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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 83 KB, 871x679, coss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6509617 No.6509617 [Reply] [Original]

>New UI is worse than old UI
>Exchange page takes 30 mb of data to download
>90% of exchange volume is coss token, nobody buys anything else on exchange
>Price plummeting faster than twin towers
>Engine cant handle pathetic $5 million volume
>Devs hanvt added new markets in months
>CEO abandoned them
>FIAT confirmed never coming

its over.

>> No.6509684

Everyone who bought into this scam exchange is a loser
>fiat gateway


>> No.6509709

This was an obvious shit exchange from the very start and shit coin.
You took the gamble and lost.

>> No.6509751

I'm trying to accumulate as well, keep selling1

>> No.6509772

Nice fud. Just bought 100k

>> No.6509792
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I get the feeling COSS holders are more delusional than Tron holders at this point.

>> No.6509862

I could fucking barely get the page loaded to dump this shitcoin

>> No.6509921

Selling now is the dumbest thing and proves you will never make it.

>> No.6509928
File: 48 KB, 900x900, D86ACEF0-44A2-45D7-B320-5411A7432E49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried loading the page to sell but it ate up all my mobile data now I cant sell REEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.6510041


damn bro ur bags must be heavy

>> No.6510067

>Hang in there in the sea of red! Hold onto your shitcoin! Nasty fucking storm ahead! Plow through!
All shitcoin holders

>> No.6510250


Pathetic fud

>> No.6510403

Its confirmed fiat gateways are never coming. Time to sell tard

>> No.6510575

>the next kucoin

Hahahaahaa. This site was shittier than fucking cryptopia. It was miracle it pumped that's hard in the first place

>> No.6510636


>> No.6510699
File: 239 KB, 543x525, ave ah giggle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The FUD is real. Can't even spend 5 minutes in MSPaint to try and create a realistic screenshot from the devs.

You know how it goes. Do the opposite of what /biz/ says.

>> No.6510948

I told you idiots like 50 times to invest in something stable like qash, the only exchange worth investing in, next time dont be so greedy for your x10 in a fucking week.

>> No.6511021

no fud, but coss is a shit exchange. I've only bought SUB there before it got on binance. I am honestly confused as to why you are buying now when there are better options like Bibox's or CryptoBridge's token..

>> No.6511262


> implying all exchanges aren’t some degree of shit

>> No.6511347

are you retarded? go to their telegram, they announced today that fiat isn't coming.

>> No.6511509

Cryptobrige is dope, just downloaed it last night and considered buying the token

>> No.6511601

I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6511631


You are a lying street shitter and everyone here knows it

"People" from shithole countries should be banned from this board

>> No.6511705
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I was thinking of buying, then I got on their website and saw how shit it was. Obvious amateurish exit scam. They are not even putting any effort.

>> No.6511863

Bought at 20c.
Still comfy this is 5$ min in a month
>you can even buy LINK on this exchange!

>> No.6511881

I bought it at .25 when the fudd was sky high.

Now it is 1.30. More fudd = moon incoming.

Thanks for reaffirming my investment.

>> No.6512016

>not selling at $3
Enjoy your bags

>> No.6512082
File: 14 KB, 1099x236, coss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol they cant get their COSS off the exchange without paying $100 so they're selling at 30% discount

>> No.6512130
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>> No.6512144

COSS has 1 opportunity to win us all over

then they fucked up by giving us an "Upgrade" that is worse than the original

What kind of pajeet bs is this?

>> No.6512166

Timing the market is tricky business.

I don't give a fuck. Not going to get suckered day trading my life away.

I hope as many people tried to day trade as possible though, more dividends for me.

>> No.6512168

Dude you're fucking delusional as FUCK

This exchange is utter shit and barely works. Yes is had a nice moon, but it is going way the fuck back down.

Get out now


>> No.6512299

Yeah buddy. Please let me know another coin that x5 in the last week or so.

Then let me know what other alts are actually going to go up in this bear market.

