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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 88 KB, 1316x386, hmmmmmmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6642388 No.6642388 [Reply] [Original]

Don't be fooled, this isn't over.

>> No.6642439

what the fuck i thought rising wedge was bullish??????

>> No.6642456
File: 260 KB, 1448x980, 1513960004407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to crash again

>> No.6642463

Man! I have other things to do, stop posting convincing TA. Seen so many conflicting views now. What happens if it breaks upwards before the triangle consolidates. That have to be a bull sign towards 14k right. I dont wanna tether up again.

>> No.6642484

zoom out you retard

>> No.6642486
File: 8 KB, 213x237, 658656567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6642492

r u retarded

>> No.6642516

Nah it's over

>> No.6642527
File: 26 KB, 485x443, 4D508A29-CC4F-40EF-BA1D-646DD52910BF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does trying lines on a chart really provide any predictive power?

>> No.6642567

Have we been stuck in a giant bull trap since bitcoin reached it's ATH?

>> No.6642571
File: 74 KB, 625x423, retardedwojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>TA on crypto

>> No.6642574

>Le meme lines astrology charts
Might as well be reading palms

>> No.6642575
File: 31 KB, 485x443, E6F47B9C-60B7-4229-AD3D-694198D13395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cat is bounced???

>> No.6642578

I just consulted my local shaman and he said yes.

>> No.6642588

This is a shitty analysis although I really want it to crash more

>> No.6642595

Falling Wedge confirmed.
It's over boys.

>> No.6642597

Piss off with your cancerous astrology, fucktard.

>> No.6642600

to reveal a month long downtrend channel? What is your point?

>> No.6642605

I think we go lower too. Just a gut feeling, usually during the end of BTC corrections the price completely free falls for a while before spiking back up, hasn't happened yet.

>> No.6642661

>whole market is manipulated to heck by a small few
>uses boomer stock market astrology in crypto
kys all of you

>> No.6642670

screencapped to laugh at.

>> No.6642682

It obviously had to rebounce. Crypto NEVER drops down in a straight line, it always pauses and jumps up a bit.

>> No.6642690

Dude it’s all bs. Might as well read tea leaves

>> No.6642725

I think its just WS manipulation, because the second set of futures contracts ends Jan 26th.
I legit wouldn't be surprise if these fuckers short BTC down to $1k, crash the market then flip it with ETH.

>> No.6642733
File: 23 KB, 653x566, 18E91ADB-9AA0-469E-907D-9D63D20F49B7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 minute chart LOL

>> No.6642757

Why do you people keep drawing those retarded lines as if they have ever predicted anything.

>> No.6642776
File: 169 KB, 1743x998, Screen shot 2018-01-19 at 1.42.42 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also price rising on fading volume not a good sign. I think we are going for a lower low in the next day or two.

>> No.6642792

Crypto futures existed for many years on certain exchanges. If they're really whales and not nucoiners, they must have been "manipulating" it for years long

>> No.6642799

shit will definitely drop, im just waiting for the peek to sell and rebuy later.

>> No.6642802

So many triggered snowflakes on /biz/ at any suggestion Bitcoin might go down. We truly have been infested by plebbit

>> No.6642821

Volume hasn't fallen at all though, and that's a key indicator of a rising wedge that signals a drop.

>> No.6642849

Whatcha think the eth peek will be? It seems to strtuggle at 1040+-10usdt

>> No.6642850
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>> No.6642856

Good plan, also to add to my previous post we are at the 12k resistance level which cannot seem to be broken.

>> No.6642864
File: 199 KB, 485x220, 9ECFEAF8-9814-4BB5-9AF2-16212C85E328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your life line is extremely long. You’ll live to 100

>> No.6642868

We hit a reverse head and shoulders so we're going back to the moon.

>> No.6642873

Of course the volume is fading you silly, yesterday was probably the most active day in the history of many exchanges.

>> No.6642894

>buy a dip
>buy another dip

>> No.6642900

What's wrong with it going down, though? Aren't you a nucoiner who doesn't know that you can profit even if everything drops?

>> No.6642906

Which one is closest to Libra? How do I get today’s horoscope?

>> No.6642937

the only non retarded person in this thread

>> No.6642938
File: 118 KB, 1541x874, TA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did some proper charting for you guys, and by the looks of it, we are going to go to 8k, before launching in stratosphere.

