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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 129 KB, 1200x783, gorden ghekko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6606063 No.6606063 [Reply] [Original]

Remember I made that thread about my dad saying "crypto investers are all a bunch of whiners and need to grow up". Well now he's bullying me. He threatened to kick me out of the house if i invested in crypto and he said today

>"see son, see what i told you, you still haven't grown up. I said if you invested in that digital shit you'd be thrown out, now look. If you chose to you'd be broke and homeless, but because you have a responsible father I saved you your money and your home. These freaks who invested in that shit, they're not human, they're freaks and always will be. I personally hope there's some law that arises from the books they all accidently broke and they all spend the rest of their days in a shithole prison. The only reason I'm not yelling at you right now for being such a fucking idiot is that I'm so happy these fucks are losing their money. They thought they could achieve in a few months what I spent my entire fucking life for, well they're dead fucking wrong"

>> No.6606187

>They thought they could achieve in a few months what I spent my entire fucking life for, well they're dead fucking wrong"

lol sounds like a personal problem. Your dad is literally retarded, he really took the bootstrap meme to the max and will fluster at anyone who does any better than him

>> No.6606290

Let him be. Just play smart and have your blood temperature on check every session.

>> No.6606291

>They thought they could achieve in a few months what I spent my entire fucking life for,

this reeks of larping

>> No.6606346

He wouldn't be where he is today if he was retarded. No megabank would hire a retard.

>> No.6606384

>salty nocoiner attempts to cope

I'm sorry OP that your father is literally cucking you out of a secured future for yourself, but boomers gonna boom.


>> No.6607106

>you're right, dad. Learned my lesson.
>post nudes of your mom.
>buy the dip

>> No.6607648

Define "grow up" and "Earning it" I really hate boomer tier euphemisms. Your dad also sounds really bitter/scared as if his hard work could have just been a waste if you just have the right opportunities. Also why is he such an angry guy, what's his problem?

>> No.6607753

>tfw anons mom's nudes crash the market and we all get in on the fire sale

>> No.6607913

>They thought they could achieve in a few months what I spent my entire fucking life for, well they're dead fucking wrong"
Fukn boomers man...

>> No.6607931

Your dad secretly bought at ATH and panic sold didn't he?

>> No.6607971

They really HAVE to get the last laugh, I guess you gotta justify all the racial demographic suicide they allowed to happen."The country I knew is dead but at least I'm rich"

>> No.6608060

Your dad is a cunt

>> No.6608287

bullying will create a chip on your shoulder and make you more successfu, Einstein was bullied so was Stan Lee and Ron Jeremy you should be thankful you have a pro-bullying dad

>> No.6608340


Leave or lie to him about it why do you faggots make everything so complicated

if youre making money you dont have to listen to any arbritray bullshit rules your parents try to impose

>> No.6608444

Huh all the people you listed are Jews, I mean It CAN'T be possible but... I... wonder if maybe nepotism was involved? And maybe they were bullied because they are fucking subversive kikes.

>> No.6608520

You obviously have never met an IB analyst from a BB.

>> No.6608580

I'm a coiner and I like your dad either way, lol. These are the men that have built this country.

>> No.6608768

>took credit for building this country but really just had minorities do it for cheap and or free

>> No.6608794 [DELETED] 

In this bear market, the only people making money are the members of this group. Join now.,$

https://discord dot gg/6ddqFHd

>> No.6608856

OP and other fucktards who still refer to gambling with crapto ponzi scam as "investing". No. It's not and never was an investment, your dad is right. You are a moron.

>> No.6608858

your dad sounds a little retarded dude. My dad is the epitome of the bootstraps meme, came from nothing and now has everything, and even he wants to put money in crypto. You'd have to be an idiot not to see the potential.

>> No.6608912

> investing in cypto when you haven't even been able to make enough money to move out of the house yet

Yeah I'd be pissed at you too.

>> No.6608924

Why are you even here dude?

>> No.6608926

>The United States was built out of cotton bigot!
Shut the fuck up, Negros and chinks were basically human mules who did literally no intelligent work, you wanna talk about who "built dis county" how about who designed it?

>> No.6609624

>literally this triggered

You've forgotten every other country your fat slobs stole from forcibly

Literally never innovated shit stole EVERYTHING

>> No.6609710

Hello @cryptobully

>> No.6609877

Settle down John Henry, and nice co-opting, I'm sure I'm the one who's triggered over hate facts. I'm sure that's what happened. Yeah Wypipo never dun nuffin' didn't invent nukes, skyscrapers, modern agriculture, enlightenment ideals, nah knowledge is a football only one person can hold at a time and we stole it from the AfriKANGZ!! Also I hope you not ignoring the chinks because they are currently COLONIZING Africa as we speak, so much for a black future :)

>> No.6609960

sounds to me like you want to suck your old mans dick

>> No.6610081

You're infinitely better off if you're an accountant with a €70k/year job and €50k saved than some NEET cryptoshit with €200k in profits.

>> No.6610136

That was like 2 (Jewish) guys dude, you aren't a high iq successful individual so I'm not sure why you identify with them lol...

>> No.6610204

Why? Put 10k into mining and get 20k passive income. Then trade that 200k into 2 million.

>> No.6610378
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>> No.6610399

How do you know though? I'm a student studying to be an engineer, I'll be successful, questioning things doesn't make you a hater. I just asked if Jews are not just successful because of high IQ but maybe nepotism, would make sense they have an enormous over representation in like every field maybe and they have strong in group preference due to being persecuted. Why wouldn't they promote themselves?

>> No.6610545

Fucking kek, it's gonna be funny when Africa has less "blacks" than everywhere else on the planet at some point.

>> No.6610698


Math major here. Enjoy maxing out at calc3 and differential equations as your highest achievement in life, if you don't drop out. Kek.

>> No.6610730

Wot this guy said.

Your Dad has every right to feel angry, its just misguided, he should be angry with the system he sank his life in to that never did anything but leech off him.

>> No.6610735

What kind of jobs do you land as a math major?

>> No.6610792

>Side steps behind you
Yeah whatever kike, have fun eating baby foreskins, I hope you don't get aids!

>> No.6610794

Actuary / Wall Street quant / whatever the fuck you want

>> No.6610821

Was he left speechless by your arguments for atheism also?

>> No.6610847

I'm not even Jewish lol

>> No.6610854
File: 45 KB, 465x576, 1508939233030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> D E L U S I O N

>> No.6610871

You are spiritually, cause you act like one.

>> No.6610875


But that's good it will bring their average IQ up by at least 20 points and help make Africa the next super power country

>> No.6611009
File: 1.46 MB, 1474x3755, black inventors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stole what?

>> No.6611020

Cos it gives your life a purpose and a feeling of accomplishment.
Dissolving in the world of crypto, where you gradually grow desensitised to gains and losses is ultimately spoiling your soul.

>> No.6611026

No it won't lol, Africa is just going to be taken over by various countries and the natives and half-breeds will be killed off either by genocide or by people not wanting to breed with inferior stock. For that to happen there would have to be a continent style eugenics program done for generations, that would cost billions and uplift possible future adversaries genocide only takes a few month/weeks.

>> No.6611065
File: 743 KB, 1556x2048, white inventions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again, what did we steal?