I fucking love this volatility. More movement = more Coss dividends for me. Whale's pocket -> My pocket. Ill see you in 6 months when this shit hits $30 and I get to retire on these dividends.

>> No.6512315

No anon, you can't have my bags.

>> No.6512375
File: 495 KB, 500x282, lmao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this delusion

Holy fuck boys, this shitty exchange doesn't even work. Guarantee you will see sub $1 soon

>> No.6512431

The fud is why I bought this coin in the first place. If I did everything biz said I would have missed every single moon mission Ive been on. You know no one takes your infantile opinion as canon. You're barely hanging on.

>> No.6512480
File: 151 KB, 2426x1516, 177ZxG45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait nevermind, 90 cents on HitBTC because people can't dump their bags on the Coss exchange itself.

Fuckin eh boys take my advice and pack it up

>> No.6512507

I hope it does.

More fat whales trying to manipulate through fudd pnd groups = More dividends for me.

I am rock-hard right now. I don't give a fuck what the price is, since I am not cashing out anytime soon. It can swing every hour of every day for all I care, as long as I get my cut of the dividends on the high movement.

>> No.6512539

Was finally shilled into buying it 2 days ago, luckily I only put in $200. I assume the money is lost - especially with their withdraw fees - so I'll just hodldldld forever (like I've done with 4chancoin

>> No.6512630

Always do the opposite of what biz says.

The coordinated FUD is strong on coss so I'll be picking some up tonight. Thanks pajeet

>> No.6512632

Yeah that money is pretty much gone buddy sorry to say

>> No.6512785

Fiat is coming

>> No.6512931

Are the anti-Coss people in this thread serious? My fucking sides.

>"Oh no, the coss exchange is slow!! What would we ever do?"
That's alright, I'll scoop up a whole lot more in the dip and live off the dividends as well as the profits I've already made over the last year in the future when the crypto market grows and Coss improves greatly.

>> No.6512960
File: 29 KB, 358x406, laugh girls 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean you can tell its FUD because no one spends this much effort talking shit. One way or another they are heavily invested in what happens to this coin.

>> No.6512998
File: 47 KB, 1063x1200, jew lines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL I bought in at 1.60 and friend bought in at 50 cent a coin. It goes up and down like this CONSTANTLY and my friend... the one that bought in at 50 cent? Was DYING for it to do this. He is trying to get his money super fast to buy it low.

tl;dr: Please sell your coins so my friend and I can buy low.

>> No.6513232

I'm selling some other altcoins to buy more COSS, that's how deluded I am

>> No.6513255

Nailed it. If they relentlessly respond to every single post it's a dead giveaway.

They also usually disappear after a few minutes. It's almost like they move on to the next assignment after they hit a certain number of posts

>> No.6513325

A major red flag was that it cost twice as much as KCS did when the "autism disability" shilling started but had half the volume of Kucoin. COSS only rose so high because people who missed out on KCS wanted to replicate the magic without actually doing research on why KCS rose so much (and why it is now falling)

>muh fiat gateway
The programmers have already proven they're slow and incompetent.

>> No.6513377
File: 51 KB, 384x313, 33413123345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obvious FUDD to buy cheap
>it goes down
>FUD is so real thanks for lowering the price for everyone
>it keeps going down
>Keep FUDDing you Fudders! We all know your coordinated plan
>goes even lower
What the fuck lol these COSS threads. Well COSS holders? It's gotten to the point holders are thinking everyone is screwing each other over by trying to get them to sell but I'm thinking most whales aren't even holding this shit other than those "I got in at 5 cents" people.

>> No.6513396

The exchange is slow as shit, I'll give them that. But the things they FUD about are fixable, and the team does listen to the community. Rune has proven that time and again that he listens to feedback.

>> No.6513461
File: 248 KB, 1280x720, cossnfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guys COSS is shit its a failed exchange get out now.