>> No.6642969

im tethered up and ready to buy at 8k, gonna see a lot of pink wojaks on biz within the next few days

>> No.6642973
File: 26 KB, 435x395, 1516159002084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Hey Hey

>> No.6642978
File: 92 KB, 400x400, Reddit_Armie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to go back

>> No.6642980
File: 30 KB, 1013x382, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, what

>> No.6642994
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>> No.6643024

I'll see you next week
>"I didn't buy the dip!"
>"Why won't BTC dip again?! Just one more time so I can get back in!"

>> No.6643031

First we should go to the D, so tethering near 14k seems wise to me.

>> No.6643037

Its done "crashing" but the bleeding will continue slowly. It'll go up and down but trend down in the longer term as people who have been in it a long time slowly cash out and people who got burned by buying at 14k+ give up on it. All the people who get hurt from vaporware altcoins will also add to the bearish trend as they become increasingly disillusioned with crypto-vaporware. Bitconnect-style scams will assist in providing fuel to the FUD campaigns run in MSM. It will probably go up to 13k again but the trend over months will be down for most cryptos including BTC. I don't like it but thats what I think is going to go down. In the meanwhile some gems will succeed and BTC may recover to ATHs after a year or more.

>> No.6643042

Yes it is. Market sentiment changed, even if it werent over its over

>> No.6643043


Nothing wrong with it, I'm expecting it to, but it seems any thread that mentions it you get hordes of idiots coming out acting like a bunch of leftist cucks who heard the wrong pronouns.

>> No.6643086

I think the floor is either $8,290 or $3,000

Give it a 5% chance to go back to $8-900

>> No.6643092


>> No.6643135

Can somebody explain how TA can work? Why would people start selling just because chart completed some random pattern?

>> No.6643206

stop shilling your shitty youtube channel. Also not sure if serious, miners and large whales are cashing out, this is common knowledge.

>> No.6643319

why not?

>> No.6643425

Because the patterns aren't random. The problem with TA is that it doesn't take shock events and mass psychology into account. But it's still a good tool to use to get a read on what may happen next. This "recovery" was weak and has stalled hard. The only question is if we go sideways or into the hole.

>> No.6643464

No, market set bottom ahead of 8k. We touched it already, didn't have to retrace all the way - 9k was sufficient. Market players know what bottom is expected to be and either go below or above it within a range. We are on way up now.

>> No.6643525

> Can somebody explain how TA can work?
Self fulfilling prophecy. It's a set of standardized rules that many traders have all learned and operate within. It's especially more prominent as we get more and more 'normal' traders into the market.

>> No.6643545

>Market players know what bottom is expected to be
Come on, most "market players" know absolutely nothing about bottoms

>> No.6643560

People FUDing the market are butthurt shorters who are about to go bankrupt.

>> No.6643563

We'll see. If there is no dump after 14k, then yes.

>> No.6643632

By market players I mean the ones that do. IE

>> No.6643643

True and not true, depends on the failure rate of the TA sign, a lot of something like 60% accuracy. Depending on the person a lot of people use a lot of different things, I mean can you really deny support and resistance, or a trend line?
Realistically people that use pattern indicators use them because they only have to be correct what 30% of the time to be profitable with a good strategy? It's like being in a batting box, you don't have to know how to hit every pitch but when a pitch comes into the zone you recognize you might knock it out of the park enough times to make a career out of it.

>> No.6643674

Most bitcoin buyers are not even traders.. Basically you have a horde of normies and a bunch of liquidity makers (kinda whales) who merely reflect mass sentiments and buy where it's low and sell where it's high

>> No.6643747

Lolwut? Whole TA thing is based on psychology.

>> No.6643761

wait for the incoming Tether exit scam...

>> No.6643785

The point is, it's just his guess. It may be correct or incorrect, but he and the like are not the ones who determine it.

>> No.6643791

Now that we've broken the meme triangle, we agreeing its over now??
it was pure manipulation and the market is moving on

>> No.6643870

Tail wags the dog in this stuff man. Especially from Goldman.

>> No.6643877


that x 100

>> No.6643886
File: 6 KB, 250x202, thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you are right. maybe not. ha.