>> No.6611101

Because this crypto shit isn't going to be making you money in the long run while the human capital of the accountant is going to yield him ever increasing salaries until retirement.

>> No.6611114
File: 1.26 MB, 400x225, white.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6611151

The accountant is gaining marketable experience. Posting shit about cryptos in /biz/ isn't going to do you any good once this fad is over.

>> No.6611203
File: 67 KB, 1280x1280, CD22B843-C2B8-473A-B088-EE17B48748D3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I tell my parents about my gains and they tell me that they are very impressed
Sorry your dad is a cunt OP. My mother is already doing research on crypto because of the money I’ve made.

>> No.6611207

Typical college grad shouldn’t be hard to invest and make a shit ton under his nose

>> No.6611215


>> No.6611219

That list is retarded.
Any educated person understands that there are very few inventions with a sole inventor.
Each contraption is based on ideas, mechanisms, laws, materials and means of production created by dozens of other ppl

Any white invention can also be proved to not belong to its acknowledged inventor.

Not that I am a diversity advocate, but this pic logic triggers me

>> No.6611321

I remember your first thread.

I love your father.
Request moar green story

>> No.6611328

Money is the only thing that gives my life meaning not waking up at 630 and taking orders

>> No.6611343

Yeah well she doesn't sound like an accountant at one of the top end firms on wall street.

>> No.6611350


No one except the shift manager at CVS gives a fuck about your dad

>> No.6611364

Most of that list is just him pointing out that they were patents and not inventions, it's basically a misnomer.

>> No.6611415

>70k EUR a year


>> No.6611421

Sounds like your dad is wise and doesn't invest in bullshit internet play money

>> No.6611422

Real shit. My net worth x5'd in a month and not even a smile. Now it's down 40% and not even a frown

>> No.6611565

Yes, his banker dad has built this country. not nigroes, chinks, italians and scottish drunks.


>> No.6611577


>> No.6611611

Your dad sounds exactly like a Jew

>> No.6611613

fuck I meant irish.

>> No.6611667

>He wouldn't be where he is today if he was retarded. No megabank would hire a retard.
finance types are crazy as fuck

>> No.6611844

It seems like every math major has this mindset

Like the only reason someone would pursue engineering is because they couldn’t get a math degree instead of the more likely scenario of wanting to create practical solutions with stable income

>> No.6611845
File: 435 KB, 618x493, 1496678160913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baby boomers
>built anything other than debt

>> No.6611873

Haven’t worked in banking have you?

>> No.6611972

>They thought they could achieve in a few months what I spent my entire fucking life for,
He salty af and a lot of people already made more money than him in just a few months
Tell him about the 4chan cryptoriches that spend all their money on whores and traveling around the world lol

>> No.6611990

> Money is the only thing that gives my life meaning
That is the problem.
Tour life lacks meaning, so you grasped at money as a convenient substitute

It is true tho, that a patent is not an invention.
An invention can consist of multuple existing patents and still be innovative. Or sometimes a patent is useless until it is implemented in a completely unexpected manner. Or an invention would not work completely if not for one patent.
Many such cases
Each patent vs invention dispute is a separate entity and will most likely result in confusion.

I kno dat feel
Cyberpunk is now
We are just trying to imitate normal ppl or hope that money will make us normal, while in reality we're just a bunch of guyz, who have no idea what to do with our lives.
At one point you understand that you just can't stop. You may have plans for money first, but then you go consumed by greed and want more money to make even more money. Y? No idea

>> No.6612089

>Tell him about the 4chan cryptoriches that spend all their money on whores and traveling around the world lol
>spend all their money on whores and traveling around the world
>spend all their money
So they wasted it all and are back to square one? Sounds like they sure spent it wisely, lol.

King today, burger-flipper again tomorrow

>> No.6612114

>actually laughing at this
>tfw crypto and /biz/ totally fucked me up and I'm lauging at things that literally nobody I know irl can laugh about
>tfw when slowly losing reality but gaining money

>> No.6612143

Nah they probably already cashed out a lot and already made it for life
O yo a retard would keep 100% of his earnings on crypto

>> No.6612173

>I made that thread about my dad
The one where your dad was Mandy Patinkin?

>> No.6612210

>We are just trying to imitate normal ppl or hope that money will make us normal, while in reality we're just a bunch of guyz, who have no idea what to do with our lives.
>At one point you understand that you just can't stop. You may have plans for money first, but then you go consumed by greed and want more money to make even more money. Y? No idea

I think a lot of people ended up where they are this way, including the boomers. Only a few people are fortunate enough to know what they should be doing straight out of the vagina, the rest of us have to make the most of opportunities when we find them.

>> No.6612211

>Shut the fuck up, Negros and chinks were basically human mules who did literally no intelligent work, you wanna talk about who "built dis county" how about who designed it?

It was neither negros nor chinks.

>> No.6612248

>he doesn't wagecuck 10 hours a week as an orchestra musician for 100k and crypto on the side


>> No.6612268

Your dad has the same attitude as most of /biz/ does towards normies kek

OP your dad sounds cool desu you could learn a lot from him imo

>> No.6612329

Sounds like you need to move the fuck out you dribbling dead weight. I'd be pissed if I was your dad too.

>> No.6612348

Seems like /biz/ has a KANGZ problem too.

>> No.6612390

>Nah they probably already cashed out a lot

>already made it for life
How many famous millionaires end up bankrupt? And at least they can keep making music and selling concert tickets. I don't see these same people making any further gains out of crypto since they've sold.

>O yo a retard would keep 100% of his earnings on crypto
That wasn't my point, anon
My point was that if you spend it recklessly (like above mentioned anons who got STDs from whores in shithole countries), doesn't matter how much you make, you're gonna wind up back in the poor house.

I say let them enjoy it while they can before their profits dry up and the Lambo meets the Repo

>> No.6612430


>> No.6612443

I know, I was just humoring him. Whites by far did the majority of building and designing the country.

>> No.6612542
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Uh huh ...

>> No.6612567

ask your dad to help you get into stocks then

>> No.6612663

Lmao tell your piss weak faggot father that I went from 10k to 500k in a year and a half

>> No.6612732

How am i suppose to make money while im in high-school? I have to study for exams n shiiiiiiet

It's all over now tho

>The U.S was built out of whites!
Last time i checked most of U.S buildings are not built out of whites


>> No.6612747

>piss weak faggot father


>> No.6612791

Okay. How exactly is this controversial?

>> No.6612795

If someone even passes pre-calc i consider them a genius. Fuck anyone who does calc 3. Also enjoy being a loser math major

>implying you won't just be a loser

>> No.6612841

You feel no accomplishment if you work for something.

>> No.6612889
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He laughs at index funds..meanwhile...50% return in a non volatile market.

>> No.6612926

Buy your house and kick him out.

>> No.6612928

I'm a high school student dude

you're not educated

>> No.6612951

>Last time i checked most of U.S buildings are not built out of whites
Are you retarded? Where did I say that? White people built and designed this country, POC's or whatever were largley irrelevant.
Yes, literally. If you can prove otherwise without just saying "muh waysism" you may get somewhere but considering your a retarded HS who probably believes blacks are just like whites aside from melanin yet can't into civilization I doubt that. Can't tell who's more naive you or your boomer father.

