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File: 152 KB, 1500x840, VeChain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6527183 No.6527183 [Reply] [Original]

You paneets do not understand what is going on do you? You guys do know that the PBoC has a relentless crackdown on exchanges because they are going to issue their own platform where you will be able too buy those
digital currencies? Guess which one will def be supported?

Thats right anon you made it.


>> No.6527226

I cannot read these runes... what does the link say?

>> No.6527227

The funny thing about VEN is that it doesn't moon when it should moon and it doesn't crash when it should crash

>> No.6527238

good coin, good men
come join us for the ride anons
only coin to feel comfy in during a crash

>> No.6527254

Holding a pathetic 3000k ven

poorfag :( Am i gonna make it

>> No.6527279

Rough translation


>> No.6527299


The article is from YAO Qian of the Technology Department of People's Bank of China (PBOC). He described several options for a digital currency platform incorporated into the PBOC.

>> No.6527306

Post your face when Jim Breyer invested in Vechain and only other crypto he invested in is Ethereum, also he has connections with the government (President) also his wife is non exectuvie director of bank of china.

Just understand why the hell would Jim Breyer invests in Vechain.

>> No.6527307

scared to open that link desu

>> No.6527333
File: 29 KB, 600x337, 658276780981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont understand. What dis mean

>> No.6527373

Former employee here. Wouldnt get too deep into VEN. Sunny was arrested a few days ago. I fucking resigned after he had a massive meltdown and started smashing up the office in Shanghai. Fucking lunatic always had a shady shit going on.

>> No.6527396

Read the article, no mention of VeChain whatso-ever.
Moreover the article is almost a year old.
Third, VeChain's founder is a notorious pump artist

>> No.6527412

Nice pasta faggot, u wont get my bags

>> No.6527429

Post proof or GTFO, larper

>> No.6527442

Wow checked. Go on anon. What does this mean?

>> No.6527486
File: 699 KB, 200x150, 297D9AC8-64E5-4755-B8D4-5033B7BE607A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw bought the dip a few hours ago and it’s recovering already and I see the moon on the horizon I can taste it

>> No.6527554

All-in VEN since early December. So comfy.

>> No.6527573


It means that the PBOC simply embraces blockchain. If they did not Sunny Lu would be in prison already. But thats not the case he has partnerships on a national government level.

It also means that the PBOC loves control and thats why they will launch their OWN digital currency platform where they can monitor all movements of everyone (because of money laundering, tax evasion and such). Its only a matter of time before they release this and Vechain will be supported

>> No.6527595

All in into anything is pure stupidity and youre gambler.

>> No.6527670

back when i worked with sunny he was a complete egomaniacal head case

definitely the type to make up all this shit about chinese government partnerships and venture capitalist investments

he used to flip if we made eye contact, and a daily "walton boy" would be chosen to be whipped in front of the team

what a fucking maniac

>> No.6527716


>> No.6527770

get outta here wtc cuck, sorry your coin sucks dick

>> No.6527794

you're the one who's stupid. Diversify among what ? 99% of crypto are scams that won't be around in a year, the rest 1% is overbought as fuck. Vechain is the only solid coin with good fundamentals and big partnerships. I'm also all in.

>> No.6527826

can confrim, was punched in face

>> No.6527878

Let's go boys. One of the first coins green on Binance 24 chart.

>> No.6527928

bragfag clown much?

>> No.6527947

ven continues to float above the rest of the market

>> No.6527995


What are you talking about faggot. Yoh cant even read LOL. Im basically being in favour of Vechain here. Pls tell ur ugly mom never to have kids again.

>> No.6528033

Y i hear ya, when I used to work for Sunny he made me call him daddy. If I didn't he'd threaten to put me in chains in a cellblock. The ones that refused are now called the Vechain gang

>> No.6528082

He also sexually harasssed me by grabbing my by the cock. #Metoo

>> No.6528118

Fuck you fucking shitcoin, stay down one more day. My fiat arrives tommorow and in 2 days.
I want that discount. REEEEE
What do you think is smarter, getting btc and hope for a btc run, then get ven. Or straight ven?

>> No.6528176

Not with VEN you faggot

>> No.6528179

btc is dying, just buy VEN. Some mind belowing shit is about to happen

>> No.6528182 [DELETED] 

EGAS has a 13 mil max coin supply and the price is sub 10cents right now. Even if it turns out to be a scamcoin it will definitely get pumped to $1 before then and that will only put it at 13m market cap.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6528325

This is what poor people do

>> No.6528326

Then I will go eth and straigh ven.
It would just be cool to ride the wave of eth/btc, while everything else drops more and get an extra 20%
But I guess you are rigt.