>> No.6513511

I said this earlier in another thread; THIS is the point where we see if Coss will succeed or fail. Rune has a BETA product, and is developing it. He now has community feedback on what works, what doesn't work, and where the community will want the most work done the fastest.

Buying COSS is taking a bet that Rune will deliver. IF - since I'm being impartial, IF - he succeeds, then the gains and money to be made from a new exchange could be massive. If he doesn't, then gg I'll take the L on my investment. Risk / Reward.

Me, personally, I'm betting on Rune to deliver. Also, more good quality exchanges will lead to better options for purchasers.

>> No.6513549
File: 48 KB, 620x413, celeb-snaps-06272014-17-620x413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. I hope Coss dies a slow and painful death.
They refused to verify me because they're too retarded to understand my documents.

>> No.6513568


yeah well, logical responses aren't really sought after here, sorry.

>> No.6513622

((US customers can't get verified yet due to KYC fuckery. Thus, KYC isn't mandatory until they focus on fixing it, which will be after they partner with banks for FIAT.))

>> No.6513653

I'm not a US customer.

>> No.6513660

I was a coss-bro, bought around 11 cents. Super disappointed with this hi release. Saddened actually. I'm dumping coss soon.

>> No.6513714

I took a chance. Seems 9/10 times its some burgerfag complaining.

>> No.6513729

lol What a shitshow. Im so disappointed from this product. I knew Rune wil lscrew up this shit.

>> No.6513791

$100 dollar transfer fee!? What the fuck?

>> No.6513821

amazing isnt it? Im selling right now. To save at least a bit of my 20k investment.

>> No.6513851
File: 722 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180115-213049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And fiat is coming

>> No.6513878


guess were going back to FairX boys. Stock up XLM!

>> No.6513907

LOL yeah keep up the FUD I need to accumulate more at these discounted prices !

>> No.6513933

They've developed an emotional attachment to their holdings. That is extremely dangerous; anyone holding KCS is now down 40% from ATH, while I put aside my feelings and exited my position at 140k to avoid a 20+ BTC loss. COSS holders remind me of Confido holders right before the exit scam was revealed.

>> No.6513934
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>implying COSS would be good quality exchange

>> No.6513968

The team Is working hard to fix the issues.

>> No.6514005

To add on to my statement, COSS will crash even harder than KCS since there's currently no reason to use COSS besides trading COSS. At least Kucoin adds new shitcoins quickly so there will be a revival during the next altcoin boom.

>> No.6514021

You can get in on exchange coin and 50% fee share for sub 5$. Team is working hard on fixes. It's beta still. Your nuts if you don't buy at 1.29-3

>> No.6514058

It already did crash harder than kucoin you retard. It’s in the same state kucoin was in before it took off.

>> No.6514088

get outta here, pajeet. the team has the writing style and mental capacity of 15-year-olds. accept that you made a bad bet and move on.

>> No.6514104

It's a way better deal than kcs cefs or bnb

>> No.6514139

I'm ready to be in crypto for the rest of my life. The end game of all this isn't just lambo memes and the like. Buterin is right. In the short term though, this is a game of sats and retard pump and dumps. I'm betting Rune will deliver in the long run. I'm patient.

>> No.6514201


>putting this much effort into something you allegedly don’t have a stake in

You’re full of shit anon. You are either trying to pretend you are a whale or too poor to get in while it’s this low and are salty about it. No one would spend this much time in this thread if they really had no stake in coss.

>> No.6514215

Did Coss fuck up with this release? You bet. Is it embarrassing as fuck that they pushed back this release three weeks and it blows? Absolutely. But its a working exchange (barely), that pays dividends. They know their issues. They know how to fix them and have been working hard to do so. They have been looking for new devs. They just hired in house devs and are done with outsourcing thank god. If you sell now, you're actually going to kill yourself.

Kucoin plays with fire not having a DAO to pay their fee split. Its going to get rekt.

