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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6521493 No.6521493 [Reply] [Original]

Lets get real jobs thread going.

What is your occupation?
Plan to retire?

>> No.6521539

I will never have a job in my life, took out a masters degree in mechanical engineering and just applied for neetbux straight away
FUCK selling myself cheap to some jew

>> No.6521600

Instead of uhh running a business using the skills you learned?

>> No.6521639
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Civil/structural consultant
$95k + benefits
In about 5 years, earlier if crypto pays off. I tell normans that I trade stocks and FOREX.

>> No.6521660
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>> No.6521661

Lmao I don't believe you

>> No.6521687
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I quit my job to trade crypto
Im seriously going to kms after spending the last of my money on hookers

>> No.6521695
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>network engineer with 2xCCNP
>working in one of top 3 banks in Singapore
would retire earlier if working in US, with my degree they pay like 100k

>> No.6521736

IT support
5mill goal, put into stocks so I can retire and do fuck all

>> No.6521738

Fuck your FUD I will quit my low-tier wagecuck job soon

>> No.6521746

Why wouldn't you believe me? I live in northern europe i just blamed some mental illness and i get 1500$ a month for free
Why would i work?

>> No.6521755

Student, going to Law School.

>> No.6521821

Software engineer
one day but A software engineering contractor/ consultant can live forever.

>> No.6521835

smart guy. wish we had neetbux too. civil engineer here

>> No.6521852

Quality Management Engineer
In about 40years, I'm in my 4th year working and I can retire without deduction after 45years of work (in germany)

>> No.6521860

when will you virgins realize that having sex with skinny women IS NOT FUN.




>> No.6521867

I believe you have a mental illness and no degree.

>> No.6521901

Back to sucking dicks for money for me

>> No.6521912


Doctor in Japan

Fuck the nips

>> No.6521936
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>What is your occupation?
Warehouse Associate
$14.60 per hour
>Plan to retire?
Make at least 250k in crypto, quit job, cash-out 50k to live on fpr a while, continue to invest til 1 million. But house and land, reinvest some of that 1mil into real estate, stocks, etc, continue crypto forever.

>> No.6522240

Mech engineer, 55k Australian.
Not enjoyin g being a wagecuck and doing gay borning shit other cunts want. Always thought graduating and being an engineer would be the start of my life etc but im learning that theres fuck all money left over regardless of lifestyle. Been dying ti start my own business/multiple so been reading books and podcasts so I dont fail like 95% of these faggot normies. I dont want to work for anyone but myself. Dropping to 4 days a week work this year so I can focus on learning and my own pursuits. Thoughts people?

Would love advice or ridicule or any encouragement if you street shittets have some. Its always been clear that /biz are the dumbest cancerous but smartest around.

>> No.6522304

Holy fuck my austist phone spelling please excuse

>> No.6522498

Mechatronics engineering student.
$500/month sidejob watching servers.
Will die in the coming war against Islime in Europe. Fuck getting old.

>> No.6522541

Graduate Student
Died tonight

>> No.6522555

I work in healthcare
Goal is 500k by year's end. I can quit my job at that point, transitioning to trading options for a living rather safely. Would then chase retirement with house money in crypto

>> No.6522570

Technical staff at national train company
About 45k USD
Soon (I have 130k LINK)

>> No.6522606

Job: crypto speculator
Time to retirement: 99 years
Psychological outlook: suicidal

>> No.6522622

software engineer

I basically don't do any work at a cushy startup, it's great
rip wagies and people who 'work hard'

>> No.6522646

do it cunt

>> No.6522667

the county plug...

>> No.6522687 [DELETED] 
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dead end job in data center operations
77k + benefits. made $105k in 2017.

401k i guess if i don't off myself before retirement

>> No.6522694


I didn't go to college, crypto is gonna pay for it. I was pretty close to having enough to pay for school but oh well... I fucking hate college prices in the US. Currently I make 35k a year at a warehouse but my plan was to go into trades or engineering.

>> No.6522698

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck im mirin' that link stack

>> No.6522720

Lol network engineer with no paper quals on 150k here. Pajeets devalued cisco quals completely. Most are borderline retarded with no practical skills and terrible social and work skills.
Or just get good.

>> No.6522731


marine hardware engineer
5 years, cash out crypto to rental property.

>> No.6522736

marketing day job
evening web dev

frugal retirement is my only option but I'm fine with that. I just hate the dayjob.

>> No.6522777

the only quality post here

>> No.6522779

I am finishing my PhD in a natural science + put into my online profile that I am fluent in all major programming language + interested in Ethereum etc.... I get a headhunter request every week ... but I will be damned if I really have to wagecuck because all you fags destroyed my master plan on getting rich of crypto. I still need a few million dollars -.-

>> No.6522846
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>Around 500 from memeing + whatever I make in crypto
>I think I count as retired
I have no idea what i'm doing

>> No.6522856

Software engineer

$150k while working at startups
$300k while contracting

Not currently working since I have a side project that makes enough. Currently focusing on learning AI & doing various side projects.

Not sure if I'll ever go back to employment, but I'll never retire. Too boring not working on cool ideas.

>> No.6522916


Neet but now I will have to work at McDonalds
whatever my mom can afford to give me
Killing myself I become too much of a burden on my mom

Seriosuly guys i'm crying right now. Crypto was my way out and a way to finally give back to my family that has been supporting me for so long.

>> No.6523022

Learn a valuable in demand skill and it'll be easy to get a high paying job. There are plenty that you can start learning online.

>> No.6523068
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And rejoice

>> No.6523081

Math PhD
300k starting salary

>> No.6523130

I earn 1000euros per month as a europoor.