>> No.6612981

sure buddy sure.

crazy people are the opposite of retarded


>> No.6612997


>> No.6613008

>quoting a fucking paragraph your dad told you

>> No.6613016

>no mega bank would hire a retard
You must not have heard of the phrase "you're promoted to your level of incompetence"

>> No.6613044

>you're not educated

And you're a kid in high school. Fuck off

>> No.6613106

You do realize most high school students live with their parents right

Blacks built this country by making america rich by selling cotton to England during the industrial revolution. I am not a cuck I like Trump but blacks aren't an inferior race or anything.

>> No.6613142

50% in TWO YEARS.

Plus consider that the S&P500 went up 56% over that period of time so your investment isn't even average. Consider also that you're liable to slowly bleed out once the correction inevitably occurs.

>> No.6613164

I'm an adult bitch

So being an 18 year old on 4chan is now against the rules? EH

To even get the degree he has requires a high IQ. Even with all the money my family has and my high IQ i can barely even get by highschool meanwhile he came from a middle class family and got into Harvard business.

>> No.6613184

Leave. Just leave. I have an emotionally abusive father too, as long as you stay around him he'll continue using you as an outlet for his stress.

>> No.6613185

does your dad hate me?

>> No.6613187

>How am i suppose to make money while im in high-school?
No wonder crypto-fags are so obnoxious
Everyone's still in highschool

Getting rich in Crypto is like getting rich at Unboxing videos or a "Youtube Career"
Good on you for lucking out, but it's still not very impressive.

>he thinks 6 figures is an endless amount of money
You've obviously never been around hookers and good drugs.

>> No.6613195

>Still in high school.
Fuck off underage b&.

inb4 "but I'm a senior and 18".

>> No.6613221
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>Blacks built this country by making america rich by selling cotton to England during the industrial revolution.

>> No.6613258

Yes, yes - we know. We've all been there. You know nothing, brother. It gets much worse

>> No.6613310

They did labor. The engineering and innovation that advanced this country was all white.

>> No.6613345

Trips tell the truth. Also I feel sorry for all your businessmen if you don’t buy siacoin during tonight’s dip. Golem network token too.

>> No.6613355

IB are hired for the looks and age, they can be the most retarded fucks you ever met

>> No.6613391
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>Even with all the money my family has and my high IQ i can barely even get by highschool
>Even with my high IQ i can barely even get by highschool
Doesn't sound like your IQ is very high, then

>> No.6613396

Is that the shit they are teaching you? Jesus Christ it got worse, yeah the only reason that happened was because of the inventions that allowed cotton to be picked and processed more efficiently, with things like the power loom invented by a white guy. Blacks are literally just farm equipment who moved material anyone could do that, they are not super men believe it or not. Yes they are inferior, you will find this out on your own though by dealing with them. Or just go to non colonized African countires, but we both know you don't have the balls.

>> No.6613484


>Ron Jeremy
> 8 inch cock

>Stan Lee
>created superhero universe

/pol/ is so triggered they're not a part of the tribe that they can't actually recognize true talent. (maybe not Ron but the tribe gave him that schlong). Get fucking real fagget. Just because you can't thrive in a meritocracy doesn't mean that everyone else's achievement was just 'nepotism'. Tell us more about how you know unix but failed out of college you worthless fucking basement dweller. Your own family can't stand you and neither can society. kys.

>> No.6613493

>They thought they could achieve in a few months what I spent my entire fucking life for, well they're dead fucking wrong"
Tell him that I cashed several times already, and yes, I made in a few months what he spent his entire life for.

Also tell him I will send him 1k usd if he can prove he is your father and the story is not a larp. Just so he can see what a failure of a man I consider him

Go ahead. Tell him.

>> No.6613502

>you've obviously never been around hookers or good drugs
I'm not a criminal so obviously not

What the hell is that suppose to mean? How is being a senior and 18 not allowed?

So the parasites who ordered the blacks what to do were the real builders? So if i tell a bunch of slaves to mine copper and they do it, am i the real worker for telling them what to do?

I'm very very intelligent. Lets just say I've been studying this crypto shit since it came out and i was 11. Problem is you right a report for an assignment and the teacher doesn't like it and gives a shit mark.

>> No.6613530

Imagine being OP and actually taking pride in that fact

>> No.6613544


>> No.6613560


>no megabank would hire a retard

You'd be surprised how unaccountable and genuinely dumb some employees are at larger banks...

>> No.6613590

Your dad is a jealous bitter old prick.

>> No.6613597

>right a report
>I'm very intelligent

>> No.6613606

Actually the black guy in my highschool is one of the most intelligent people. He understands the math while we are still figuring it out and does well on all the tests and doesn't need any extra help. Also yes the power loom helped but for the first 200 years America built its wealth through slavery

He's pretty rich so i doubt that. And he would be mad if he even knew i browsed this site so that can't be done.

>> No.6613616

Stop riding your dad's dick and become an independent man. This has to be a troll or you are fucking pathetic.

>> No.6613617
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You wagecucks are hilarious with your rationalizations.

>> No.6613650

On google docs it autocorrects for me so i don't need to know if im using the right "write" or "right" or "rite"

How did they get in those positions

>> No.6613692

>Problem is you right a report for an assignment


Some crazy IQ you got there along with the rest of your family.

Fuck off you larping piece of shit.

>> No.6613693

How am i suppose to be independent when im still in HS idiot?

>> No.6613723

>what is cheating
>what is c's get degrees

>> No.6613724

>Getting a degree requires a high IQ

Absolute proof this person is a retard. You've never actually been on a college campus, have you?

>> No.6613727

You’re an adult aren’t you? Which are you then?

>> No.6613760

Drop out faggot.

>> No.6613770

Banks are all politics btw. Bank promos are the fucking easiest shit. Literally only idiots work in the upper management chain of banks.

Move into the tech industry, at least you have to have some amount of skill.

>> No.6613773

>literally naxalt fallacy
Holy shit you especially stupid, for every "smart" black there are 100 savages.
No, they did not slaves was at their peak were owned by like 2% of the country what a fucking joke that they would make any difference. We built this country through innovation from all the white people we had from all over the world who specialized in different things. Blacks did nothing and your just trying to justify it to yourself to make sense of it.

>> No.6613790
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>I'm very very intelligent.

>> No.6613816

>Shlomo defends his tribal buddies on the internet
Thanks for confirming the nepotism theory.

>> No.6613889
File: 722 KB, 3904x1788, Zimbabwe dwindles on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or just go to non colonized African countires, but we both know you don't have the balls.
Fuck, go to the colonized African countries now that the whites have left.
>Rhodesia was one of the most modern, progressive countries in Africa
>Then it became Zimbabwe ...

>you've obviously never been around hookers or good drugs
>I'm not a criminal so obviously not
I wasn't talking to you about this.
Anon was talking about all the people who "probably" (his words) sold out at the top and spend their money traveling the world and fucking hookers.
And I was just saying that 6 figures traveling the world, doing hookers (and obviously drugs) ain't gonna last you "for life".

>I'm very very intelligent.
There should be a comma between the two "very"s, just so you know

>Lets just say I've been studying this crypto shit since it came out and i was 11.
Sure you were.
If you've been studying them that long, then why haven't you made any money off of them and are one of those "rich fags who made it on bitcoin"?

