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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6600086 No.6600086 [Reply] [Original]

alright /biz/ now that we are all poor again
its time for a good old fashioned FRUGAL THREAD

post tips and tricks for making it in this doggy dog world. ill start

>go to mcdonalds, get free ketchup, napkins, straws, toilet paper etc
>keep chickens as pets instead of dogs. free eggs
>pee in the sink to save on flushes
>donate blood and sperm for $
>dig through neighbors trash. always something useful in there

>> No.6600578

Work a real job for like 6 months and save and you won’t have to live like an animal

>> No.6600653


time is money friend

and im fucking RICH with time

>> No.6600849

god i miss old biz
bump for frugal

>> No.6600870

speaking of animals
money saving tips we can learn from them:

>hunt your own food from local wildlife
>stop paying rent, live outside
>dont go to the pharmacy when you are sick, just train your immune system to be stronger

>> No.6600933

What if you need to take a shit and piss at the same time?

>> No.6601000

>shit in street
>wipe with hand

>> No.6601005

great question
keep an piss bottle handy
you can empty it later to be reused or even brought in for that sweet recycling money

>> No.6601092

you might as well use that flush effectively and kill two birds with one stone. Better yet, don't flush it keep using the toilet until it starts to walk on its own and then flush it all down.

>> No.6601110
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fucking kek

sheit these are all pretty nice. i will definitely be eating a lot of mcdonalds. my net worth went down 50% after this cryptocurrenc crash and i just panic sold a lot.

here is what i will start doing
>ramen noodles for lunch / dinner
>$1000 cheap apartment in phoenix, denver, houston or whever the fuck it is cheap to live
>cheap $500 car
>keep fixed costs as low as possible, don't get groceries often

i thought about living in my car and just showering at a 24/7 fitness or YMCA but it seems like better option is to lve in an apartment.

>> No.6601122

interesting theory
we should run the numbers

>> No.6601293

Bump. Mustachian and index investor reporting in. I cashed out my crypto this week.

>> No.6601337

What the FUCK is Urusei Yatsura doing on /biz/?
Also please don't raise chickens without properly understanding what they need. They are good birds and make good pets, but you need at least 3 to make a flock. Also rice and potatoes are very cheap.

>> No.6601492

>go on dates
>make them pay

free meal

>> No.6601586
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Rent out your apartment on airbnb and go sleep in the woods

>> No.6601605

Ketchup is not free at McDonalds - at least where i live.

>> No.6601609
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>pretend ur homless for gibs and go to local handouts for food and clothes
>sign up on social welfare and work a job on the side and put your money in crypto
>"borrow" money from your parents which you will "eventually" pay back

>> No.6601615

You can save yourself some trouble by investing in kneepads.

>> No.6601643

>What the FUCK is Urusei Yatsura doing on /biz/?
Noisily invading.

>> No.6601687
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the final frugal pill: move to ukraine, lithuania or other shit tier eastern europe country and live out of hostels. you pay like 20 euros a week for heating, water, wifi and a roof over your head. the girls are hot too and everything else is also cheap. rentfags BTFO.

>> No.6601702

befriend homeless people
they know all the best free handouts spots

>> No.6601737

so this is what old biz was like huh?
some poor fucks giving tips how to be a living leech?
ill take my pink wojak threads over this anyday lmao
get a job you waste of human life

>> No.6602393

Get the fuck out you fucking fag

>> No.6602505

Yeah, there is no way you pay only 20/month

>> No.6602635

>you pay like 20 euros a week

>> No.6602653

>save on flushes
Western fag detected
I flush multiple times for fun bc water is a diamond dozen here in the Great Lakes region.

>> No.6602676
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>unironically remembering the old days of /biz/
>see where we are now
our lives are literal pump and dumps desu

>> No.6602717

This. We were poorer but it was better

>> No.6602719
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>> No.6602836

Lol misread, but still 80 euro a month is unbelievably cheap

>> No.6602941
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Fuck traps for Free instead of taking real roasties out on expensive dates.

>> No.6603269

Fuck off wagie

>> No.6603442

Open a company called "ordinary products" and sue other companies for defamation

>> No.6603554

Fucking a dude in the ass is gay.

>> No.6603888

that's why i do it

>> No.6603894


get out of here pajeet

>> No.6603968

but it's gay for free

>> No.6604028

don't argue with trips. indicated methods are obviously superior

>> No.6604136

Dig a hole on your backyard to shit and pee, wipe with leaves, less messy than shit on the street.

>> No.6604433

Grow lemon tree, sell to homeless and then take the lemons back or PnD sell cheap lemons the one day sell a lot, call police and say the homeless stole your lemons

>> No.6604494

Grow with shit and pee, best normie flavor in the market