What would be my salary in USD bux?

>> No.6523141
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>mfw I quit my very well paid job 2 weeks ago cause of my massive crypto gains and now I'm 50% down.

>> No.6523208

Data center real estate transaction consultant at CBRE

Maybe we work in the same company?

>> No.6523233


Did you take the fiat you needed to live on for say 3 months?

>> No.6523278

$14.6k, so below minimum wage in the US.

>> No.6523304

no fucking way. how did you calculate that?

>> No.6523318
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food delivery guy, 35k ish a year
30k in stocks/5k in crypto/5k in options
Planning on retiring whenever i no longer need to work, so probably never. Fucked my life up, with a criminal record due to poor decisions and pretty shitty parents, barely getting by life sucks.

>> No.6523325

Good luck mate.

>> No.6523331
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s-sure thing anon

>> No.6523367

imaginary engineer

>> No.6523408

After today I’m looking for a job in web dev

>> No.6523419

UPS driver.. 36$/hr OT every day.. so about 80-100k a year.
Trying to get rich off crypto so I can retire before I’m 30, but at least I have my job, benefits, pension + 401k if it doesn’t work out.

>> No.6523423

nah but you may have worked with us at some point as we're always building new sites and acquiring other DCs.

>> No.6523479


>frugal retirement is my only option

Muh nigger.

Frugal retirement in cheap country is the only path for me and that's fine. So long as I don't have to work the cuckwage.

>> No.6523498

Sr software engineer
No retirement plan, love what I do

Invested 1/3 of last years income in crypto, have 12000% ROI (not counting todays dip)

>> No.6523574

Coal sampler, 60k at best
About 105k in crypto, fallen from 140k q week and a half ago

>> No.6523582

>Nuclear instrumentation and control tech
> $80k-110k a year depending on how much OT I take
As for retirement, my Roth is growing at a decent rate, and I play with a few thousand in crypto but mostly for fun. Honestly if my boring lifestyle stays the same and I'm still single, I could easily retire at 45. I mostly just live like a shut in other than work.

>> No.6523660

When people say they "apply for neetbux" is it just unemployment or what? Disability?

>> No.6523696

PhD student of AI. Salary: 0.

>> No.6523715


I'm seeing a girl with a body similar to OP's pic, sex with her is very fun. touching her tight stomach/legs keeps me plenty hard. she also moans a lot too tho :^)

>> No.6523985

I almost did that. I'm sad that I have to keep wagecucking a bit longer though.

>> No.6524115

nigger they count the whole year as your "salary" so he just multiplied by 12 and converted to USD
god fucking millenials

>> No.6524150

Why do you all talk like it's the end of crypto?

>> No.6524304

I work an admin job and day trade crypto on my tablet

>> No.6524408

SWE at a large tech company, 2 yrs.

300k salary.

Retiring at 32 off my non-crypto investments.

>> No.6524594

NEET. Studying software development online so I can wagecuck and not have to talk to as many people.
Plan to retire: find a decent job and put my wages into crypto

>> No.6524631

nice LARP, norman

>> No.6524632


>> No.6524777

>tfw pol is all welders with low iq
>tfw biz is all engineers with 300iq
Fellow mech engr here. Also do my own business and other things related to cryptos.
after I make 20m fuck off to some Chink land and escape America becoming Brazil 2.0

>> No.6525122

How do you only male 55k a year as an engineer? You can make that working at coles

>> No.6525464
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entry level software engineer
$70000 (living with and supporting my mom with 1k a month, rest goes into food, crypto, 401k and stocks)
My plan is to basically invest all my spare money on all of the above until I'm 40. If I'm not a millionaire by then I'll still be in pretty good shape, and I'll work like the rest of them until I'm 65. I don't care if I end up a wageslave, but It's better to have tried to be a millionaire in my 30s than to be a slightly wealthier wage slave into my 60s.

>> No.6525585


How do you get those side projects? On upwork, or do you have a network of clients of your own?

>> No.6525624

What did you invest in?

>> No.6525647 [DELETED] 

> Computer Analyst (Incident Monitoring)
> $80k/year w/ full benefits
> In a union; great job security
> Scripted most of my job
> I spend 9+ hours per shift trading crypto, shit posting, and learning new skills

Only downside is that I work alone on a graveyard shift. However, no one is around to witness me fucking around.

>> No.6525688

Tool and die maker
35k a year
I have to retire at 70

>Thanks Merkel
>Refugees welcome ™

>> No.6525707


>criminal record follows you your whole life

shit like this makes me glad crypto exists

fucking faggot authoritarians can't fucking let things be

>> No.6525724

> Computer Analyst (Incident Monitoring)
> $80k/year w/ full benefits
> In a union; great job security
> Scripted most of my job
> I spend 9+ hours per shift trading crypto, shit posting, and learning new skills
> Will retire whenever I feel like I have enough assets to bring in $50k/year in passive income

Only downside is that I work alone on a graveyard shift. However, no one is around to witness me fucking around.

>> No.6525775


Can you do you're own taxes?

What's keeping small manufacturers like you from under-reporting your income to a cunt authoritarian like Merkel?

>> No.6525810 [DELETED] 
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>Software/programmer guy
>130ish AUD
>I'm only 36 cunt

>> No.6525835
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I'm studying Law but I haven't done shit this past semester because I thought I would become a millionaire with crypto. Back to the books but it's already too late. I am far too behind to get a decent grade, it's over guys. Cya on the flipside.

>> No.6525875

Law firm employee, 20k a year.