>Problem is you right a report for an assignment and the teacher doesn't like it and gives a shit mark.
>right a report
> *write
Or maybe you did a shitty report with poor spelling and grammar and you got the shit mark you deserve?
Well anon, all I can say is that you may not be a criminal, but I have a feeling it's gonna end up being your career once high school ends for you ...

>> No.6613895

I finished high school with $120k saved up from working part time and starting a small business. Bought my first house shortly after graduating and starting college.

Being in high school isnt some kind of blockade preventing you from being independent.

>> No.6613919


Your dad should have shorted it then.

>> No.6613996
File: 69 KB, 448x429, 1497315749702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped reading when he said Ron Jeremy got his big dick from the tribe, how many Jews love self-deprecating humor about their sexuality? All of them, they are a small, effeminate race, most Jews are baby-dicked losers who love to jerk off to blacks fucking their women( they are the biggest demographic for cuck porn).

>> No.6614061

Google docs corrects it for me so i don't need to know useless shit

Yeah so? Not going to drop out

You need good HS marks to get into a college and the only people going to college in my HS are the smart kids

How would you get degrees with a C?

Dude I failed science grade 10 and haven't taken it since how the hell am i suppose to do tech

>owned by 2% of this country
Yeah but that's because the average slave owner owned like 1000 of them

How did you start a buisness in HS?

>> No.6614092

You sound smart anon, wish I was that savvy, but at least I'm in the crypto game at a point where I can still make money.

>> No.6614156
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>Google docs corrects it for me
>so i don't need to know useless shit

Thanks for proving to everyone in this thread that you're a retard with a shit IQ.
Good luck with your life, because you're definitely going to need it.

>> No.6614181
File: 67 KB, 480x360, 3792bfb7784fb63f3896ef94e723ffeb646af97c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove it, show me the documents that's true, but it wouldn't matter because it doesn't invalidate what I said. Now go move to the Congo you pussy you black brothers are waiting happily to enrich you.

>> No.6614186


>> No.6614193
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Jesus Christ, who knew /biz/ has daddy issues, congrats on the 2 popular LARP threads OP.

>> No.6614230

Yeah, your dad's a retard. I it in the last thread and I'll say the same thing in this thread.

The only difference between this thread and that one, is that now I know your dad's the kind of egotistical, narcissistic megalomaniac who thinks that no one should be able to do what he can, and that anyone who does otherwise deserves to be culled.

Sorry mate, your dad was born in probably /the best/ time for making money until now, because it was the era that completely fucked the future in his favour. He got to a megabank because he knew that the best way to get ahead in the business world is to be a sociopath who steps on the heads of other people to get to where he is. Now he's upset that a new era has come that gives better gains despite the fact that we're still suffering from the aftershock of his time's selfishness. He's learning that everything he did was all for naught, because people nowadays /don't/ need to be absolute cunts to get money. He could justify being a self-righteous prick in the past because that's how you could get ahead, but he can't now because the only people you're putting down to get ahead are the retards who legitimately follow the buy high, sell low strat.

Sorry mate, it's no feat of intelligence or skill to make money in the era where money was literally handed to you at the expense of all future generations. Your dad isn't special, he's not a guru. And now he's upset that other people are doing better than he ever will while jacking off in their own rooms. The funny part is that in the next 50 years, that's literally what society will be, as society will need to find a way to deal with the inevitable automation problem taking everyone's jobs away. Eventually, we will be living from our houses and doing nothing and still getting ahead, not because of political belief, but because it's the only way to keep the world afloat with all the new technological advancements that make life that much easier. Daddy won't be around for that, though.

>> No.6614241
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>> No.6614271

>im going to need luck when even if i am a failure i'll inherit 25 million dollars
Sure bud

stfu you pussy

>> No.6614300

Doesn't matter if you barely pass or get highest marks in your graduating class, you get the same degree.

>> No.6614365
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>Remember I made that thread about my dad saying "crypto investers are all a bunch of whiners and need to grow up"
>Makes this thread

>> No.6614388

>No you are!
Fucking kek, what a pathetic child you are. Maybe you should go watch some of this>>6613996 because it seems like it's up your alley.

>> No.6614396
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Oh god, I hate to double post, but I stopped reading >>6614061 at the first line

>You need good HS marks to get into a college and the only people going to college in my HS are the smart kids
So you have a "high IQ", but you're not one of the "smart kids"?

Your facade is crumbling with every post you make.

>Jesus Christ, who knew /biz/ has daddy issues
You can tell something is up with these people just by scrolling through the front page.

>im going to need luck when even if i am a failure i'll inherit 25 million dollars
That's bullshit, and you know it.
If you were gonna inherit 25 million dollars, why are you trying to invest in crypto with your high school bucks?

Like I said, every post you make digs the hole deeper ...

>> No.6614450

>You need good HS marks to get into a college and the only people going to college in my HS are the smart kids.

Man if you actually think getting high grades in highschool either requires or is indicative of intelligence I don't know what to tell you. You're dead wrong, and really not as smart as you think. It's nothing to be offended about, but if you want to make it in life you're going to have to learn to leverage something other than intelligence. Average people can be plenty successful, they just have to work harder and be cognizant of their cognitive limitations. Something you clearly don't embody now. Hopefully you mature.

>> No.6614453

your dad is just a salty nocoiner
but, more than anything, it sounds like he is one of the millions of ambitious people who have been affected by what is known as the lamborghini problem. does he know about his lamborghini problem, anon?
it should not be taken as a personal attempt to peel skin off his back that you and other people—by getting into crypto this early—are in fact putting themselves in a position where they can make way, way more in a few months than he, and many other people who work extremely hard can make in their entire lifetimes—and, for god's sake, he does not simple have to sit by the sidelines and furiously watch this happen as he misses everything because he refuses to accept that it is possible that a game-changing innovation can cause this kind of hype; there is no rule implemented in (any important) cryptos' code that determines who, by their social status, can and cannot buy it

if he researches the market, he'd probably find the best investments—and just by hodling he'd have thousands of times his money in a few years
tell him that sergey can solve his lamborghini problem. time is running out on that vessel—but, in other places, there is still plenty of time!

>> No.6614470

>Blacks built this country by making america rich
blacks made the south poor. the north was richer because of the fewer numbers of black slaves. slavery has never been an efficient economic system anywhere, which is why it flourishes in the third world today.

>> No.6614506

Is this ironic or is your reading comprehension that bad?

>> No.6614524

I can't tell if I'm watching this thread still because it's quality bait or because I'm waiting for this child to collapse inward on himself.

Can it be both?

>> No.6614534

>He threatened to kick me out of the house if i invested in crypto and he said today
why are american parents so fucked up

also your dad is an arrogant sociopath

>> No.6614559

Slavery actually stunted the southern economy and made them late to industrialization and reconstruction fucked them even harder

>> No.6614594

dude my friend worked construction and diddnt attend last month of HS, he graduated, you're retarded OP

>> No.6614596

>Can it be both?
Sure it can

Chill out, anon. Read the thread.
>tl;dr OP is a faggot highschool LARPer

>> No.6614700

I think this anon >>6614230 hit the nail on the head. If he admits that crypto is legit it's basically means his whole life of being a scumbag asshole was ironically- a choice, and that he acted like a monster who probably destroyed lives for no reason because the current paradigm doesn't require that to be successful.

