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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6535868 No.6535868 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that you should invest your hard-earned money in coins where you have actually researched.

> protip, if you don't wanna do any of that, I already did it for you and you should go all in on these 4

These are some of the few coins that will actually survive AND make you rich in under 1 year. The current dip is perfect to buy in. You don't even have to tip me, you're welcome.

>> No.6535915
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You forgot LUX

>> No.6535945
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>no bitbean

>> No.6536006

Already have RLC and REQ thank you sir

>> No.6536008

they are all shitcoins, and they are infinite

in the future companies will use their own internal coins

but they wont use any shit "trading" today

>> No.6536020

Good choices. I would also add Komodo to the mix.

>> No.6536097

Dont forget ENG mate

>> No.6536159

REQ held the line

>> No.6536162


>> No.6536168

Fuck didn't know about it. Will look into it.


That's your answer.


possibly, but I care about getting rich next 1-3 year, not in 20


Will look into it.

>> No.6536179

moving money to buy rlc right now

>> No.6536200

>market literally losing 15% a day from now crashing
>bubble popped
>still shilling shitcoins on /biz/
Never change guys,I'm gonna miss you.

>> No.6536201


stocking up on RLC too, going to look into GVT

>> No.6536230

DBC is at the floor, will never go lower.

>> No.6536271

REQ is already recovering, mfw when you kys

>> No.6536299


Good boi


How new are you exactly?


It has the potential to be really big.


I have 15k DBC and I'm bleeding. It does not qualify really to be among the non-shitcoins, hence me not including it. I hope it bounces back and I can sell my position for more of these 4.

>> No.6536357
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no thanks

>> No.6536394


stay poor

>> No.6536416

lmao and you put REQ in there instead of those coins. You dont know shit. REQ is vaporwave and far from anywhere close to adoption.

>> No.6536455

why not DBC? If you ignore all the autism on /biz/, the actual project with DBC is super cool

>> No.6536487

you are a fucking idiot, stay poor. Send me your address ill mail you rope for this friday

>> No.6536538

Already Stacking REQ & RLC.

But why GVT, when i do my research, i can't see why it is a very good coin

>> No.6536578

Lmao deluded REQ holder, all the coins I listed are miles ahead of REQ.

>> No.6536659


>> No.6536695


Like I already said, I have like 15k worth of it, but I'd like to see more from the project before qualifying. I won't be spending more money on it.


ok, stay poor. ENG looks ok though


Look at the advisers, and what the project intends to do. They predict having 100 brokers on board in the next 1-2 years. This is a long term hold, screencap this.




also this

>> No.6536722

>I care about getting rich next 1-3 year
If it was this easy nobody would be poor.

>> No.6536762

also I think KCS and BNB are very safe choices

>> No.6536989


> the "if everybody" meme

Please go kill yourself, I don't have time to explain how this is shit reasoning.

>> No.6537004

Yup, you don't know shit. Competly ignores WTC and Ven,but gambles on shitcoins like REQ. You don't know shit and have not done any good research.

>> No.6537291
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>Mentions ENG

You have no credibility.

And you've got the balls to call REQ vaporware? Pajeet, please.

Have you even read the ENG whitepaper? Can you even articulate what is they are even doing?

>> No.6537320

Spoilers: You will never be rich.

>> No.6537337

Strat is about to have a 50/200 EMA crossover. It hasn't even started yet. I could see this going to 0.002 in the near future. Potentially 0.01 by end of year

>> No.6537355


So it's a Russian scam?

I'm not going near anything Russian. They have no scrutiny or accountability. Can you list a single successful Russian crypto project?

>> No.6537465

>icx, req, link, ven

i'm a student poorfag with little less than 10k,
is this a decent lineup or should i remove one and spend the money on low cap moon missions?

>> No.6537467

Yeah the ENG's white paper is actually technical and goes in depth on how the Enigma protocol functions meanwhile REQ's white paper is bunch of buzzwords and major promises with no technical depth in the white paper at all.

>> No.6537533


Bottom line is there is not even remotely an idea for a business in the case of ENG, while REQ's business case is instantly obvious.

That's why ENG isn't going anywhere, any time soon.

>> No.6537563


Didn't do any research on ICX, but on first glance looks scammy honestly.