Plan to retire? Ha, good one, retirements will be a thing of the past by the time I'm old enough. Nah, I put most of my savings in crypto in october 2017. Started with 15k and now I'm close to being a millionnaire (thank you XRB, it was a nice pump). Before EOY 2018 i'll be able to just abandon my job and actually enjoy my life for a while.

Maybe I'll work again after a few years if I'm really bored, but people are too often huge cunts and I'm sick of dealing with them. So I'll probably just buy myself a large piece of land in the countryside, put 10m walls around it and live in peace.

Also I'll get myself a sex slave/live-in housemaid. After all, what's life without some material pleasure from time to time.

>> No.6525883

>What is your occupation?
Doing a PhD
~20k€/a. If the PhD is finished, who knows. Stay in Academia, barely making a living, or maybe get into consulting? Or start a /biz/ with my gf…
>Plan to retire?
Yeah, at some point probably. If I manage to get 10% annual return, I'll have 1 Million in the bank at 60, so I guess that'll do, assuming I can do my normal expenses from my salary.

>> No.6525892

which school?

>> No.6526033

>I am finishing my PhD in a natural science + put into my online profile that I am fluent in all major programming language + interested in Ethereum etc.... I get a headhunter request every week ...
Assuming you are not larping:
Where are you and what kind of requests do you get? I'm also into natsci, so I'm also (theoretically) a good programmer, and yeah, that crypto interest is definitely there. Not really sure if I could actually do anything useful in that space, but milking a few moneys out of some retarded startup would be OK with my ethics.

>> No.6526138
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23 yo
scamming and carding
quit because of crypto
150K in a good year
im retired

>> No.6526372

Middle school teacher.
About $45,000 USD a year.

>> No.6526446

is carding still as easy as it was 2 years ago? Can you get quality fullz? Best method?

>> No.6526754

security analyst
160k p.a.
bought 2 farms last year with BTC gains . if the world goes to the dogs i have a sweet hedge with dogs and motorbikes! thanks for nothing /biz/, other than pink wojack threads this shit is useless.

>> No.6526870

agreed. my wife has a gymnast body and her muscles without fat is far more appealing feeling when pressed up against you than that cold fat feeling from pudgy women. muscle feels warm against you, unlike fat.

>> No.6527215
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it all went to shit, it isnt as lucrative. fucking pajeets swarmed it and ruined everything. its not worth the effort. if youre still want to dabble in the darkside, learn wallet APIs and fuzz for crypto nodes. Most dont even have fucking passwords, then take their private keys, i see it all the time on Chinese hacking forums. Same applies to low vol exchanges. If youre a brainlet or mentally handicapped to the point of not understanding that, learn MITM attacks and phish MEW at starbucks in Silicon Valley or a crypto meetup. Basically any place with a large no of numales showing off their wallets
kek. defense is harder than offense. I give you sleepless nights mate

>> No.6527290
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>produce clerk
>26k CAD
>im gonna die a wagecuck
if i dont kms first

>> No.6527337
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'I give you sleepless nights mate'

>> No.6527904

Bike Messenger/food delivery

Fuck me I love it so much though.

>> No.6528001

process engineer at an oil refinery
make 120k
plan to retire after having kids and putting them through college

>> No.6528038

> working

lol, stop it.

>> No.6528062

couldnt be more wrong.
>nothing to grab on
grabbing on to fat is literally disgusting

>> No.6528232

unnoficial self employed crypto speculating investor
next year hopefully

>> No.6528248



>> No.6528294
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Lmao bugmen engineers only

>> No.6528333
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>> No.6528354

‘Cloud Architect’ - meme title
Around 120k AUD + whatever overtime I put in
Retirement plan short term is crypto and moving somewhere with a lower cost of living... if I don’t make enough for that before it all goes to hell then I’ll invest half into fintech shit, and use the other half to start a /biz/ so I don’t entirely feel like I’m wagecucking

>> No.6528367
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>What is your occupation?
Sous chef at Wendy's
Pulling about $150k
>Plan to retire?
My cock is about 10 inches flacid

>> No.6528447

Got out the Marines in 2014 been living off the GI Bill ever since. Started college this year tho.

>> No.6528487
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i own a bar i got from my dad. Honestly not a bad gig at all.

>> No.6528519

I became a link marine last year.
Why would you get out?

>> No.6528581

>graduate in 2015 with an offshore engineering degree
>oil goes into massive downturn a couple months before graduation
>manage to find a job as a subsea engineer. pay is okay but industry is dead
>2 years later quit to go back to school to get masters in aerospace
>do random engineering contracting in the evening while I take classes
>graduating next year
>fully expect the aerospace industry to die 3 months prior to my graduation

>> No.6528758

>fully expect the aerospace industry to die 3 months prior to my graduation
Flight industry isn't really "dead" but stiff, they're not going anywhere special in the next 15 years. Airbus etc already got all the contracts and plans for many years because the current design of commercial and cargo planes is at it's peak for now. Nothing will really change. It's good because the industry is pretty secure but you wont witness any big stuff like in the IT industry.

Idk about space industry though, but since almost all of it is state funded you shouldn't have to worry.

>> No.6528825

you gotta make them submit

>> No.6528870

software engineer
140k, I work in Cali
Probably 55-60? I feel like if I retired, I wouldn't know what to do all day, and I enjoy my job. Sure I can go on vacation every month but still, I'll probably be promoted to 200k+ a year as a senior engineer, so I'll keep money, invest a shit ton in crypto and stocks for retirement.

>> No.6529058

I'm focusing on dynamics and controls anyway so even if space takes a shit I still have every other robotics avenue to go down.