>> No.6614750

The average slave owner didnt have that many actually.

Plus, if America got its wealth thanks to slavery...then why are people in Africa poor since they had slavery before, during and after the America slaving years? You dont believe cowboys went to Africa and catched niggers with their lassos right? Nigger slave owners sold some of their own slave niggers to jews, which in turn sold them to Europe and America. If slavery was such a wealth accelerator then Africa would reign the modern world. It doesnt.

>> No.6614777

I try explaining this to people all the time. If your going to be successful: make a plan with milestones and work towards it everyday, have discipline (this is important, what you dont do with your free time really dictates your trajectory,) and simply stay positive.

>> No.6614791

Whites have been living to see their country literally destroyed before their eyes and they are powerless to do anything about it, it's causing parents and children alike to basically turn into psychos from our future being ripped out from beneath us.

>> No.6614854

This desu

>> No.6614882

What the fuck are you even babbling about moron
Go open a book you fat burger slobs stole everything from Europe to Asia to the Mid East from SouthAmerica to Africa to even the fucking Artic...your country is a piss poor amalgamation of stolen resources, technology and labor. All just to be whipping boys to the 1%. Pitiful

>> No.6614907


>> No.6614960

oh and also your dad sounds a bit nuts
your fucking money is your fucking money, and him threatening to kick you out is absolutely prickish
if he wants you to wageslave your whole life with only a tiny shot of making it—considering the absolute state of academia—when there is an OBVIOUS AND FAST LANE TO LAMBOLAND EXPLODING WITH GLOBAL CASH RIGHT THE FUCK NOW THAT WILL LIKELY ONLY EVER HAPPEN ONCE IN YOUR LIFETIME AND YOU STILL HAVE YOUR WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE AHEAD OF YOU TO ENJOY AND TRY OTHER THINGS IF THIS WERE TO FAIL, then he is NOT looking out for your best interests, and he thinks that you have to suffer just like he did—or even better, maybe suffer worse! the more pain, stress, and prolonged frustration, the better!

fuck that
you're doing the right thing by keeping in cryptos, dude
seeing as how you've had an interest in it since you were 11, then you'll probably make it just fine

>> No.6614967
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>> No.6614985
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>> No.6615017 [DELETED] 

Honestly not shilling, i've been to countless discord groups and most of them are retarded. this one has decent people and does discussions and shit. join fags
gg / xyfhZTT

>> No.6615100

By an elite white upper class that would spit on you if you dared to enter the same room as them. The accomplishments of better men are not yours to be proud of. Frankly they would prefer the company of slaves than an autistic faggot like you.

>> No.6615109

Really this. I'm doing pretty well all things considered (my childhood, decisions I made in adolescence, decisions I made during my early independence, etc), but I could have been on track to an age 30 retirement if I had just managed my own life more effectively. I have nobody to blame but myself, even if my parents were a contributing factor in my development that led me to make those sub-optimal decisions.

Regardless, once I got my shit together and started playing my cards right just two years ago, I've been checking off boxes on my goal lists almost monthly. Credit score, net worth, savings / investment balance, land ownership, sex life, material possessions, all falling into line surprisingly smoothly once you start actually setting goals and making plans for how to achieve them.

>> No.6615158
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>> No.6615192
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>All the salty cryptofags ITT

How does it feel knowing that you're going to lose all your money? That all those months, all those years you spent obsessing about fake internetbux were for nought? That you've been duped into throwing thousands of dollars into a Ponzi scheme?
Literally everyone else could see the bubble that lies before you. Literally everyone with a brain avoided putting their money into this idiotic venture. But you didn't listen, because you thought you were special, that you were smarter than everybody else, that you could somehow cash out (LOL) and leave a millionaire before the inevitable collapse. But the same greed that led you to invest in this foolish venture kept you investing into it, pouring more and more money into worthless electric current painted as currency, all because you thought you could always get more. That there would always be a bigger idiot.
But as it turns out, you were the biggest idiot all along.
So enjoy your life of poverty, cryptofag, and cry onto your keyboard as you watch pink candlesticks gather on your monitor like rust on a sunken ship, a ship called S.S. Crypto; I'll be sitting pretty in my office, waiting for this month's record bonus. Oh, didn't you hear? The Dow Jones reached a new all-time high today. Perhaps you should've invested in some real stocks instead. See you on the streetcorner.

>> No.6615206

Dude not everything is the fault of niggers and kikes, you're obsessed.

>> No.6615286

I never said it was( literally nowhere in that post), but what your arguing is that they shouldn't feel proud even though they WILL be told they are horrible for things done in the past. May as well embrace the good if your gonna get hit with the bad anyway.

>> No.6615501

I've made more money in one month than you've made in the past three years.

>> No.6615583


They weren't you great great great grandfather. They were the great great great grandfather of some guy who cucked your great great great grandfather.

Or if we're gonna pull this card you might as well go back to we're all from a common ancestor

>> No.6615742

a bitch raised a bitch, shocker

>> No.6615806

>but what your arguing is that they shouldn't feel proud even though they WILL be told they are horrible for things done in the past.
never argued that in my life

>> No.6615807

Now this is being legitimately triggered, kek. Yeah they are, my ancestor is from the Kelly clan on of the oldest in America, was quite literally a founder and pioneer of the land I live in today, he fought in multiple wars and was a conqueror, you can read all about it in the book "We were not summer soldiers", he died a rich man with lots of family and success, and if you wanna pull that tactical nihilism bullshit were all just fucking matter floating through space so who cares? You do, when it's tactically convenient, you don't argue in good faith you faggot.

>> No.6615846

Ah i replied to the same person but the first part of my post is still correct I never mentioned those two groups in my post, you were just projecting that's who I was blaming, not that I don't hate those groups.

>> No.6615869
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Oh, I bet you have, cryptofag. No doubt your wallet is simply bursting with bills, you being unable to find enough space for all your cash. Oh wait, you don't have any cash. Your little fortune exists only on paper, non, not even that, on a screen, showing you an imaginary number that's falling by the minute. Meanwhile I've put my savings in a 8% return savings account and have earned $250k a year for the past 3 years, putting $200k in savings every year to give me nearly $800k in savings. How much do you own, and I mean really own, cryptofag? Do you even own the house you live in? You brag of your wealth stowed away in the clouds, but for all intents you are poor, no better than the hobo laying in the streets high on paint imagining piles of gold before him. Meanwhile I have a house and car, a good computer, a maid, everything I could ever want, all because I chose to get a life instead of getting crypto. Stay mad, loser.

>> No.6615895

*wrong person

>> No.6615924

>you don't argue in good faith

Congrats on being proud of your ancestor, I'll take you for your word. Doesn't make you specifically better than anyone else.

>> No.6615933

Pray tell, how do I reach your levels of success, what field of work are you in?

>> No.6615963

what savings account give 8% interest?

>> No.6615990

nice larp, but tell him you shorted btc

>> No.6616090

And I got one 10x on something I threw casually threw 200k in on the side and ended up making more than you did in one month.
Because you're retarded, that means I made 2mil in a month on something I invested into on the side. That means I actually did make more money in one month than you did in the past three years. Thanks for confirming it.