>> No.6643919

Just because he published an "analysis" doesn't mean he even has a bitcoin wallet. All those old farts are extreme luddites

>> No.6643939

quick look at past videos, looks like most predictions were wrong. no surprise

>> No.6643966
File: 91 KB, 875x497, 731C552F-A2EF-40F1-92AE-71A0182F5E78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn’t as far fetched as it sounds

>> No.6644007
File: 504 KB, 1191x435, 1516215972052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically bought back 30 min before futures closed because
1) It broke downtrend meme lines
2) pic related

>> No.6644010
File: 2.19 MB, 1920x1080, 48679845642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sold @9250?

>> No.6644028


>> No.6644181

Can we please stop this "mah futures" meme? Crypto futures existed for many years without interruption, and if those "wolves of Wall Street" are not luddites enough to use a crypto exchange to buy BTC in bulk, they could have done it before for the same purpose

>> No.6644241

everyone forgets the last time that happened

>> No.6644317 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 300x321, basedtetherpatrician.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the latest juicy fud is that americans can't have tethers anymore

>> No.6644432

Is it time to buy back in?

>> No.6644461

Who even needs tethers if you have BitUSD.. I don't understand why it's not so popular, unlike USDT it's actually reliable

>> No.6644520

TA is not a predictor esp. not for crypto.

>> No.6644558

Look at the daily chart you retard

>> No.6644659


more like kikes are manipulating the market lol

>> No.6644704

I wonder how much ETH and BTC they accumulated by creating and shilling ripple.

>> No.6644712

if only he knew how to spell, but yeah nice theory

>> No.6644889


I seriously thought this was going to 8k a lot sooner but I completely underestimated the idiocy of this market. I regret not taking advantage of others' stupidity, but I'll be ready to buy when it does crash again.

>> No.6645343

Is this target in 3 hours ishh

>> No.6645448

It looks like a reversal of head shoulder pattern

>> No.6645530

So when do we tether up again? Looks like it's going down now. Uptrend already lost steam

>> No.6645650


Insufficient data for meaningful conclusion

>> No.6646377

Where did u find that pic?

>> No.6646473


>> No.6646923

I saw it posted here yesterday, I was trading during the downward waves and then I saw this. 30 min before futures closed my meme lines where broken, could be a coincidence but the entire market skyrocketed when futures closed.

>> No.6646997

Top kek

>> No.6647298

Im also expecting another shitstorm around 26 cause of the futures

>> No.6647390
File: 96 KB, 941x461, 2018-01-18_17h33_59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaaand ...

>> No.6647442
File: 323 KB, 438x512, 1513687932303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. Just made this chart. Sell now!

>> No.6647472

depends on the trend lol

>> No.6647556

fucking nice

>> No.6647580

Where do you make these charts anon?

>> No.6647641


you retards know that TA and paterns dont work, right? flipping a coin gives equally good results.

>> No.6647693

it's beautiful anon

>> No.6647874
File: 67 KB, 1078x834, 1st trade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


me without the rage

>> No.6647899


>> No.6647947

Wait for it, nigger.

>> No.6648011

> Looking at anything other than MACD

How can somebody be that retarded ?

>> No.6648082

I hope your crystal ball is right, I want another huge dip.

>> No.6648162
File: 416 KB, 700x700, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but RSI on 1 and 5 min chart is good for quick flips

>> No.6648186

if enough people think they work; then they work

>> No.6648323

>hasnt happened yet
Really? We had days of correction and I was thinking "Whew, this time I didnt get completely rekt"
Until few days ago we crashed and burned and lost over 50% of my money

>> No.6648588

If TA is so reliable then all stock markets could just be done by bots. Humans would be useless.

>> No.6648676
File: 71 KB, 1200x1040, chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For true hodler these "crashes" mean nothing.

>> No.6648707
File: 1.56 MB, 540x501, 1514478779562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short it

>> No.6648717


Its already filled with bots.

>> No.6648985

Alright TA faggots hows the wedge looking I'm too dumb to form one that looks close to OPs

>> No.6649190

100m more tethers looks like the crash is delayed

>> No.6649332

look at <1hr candles. u literally just add lines

>> No.6649411

But couldn't that also mean they're expecting lots of people to transfer to tether during a crash?