>> No.6529063
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I grow copious amounts of marijuana and sell it just to two different friends. Earn about $8000 every 3 months usually. I then pump $2-3k into various crypto's. I've never worked for anyone else ever and it feels great.
And where I live I would get a slap on the wrist for growing not even prison time.

>> No.6529084

decided against PhD and went with consulting after an internship

120k starting salary, no plans to retire

>Or start a /biz/ with my gf
that's honestly a pretty horrible idea if you want to keep your relationship healthy

>maybe get into consulting?
getting in shouldn't be too hard currently but it's a hard start for PhD's because you start at an advanced position where your peers will have 2-3 years consulting experience and you will basically be a useless baby on the first 2-3 cases you're on

also keep in mind that consulting means 60h - 80h of work a week

if you don't mind that, it's a great job because the people are amazing and the learning curve insane

>> No.6529093

my probation officer wants me to get a job, I really don't want to though. Can I just pretend I make alot of money off crypto and say thats my job?

>> No.6529222

Software developer
86k CAD
No plan for retirement currently, but I have an RRSP of my own plus a matched one I contribute to off my paycheque.

I figure the retirement picture could change if I ever got a wife and/or kids, so I'll do that first and then make an actual plan

>> No.6529470
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student living in a shithole here

what percentage of your salary do you guys get to keep? (subtract taxes, living expenses, ..etc)

>> No.6529482 [DELETED] 

I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6529503

I work on a farm removing horseshit and cleaning horse blankets while swingtrading crypto.

>> No.6529507

I pocket 1 gorilla every week.

>> No.6529535

Financial analust


not anytime soon

>> No.6529627

SRE at large tech company (just started)
$110k + benefits
Investing in stocks and real estate, idk

>> No.6529741

Lawyer, but now only trading, studying to be a prosecutor for the Brazilian Central Bank

If I land the job, my salary will be 73k/year on the first year, 100k/year at the end of the career

After my 70s, I think. Only if I made a nasty amount of money (like millions) I'd retire before that age

>> No.6529756

>decided against PhD and went with consulting after an internship
>also keep in mind that consulting means 60h - 80h of work a week
I know. Used to be in it for 2 years before going back to university. Worked at a company and place I could not stand, and money can only buy you so much, but the job in itself was OK. But I'm not sure if I can go back to that.

>>Or start a /biz/ with my gf
>that's honestly a pretty horrible idea if you want to keep your relationship healthy
Yeah, I'm aware that this is very high risk, but part of the >be your own boss meme is appealing. But she learned a trade, which included background on all the legal aspects of starting your own biz, and there is definitely a demand and a chance to make it, but yeah, high risk, both financially and for the relationship. But we could always raise the capital with some buzzword ridden ICO, sell the bizness and then tour the world doing talks on taking the blockchain to the real world…

>> No.6529760

Software engineer, $125k in PNW. Enjoy what I do, no thoughts or plans of retiring yet. Close to my first promotion that'll pay $160k and am pretty excited.

>> No.6529916

Management Consultant/Contracting
A few mil would do it, Although I sort of want to start doing more shit I actually enjoy and taking longer breaks in between contracts, learn some new skills, etc, so that may delay the timeline somewhat...

>> No.6530017

I'm a student right just so my parents think Im doing something with my life. If crypto does not work out for me I will do G4P. I am /fit/ enough to make a lot money from it, already have a few offers that are seriously hard to refuse

>> No.6530114

Soulless office drone ready to kms

$38k a year

Going to quit very fucking soon. I have $700k in crypto right now. Early retirement here I come.

>> No.6530159

Currently doing a physics phd.

the job market is a crap shoot.

graduate school has been pumping out papers

I hate it. did a physics and cs undergrad. I should've gone the cs route. The incentives in acadamia are really fucked up. I wonder when this pyramid scheme's gonna blow.

>> No.6530366

220k software engineer? In wich country?
In France a software engineer makes 60k euros at most.

>> No.6530470

>What is your occupation?
Software Engineer
>Plan to retire?
I'm pretty happy with what I do, but I do kind of plan to retire or at least kind of leave the workforce and do my own shit eventually.

>> No.6530510

He is almost certainly a burger. 220k for sr software engineer is common in high cost-of-living cities here.

>> No.6530529

>graduate school has been pumping out papers
>…The incentives in acadamia are really fucked up. I wonder when this pyramid scheme's gonna blow.
Same here, though I like what I do, but the papers part is fucked up indeed.
Publish or perish, but who the fuck is going to read all that stuff? I encounter so many papers that are just some academic masturbation exercise (and I'm also currently writing such a thing, mea culpa…) and should have just been a short chapter in another paper, but instead, they are 20 pages of fapping around, with 20 authors, where 15 are only on it, because they have to be.

>> No.6530625

Civil Engineer - construction site foreman. Shit tier job listening whining carpenters all day long, thanks you unions. All the workers Make more € than me.

31k €urodollars

Link is my one and only plan. Save little bit each month to buy more. Now i have 10k

>> No.6530680

How do you earn so little as an engineer?

>> No.6530737

Senior Manager at consulting firm
160k + 18% bonus this year (terrible)
I have about 150k in 401k but I feel behind because I am 34 and I want out early.

>> No.6530738

Consultant (<1 yr)
Pseudo-retire eventually

>> No.6530760

Contractor so varies 60-100k
got 50k savings, 60k stocks, 200k (after todays dip was 300k last week) crypto. If I can get 7 figures from crypto I'd like to just get some job to prevent boredom, was thinking about starting my own business soon actually as I have a decent idea.

>> No.6530806

Hopefully at 30 with Cryptogains

>> No.6530814
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Fuck you guys
I have a master's degree and I just applied for a job where the annual wage in dollars would be 9200. And they'll likely won't even take me. Other jobs pay similar money.