>> No.6616169

The level of cognitive dissonance from you pol morons is truly disturbing. The same exact thing the boomers did to your generation is what America has done to the world. You love it and praise it when America literally destroyed and doomed the entire planet but you get asshurt when the boomers destroyed the future gens of America and made you all sissy cucks with insurmountable mental issues. Go back to pol and shut the fuck up loser

>> No.6616177

>that means I made 2mil in a month on something I invested into on the side

>he wants us to believe he actually made that much but is still arguing with random people on 4chan
Obviously the quality of your life didn't seem to improve that much.

>> No.6616190

Alright, nobody was arguing that nice straw-man, being proud of your ancestors is just healthy instinct that groups have to solidify the bonds between them. That's as retarded as the race is only skin color narrative to why groups of different races might not want to live together.

>> No.6616312

I argue with retards on 4chan because this is where I even started with crypto. You can go from a 1k investment to 1 mil in the course of three months if you're lucky. In my case, I started with 20k and got 2 10x originally over two years ago and it snowballed. I can be a neet and fuck around on the board all day because I have no other obligations.
This guy's equally guilty of arguing with people on 4chan. He's in the board that's pretty much crypto-centric trying to larp about having beaten everyone here. I can cash out literally anything I want, I can do so without giving a fuck about the taxes, because even if I pay them I end up with infinitely more than he has despite his '8% gains per year' wealth.

>> No.6616346

I'm responding to the general sentiment that every poltard has of "hurdur I don't have a lot of melanin in my skin so im tesla and elon," not you specifically twat.

I don't really know or care what you've been saying throughout the entire thread, I just noticed your (misplaced?) reply to me.

I don't care about the concept of being proud of your ancestors, I dislike people here acting as if having wealthier / politically dominant ancestors makes them superior. You weren't saying that? Fine. But other people here are.

>> No.6616349

Shut the fuck up you bitter faggot, WW2 was the catalyst for all of this and who started that? Yeah the fucking Anglo and kikes who wanted to warmonger over Germany because they didn't know their place. I hate American foreign policy because it only destabilizes the ME, gets Americans killed and helps Israel, I'm not some blind patriotrad, try having some nuanced views, might make life easier for you. Your in this mess as much as we are so you better stop acting like a child and deal with it.

>> No.6616366
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Still arguing about your numbers on a screen, cryptofag? Let's see your 2 million then if you're so immensely wealthy. No doubt your were smart and cashed out before Bitcoin collapsed and wiped out half your wealth.
Oh, that's right, you can't cash out $2million. You gave 200k to some scammer and he promised you that you were 10 times richer now. And you still believe it as the scam comes crashing down before your eyes.
By all means, keep posting. Your impotent attempts at
pretending you're not a failure amuse me.

>> No.6616463

>I dislike people here acting as if having wealthier / politically dominant ancestors makes them superior.
Why wouldn't it though? Mendel's theory of heredity would suggest that if they had successful ancestors it would mean they are more likely to be successful, so why no flaunt it? IQ is like 80% genes so if someone comes from a family of geniuses and brags about it, I could understand why.

>> No.6616481
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>america destroyed and doomed the entire planet
Because before European Settlers arrived in America, there were no wars, right?

>America didn't cause the Roman empire to fall and plunge the world into the dark age
>America didn't cause the Protestant/Catholic rift
>America didn't start colonialism, Europeans did
>America wasn't responsible for starting WW1
>America wasn't responsible for starting WW2 (French-made Treaty of Versailles did that)
Stop being a dumbass blaming America for the rest of the world being equally retarded.
Yeah, we haven't helped it, granted, but the world wasn't fucking Bambi before we came around.

>I argue with retards on 4chan because this is where I even started with crypto.
But that doesn't answer why you would even bother if you have other better, more important things going on in your life.
If I had that much money, I wouldn't be on 4chan hanging around with retards, I'd be doing much better and fufilling things with my life.

Even if you're actually telling the truth, it seems like you've still got a big hole in your life to keep coming back here.

>> No.6616561

If this is not bait then you're retarded for investing in crypto and your dad is retarded for not wanting his son to learn finance through experience.

>> No.6616596

Wow. You sound just like your dad.

>> No.6616599
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>> No.6616610

tell him i want to fuck him up the ass

>> No.6616613

Why don't you just use your mad gainz to buy your own house?

>> No.6616640

I got 2k now in crypto that I've built from 500 in mid december, hoping I can get lucky and make a decent amount by the EOY, any tips oldfag? would appreciate

>> No.6616641
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>French caused WWII
>not jews

>> No.6616649
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>> No.6616672

Because it doesn't say shit about you specifically. Genes are traits expressed in an environment, it doesn't really you do any good if you have dormant genes (or even traits that weren't passed) but you didn't do anything with them now is it?

It's like bragging about about having your father being an olympic sprinter when you couldn't even get onto the varsity team in your high school. Okay cool, you're dad's awesome. But you aren't.

Your dad was a physicist but you can't even pass calculus? Your great grandfather was a dominant politic figure 5 decades ago but you don't even have any friends or can't look a woman in the eye?

I suspect that we're really in agreement.

>Why not fluant it?
Because no one like braggarts really.

>> No.6616673
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>because french jews don't exist

>> No.6616676

>imaginary numbers
Are you retarded? Literally the only thing that stops people from cashing out is being scared of taxes. I can pay a 45% tax without giving a shit and still make infinitely more than you. Your entire argument is that people can't take profits.
I said I made 2 mil in a month, not that I only have 2 mil. I've been here for two years, I've had plenty of time to cash out as much as I want and to do as much as I want, meanwhile you're here pretending to be better than literally everyone on the board.

>money means you have to change who you are
I'm here because it's fun. Suddenly getting a huge influx of money doesn't mean you have to change your lifestyle. I've paid off everything I could ever want to for everyone even remotely close to me and live in a nice place. I don't have to go to work, I don't get bored because I'm still doing what I enjoy doing even from my own home. There's no moral obligation for me to go out and do something else. Just because I have money it doesn't mean I can't do what I originally enjoyed.
Don't try to psychoanalyze someone when you're on the very same board as them.

>> No.6616699

So minus transaction fees you have about 400 dollars?

>> No.6616713

hahaha well they hired me so i disagree

>> No.6616714

LOL what a shitty portfolio wow

>> No.6616715


>Being this no coiner

Kill your dad, sell all his worthless materials and buy the dip.

>> No.6616733
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Not Americans. Jews.

>> No.6616743

Oh yeah I have a separate lambo just for my ballsack and my dick is 12 feet long. I also own 3/4ths of the planet Venus.

>> No.6616757

so move out and quit bitching

>> No.6616778

imagine being this retarded

>> No.6616799

Pro tip: He can't.
Shitcoiners don't into independence. Otherwise they would understand how absurd the power requirements of most cryptocurrencies are...even the efficient ones are a fucking joke.

>> No.6616806

>what kind of mega bank would hire a retard
Ok now I’m convinced it’s a larp

>> No.6616821

sounds like your dad is a fucking loser

>> No.6616827

>literally everyone and their mother knows about the volatility over crypto
>getting a 10x every three months is the easy
>people who bought BTC five years ago are multi-millionaires and billionaires now
Yeah it's literally impossible to be insanely wealthy off coins that gives you 1000% profits for a minimal amount of research.