>> No.6649744
File: 155 KB, 1296x846, 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's holding this channel mr. pro TA

>> No.6649801

5minutes candles AT is not as accurate as 1h candles AT for general tendancy

>> No.6649803

So what happens at 14.5?

>> No.6649842

1H candles seem to show the same thing

>> No.6649890

take 1D candles then

>> No.6649922
File: 110 KB, 1347x677, n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add onto this:
You can see a rising wedge at 13k as people who bought at 13k expecting to do a flip at 14k start to get fearful and dump. Eventually the bears overwhelm the bulls and the wedge breaks. This is why rising wedges often break downward.
Here's another example of a rising wedge before a big crash. When doing TA, you don't just draw meme lines and triangles on a graph, you take into account other indicators as well. So many shitters were drawing bull flags on the BTC graph and predicting it would go to 20k by the end of the month without accounting for other indicators.

>> No.6649967

This is the funniest variant of this meme

>> No.6649979

it's going to break downwards any minute

>> No.6650016

it looks like we will go downwards for a while after all, the question is whether the low will be below 11k and if so are whether we are going to test 10k again

>> No.6650022

shorted xrp with 3.3 leverage, wish me luck and see you in 12 hours

>> No.6650040

I'm out if we go below 11k

>> No.6650071

how do you short? you just sell your shit in hopes to buy back in later?

>> No.6650075

Pretty funny how each of these boils down to: sell if it breaks support, buy if it breaks resistance. The formations don't seem to matter much at all.

>> No.6650078

this is literally me
I need to do something with my life ffs

>> No.6650082


>> No.6650154
File: 66 KB, 980x510, exit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I told you dumb motherfuckers


>> No.6650169

bitfinex/bitmex lets you literally short.

it's like an anon gives you 3.3*(your money) of xrp to you for almost free, you sell your bags now, and promise to rebuy them later (hopefully for you at a lower price).

and since those bags would cost less in the future, hopefully, you get profit.

it's basically the opposite of buy low sell high

>> No.6650187

Elliot waves and TA account for psychology. Triangles are a wave 4 movement. Pennants and flags are generally a wave 2 pattern. Double top or head and shoulders are a wave 5.

If your combined Elliot wave and TA don't sync up you are taking more of a gamble.

But if your wave 2 starts to look like a cup and handle strap in for wave 3.

>> No.6650219


>> No.6650230

So is OP relevant or not based on wavecount

>> No.6650236

what low do you expect?

>> No.6650247
File: 150 KB, 1272x882, 36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nah it's going down again, on 2h it's overbought a lot. tether up or short, it barely survived the channel trendline for now.

>> No.6650257

AHH! It went below an arbitrary point on the chart. BTC to 0!

>> No.6650288

any anon here who has experience with pyramiding? i'd like some tips because i always burn all my profits because i do something wrong

>> No.6650298

g-guys, ETH is going to test 1k

>> No.6650300

If your rising wedge meme is right then we still got wave E left

>> No.6650315


>> No.6650334


>> No.6650338

i see thanks. They dont have that shit on chinknance. i couldnt do that shit anyway im a broke dick

>> No.6650343


Here we go, below 11k on Binance, broke chanel trendline.

>> No.6650348
File: 33 KB, 593x499, wedge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.6650368

oh fug here it comes

>> No.6650401

OP here. I tried to help. You just had to listen.

>> No.6650431


>> No.6650446


Luckily I saw this thread and checked it myself before heading to gym, u prob saved me 20%+. ty.

>> No.6650457
File: 1.53 MB, 1280x720, sayori crash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6650460

95% of stock trading is bots bud

>> No.6650463

>when this chart actually shows good things


>> No.6650480

well, if you uses 3.3x leverage you only need 1/3 of the money to open a position, so it's pretty good for total poorfags.

for example, i have 130$ on my daytrading account, but i shorted 255 xrp at 1.54, which makes almost 400$ of xrp.

it's a lot riskier, but the potential for profits are huge (if you make +15% 2 times on 3.3 leverage, you actually made +105% of your initial capital)

>> No.6650487

We just broke the wedge. This shit is going DOWN

>> No.6650502

thread theme


>> No.6650511

COmpleting the wedge would imply downtrend... i have no idea what breaking it means

>> No.6650550

We're on a 60 day fractal, it's going back up to 15k mark my fucking words. This is the start of the next 60 days.