Coss WILL implement fiat. They have a lot to do. But they will get there. If you sell now and try and catch the dip, I wish you luck! Truly! But you better load back up. Because once this thing actually works, you dont want to be left with an empty bag. This will follow Kucoin. This will follow Binance. Its a working exchange that needs simple tweaks. The team is transparent as fuck. This is going to be successful. And you? Youll be poor.

>> No.6514234

just a reminder that when you see FUD like this it means whales want to accumulate

no one is going to tell you to abandon a coin out of the goodness of their heart. Ask yourself: 'what is their motivation?' and things become more clear.

I hold 75,000 COSS and will buy more during this dip. This is my retirement plan.

>> No.6514253

I think the COSS token holders themselves are to blame for hyping it up too much.

>> No.6514298

Well for sure this isn't a exit scam as I've done some research these guys have put in way too much work for it to be a scam. But the shit coss holders say about the sorry state of the exchange. They try their damn hardest to turn obvious negatives into a delusional positive. Like the state of the exchange and team you cannot defend at all but coss holders try to only say positive things to bring new people in. Then new people see the exchange and the state its in and turn away. It like only hurts it in the long run.

Do you guys really think whales are balls into it? Nobody seems to be buying after it kept going down. Though you could argue everything is down right now. This is what I think. >>6513377

>> No.6514311

unironically I have had coss since 5 cents. I dont think people realized that the exchange at the time was a literaly 30 min proof of concept put up on a website. This thing needs a ton of work, and thats okay. Im not worried desu.

>> No.6514527

sold with 10x gains
fuck COSS, it will never become big

>> No.6514559

ya your points are fair; when I say "whale" in this context though I'm just talking about people throwing around $20-30k+ sorta thing, not actual real BTC type whales.

The exchange does need work though I agree, and I admit I'm overly optimistic when it comes to COSS. I bought in near the all time bottom though so either way I don't have much to lose, I'll ride it into the ground if that's what ends up happening, but I'm patient, I'll wait and see over coming months.

The dev team is working on it, and there's no way it's a scam, they're trying to take things seriously, they've just failed on delivery so far. They need to improve their marketing, they also need to somehow exclusively secure a few new shitcoins that turn to be super popular/desirable. Just imagine the next Tron or REQ or w/e the fuck comes out but it's only available on COSS, at least for awhile, and everyone wants it... at that point? trading volume moons, causing dividend payouts to moon, causing people to want to hold COSS to receive those payouts, its all connected. They just need to make it happen.

>> No.6514604

>Nobody seems to be buying after it kept going down.

In order to sell, someone has to buy. Weak hands are making way for those of us who see a $1 dip as nothing, especially when we got in at $0.08.

>> No.6514654
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I bought at $1. My hands are shaking like crazy, but I'm holding anyways. I'll go down with this ship.

>> No.6514686

shit, when you use the website, do you really think it will be as big as binance? it barely works and feels like a student project

>> No.6514781

it doesn't need to be as big as Binance, if it's 1/10th, even 1/20th as big as Binance the dividend payouts would still be fairly substantial if you're holding a good amount of COSS.

That's what people don't get, this exchange doesn't need to become the BEST exchange for it to become a good investment, it just needs to become a mediocre, average exchange that gets a piece of the pie.

>> No.6514814

Ooh yeah, watch it go back up now!

>> No.6514860
File: 243 KB, 1063x977, w3g0e5thqy301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even 1/20th as big as Binance the dividend payouts would still be fairly substantial
no it will not

>> No.6514893
File: 223 KB, 500x662, b8301b8297bfe153ea23b5a1421e685d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say it with me:
The major problem with the exchange is that everything is being run off of the same servers. Because they're not trying to hit Binance levels of volume yet, because they haven't even begun pushing their marketing. Everything they've recieved so far has been purely word of mouth on places like 4chin.

With a few exceptions, I think the site looks great. That improved "feel" you want will come later. But of course by then, as is /biz/ tradition, it will be too late.

>> No.6514995

I remember seeing this shit some months ago, I saw the UI and immediately realized it was a shitcoin.