> link

At this point I'm all in on link, but it's a risky move

> ven

see above


oh yes baby

>> No.6537595


Anon he didn't understand that even though one solution might be technically 10x superior to another, that doesn't mean jack shit when it comes to "adoption" by the general masses.

>> No.6537614

Ripio Credit Network

PLEASE /BIZ don't miss this one too!

>> No.6537682

So your argument is ENG is 2smart4you? They are doubling their team from what I hear and all they need to really do is get a better marketer and get the protocols tested on a major block-chain.

>> No.6537722
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why dont you idiots understand that there are more then 20 solid coins out there.
Why does it only have to be 3-4 you mongoloids.

>> No.6537762


its shit . with huge inflation

>> No.6537807

Mah nigga. My biggest holdings.

>> No.6537840

Do you even know what the enigma protocol does? The point of ENG is to make blockchain actually appealable for several industries. ENG has an a team full of MIT grads , with real VC support and has one of the most cited computer scientists helped write the white paper. Also has been mentioned by Vitallik as a solution.

Meanwhile REQ is another one of 1000 YC incubations, REQ's past experience was making moneygram which no one uses and omisego already offers most of the features REQ is trying to do. The accounting thing they might pull off but it could also not work because of all the regulations accounting has.

>> No.6537854

To be fair it's a good mentality, holding a project you think is solid for the long run and not just chasing pump and dumps like a tard.

>> No.6537855

ENG is a solid buy, price is stupidly low right now after the last 24hours of panic selling... great time to get in, guaranteed 2x in a matter of days (1 week)... 20-50x by end of year

>> No.6537860


Mate I'm not arguing, I haven't done research on ENG, so I can't speak about it. I only know I like REQ, and you shitting on it makes you a faggot.


Yeah, was just reading this on leddit


Because spreading 10 k on 20 coins VS 10 k on 3-4 coins makes a difference in the amount of time it takes to being rich you faggot.

>> No.6537906

I never shit on REQ you mong, my only comment to you was on ENG I don't even own any REQ

>> No.6537971

>I haven't done research on ENG, so I can't speak about it.
That much is clear, this anon has an idea what he's talking about>>6537840

>> No.6537982

You don't even know basic shit on the post frequently posted coins on /biz/, you don't know shit and nobody should take your advice

>> No.6537988
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my bad



>> No.6538296


Somebody is salty.

>> No.6538431

>Do you even know what the enigma protocol does? The point of ENG is to make blockchain actually appealable for several industries.

Apparently you don't.

Because in two paragraphs you didn't manage to describe it, and filled it up with promises of grandeur and hype.

Confirmed 100%, certified shitcoin.

>> No.6538482


This is also a very good option.


>> No.6538594

>too dumb to understand eng
Whatever faggot , dont say i didnt warn you

>> No.6539057

bump, as more people need to see this

>> No.6539147


preach brother! preach!

also check out the juicy volume on Upbit. it's only second to Bittrex and RCN was just recently added there.!!! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

what say you /biz? get some of that RCN action

>> No.6539168


Example of what NOT to buy.

>> No.6539316


>> No.6539504


care to elaborate?

>> No.6539532



>> No.6539611

They already had contracts with 400 brokers, and that was when they released the white paper, so now they have more. This thing will have a run after the conference (ifexpo) and the tournament (just after the conference)

>> No.6539644


don'y buy hype


I do have like 4k link, but it's speculative for me



>> No.6539652

Look at the conferences of the tean and the reputation they had before. Thank me later

>> No.6539714

This guy was right,Bitcoin 10 900 right now.This is the end.

>> No.6539760

How come nobody is talking about Verify / CRED?
It has far more potential than any of these coins combined...

>> No.6539781


RCN is not hype. it hasn't even mooned yet despite all these kick ass milestones being achieved.

>> No.6539981

>bubble popped
babbys first bear market

>> No.6540029


kys u retarded cuck.

>> No.6540075

Since you're still here, can you explain the difference from RLC to projects like SONM and GNT?
>inb4 those are vaporwave shitcoins

>> No.6540125

>my face when when you kill yourself

>> No.6540131
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crawl back into your hole dipshit

>> No.6540215
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>> No.6540456


RLC team actually delivers on time