>> No.6650556

breaking it means TA is a meme

trips for truth

>> No.6650614


>> No.6650626
File: 128 KB, 1616x865, 1e0VohTQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, it's fucked.

>> No.6650630

And not to forget all the bots are programmed upon the rules of TA.

>> No.6650646

WHAT the wedge didn't even complete and it's going down?
I'm waiting for green candle any minute now

>> No.6650666


Thanks god we scare the normies off and have healthy economy for ourselves

>> No.6650696

Probably the most important thing to understand. TA works because everyone believes TA works, and all the trade bots follow it.

>> No.6650697

Still showing inverse head and shoulder on 1hr. Bouncing off 11,500 as inverse neckline. I still expect push above 12,500 in next couple hours.

>> No.6650698

where should i buy back in?

>> No.6650737

not always. that would imply we go over 12k and that's major resistance

>> No.6650744

just wait until another tweet from bitfinex making more tether appears and you'll see those green candles.

>> No.6650761

So wait for e and then sell?

>> No.6650789

This uptrend is a wave 4 on a downward trend. At wave 5 we go lower on low volume and hit our waves A,B,C. Then hopefully we hit an uptrend. Anyway, lots of money to be made between waves A and C.

I plan on buying late Jan and dumping late March and book my profits for the quarter (BTC dips most quarters for 10 to 30 days.). Eth or some other top coin will recover first and I'll be there, hoping for an upward wave 1.

>> No.6650793

How does it feel to be wrong?

>> No.6650795
File: 48 KB, 147x153, simon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6650819

man this last days have been crazy
one second you are up and the you go down super fast

>> No.6650916
File: 30 KB, 276x646, 79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


gl on climbing back into this channel, I'm not gambling with long here.

>> No.6650927

thread theme I guess:

>> No.6650948

I’ll only say this once. You are stupid

>> No.6650966

>that dead kitty bounce

it's gonna go down hard any minute now

>> No.6650977

And we're back.

>> No.6650990

Could you recommend a resource I can read on to understand anything that you are saying?

>> No.6650995

I feel like the support was close enough to treadlines that we should stay in the uptrend for now
not risking going long now though

>> No.6651004

>bought 0.1 btc worth of these at ICO, then lost the private key for the counterparty wallet.


>> No.6651034

So short it.

>> No.6651047

Lmao people are going to get rekt again.

>> No.6651052

i already did

>> No.6651059

if everyone thinks they work, then they trade accordingly, hence making them work

>> No.6651105
File: 84 KB, 1047x1047, bR2ErcMd[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A challenger enters the Arena...its super effective!!!


>> No.6651111

uscks to be you now I guess

>> No.6651121

if it rejects 11700 then TIMBERRRRRR

>> No.6651134

Just google elliot waves

>> No.6651145
File: 112 KB, 590x590, 1447724452940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when we dipped from 4.9k to 3k and people spent the next week drawing up charts and claiming we would head down to the projected 2.8k.
Dips over, just buy back in.

>> No.6651152

i'm at breakeven more or less now. i still think it'll dump now

>> No.6651153

>muh tether meme
it`s not work

>> No.6651154
File: 145 KB, 1798x841, lainlove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with these charts

>> No.6651169

$25k incoming!

>> No.6651213

rejected, drop imminent

>> No.6651254

You guys have been saying dead cat bounce for over 24 hours now. I think we’re going to see a horizontal trend for the next week.

>> No.6651350

Guys I can draw lines in MSPaint too

>> No.6651367
File: 112 KB, 1279x666, 255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the faggot who drew this 1 week ago and and I say we are going to 8k, it was a quick bounce from 9k$, but we are going deeper.

>> No.6651412

things move fast in crpt but not that fast
one day is nothing in developing a trend lol

not this time I think, we might complete the wedge

>> No.6651419

kek I still love the wheelchair

>> No.6651431
File: 434 KB, 1536x2048, 1515250630072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is tethering worth the risk?

Pls help Goy morph to Jew

>> No.6651478

Were not, it literally always stops short of the projected floor and gets bought up to fuck people like you.
I've seen this three times now

>> No.6651528

I'm not risking it, also 1h MACD crossing down from peak.