>> No.6515025
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>actually feels like pre-alpha

>> No.6515058
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I'll take an extra $1000 a week. I really wouldn't mind at all.

>> No.6515069

>says increasingly nervous man for the 100th time this week

>> No.6515070

obviously "substantial" is subjective but uh, Binance gets like ~$4B+ daily volume so 1/10th = $400M, or 1/20th = $200M

I hold ~75k COSS but will probably buy upto 100k so if I'm reading that chart correctly, holding 100k COSS with 200M daily volume = $1500/ week? 400M = $3000/ week?

I'd be pretty happy with $6000 - 12000 / month by holding COSS I mostly bought for $0.08

>> No.6515098
File: 8 KB, 224x225, 1466572944275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's interesting. No marketing and already have mad shills/FUDD'ers and a relatively big community on Reddit. So where is their current Road map? In their whitepapers the roadmap ends somewhere with starting the exchange and token.

>> No.6515100

That's because you've been raised by EA and Blizzard so that "beta" just means "98% finished taste-test."

>> No.6515238

"Listening to the community.
Over the past days and weeks, we have been approached by many people with high-level skills in IT. These skilled people have offered to assist and advice.
We have now created a Trello Board for this task and the board will be by invite only (otherwise it will be flooded). So for people with high-level skills that would like to contribute to the development of COSS.IO please send an email to re@coss.io and we will send you an invite to the trello board."

Hahaha. They're now asking for volunteer devs?!

>> No.6515266

Not sure, I haven't bothered looking at it since August last year. General roadmap is:
-Bug fixes and updates during the next week or two.
-2.0 of UI in February.
-New engine + API in early-mid Q1.
-FIAT implementation in Q2.

If you're actually serious, I suggest checking their slack/telegram, or finding Rune's posts on medium.

>> No.6515344
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>Listening to the community
Literally neck yourself.

>> No.6515510

sso.coss.io / ap i/ invite / GMXVQA2HHL

Close all the spaces after pasting.

Use my code, frens. Stay the fuck away from kucoin.

>> No.6515595

Normally I hate FUD, but I'm trying to get as much COSS as possible as well so I'm totally welcoming this

>> No.6515641

>get a bunch of developers to buy ATH
>ask for some help that they're compelled to give to save their investment.

>> No.6515767

I'm not seeing any asking. Please point to the part where they specifically ask for help. Because all I can see is the part where they've been inundated with offers, and to please direct those to a specific location.

FUD harder.

>> No.6515878
File: 71 KB, 300x300, 078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have coss and waiting to snipe it. Money comes in soon.

>> No.6515963
File: 112 KB, 640x640, wqQWGh5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sso.coss.io /api /invite/ H1B116ORW1


>> No.6516022 [DELETED] 
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Oh, shi-

>> No.6516758

Coss has now fallen to around the level before the big pump over the last week. On people on suicide watch are recent buyers. Very important to see if it can stabilise here. If it can hover for a day or two and find support it will be a great buy moving forward in Q1.

Important to remember that it's still up %500 over the last month. And they seem to be seriously listening to their community. Rune and the vision of the project are great, they just need to get less shite devs on board.

>> No.6516883

honestly this isnt even FUD, nothing the anon said was false. Engine is pathetic, website is pathetic, UI is pathetic and the dev team is pathetically slow at doing anything. Coss better step up before some real competition comes a long and blows them the fuck out. It took them 3 fucking months for a UI update let alone getting out of beta lmao. Compare binance or kucoin's development speed to COSS and its downright pathetic.

>> No.6517131

kuckcoiners shitting up the board again
what is new?

fucking kuckcoiners are the new cancer worse than linkies

>> No.6517796

are you me?
fud is real btw, fiat gateway IS confirmed
seeing the way rune is taking charge i still have faith

>> No.6518015


>> No.6518049

People ultimately have no idea what is gonna happen with any crypto. In a portfolio thread in October I posted mine, which was worth about 2k, half of it in COSS. I had two separate people telling me how stupid I was and how I'd never make it. And even with the recent retrace, my Coss is worth over 20k. Do what you think is best and don't listen to biz. I for one think that COSS is a good investment despite their shortcomings.