>> No.6528331

That is true and hilarious.

>Wake up
>USD value down 50K
>Oh God VeChain crashed
>Check sat value
>it's the same

>> No.6528337


Once Sunny took me on a flight to SG so we could start talks about a partnership with a prominant business in Singapore.

While were on the flight he got really rowdy. One of the passengers came up to him apologetically said that he must get annoyed by this but was a fan of his enterprise and that he cant wait to future announcements “below our minds”. Sunny fucking snapped and said “really? I’ll blow your mind right now if you dont fuck off”, all while he downed an entire glass of wiskey.

Next thing i knew we were landing and he needed to piss. Stewardess told him he had to wait rather kindly. He saw red and begain shouting in her face “do you know who i am?”. He unlocked all the hand luggage holders and started pulling them out everywhere before running inside the toilet.

Got detained with him for an entire day because of that bullshit

>> No.6528363

normally i would agree but ven is too good not to be all in.

>> No.6528427

Vechain fud is getting more and more bizarre.
How long till we step in into completely abstract realms?

>> No.6528477

No, this is what people who gonna be rich EOY do

>> No.6528484

i once saw sunny explode a developer's head with his psychic powers for not keeping up with version control best practices

>> No.6528507

I nearly bought some of this yesterday but then I was like nahhhhhh then Chinese are not to be trusted

>> No.6528556

this is how rich people are born unironically

>> No.6528632

can you read?
are you fucking retarded?

>> No.6528671

these stories about the erratic behaviour of the CEO are very concerning. i think i will sell my VEN stack.

>> No.6528725
File: 1.93 MB, 235x240, yeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6528748

What is the rich range?

>> No.6528750

not gonna lie former 40 man team member here, the more and more i research the more shady shit i find. vechain is a solid nope from me, better off putting my money in waltonchain

>> No.6528769

Too much big money in it. Chink banker whales aren't selling.

>> No.6528880

I once watched sunny rape a baby goat to death, then eat its kidneys and offer the heart to mao tse tung

>> No.6528884

True. Also price of WTC is strongly in the buy-zone right now.

>> No.6528936
File: 341 KB, 1146x970, DEATH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over boys, theyre dead. get out pack up.

>> No.6528944

Heard the same but I thought he eat the liver

>> No.6529009

That makes more sense acutally, normally the alpha gets the liver. For those juicy vitamin and iron gains.

I heard he also forces the Female devs to stay in his breeding room to impregnate them with more devs.
All of vechain is a huge incest family.

>> No.6529400

PBOC & Vechain it's happening...

>> No.6529441
File: 959 KB, 500x500, hmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6529544

S sunny, no p please not again...
Yes, I will buy more vechain. Please leave me alone.

>> No.6529577

wtf is that from

>> No.6529598

Wrong Turn

>> No.6529619

indeed, might be months till the NDA runs out though.

>> No.6529643

rip eliza dushku

>> No.6529654

Since PBoC is starting a test for their crypto project in April I think its happening in Q1

>> No.6529655

You guys... :’-)
So much free time

>> No.6530139

they are starting in april?
That is great news, all I knew is that they might consider it in 2018.

>> No.6530753

Yep, I have personally seen this happen multiple times. He doesn't only stick with baby goats but also poultry and fish. One time he was raping this huge carp whilst yelling "I FUKI FUKI YOU FISHY U SUKI SUKI ME LOV YOU LONG TIME". This all happened while the 40 man dev team was watching. Then then all ordered pizza and acted like nothing ever happened. I mean wtf? Sunny himself ate the carp that he previously ejaculated in, some real shady stuff going on their behind closed doors, not gonna lie. He personally stalked me and my wife and told me he wouldn't stop until I have him 3 pidgeons and a fidget spinner. This guy has some serious mental issues. A friend of mine served time with him back in Guantanamo and he said all Sunny ever talked about was banana's and his obsession with Hillary Duff.

>> No.6530866
File: 1.19 MB, 1080x1920, 1515857606811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you're wondering, I ended up giving him 3 pidgeons and the fidget spinner. We're cool now though, he visits often to rape our house goldfish and fap in our mailbox. I see no problem with it, aslong as he's happy and he's causing no serious damage, I mean I could always get another goldfish right..

>> No.6530885

OP thats some cheap rumour
Altho I do believe in VeChain
But having people buy on rumours will just have them sell when it turns out to not be true

>> No.6530912

Fake news.