Gonna stay out of this one

>> No.6651531
File: 21 KB, 1374x756, BTC graph prediction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look. I can draw stupid lines with computer too.

>> No.6651567

You know TA is more than just about lines right? and that indicators show where things really stand? so maybe draw a couple of indicators in that also

>> No.6651634

My 1hour MACD has not crossed yet, they it might bounce for another wave. What setting do you have on your MACD?

>> No.6651684
File: 45 KB, 1374x756, BTC graph prediction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now updated with indicators

>> No.6651737

It's touching and might bounce, but it's coming off from peak, stoch does show it might bounce since it's oversold atm, but we'll see. Looking 24 hours ahead I'd say we'll go down once more at least.

>> No.6651753
File: 10 KB, 1200x871, LUjvsbg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exponental scale

>> No.6651780

YouTube "the Chartist Elliot waves". Then go to investopedia.

Review once a week for a month.

>> No.6651820

so is it going up or down?

>> No.6651836

It’s called a 2nd wave idiot where downward volume and upwards mobility is a good thing. It’s not like it’s mooning

>> No.6651842
File: 517 KB, 200x150, NvG4x_s-200x150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see infinity...

>> No.6651847

dead cat bounce, i'm still short

>> No.6651904

Is it going to dip lower than yesterday???

>> No.6651937

I don't think so , maybe we hit 10k

>> No.6652107

I'm basing my decision not to tether solely off this comment. pls be right.

>> No.6652150

You should not trust anon and make your own decisions

>> No.6652187

This packet made me kek

>> No.6652401

>Looking 24 hours ahead I'd say we'll go down once more at least.
I agree and you're probably doing the right thing by not being greedy and wait for a potential third wave.

>> No.6652481

lol wut

>> No.6652516

My guess is we're not back in green dildo land yet. More AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA's to come.

>> No.6652556

Waves often come in 3 or less likely 5.

>> No.6652571

OK. That hour down, up over previous close on inverse head and shoulders. We're going to 13-14K. Expect bull pole breakout this hour.

>> No.6652631

You should still tether. That would be a decent return if it goes to 10,000 and comes back t what it is now, you could make some money.

>> No.6652695

no one of you fags were right
just shut up and if you want to draw lines on a graph go to some fag art class

>> No.6652749

but it's dumping anon...

>> No.6652810

The average /biz/ trader

>> No.6652819
File: 56 KB, 554x635, 552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably going to go down, you faggots crying about 30min price fluctuations and that we were wrong are the worst and have no idea that it takes time.

It fell out of channel and is getting more off and off this new resistance line, I'm out until it shows what it is going to do more clearly. But bearish definately for now.

>> No.6652827

It's over, it's going to zero after this dead cat. It's over.

>> No.6652832


No, it's pumping.

>> No.6652867

fuck just noticed it moved my channel, w8

>> No.6652887

see you in 12 hours


these niggas get it

>> No.6652928
File: 127 KB, 1154x344, taa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my image and for ETH instead of BTC but I agree with this predictions for the coming days

>> No.6652940



>> No.6652976


lol BTC is never going lower than 10k again after this correction

>> No.6652995

>head and shoulders
missing the Knees and Toes formation

>> No.6653013

tether can only slow down the inevitable, but it can't stop it from happening

>> No.6653076

Things are looking good today, Bitcoin is stable but we still need to track its movement since we are still in a downtrend.

We don't want to rush anything, the support (buy zone) might be retested and that is something to look for. But overall things look good.

Here are some charts...


>> No.6653107

these dont mean fucking shit, ive seen countless head and shoulders that explode in bullshish territory

>> No.6653169

>Here are some charts...
Go on then

>> No.6653251
File: 52 KB, 600x450, `WEED CAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its going to stay around 550 billion for a few weeks until it slowly rises to 600 and stabilizes, and then it will continue going up throughout 2018. Trillion MC in a month or so.

>> No.6653264

people actually think you can predict a wedge or triangle before it breaks out

>> No.6653314

stfu, it's finally dumping

see you at sub 11k deluded coiners

>> No.6653326
File: 363 KB, 1600x911, sayori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6653383

He's talking about it: tradingview.com/chart/BTCUSD/KRIcrA27-Bitcoin-USD-Buy-in-Re-buy-Levels-End-of-Correctoin-Altcoins/

>> No.6654046

yeah so much dumping

>> No.6654071

it will dump any moment now

>> No.6654194

Yes. Ideal for large scale like this. Cryptos has been following that log line exactly. And will.

