A5BE-4BD9-B5DE-04CCCD3DAAF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigger who put himself in debt to invest in a meme coin
>sophisticated investor

>> No.6681311
File: 486 KB, 686x516, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6681318

Holy shit man I laughed for a good while but damn this guy fucked up

I think this guy seems suicidal.

>> No.6681364
File: 88 KB, 550x820, befc8c56771ea03c046c0614882d6478--youtube-movies-johnson-johnson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


focus on winning instead of peoples loses

u guys will never be rich

>> No.6681435

this guy is too stupid to be investing his money
its sad but its the harsh reality
the dumb ones get skimmed

>> No.6681515

Niggers finally feel what it's like to have a 3rd party take your money and give it to someone else? About fucking time.

>> No.6681533

B I T C O N N E C T T T T T T T T T ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

>> No.6681538

The only thing I feel bad about is that dumb normies invest in shitcoins I’m not invested in and their dumb money doesn’t go to me.
Fucking niggers

>> No.6681626

>if you want to recoup your losses from bitconnect, sign up in this new lending platform called automatix.top, put me as your upline:orlandoz, they are paying 5% DAILY

>> No.6681755

don't be like this, i know you can do better anon

>> No.6681819

A nigger can get burned, but a nigger will never learn.

>> No.6681826

>is he likely to pay it back if he loses it all tho

Yes. The bank can just sieze the mans car or any other property that he owns

>> No.6681951
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>> No.6681978
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>> No.6682034

The social safety net makes both situations incomparable. Nogs on welfare live better lives than 99% of the American population of 1929, and even if they waste all their money the government checks won't stop coming.

Now, when the real economy collapses under the weight of exponential derivatives and dysgenic demographics camouflaged for gdp inflation purposes... That's when you're going to feel the heat.

>> No.6682058

Anyone have any more beeeconneeec vids?

>> No.6682087


>username: LoveTrustCare

>> No.6682124

Not exactly the BEEETCONREEKT video, but a perfect parody of a classic:

>> No.6682127



>> No.6682279

>dysgenic demographics
another West Hunt reader?

>> No.6682313

he didn't take out 30k in loans, he took out 30k in savings and "loaned" it out (to bitconnect)

>> No.6682322
File: 6 KB, 250x200, 1490137749208s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy lost 12k.

>> No.6682382

Oh, still an idiot.

>> No.6682394

does anyone have the screenshot of the woman who thought she would have a bcc retirement fund but after it crashed just commented "i'm so sad"

>> No.6682405
File: 254 KB, 1080x1080, comfycoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't help but feel bad for this guy.

>> No.6682407

10/10 post

>> No.6682415
File: 507 KB, 988x2356, bcc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i saved it

>> No.6682437

this is probably not the kind of guy who would rob you on the street though. he's hardworking and smart enough to have saved up 30k

>> No.6682453

"Buy the dip"

>> No.6682477
File: 458 KB, 600x600, 129E2A2A-8196-4919-8920-D02178FBA114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy the lehman brothers dip

>> No.6682487

Here's a fun one

>> No.6682527


>> No.6682553

Scams do tend to target low IQ individuals anon.

>> No.6682554

is bitconnect /ourponzischeme/ ?

>> No.6682627
File: 90 KB, 600x515, spurdo_bidgunedg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These videos are the best. Have some OC

>> No.6682640

Fucking subhumans, all of them.

>> No.6682649

Kinda feel bad for him but damn did he deserve it. Everyone can make mistakes, but if you do 1 month of research and you're still willing to spend all your savings (instead of 10-15% like reasonable people do) on an obvious scam. You fuckin' deserves it.

All he had to do was to ask himself: "why is this worth the money?", but he didn't. He got so greedy that he fucked his shit up.

>> No.6682658
File: 90 KB, 1245x799, ss+(2018-01-19+at+08.08.49).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking lmao, Bitconnect shitters in a nutshell

>> No.6682697
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>> No.6682723

you shut up i fuck you mudda

>> No.6682858

>Crypto Pro
>invests in a obvious ponzi scam

HAHAHAHAHAH get fucked normie youtuber shitter.