>> No.6518526

>>CEO abandoned them
>>FIAT confirmed never coming

>> No.6518718
File: 503 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180116-080649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CEO left, Fiat coming

>> No.6518768

Why did the CEO leave?

>> No.6518800

>Fiat coming


>> No.6518810

CEO left because he realized fiat was never coming

>> No.6518839
File: 625 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180116-081041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rune said they guy didn't want to work 14 hours a day - in other words obv. They aparted on good terms, he just didn't realize what effort is to be a CEO

>> No.6518842

the fact that there's a westerner who is communicative about the whole thing makes me very patient with my coss bags. I think they'll get it right. I'd rather give them my money than some faceless fucking chinks.

>> No.6518851

typical Kuckoin holder ladies and gentlemen...

>> No.6518869

KuCoin pajeet spotted, color confirms

>> No.6518886

what a fucking low energy beta cuck. coulda been set for life if he had negotiated a compensation package of a sizable chunk of COSS tokens and saw it through.

>> No.6518888

>guy didn't want to work 14 hours a day
Lol what the hell. Why is he still on the website team page?

>> No.6518962

Same thing happened with XRP (and other cryptos), and I'm here still with a lot of profit.

Always do the contrary.

>> No.6518968

because that dudes lying, he posted a screenshot that doesn't even imply Rune is leaving the team...

>> No.6518986
File: 669 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180116-081642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he still there? I thought he was removed

>> No.6519017

Rune is not the CEO nigger

>> No.6519032
File: 25 KB, 363x473, thisguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're talking about this guy right? So who is current CEO?

>> No.6519112

(((crypto koen)))

>> No.6519160

>taking profits after you x12'd your investment is day trading
The absolute state of HODL-cucks. Nobody is going to daytrade on a shit exchange with no volume.

>> No.6519170
File: 241 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180116-082457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about this motherfucker, pic taken with way back machine

>> No.6519221

I own a lot of COSS, and I'll keep holding it for now. But a question for biz.

How big of a deal is fiat pairs, really? Why will it be so huge? I'm worried that mandatory KYC will drive away more volume than fiat brings. Enlighten me.

>> No.6519223

Ohh ok I see. Then who the fuck is that Dan guy? Where the hell is the rest of team? Why do I only hear of Rune?

>> No.6519244

okay well either way the screenshot didn't show anything

and who cares then if some anonymous CEO leaves? the only person on the team that matters is Rune

>> No.6519266

if they deliver on user experience it can be the coinbase for the retarded normies that want to buy ripple and tron with their credit card

>> No.6519329

any exchange that offers fiat pairs will 100% have KYC, it's required by regulation in almost every country

the reason its good is because many people have problems finding a good "gateway" exchange, like you know how all the normie tards use Coinbase? When COSS offers fiat pairs (and thus fiat funding from banks) it will be another option for people besides something like Coinbase or whatever else they happen to be using.

I'm not sure how much it will impact the price of COSS but it will definitely be a boost

>> No.6519388

I don't really care. But if the CEO leaves could be a red flag, if he doesn't believe in the project why should I? Maybe he knows something we don't? But he could leave because of a million other reason as well, which don't imply anything bad

>> No.6519395

Anyone who follows COSS closely knows that the team has changed multiple times.

I honestly think this is a scam by Rune. He probably sold like $10 million worth of COSS tokens now it's over. He can retire and spend the rest of his life just chilling. He is a serial failure entrepreneur, and he finally found enough saps in cryptocurrency.

>> No.6519421

The scam being setting up a shitty exchange pieced together by a bunch of cheaply paid engineers, wait for the coin to hit $100 mil market cap, sell, then leave.

He made enough money from the ICO to never dip into his own pockets.

>> No.6519464

I think he is a co-founder who owns the Romanian software development company which provides those high quality devs you hear about lately.