I don't understand how can you earn that much.

>> No.6530815

At 55 or so, sure.

>> No.6530823
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Amazon slave 20K a year.
Why can't I fucking die already

>> No.6530932


Industrial sales. I’ve worked from home for years - it’s a nice gig.

Last year was so mellow that I picked a second similar job with a European start up. So right now I have two salaries and bonuses etc. I’m hoping to keep it going until March.

Job 1 pays 90k a year - 125k after OTE bonuses - up to 140k.

Job 2 pays 110k a year (1099 which is new for me) - with a 20k bonus.

I can retire from job 1 at some point - I’ve been there for three years - which is my longest job... sales people have a tendency to hop around.

Also dumped a ton into crypto 1/1/19 - hoping to just hold it and let it build the next few years to see how much it can grow.

>> No.6530950

MSc in Mathematics, working as an actuary at PwC and earning $215,000/year. Been putting half my salary into crypto since 2009 and have 7 digits in real world assets and 8 digits in crypto. Could have retired long ago but I'm having too much fun with the numbers and making use of my office tools to perform geometric modeling. This is more behavioral finance theory than anything else so I've been currently trying to work in 2nd order derivatives to see if there's any increase predictive accuracy. So far, all signs point to yes.

>> No.6530995


>industrial sales

nice anon, me too. don't work from home though.

>> No.6531009
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Married well

>> No.6531011

Sucking cock for cash
$30 per dick
all in on crypto

>> No.6531036

crypto exchange marketing
2000usd a month~

>> No.6531056

Where on earth do you live?

>> No.6531058


And honestly I would throw my entire second salary at crypto - but a few years I rage quit a job and didn’t realize it would take 6 months to find a job and ran into alllll kinds of debt trying to keep my family of 4 afloat. Still paying that off.

>> No.6531092

Masters in physics, almost PhD
Quit grad school to make extra money for investments in crypto
Machine learning Intern - $25/hour
After intern - $40/hour

>> No.6531094

How much VET are you holding?

>> No.6531148

>junior developer
>$65k + benefits
>ideally crypto and long term HODLing will let me cash out at least $1.5m in the next 5 years, at which point i'll transfer that money into index funds, live off 3-4% a year, and never worry about money or crypto ever again

>> No.6531168

which cunt

>> No.6531175

It fucking looks like a first-world country (kinda), but the average fucking annual wage is $14k, and if you just graduated you won't even make that.
What are my options?

>> No.6531218

Is cost of living cheap at least? How much would rent for a month cost you? Honestly it seems like your best bet for money is in Crypto (providing we aren't doomed today)

>> No.6531223

>>>6525688 (You)
>Can you do you're own taxes?
>What's keeping small manufacturers like you from under-reporting your income to a cunt authoritarian like Merkel?

Fear of the taxman. Only murder gets punished harder than tax evasion in Germany. If you have a business that you built up one wrong move and you are done. Forever. Only Turks risk that because once it gets discovered they leave to turkey and never come back.

>> No.6531235

marry some german slut. ez

>> No.6531244

that's woke, planning on doing the same.

>> No.6531385
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Yeah just yesterday I had $30k in crypto. Now much less lol, but if this isn't the bubble burst it should recover soon.
Yeah the cost of living is relatively cheap, you'd pay maybe $600 for rent + bills monthly... wait that would be almost my entire wage. If I make it with crypto I'll likely buy some real estate to make money from renting.

>> No.6531404

I actually have a simple plan. Not disclosing everything.

2000USD/Month (i dont live in the US, the place where i live a normie gets 700).
I have a 3 stage plan for Crypto. First plan is to cashout on 300k and buy myself a home. Second plan is to cashout on 600k and 3rd plan is just to go to 1MM and cashout. Nevertheless i will probably cashout some amount on 300k. Now other plans i will not be revealing but this is basically it. Currently in a growing trend.

>> No.6531454


>> No.6531494

$600 for rent and bills is easily achievable in the Southern/Midwest US but with salary way higher for tech jobs

>> No.6531531
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LOL cant believe how many faggots fell for a datamining thread.

>> No.6531591

i applied for MBB, didnt get in, started a business, and make over 500k a year.. you consultants are so talented, why dont you just leave and make money? youre being slaved around

>> No.6531700

Financial Advisor
It was a rough when I first started but for 2017 I made 275k.
I don't think I'll retire, this job is too easy.

>> No.6531739 [DELETED] 

Business Owner
Electronics Repair
50-100K per year depending on how
Much I want to work
No plans, but back in school

>> No.6531779

Holy shit that sounds unbelieveable.

>> No.6531806


I don’t even know what I would do in an office.

What do you focus on? One job is air quality and the other is water infrastructure for me.

But my real job is just making the CRM look good for both haha

>> No.6531817

literally the skinnier women's bodies get the more androgynous they get. enjoy your traps

>> No.6531861

>1100 EUR a month
>already retired

>> No.6531999

Video Game designer Usually make around 70k year. Things with crypto went well so I decided to try my hands at going indie. So far so good even with losses.

Retire? whats that? I'm going to die from working too much.

>> No.6532019

I wish I had a gig like you. Even if I made half of that. Working sales from home would be amazing. Pls help me do that. Pls respond. Pls.

Oh and project manager wagecuck, 65k a year, will probably stroke out within a year instead of retire because I hate my job so much. It's not healthy.

>> No.6532020


Money for autism

You can't have more than 2k in assets to qualify

>> No.6532098


Actually as a PM you could swing into sales easily. I had literally no background in it before I got my first sales job.