>> No.6654274

There's still a chance that it goes for a third wave before dumping

>> No.6654347


Woah you drew a triangle that's deep brah, are you a scientist?

>> No.6654445

just give up
it's not going to

>> No.6654459

>look at it in different ways until it looks how you want it to

>> No.6654481
File: 41 KB, 602x803, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6654549

this is the new peak, calling it.

>> No.6654562


>> No.6654641

Its actually exactly how its supposed to be.
Within the next 8 hours shit is gonna go down heavily.

>> No.6654669
File: 40 KB, 419x419, IMG_4857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of /biz/ thinks it's going to dump.
Pump it.

>> No.6654708
File: 27 KB, 968x621, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can see that the top of the rising channel was touched two times in quick succession last night, but now enthusiasm is waning and fear is starting to set in

>> No.6654782

11650 is the target for shorting on leverage

>> No.6654800

Lmao, that was like 2 years ago, and guess who is laughing now.

>> No.6654940

still waiting mr wall street

>> No.6654968

it can only go down now, don't worry. i'll leave the short open for tonight

>> No.6655033

You're so fucking bad at this

>> No.6655038

Welcome to /biz/, where 13 year old kids in their mothers' basements think they are wall street geniuses.

>> No.6655083

go allin tether now famalam, last chance

hello pajeet

>> No.6655126

>wall street geniuses

idiot, you dont have to be a genius to understand basic analysis. Fuckface.

>> No.6655183

The Cat in The Hat.

>> No.6655227

yeah these pajeets just discovered geometry at their shitty new delhi school and they think they know economy.

>> No.6655247

1 minute chart looks bullish as fuck

get fucked cashie

>> No.6655351

Delete your thread you were wrong.

>> No.6655475

The call that tricked crypto

>> No.6655476

>understand basic analysis.
I understand basic analysis. I also understand that people who put too much faith in them are worse off than people who completely ignore them.
A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.

>> No.6655499

how tf does it look bullish its been rising with low volume which is always a sign of a huge dip to come

>> No.6655601


Shh, let him believe his own lies. Normies don't realize OBV is the best technical indicator.

>> No.6655635

yeah you know who else did the same idiotic analysis as these pajeets? cryptonick

rule number one: never trust anons posting graphs
only trust memes. It works

>> No.6655673
File: 16 KB, 768x389, Screenshot-2018-1-18 Google Trends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the ONLY strategy that have been proved to work during the past 8 years.

Google Trends shows the interest over time. Once it reaches ATH and interest decrease then a crash is followed.


>> No.6655695

I don't own bcash, and even if I did it'd go down with BTC

>> No.6655718

But but dead cat bounce guys...8k coming guys....sell at 11k...bottom is at 5k guys....lmao fucking idiot

>> No.6655836

Calm down ADHD kiddies. Look at where the lines converge in OPs pic - we're still 6-10 hours away from that point

>> No.6655892

You idiots might as well break out tarot cards, palm reading and astrology books as depend on "technical indicators".

>> No.6655942

or interest decreases BECAUSE it is crashing, people won't check it anymore because it won't hit new ATHs

>> No.6655967


>assuming those same crypto tech companies wont make great leaps in 2018

what are u stupid? You know how many blockchain companies are coming out in 2018, this shit just started

>> No.6656007

Criminally. Fucking. Underrated.

>> No.6656046
File: 51 KB, 480x480, 1515426055624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off TA faggot, go look at the stars.

>> No.6656061


TA is about 65% accurate.

Casinos make billions of dollars every year with as low as a 51% house edge.

Let that sink in for a bit.

>> No.6656090
File: 15 KB, 420x420, 1516031744605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I can't read or understand it so it's bullshit"

[dunning-kruger effect intensifies]

>> No.6656094

Casinos take fees, day traders pay fees

>> No.6656116

> Let that sink in for a bit.
Assuming your bullshit on TA being 65% accurate is correct. Which it's not. TA != statistics.