>> No.6616841

>I said I made 2 mil in a month
And you're still wrong. You haven't made shit, only gotten a bigger number on a screen. You've already lost half your "profit" with the Bitcoin collapse, and should you find some way to "cash out" in a collapsing market, the government will take a further half of your cash. Your "x10" is more of a "x2", and the best part? It's not even real. stay fucking mad

>> No.6616851
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>> No.6616857


You stupid cucks just don't get it. Yes the planet was on a bad trajectory before America became the force it became BUT that was before people had the power to end all of humanity with a button. Knowing all that and seeing the previous failures Murrica said "Hold my beer". If you can't see that the US put the destruction into overdrive and has already doomed us beyond repair then you are, like i said previously, a retarded fucking burger caught up in fake nationalism. Its already over and America is the one who killed it. Now keep praising a bunch of beasts who fucked us all just so the 1% could have just a little bit more of everything.

>> No.6616916

Most are.

>> No.6616920

So? You think that's the only way to express yourself, that's just a part of you and nothing wrong with it. Also environment is basically nothing compared to genes, the Minnesota twin studies will show you that. Yeah I guess but like I said it's basically just a tie to the past, something you draw on for inspiration, a totally natural thing to do but it doesn't mean that "muh whiteness is all you have" people don't exist in vacuums free from the past. That's just your opinion though, braggarts are often very extroverted and socially aggressive which are positive social traits. I have a cousin from an in law who is an asshole who spouts we wuz kangz tier nonsense and is always bragging but is the most popular person where ever he goes, it is just an anecdote though.

>> No.6616925

If it were possible to 10x your money every 3 months every professional investor on the planet would abandon the stock market and focus all of their resources on investing in crypto.
[soiler]That hasn't happened[/soiler]
I hope the suicide hotline is busy when it all crashes kid.

>> No.6616940

fuck off stinky chinky, im rather glad i didnt learn the violin with a bull whip

>> No.6616958

>I'll just not read anything you say and keep pulling shit out of my ass
I've already cashed out millions you twat. I could lose half my portfolio suddenly, which I didn't because I'm not a retard who puts literally everything into BTC, and I'd still be richer than you if, over the course of two years, I've made 3 10x, let alone what I've actually done.

Stay fucking mad you're making 1% gains of the average neet who randomly throws his money at shitcoins he hasn't even researched.

>> No.6616970

>Suddenly getting a huge influx of money doesn't mean you have to change your lifestyle.
So you've made money, but you're still a boring prick?

>I don't have to go to work, I don't get bored because I'm still doing what I enjoy doing even from my own home.
You mean arguing with retards about how much more money you have than them?
Again, all this money and it didn't get you anything and didn't improve you as a human being.

>There's no moral obligation for me to go out and do something else.
Then don't get offended by people laughing at you for being the same useless fuck you were with a bigger bank account.

>Just because I have money it doesn't mean I can't do what I originally enjoyed.
You enjoy arguing with retards? That's pathetic, man. All that money and you can't afford to get a life.

>Don't try to psychoanalyze someone when you're on the very same board as them.
You should try doing the same, lol

TL;DR people who don't deserve to have money have money and do nothing with it

>this faggot still at it
Give it a rest you dumb fuck, even if we had never existed, the world would still be fucked up because of everyone else.

>> No.6616998

Lying on the internet only makes you an obnoxious retard.

>> No.6617037

Jews never sleep brah, they would have gotten us here regardless if America never existed. Your still going to be blaming America after grater Israel is established (even though they only got it because of the UK)

>> No.6617099

wut, I live in NZ and have 2.5k worth in my hardware wallets, if i send to cryptopia and then bank transfer there is virtually no fees

>> No.6617121

If niggers and chinks couldn't perform the manual labor, whites would've just got Irishmen to do it.

>> No.6617138

Saltiest nocoiner on the planet. My dude they could and some are moving over the fact is most are too indoctrinated with the old ways. Or they just don't care because their portfolios are already made. You cannot argue that ETH and BTC made a ton of millionaires, let alone what a lot of other shitcoins are doing for the average person in returns.

>> No.6617217

>put in money into ETH 9 months ago
>put in money into ZRX ICO
>put in money into FUN at 3c
Wow that was hard
That doesn't include any of the meme coins like DOGE that went up purely because of random hype, it doesn't include things like XRP before the dump, it doesn't include all the chink coins that China went to after the 'apparent ban'. It doesn't include people just putting money into BTC and waiting two years.

You're actually retarded. Stock investors not getting into crypto is purely out of their own ego. "Yeah man I can beat them with my 5% gains PA, even though crypto is going to revolutionize the future." If you were as amazing of an investor as you clearly think you are, you'd realize that even if you're not buying into shit like Bitcoins, everything else in crypto is already the new era of app development - and, in case your boomer ass doesn't realize, technology has been making advancement upon advancement. Physical assets are worthless past getting the bare necessities. Keep investing money into your worthless gold.

>xd you don't do anything with your money, you don't deserve it
How do you know I'm not doing anything with my money from my own home? For all you know I could have funded multiple schools alone where my government wouldn't. For all you know I could be donating it to various illness researches. You know literally nothing about me, but you're trying to pull your psych 101 course pseudo-intellectual analysis on me. I'm here to tell people like you that you're a moron.

>you should try doing the same
Never did, kill yourself.

>> No.6617222

Yeah whatever fuck off nocoiner normie

>> No.6617346

>LARPing this hard

>> No.6617453

OP is a massive faggot for bringing all this negativity to /biz/

I just wanted to get rich with my /biz/bros, not argue about petty shit smfh

>> No.6617509

>How do you know I'm not doing anything with my money from my own home? For all you know I could have funded multiple schools alone where my government wouldn't.
Yeah, I know you didn't do that.
>For all you know I could be donating it to various illness researches.
For all I know, you could be arguing with a person you'll never know on the internet because you have nothing else to do with your life.
And the thing is, there's no proof of those donations, but there is proof of you pointlessly arguing on the internet.

If you're actually telling the truth (lol), all I can say is that you are the biggest waste of a windfall I have ever seen.

>you should try doing the same
>Never did, kill yourself.
lol, all that money and you still have the mentality of any regular 4chan retard. No wonder you like pointless 4chan arguments with retards, makes you feel at home among your people.

Nah man, I just hate seeing people get rich who don't know how to do anything with it and just sit around being the same no-life fatass they were before they got rich.
They may as well have just stayed poor for all the good it's doing him, because he's still got the same poor-man mentality.

I hate waste, that's all.

>> No.6617528

>xd no one can possibly be around for two years and not be retarded at picking guaranteed moons xd every single person who has ever made it with crypto is larping xd
Here's your next few predictions: ShipCoin, FUN, Substratum, Magnalis. These are all things that have been shilled on this board, which is why people who are rich still keep coming here. You don't have to put thought or effort into becoming rich off this shit.
Even if you're a moron that's too stupid to daytrade or even trade monthly, put money into any of those and in a year you'll have 20x your investment, minimum. I have plenty more that aren't shilled here, but I did you a favor to show that literally anyone, any fucking person, can get rich off this shit just by sitting on any crypto forum and weeding out the shit.
Fuck off with your 8% gains

>> No.6617572

math teacher.