What kind of projects do you do?

>> No.6532111
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that's a dude. you can see it kilometers away.

>> No.6532162

>already retired

>> No.6532196

IT project management for right now. I work for a technology company so making sure implementation stays to scope and on time.

Will also take over other PM jobs for the company which deals with large scale imaging equipment.

Are you US? I've never worked sales but that's where the money is at. What kind of industrial?

>> No.6532240


Didn't realize you made that much more than the wage cucks at USPS.

>> No.6532284


Consultancy based firm man, I can only book hours to active projects with budgets left in them. Graduated a year and a half ago but it feels like things are only starting to pick up. The company does a fair bit of engineering design etc for rio,bhp,pls etc

>> No.6532316

65k in Singapore? Fuck that's like pennies. I was about to take an animation job over there but decided I hate chinks

>> No.6532356


No no no - software sales people can make way more than I do.

Look at the software systems to use right now and that you’re familiar with then hop onto their websites and see if they need sales people.

I’ve seen software sales guys with 200-300k salaries.

I’d kill to be in that arena.

>> No.6532414

>What is your occupation?
I sell darknet acid for a living
Worked in sales earlier last year, made enough money on drugs that i don't have to work
5x my usual wagecuck salary
>Plan to retire?

>> No.6532456


Oh and yes I’m in the us.

You are in a good spot to transition into software sales.

The ladders . Com has nothing but six-figure salary jobs - also I will try to find some headhunters on LinkedIn most of my best jobs came from recruiters

>> No.6532524

Damn. I guess I will have to see what I'm familiar with and look into something. I'm not married and have no kids so it won't hurt if I have to travel.

I just hate the thought of cold calls or just showing up at someone's business. I'm sure you get over it.

Would love to know more if you ever get a chance. My throwaway is mtmmid at Gmail

No pressure if you don't care enough to. I understand

>> No.6532681


I’ll try to get with you later - but I’m always down to help. It’s all about networking - maybe one day you can get me into software haha.

The thing about it is I don’t really consider myself a sales person - I have a quality solution to some problems that people are facing. So my job is a necessarily to sell them anything but to offer solutions with the products I have.

The products I have something like pencils which basically sold as a commodity because the cheap they are highly technical and it’s more my job to let the customer know what we can do and how we can benefit them - which actually has a lot of value versus a “sales guy”

I’m sure that’s more true in software than anywhere

>> No.6532763 [DELETED] 

>unemployed NEET for 5 years out of HS
>no prospects
>extremely LOW IQ ugly and autistic so no hope of grafting life out of nothing
>using parents life savings to buy my way out of the rat race (which would essentially be a rat trap for my hopeless useless corporeal form where I am incapable of fitting into)

>> No.6532828

Awesome knowledge man. Thanks for the info. Just driving 20 mins to my wagecuck job now. End me.

Thanks for any insight you can give me later. I truly do appreciate it. All about networking is so true

>> No.6532861


No problemo

>> No.6532878

I work for a video game studio. I like my job, but I don't get paid nearly enough for me to get anywhere in life. I could save my money for the next ten years and buy a house, but I don't feel like waiting that long. Crypto is going to be my ticket to a comfortable life is everything works out.

>> No.6532955

IT consultant
80 to >100k€
In about 10 years max.

>> No.6532980

>55K a year
>Only work three days a week (12hr shifts)

Pretty comfy right now, considering even a second job out of boredom

>> No.6532988
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Art director alongside the occasional freelance job
Don't. I like my job too much

>> No.6533001

>Network engineer
>Loan my 148k IRA to house flippers at 20%. Should have a couple mil in 10-15 years.
>Buy rental houses using OPM and eventually 1031 into apartments
>Crypto before I got JUST'd

>> No.6533349

>Systems Engineer at one of the big 3 Aerospace Defense Contractors
>62k (I have a promotion coming soon so I’m guessing it’ll be around 75k-80k after that, hopefully)
>I invest in a 401k and have a few grand floating in crypto. Honestly I haven’t really actively planned out retirement. I’m planning on going back to school for my Masters and hope to work til I die.

>> No.6533350

Same boat for me. Mechanical engineer in Canada. 50k USD (62.5k cad) a year. Work is so mundane, I've been thinking of starting my own business as well but without a professional engineering certification the entire field of engineering is basically off limits. No idea what I would start a business in anyway.

>> No.6534026

IT System Admin
Yes, I've been maxing out my ROTH and meeting my employer 401k contributions since forever. sitting on a nice size egg ATM. Have some bonds from my Mum and a nice inheritance incoming from my father. Crypto is just the icing on the cake.

>> No.6534314

God I would love to own a bar.

>> No.6534327

>owner doesn't use lube when he butt rapes me
>i want out
>if i won't get rich by 30 I'll neck myself

>> No.6534494
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Marketing Analyst for Real
42K before bonus mileage reimbursement
Work my ass off and crypto until I'm 40. Wife already have over 250K in retirement because her mom struggled hard in the medical industry to get that for her. So I should be able to retire with her at 40-45~ with us having about 2-3 Million saved up by then even at my meager wage. Assuming Crypto doesn't go belly up.
Gotten some pretty good gains, going from $200 in April to $35,000 last week before this big dip.

>> No.6534550

*real estate firms and Retail stores.

>> No.6535286

Go to crna school in a couple years. My plan is graduate with my unrelated masters, do a one year absn, work for a couple years as a nurse and then the three year crna school

>> No.6535409

Side project are my own that I started, no one pays me for them. I only have one that generates revenue right now.