>> No.6656128
File: 50 KB, 687x488, HHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or... it could be a "return to normal"

>> No.6656154

Still waiting for the crash you morons promised.

>> No.6656169

In this case you need the breakout first and then you have your 65%.

You can't predict the future, now it could be another shit ton of figures depending on your zoom.

>> No.6656182

This is ridiculously stupid fuck you. I do TA to find entry points but doing TA to time a fucking crash in a manipulated market oh my fucking god you must be an imbecile

>> No.6656210
File: 38 KB, 987x409, 1515668493801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no

>> No.6656221

NOW, 100% top, my zig zag indicator said so

>> No.6656254

this is the most retarded thing i have ever read

>> No.6656330

This is the only chart that matters. The only long term bear market was after Mt. Goxx.

>> No.6656389
File: 260 KB, 563x542, 2a6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>this is
gosh you people are so emotional, well you will get what you deserve

>> No.6656390
File: 62 KB, 687x488, morelikethis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Funny that it always ends up more like this.
Fuck off nocoiner.

>> No.6656603
File: 38 KB, 487x191, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those who fail to learn from history are destined to repeat it.

>> No.6656630

yes try to act cool now because you know you are just a poor normie

>> No.6656673

>idiots FOMOing into a bull trap

Well color me surprised.

>> No.6656697
File: 45 KB, 531x301, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well well well

>> No.6656742
File: 164 KB, 721x775, 5862145367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6656788
File: 125 KB, 728x514, itallmakessense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I bet

>> No.6656789

>sub $3k
>shilling shorts

get this retard out of my face

>> No.6656792


>> No.6656796
File: 42 KB, 641x729, C5D528F6-79B9-4DDE-A35D-8E8A8909AEF7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6656818
File: 84 KB, 233x261, 1515339836411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6656847

>curved lines
You can do that?

>> No.6656867

becuase you trust anons posting graphs

>> No.6656872


Go on then, FOMO in, nothing bad will happen.

>> No.6656874
File: 146 KB, 771x619, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope there is an mcdonals near you

>> No.6656876

I'm watching the charts very carefully, there is definitely still a dip to come but it's going to be hard to predict exactly one. I'm most likely planning to sell in the 13-14k range (if it ever gets there) and buying back sub 10k. Let's see how it pans out, but indicators are definitely bearish.

>> No.6656879

13k here we come!

>> No.6656904

just want to point out to everyone that sell walls are being pulled. we're going to mid 12k or 13k which means we're going to 15k.

>> No.6656955
File: 49 KB, 485x671, 1514239603470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job anon
would you say my intelligence now is great relief?
And it's safe to say that our next generation maybe can sleep with dreams of being a lawyer or doctor
Instead of boy with a chopper that hold the cul de sac hostage

>> No.6657125

When it breaks 12k on Bitfinex I'll believe.

>> No.6657135

>volume keeps decreasing
>price is struggling to reach 12k
Either we're getting another dip soon or this is the shittiest recovery I have ever seen.

>> No.6657160
File: 75 KB, 495x512, 2017-12-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you even look at the charts posted here?

IF OP is right (I don't know, noone knows), it will go to 12250 before it falls.

>> No.6657183

Logical indicators are pointing to BTC continuing downwards from now on. So shitty TA is really just self fulfilling prophecy.

The only argument that any of you fucktards can come up with in favor of Bitcoin going up in price is that "There are more stupid people out there then you think! Too the moon!"

When in reality a big enough chunk of the people we need to buy into the coin in order for it to at least be stable are not stupid. If the stupid and smart don't Voltron you will never get those that big green sword.

>> No.6657185

OP btfo

>> No.6657199

Are you retarded ? The crash happens at the same time as the decrease in reserch. So there is no information whatsoever in here

>> No.6657209
File: 33 KB, 470x535, 2018-01-18_21-56-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant to post this image. But also works I guess...

>> No.6657288

Volume is still massive. It's just low compared to yesterday.

>> No.6657353
File: 123 KB, 688x1224, 1516102867673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a brilliant, well-thought-out argument that articulates and addresses each of your concerns. Truly you are a genius among mere men.

>> No.6657373

ETH is going down and BTC looks super shakey atm.

>> No.6657501

You boys shook.

>> No.6657520
File: 68 KB, 1106x743, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing personel kid