>> No.6617599

...Isn't Magnalis literally a scam?

>> No.6617604

>I'll psychoanalyze you and claim that you're the bane of all things because you aren't using your money exactly how I say you should
Enjoy being poor, retard. You're arguing, too, you contradictory fuckward. Difference is that you're probably shitting your pants over the market crash because you've been here for all of a month.

>> No.6617611

>waste not want not
True, If your rich you can afford to take the time to refine yourself, that's what I want to do at least when I get there.

>> No.6617758

I put it last because it's arguably the most sketchy of all of the guaranteed moons, but it's still free money all the same. If it's true, you make retarded gains because it's revolutionary, if it's not, should've researched more. From what they've shown it can go either way, but that's why ICOs like these always make retarded money.

>> No.6618015
File: 727 KB, 993x584, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he makes less than 1 mil a year then my father has managed to do better doing absolutely nothing, and I plan on doing even better than that.

Get fucked stupid boomers. Your money has always been mine. The spoils belong to those who take it.

>> No.6618051

> he thinks ANYONE pays anywhere near 50% in even short term capital gains
Lol maybe in france

>> No.6618213

Props. Wish I had that kind of ambition when I was in high school. What kind of business did you start? Did you receive any guidance or mentoring on finance growing up? If I ever have kids I would like for them to achieve something like this

>> No.6618239
File: 256 KB, 1261x617, vaD1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's not a requirement. It's a side effect of mining being profitable. If it wasn't profitable, not as many people would be mining, and you retarded people echoing MUH POWER CONSUMPTION would have nothing to talk about.

Low IQ boomer/normie who doesn't know shit about technology detected.

>> No.6618305

Yeah, you're psychoanalyzing me now, fatass

And yeah I'm arguing with you because it's late at night and it's something to do - but I guaran-fucking-tee you that if I was actually rich, I wouldn't be wasting my time with people like you. I would be on a yacht, or in way out in the middle of nowhere on a big ranch where nobody would be bothering me, free from the troubles of other human beings. I might make an exception for VR stuff, though.

Here's a better question: why are you arguing back? Nothing else going in your life except trying to poorly insult someone ... on 4chan? Surely if I'm a "poor, no-coinz loser" you shouldn't even be trying this hard to hurt my poor fee-fees and would have moved on already.

My point is, all the money in the world did you no good because you're the same useless fag you were. If I had that kind of money, I would hope that I would try and use it for self improvement instead of fermenting on it like you are. Your gain was a waste to yourself. Now that you've paid your bills and bought a house you may as well give the money away since you're not doing anything useful with it.

I just want you to do well anon, not sitting around in supposed luxury wondering why you're still not happy. Go travel, see the world, maybe lose your virginity or something. ;^)
>I can't wait to hear your reply telling me how you can totally be doing other things right now but you would rather be arguing with me.
I'm touched!

Something the other anon needs to figure out.

>> No.6618427
File: 94 KB, 375x348, 1515825600264.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off with blogposting, but boomers are actually likely autistic so maybe you inherited that.

>> No.6618673

>you're psychoanalyzing me
You don't even know what the word means. You're trying to judge my psyche, trying to claim I don't deserve my money because I won't conform to the exact idea you think people with money should. Your idea of being rich means you have to see the world, which means you're more inclined to waste money than me, who just uses it for necessities and helps the people close to me. Meanwhile, I'm not psychoanalyzing you, I'm just telling you that you're a fucking retard who doesn't realize how hypocritical he is.

You're accusing me of arguing with people on 4chan, but your very first post is sympathizing with this guy's autistic father, and you're arguing with literally everyone who opposes him, and you have the audacity say that I've got screws loose. Alright you hypocritical twat.

Once again, enjoy having no money. Boomers are hilarious.

>> No.6618756

I'd slap the shit out of your dad

>> No.6618769

>took the time to respond
>took the time to browse through the thread at all my replies
I legit feel bad for you. All that money and nothing better to do with your life but argue with me.

Didn't bother reading any of it, but if you would like I can PayPay you some money if it will make you feel better?

>> No.6618784

>Megabank run by retards
>They'd never hire a retard

>> No.6618828

He makes well over a million a year idiot


>> No.6618878


stfu sissy loser

They were tho, they are everyones ancestor.

>> No.6618879

>17 posts, go to the first, it's retarded
>b-but you're wasting your time arguing
Maybe if you got money first and then started arguing, rather than arguing with people who have money and complain about not having it to do what you want with it, you'd have actually made it.
But you're too fucking stupid to make it in the easiest get-rich-quick scheme in all of history.
You're actually a waste of oxygen. You think you deserve money so you can show what the most altruistic of rich people should be like, but can't take advantage of the easiest chance to. Instead, you accuse others who have money that they're retarded.
Low IQ boomers.

>> No.6618929

Crack open a book

Because African lords couldn't get their slaves to make cotton and sell it to England

>> No.6618966

stop trolling


>> No.6619291

a menial 9-5 prison does not give a feeling of accomplishment to anyone, it's meaningless.
Freedom to live your life and create your own purpose is true accomplishment

>> No.6619316

Go easy on him, anon. He's angry because money is the only thing he has in his life and nobody believes him because he still acts like a 12-year-old on the internet.

Wait, you're STILL arguing? What have I done to you to hurt you this much and to make you this upset? I mean, really, it's getting kinda funny at this point. The really funny thing is that I bet you're still going to be pissed off at me tomorrow for doing ........nothing? And by tomorrow morning I'll have already forgotten about this whole exchange and will have carried on with my life. You should probably do the same.

Again, is there nothing else going on in your life that you could derive more pleasure from than sitting here bitching at someone on the internet? At least if you were anger-posting while on a fitness bike you would at least be getting something out of this - and anger is great for pushing yourself to better workouts.

I don't even understand what you're getting out of this except a redder face...

>> No.6619425

>because money is the only thing he has in his life and nobody believes him because he still acts like a 12-year-old on the internet.
Actually thats what he says about me. He always says the only reason im obsessed with investment business and finance is I think becoming wealthy like him will make up for me being a loser. He said exactly what you said about him to me.

>> No.6619575


What's one of your more lowkey finds? Ship and Fun have my attention, also looking for a few others that have solid potential.

>> No.6619613

And then he wonders why nobody believes he's rich.

As I said, if I were rich, I would definitely not be arguing with people on 4chan, I would be flying on a Paramotor or something
Something that would at least leave me thinking at the end of the day, "Wow, I love how much my life has changed now that I have plenty of money to do whatever I want with."

If I was rich and still sitting in a chair, browsing 4chan and arguing with people over bullshit, I would definitely hope I would realize it so I could rethink my life. Otherwise I may as well just keep the same life I have now.

>> No.6619847

yah if you succeed your dad will never face the music he will take u down with his sinking ship if you dont leave now\ you will always be a pussxy

>> No.6620084

Tell your dad "this is the reason why we're poor"

>> No.6620702

Except he's very rich

>> No.6621067

Above 437k annually short term gains are actually taxed at 39% so not too far off

t. Burger

>> No.6621347

He'll by applying shit to solve real world problems with a lot less mental masturbation than asshat math majors.

t. med student, get fucking mad