I'm no longer contracting, but when I was it was mostly gigs through my own network, a lot of referrals by ex-coworkers and such. I found one through angellist as well that started as a 1 month thing but ended up becoming a 6 month gig. Most contracts were with startups in SF and one remote in LA.

I've only browsed Upwork a little bit, but it looked liked it only had low paying gigs and a bunch of contractors accepting low pay. Probably hard to get $150-200/hr there.

I only contracted for 2 years so not too experienced at it, but I could tell that having a large network presence is everything. A guy I know is semi twitter famous, and has no shortage of contract requests at $300/hr.

>> No.6535449

Depends on the market
At age 30

>> No.6535474


>> No.6535538

>be 22
>Doing MBA + studying for Company Secretary Licence (read Compliance Officer) from India
>Already half way through with exceptional scores
> Work for 2 years
>Apply for ICSA International / UK

I got my life figured out. 15 years later I'll be banging bitches in my lambo. Until then I'll just pass my time toying with crypto.

>> No.6535650

Why does in seem like everyone on 4chan is an engineer? I saw it on Reddit too when I used to lurk. Software engineer especially.

>around 95k after tax.
>Currently have a 980k networth, once I reach 1.5 million I'll retire, should only take 3 years or so, probably less since I'm loaded up on ETH.

>> No.6535659

T. Ugly man that can only get with landwhales

Keep coping my dude.

>> No.6535690

Yes, $220k is fairly normal for Sr. Eng.

If you live in Silicon Valley and work for a top company like Google/Facebook/Netflix/Amazon/Apple/Microsoft then a total comp salary/equity/bonus is closer to $350-400k.

>> No.6535698

Hey, finally another teacher.

High school physics teacher, $50k, i'll probably move to another career in 8 years after my student loans are forgiven by pslf

>> No.6535753

Get help and start your own firm

>> No.6535773


Lawyer specializing in intellectual property. Just an associate in Boston. $120k per year. No real retirement plan, probably start my own practice eventually. I have no interest in retiring young.

>> No.6535781

160k, software engineering manager.

currently 31 and engaged. hoping to retire by 50 or transition from the ratrace to some kind of research / interesting work before 40. want a kid, so that makes things a little harder.

>> No.6535842

I think you're a larping high school student.

>> No.6535920


Work in a warhouse in norway driving a forklift.
110k USD
If I stay childless I could probably save enough to retire at 50, especially if i move to a place like thailand to retire.

>> No.6535999

Bsn nurse working in critical care, currently in the application process to crna school. I hear back from the first one in march

>> No.6536030

IT director
$150k + $25k bonus + $25k LTI RSUs (stocks that vest over 3 years), so $200k in total per year
Yeah, after 14 years in the corporate world I think I'm almost done. Still want to do something else though.

>> No.6536137

Masters degree in Electrical Engineering 60K design job.

>> No.6536195

Senior systems programmer (ITSEC)
Base pay $137,480
Retirement current target in 20 years - crypto gains. If I can make $8M in crypto I'll cash out 3/4 and retire. Folio currently at $1.21M. I'll probably lose another 20% during the bear run, but should recoup nicely on the next bull. Hope to swing it into $4M on the next bull.

>> No.6536220

>freelance artist/comic assistant
>$20-$50 per page, avg 5 pages a week = $400-$1000/mo
>NEETbux $3000/mo, already sort of "retired" just draw for weed money

>> No.6536304

Registered Nurse
$23.78 per hour
I don't want to do this career I only chose it because I needed money and working 3x12 shifts makes me feel less like a wageslave.

4 days off is nice.

>> No.6536379

freelance software engineer - €120k per year in western/central europe.

>> No.6536575

Profession: Drug dealer in a 3rd world country

Income: in USD about 2.5k month currently, months like december I made a lot more

Retirement: Hope to retire before december 2019.

>> No.6536611

85k cad a year
Boil water for a living.
90% of the time I browse the internets, i'm at work right now.
20% equity in ~260k house.
Sports car
30k in bankz split 50/50 with CAD/USD
I don't do crytofaggotry.

>> No.6536726

People always tell the truth on the interwebs. Good pajeeet, mine that fake news.

>> No.6537043

Get your fuckin' paper both ways.
Become consultant/teach.
The three stages of a sane human life should be.
Learn 1- 14 > Do 14 -35 > Teach 35 - death

>> No.6537062


I'm this guy:


I keep $1600 every two weeks for $3200 a month.

>> No.6537167


Software Dev
2500 euros

why amerifag devs earn so much more

>> No.6537244

how do i become a water boiler

>> No.6537368

Merchant navy student
375 euro/month as a cadet.
Build up a retirement to retire at 55 I suppose. I wouldn't mind working till retirement at some cushy office job. Work at sea is tough as balls.

>> No.6537521

Keep up the investing and avoid shit people for a few more years and you're clear. GL Anon.

>> No.6537724

1) Study
2) Write gubberment exams
3) get practical time
4) win at life.

>> No.6537909

Attorney, 200k + bonus, gonna try to tough it out for another 5 years before semi-retirement. Hopefully will have around 2.5-3 mil hoarded by then (lost around 200k in the past 2 days though so I'm not super confident about this anymore)

>> No.6538054

Jr Sysadmin
Salary: 3rd world country

I need to leave

>> No.6538663

>all these people making more than 50k a year

As if I needed any more profit Reddit and normies killed this board. Go to hell retards, I hope crypto crashes and you all lose your jobs.

>> No.6538743

>What is your occupation?
>Plan to retire?
assistant to the regional manager (something like that)
45k europoors
killing myself is always an option

>> No.6538757

America leads the tech industry, and there's a constant demand for more talent with pay to match

The 5 largest companies in the world are companies that happen to be American and in tech. That's no coincidence.

