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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 221 KB, 568x479, green wojak rolling in cash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6588169 No.6588169 [Reply] [Original]

The people who are suffering right now are the newest of newfags who FOMO'd into crypto over the past month or who went all in on literal pajeet shitcoins.

The rest of us are experiencing a dip but are still way up from a few months ago.

>> No.6588283

You should be thanking FOMOs since they're the only reason the price keeps going up

>> No.6588336

for sure, i bought in 10 days ago... luckily i just went in with 1k to get a feel for it and test the waters, was tempted a few times to fomo on a couple coins but held back... down to $500 but feeling good that i was cautious... now fighting the temptations to buy more at these discounts but think ill wait it out another couple days

>> No.6588426

I got in less than a month ago and am still up.

>> No.6588475

You're actually right, I got in last month.

Bought 6000k worth of coins and I'm down 2k

i should have never bothered, i am going to sell them at a loss

>> No.6588577
File: 634 KB, 238x178, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm down 100k but this make my dick so hard Holy shit just thinking about the normies buying back in December because of muh bazingaaa episode

>> No.6588663

I lost all my profits from a month ago. I’m actually losing money right now and I held onto good projects that are now close to 50% off

>> No.6588699

>invest $500
>make out with $50k
>some normie puts in his entire live savings of $250k
>loses $150k



>> No.6588748

This is exactly my story aswell, went in with 1.5k and half of it gone atm.

>> No.6588828
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s a m e

>> No.6589056

If you want make some profit during the dip join.
Discord >>UXBnfm2

>> No.6589180
File: 416 KB, 442x496, C2F2C713-024F-4992-8FBD-295D24181366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same dude, started at 1,000 and now I am at around $621, im not stressing too much desu

>> No.6589219
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Its hard to care when we're just back to november prices

>> No.6589406

feel i learn't a lot for the $500 i am down and if this shit even half rights itself i think it will be worth

>> No.6589506

Dude I went from $31k to $17k in TWO FUCKING DAYS
My initial money was $4k but what the absolute fuck

>> No.6589650

I started at 1.8k, cashed out 400 a few days ago and now I'm sitting at 700. We'll see how things go in the next few weeks.

>> No.6589687
File: 49 KB, 358x373, 7537C3A3-19F4-49B6-8DE1-50ED65C45FCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly! it’s a great learning experience since I’m new to the game and will make me more conservative in my future investments as well as keep an eye out for scam coins a lot more like bitcoin connect

>> No.6589690

Yea right now it's "normies that got in December crying" and in a few hours it'll be "normies that got in this summer crying" and then what

>> No.6589757

Started with 500
Threw in another 2k
Was up almost 7k
Nearing back to my initial investment

>> No.6589825

Yes and no, I got in on eth at $23 and out on $1410

I would've been green at the current, but I'm 50% richer because I didn't hodl in a massive bubble.

I can buy back in when it reaches $200-300 and earn more while you're trying to recover.

>> No.6589894
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>> No.6589958
File: 107 KB, 1000x500, bitcoin-explications.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to wait for it to tank some more before investing anything, are there good sources to learn about investing in general? Is it different when you are based in the U.s or Europe?

If I do end up investing this would be my first time investing in anything, but I'm not really familiar with any of the technical terms and ways yet, how does a Newfag with some money on the side learn?

>> No.6589956

that's the way to go.

>> No.6589964

still up 7% on the month and been in since Dec. 12th. Time to buy in more? How much more?

>> No.6590052
File: 101 KB, 691x1024, 80A8429F-2223-4D23-A5F9-2BA6CD8ABADE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put $500 into bitcoin and $500 into etherium. I want to put maybe another $200 into ethrium but I’m not sure. I my New Years resolution this year is to save 50% of my income that I won’t touch at all and all my bitcoin cash will come what I wave left from bills so I’m going wait until the end of the month

>> No.6590088

A real communist would give the suffering normies an even share of his gains, its only fair

>> No.6590094
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>> No.6590109

You need to buy EGAS and hold it long term, it has huge potential. 13M Max supply and it costs pennies right now. Great concept and active twitter. mooncoin material.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6590129

Me five. Bought a combo of BTC and ETH for $1.5k. I'm not gonna miss it if it all crashes and burns. I'll keep holding until it dies or gets back to where I bought it at so I can scoop up some shitcoins.

>> No.6590173

>More money than 70% of average people
>Doesn't cash out

Don't be greedy if you've 1000x your annual salary time to move on.

>> No.6590249

Let me tell you something here faggot.

if we break 8k btc and 650 eth prepare for some serious pink wojaking

>> No.6590312

If you have more than a month of patience then you'll be fine, don't sell at a loss

>> No.6590335

My mom had a lifelong $35k savings fund for me. I fomo'd in at the last minute with $7k from the fund--i felt 20% was the right amount of risk reward--made some bad choices on shitcoins... I feel terrible. Just want to get her money back.

>> No.6590395

same person as this image...

$70k fiat put in, several buys over last few years.
Have not sold at all. HODLing.

~$600k at peak. still up 4-5x from initial investment.

Should i be happy or should I be on suicide watch?

>> No.6590481


Just relax and hold, sitting in the same boat here.

>> No.6590545
File: 204 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2018-01-17-09-44-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just impale me on that spike

>> No.6590633

I got in early december and after this drop I'm pretty much even with my initial investment and I'm buying more as it goes down. If it goes to 0 I'll survive, I have a good job and I'll just write this shit off on my taxes next year as a capital loss. Not even concerned

>> No.6590817


Hang in there anon. Delete blockfolio and do not sell at a loss. Check back here in a few days or so and thank me later

>> No.6590868
File: 467 KB, 736x708, 9B292694-D2F0-49F9-A539-FBB66DADDBF6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80% of what I invested in crypto was weed money(got in 10 days ago 80% ETH 15% FUN others spread into ICX and a few more) anyways so if I go to 0 it will suck to lose 1.4k but fuck it I saw this as a once in a lifetime opportunity to get in on an investment super early.

>> No.6590897


kek still up 20% which is more than stockfags and bondfags. ggwp

>> No.6590920

Went in for 1800 have 1050 going to ride or die

>> No.6591018


It’s funny that crypto, the new flashy tech, is so amenable to the oldest most boring investment strategy: Dollar Cost Averaging.

Cheers on being cautious anons, I’ll be steadily buying through this dip, whether it lasts weeks, months or years.

>> No.6591208

Started with a £6k mining rig in June, £6k invested in October (BTC $7k) and £18k invested in December (BTC $12k).

Currently sitting on £29,500 in fiat from selling my purchased crypto, £10,500 worth of mined crypto, and £2000 of purchased crypto I kept for sentimental reasons (Litecoin).

I'm up in a small way but bleh... could have been so much better.