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File: 38 KB, 275x206, house 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
664289 No.664289 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that if you buy an existing house rather than build one on a vacant lot, you're a fucking idiot who is pissing money away for nothing.

>> No.664292

Go away house guy.

>> No.664302

Just as long as you agree not to burn a bunch of your money for no reason

>> No.664303
File: 170 KB, 465x619, are_you_a_friday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.664306

Proof pls

>> No.664307

I know what I'm doing, thanks. Off with you.

>> No.664308

>I know what I'm doing, thanks. Off with you.
Not if you believe buying a house is fucking dumb in comparison to building one
no, u
Proof of what friend?

>> No.664309

Hint: He doesn't actually know what he's talking about.

>> No.664310

Going to need to elaborate there, big guy. Why should I buy a lot in the country or an unestablished neighborhood and deal with paying construction costs and dealing with a contractor(s) when I could buy a house that is ready to move in to in an established community without any surprises?

>> No.664311

That its pissing money away to buy a prebuilt home.

>> No.664315

I don't know, maybe numbers that back up your statement.

>> No.664316

Directed at >>664306

>> No.664318

>Why should I buy a lot in the country or an unestablished neighborhood and deal with paying construction costs and dealing with a contractor(s) when I could buy a house that is ready to move in to in an established community without any surprises?

Because it costs way, way fucking more to buy an existing house than to build one lol

It costs less to build a house than to buy one of equivalent size

>> No.664320

Give me your area code then and I will prove it

>> No.664330

And if saving money isn't my primary motivation?

>> No.664331


>> No.664350

Wow, the housing market where you live is even worse than where I live.

And in past threads people have told me that the pricepoints that I referenced are impossible, and yours are even lower.
>$80k for 5 acres
jesus lol

>> No.664370

That's a fucking steal compared to anything I've seen in greater Boston. Fuck... How far down is the frost line in Kentucky?

>> No.664378

lol no clue dude, I live in Canada.

But yeah that's pretty unreal. There's a 12 acre lot for $120k too.

>> No.664384

Hope you like using a satellite dish to get spotty internet

>> No.664388

most rural areas have fiber where i live

>> No.664389

That sounds pretty lucky, it's definitely not the case in most of the rural US

>> No.664396

Honestly, some areas are going to be bad no matter what just based on the geography of the land, but a friend of mine has wireless internet from a tower that is like 15km away and his internet isn't like unusable or anything. He can stream HD shit just fine.

>> No.664406

River road probably isn't the best example >.>
There are much, much more developed areas in Hebron. But I do see what you're getting at.
They have Time Warner, 20mb/s, nothing too fancy.

>> No.664412


>> No.664416

>Five acres of America
>Can't stream Japanese cartoons


This generation needs a world war to skim the sewage off the top of the gene pool.

>> No.664421

I don't want five acres of America.
I do want Japanese cartoons.
I make a pretty large amount of money because I work in a technical profession in an urban center and I don't want to give that up to live in some wasteland without internet.
I'm glad you think that global warfare solves problems though

>> No.664426

Are my opinions why you need feminism?

>> No.664429

you can like

smell the ignorant shithead attitude

>> No.664436

Your opinions are your opinions, I just don't share them

blatantly upset that I prefer urban life

>> No.664457

poland pls leave

>> No.664470

>in urban Vancouver
tell me your secrets

>> No.664503

Only in places without an urban growth boundary, right?

>> No.664536

Here you can laugh at my zipcode

>> No.664539

Is it true that if you buy land in merica that you can always build a house on it legally? Because if you buy farmland or a part of a forest here in the netherlands there is almost no way you could do other things with it than farming.

I plan on buying but cheap land in the middle of nowhere so i could maybe build a vacation house/hut on it in 15-20 years.

I think it would be a smart investment because chances land will depreciate in time are very very small especially in the middle of nowhere where there are less niggers to fuck up property values.

>> No.664570

Strongly depends on the individual town's/municipality's zoning board and the presence of wet lands(death sentence for building). Most places outside of cities, where you literally need to be in bed with both unions and the mayor, you can build a single family house on anything over .5 acres. (Boston area)

>> No.664573

If you're buying a tract of land in the middle of nowhere here, I believe you'd just have to stop by the county's offices, and they aren't going to care as much as a planned/managed community.

>> No.665440


>> No.665449


Yeah, the same is true here in the UK. It's extremely hard for an individual to navigate the planning system, let alone find a suitable plot. Anything in a desirable area will either be pretty expensive, or already built on. I mean, I'm a property developer, and finding sites is fucking hard. There's virtually no self-build here at all.

>> No.665454

Is is true no plebeians own property in the UK and everyone pays rent to descendants of William the Conqueror?

>> No.665474


In the strictest sense the crown is the ultimate owner of all land. Practically speaking, that means the state. Land is almost all ultimately held in freehold, which means that the period of ownership is indefinite. It only reverts to the state if it becomes ownerless. Freeholders often lease their land for periods, typically 99 or 999 years. Most flats are under this kind of long leasehold and sometimes have to pay a sum to retain ownership of the lease, often as little as a peppercorn. There's no payment a freeholder has to make, unless you count taxes, but they fall on the tenant or leaseholder anyway.

>> No.665482
File: 34 KB, 376x302, 1403115033595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for clarifying.

>> No.665490


In the end, eminent domain and the laws around seizing property in the states add up to a similar thing - the government is the ultimate owner of all land and can take it back in certain circumstances.

>> No.665498

Not true in flyover

>> No.665511

The only real difference is that Americans are more likely to be freeholders, no? How does one become a freeholder in the UK without title?

>> No.665525


Most houses are freehold, you just buy it off the previous owner. You also have a right to buy the freehold if you've lived in a long leasehold property for more than a couple of years (though that becomes trickier for a block of flats as you'd have to get at least half of the other people in the building to agree to it). There's a calculation that you use to work out the amount you'd have to pay.

>> No.665834

polite bump