>> No.6538875
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NEET, live at parents
gonna kms soon cuz anime/vidya gets boring

>> No.6539024
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if STEMs are so smart then why arent they set for life yet?

>> No.6539056
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medical scribe

14k a year

>> No.6539072

Undergraduate student
2450.34 US Dollar per month
no plan yet but probably after 10 years!

>> No.6539090

all the VC fags are parked in san francisco and all the easy shekels leak out from there.

>> No.6539123

no plan to retire, my only plan is to buy a Kawasaki Z1 900 and since they are so fucking rare here in the states I'm thinking of going to Japan just for this fucking bike

>> No.6539135

Commercial real estate owner & broker.
Made $700k last year.

>> No.6539304

abd the only way I know of getting to japan with no money is the military

>> No.6539346


20 years IT

Sold everything put notice in at job, got into crypto.

Now all in VEN.

Retire on THOR.

It’s not too late to save your life with VEN. If you haven’t figured out how deep the VEN rabbit hole goes, you’d better start researching.

>> No.6539660

Highway engineer, $51k+copious benefits, plan to retire on public funded pension and my own private investments

>> No.6539739

affiliate marketing, crypto and ETFs

I make about 2k a month

>> No.6539744

>Highway engineer
wats dis?
what do you think about autobahn?

>> No.6539800

Where I live the average is below 11k a year.
Cost of living is about 15k a year.
>tfw obviously third world.
>tfw immediately fucked when you get an illness

>> No.6539979

I too boil water for a living
73k usd salary and another 40-50k a year in overtime
Comfy af

>> No.6539985

how the fuck can you earn that much driving a forklift in norway?

>> No.6539990
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Everyone else is larping, I'll post some real shit.

118k last year
25 years from now

>> No.6540067


going for a MA in history so i can teach at a college, maybe Phd later if it strikes my fancy and if it seems worth it

probably $70k before deductions once i make full time, will probably have to suffer for while before I can get there as a part timer

don't have anything set up yet but i plan to buy into a roth as soon as I'm able to so that + gubment retirement and healthcare should leave me set up pretty well

>> No.6540109

>if it seems worth it

>> No.6540124

>What is your occupation
Freelance writer, editor, "creative consultant" (kek)

N/A, but I bill $60-$80/he depending in the project

>Plan for retirement
Not sure yet, depends on what I want to do after uni.

>> No.6540189

>What is your occupation?
full time student and entrepreneur
after taxes I made 71k last year, 41k takehome after tuition/room/board/expenses. Extra money went towards my car and the rest was saved and put into crypto
>net worth(adding this one)
Car: 19k, 2004 Porsche 911 Turbo
Crypto: During the dip(as of RIGHT NOW) I have 59k
>Subletting Condo near my college that I currently live in, and three others live with me, condo is worth about 100k
>Plan to retire?
we're far from that my friend, I will hustle and run my businesses till the day I fucking die.

>> No.6540285

to clarify: I put 30k down on the condo and the rent from the other three, plus my contribution pays utilities and mortgage, so I will have 100k to spend once it's paid off just for living somewhere

>> No.6540404

bering sea fisherman
I'll retire when I'm dead you pussywet faggots

>> No.6540730

Because it's fucking norway, fag.

>> No.6540832
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Crypto investor

>> No.6540835

that is not a normal salary for norway at all though

>> No.6540915

Here's your (You), anon.

>> No.6540936


Patient care tech at a hospital. School for a PA or NP.


Inherit a $750,000 house with stocks and about $200k in insurance funds.

>> No.6541029

Fatties are beyond disgusting. Anon has a mental disorder.

>> No.6541080

I work traveling and doing street performance in South America and living on gas stations most of time. Consider myself retired. I have like 30k in crypto that will just sit there if someday I became disabled or like 90 years old. My expenses are most smartphone related. Last year my expenses was 1600 USD with everything.

>> No.6541093

$13/hr, Part Time
Bullet to the head

The cycle of being born into the lower class is impossible to break.

>> No.6541138


Start a janitorial business.

>> No.6541164

Software Dev
asap... but realistically before im 30 (25 currently)

>> No.6541248

Just put my two week notice. It didnt make sense for me to work a $16 /hour accounts payables job . Ive made 10x my annual salary in 6 months

>> No.6541268

>learned from school

>> No.6541302

fellow quality manager here
36,4k€/year after tax
im going to inherit one house valued ~300k€

>> No.6541326

You have access to the internet, you can learn a ton of valuable skills like design or programming. The only thing stopping you is lack of insight and initiative.

>> No.6541523

on unemployment
-15k in debt

currently 2k in crptyo .last week it was 5k

i cashed out this morning. LOL

invested about 700 dollars.

dont know what to do with my life.

>> No.6541658

>IT engineer
>55k euro a year
>too autistic to do consulting
>putting all the cash left after paying rent, groceries, utilities into crypto
>can't wait to retire so I can do autistic shit full time

>> No.6541688


I honestly envy you.

Live the life, anon.

>> No.6541848

This is a terrible plan

>> No.6542135

Union Ironworker 140k a year plus another 60k in retirement accounts

>> No.6542205

Web dev

>> No.6542226


>> No.6542232

>Chemical Engineer
>40+ years

I’m only 22 and start work this May. I intend on investing in property and renovate a fixer upper in my spare time and then rent it. I want to rinse and repeat that as I move around. I enjoy manual labor in my spare time.

I just came for the crypto suicide watch.

>> No.6542336

Same here. Max comfy having weekdays off.

>> No.6542352

Shilling crapcoins on /biz
About -30.000$.
Sold organs.