>> No.6682879

I feel bad for this dude, though most of the time I'm laughing at normies and demanding more blood in the streets

These people make evil sacrifices. They do indeed deserve it and everything else that comes after. To those that have, everything will come, and to those who have nothing, everything shall be taken.

>> No.6682954
File: 311 KB, 400x400, 1516172198062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please leave you giggling homo

>> No.6683011
File: 32 KB, 448x162, Screen Shot 2018-01-19 at 9.25.21 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol this dude has lost his mind

>> No.6683027
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Fuck, humans can be stupid.

>> No.6683040
File: 164 KB, 940x900, 18556315_823726984444220_3223094494624437169_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do not belong here, perhaps another website with upvotes and downvotes and a retarded robot for a mascot would be more to your tastes.

>> No.6683081


stop bullying me

>> No.6683087

>normies buy tron and ripple and hodl
>i sell at 3x and get the fuck of out of there
o i am laffin

>> No.6683107
File: 56 KB, 1057x466, bcc2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6683119

I'll bully your prostate with my subpar dick, faggot

>> No.6683146

shut your slut mouth

>> No.6683168

I think even reddit is too harsh for you. I suggest this site https://www.upworthy.com/ so you can have your safe space

>> No.6683181

Fuck, they don't learn
Natural selection when

>> No.6683185
File: 585 KB, 707x1000, 69bbcabea422129ffefdb8b8f083e777289999261fdea8467bdbcc5ad361eaea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bully your butthole.

>> No.6683230
File: 86 KB, 600x900, black-money-man-4802526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys black crypto trader here. ask me anything about trading cryptos im here to help!

>> No.6683395

how does being a nigger affect your decisions?

>> No.6683455


>> No.6683487

why are they all black

>> No.6683489

Before: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHJ3nNtzZBg
After: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kENPG2-aEkk


>> No.6683568

That's the fucking joke you absolute sophisticated people

>> No.6683572

Hey! Stop being racist! They are called negroes not niggers

>> No.6683595

sorry, didn't meant to disrespect. heard that term in a song

>> No.6683670

3x is pretty laughable.

>> No.6683671
File: 11 KB, 850x84, 2018-01-19_115539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck can some people be so guillible

>> No.6683685

Normies, ree

>> No.6683717

Sophisticated investors did not get caught up in the crypto scam. Only BTC bandwagon jumpers did.

Investment firms only offer what the client wants. If they get calls wanting bitcoin, they will create and ETF for it. They have no skin in the game. They just charge you commission. Gain or lose, they still make a profit.

Seasoned investors easily recognized this as a bubble because they have lived through it at least once, and possibly several times.

Big names like Buffet already warned how stupid cryptos were. Only millennieals who have never seen such a bubble bought in...and fools who thought it was the best "get rich quick" scheme.

>> No.6683760

>people tried to sell their Ford cars for $50
Why didn't they hodl ?

>> No.6683766

That's why you don't get into shit like this with money you don't have, that's fucking retarded. Although, he is a nigger, so not particularly surprising.

>> No.6683774

jesus fuck the normies are retarded

>> No.6683814

You need some glasses babyboomer, you're in the wrong thread

>> No.6683835

Reminder that there are lots of people basing all their investments on the advice of a highschooler and some 420 nigger.

>> No.6683864

Blacks are sophisticated?

>> No.6683892

I believe it should be, "you spelt domesticated incorrectly". Fucking shitskin.

>> No.6684080


>> No.6684303

nigga haz some stand up skillz for realz

>> No.6684401

PEWDS soon.

>> No.6684429

Baby's first dip. He will be fint, BCC will bounce back in fact it already is.

>> No.6684454
File: 3.38 MB, 700x285, nfw2fi0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the accent

>> No.6685172

Fucking pajeets.

>> No.6685329

Bitch got what she deserved.

>> No.6685439
File: 234 KB, 393x405, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir,, pls
catch em give money back

>> No.6685558

more videos!