>> No.6519491

The end is near. Vallar mogulis

>> No.6519520

Yeah, sounds legit. That's why he's still working 16 hours a day... Try harder

>> No.6519576


On what, you moron? Please tell me what he is exactly working on. I implore you.

>> No.6519642

How the fuck would it be a scam? It should has been shut down by now. If you run a scam you don't keep it for long...

>> No.6519653

Google what does it take to run a company, I'm not here to educate you

>> No.6519727


Um, if he shut it down immediately, he would somehow get arrested in the future by agents in whatever country he lives in.

He is going to let the exchange bleed to zero volume then finally close it down as a "failure"

Just ask yourself why the FUCK can't COSS do a single thing right despite having over 20 team members? What the fuck kind of team members do you need besides engineers working on the exchange? Seriously, think for yourself.

>> No.6519790


Your idea falls flat under two reasons

1. It's still undergoing development
2, He would make a shitton more money if he kept developing the exchange

>> No.6519828

sso.coss.io / api / invite / GMXVQA2HHL

Close all of the spaces after pasting.

Help a man, who has lost more than half the value from his kucoin alts.

>> No.6519875


Please, he is 50 something years old. He only needs a few million to retire. Let's start putting the damn pieces together.

1) Affiliated with a scam company in the past

2) Multiple team member changes over the past 6 months (insane)

3) Constant hype then disappointment

4) Asked for $60 million in the ICO. SIXTY FUCKING MILLION DOLLARS.

I'm not saying it's a complete scam, but Rune definitely is up to something damn fishy. Weirdest shit I have ever seen in my life.

>> No.6519884

People are going to hang themselves because they sold COSS at $1.50

The only way COSS dies is if crypto dies. Screencap this.

>> No.6519908

Because not every team can be super brilliant unfortunately that's why it's not a top 100 project yet, even running in beta version it's not the worst and it's not the best but it doesn't mean it's a scam.

>> No.6520005


I see what you're doing; I'm accumulating a fuck-ton of COSS as well /biz/brother

>> No.6520021
File: 110 KB, 932x262, Screenshot_20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember that thread. I want to see face of that anon.

>> No.6520036


Negative, I'm a stupid project outer. Other stupid projects are Golem, Siacoin, DeepBrain Chain, Tron, Cardano, etc etc.

>> No.6520121
File: 37 KB, 850x315, 1510213199459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought 3k at $2
REEEEEEEE I wish I'd waited one more day

>> No.6520146

Just hold'em, they will give you returns like a mofo.

>> No.6520193

Oh I'm holding alright, I'm just pissed I didn't get them cheaper

>> No.6520294

Everything is bleeding anyway no need to start FUDing

>> No.6520320
File: 566 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-10-05-19-46-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People talk about rune evensen because he was the creator of COSS and people seem to think he's a "con artist" because he set up a few companies which some people thought were cash grab schemes just because he closed the business when it was no longer profitable. They weren't even illegal. But now that's his company is based out of a country which has no laws regulating these markets, he can finally do good work.

>> No.6520496

I called it guys. I got in early and dropped it as soon as i saw the new site.

>Launched in April 2017, Kucoin launched in October with way more volume and a actually good team and website.
>Sold off to some chinese team
>They are holding a "crowdfunding"
>Can't even make a proper trading page

>> No.6520651

>2, He would make a shitton more money if he kept developing the exchange

Ya... Mt Gox was making a ton of money and someone decided to make more money in a shorter amount of time. I'm not saying he's gonna Mt Gox but he can certainly learn from their legal reprocussions.

Even if coss does make money, the risk is way too high given Runes past businesses. There are plenty of coins out there that'll make more money without the risk of going down like his previous businesses

>> No.6520677

glad i didnt fall for coss, only took me one use of that shit exchange

>> No.6520764

You're still fine, I bought for 0.2 BTC at 2,70$ in hope that the new UI will be good. Turns out it is terrible.

>> No.6520937


>> No.6521467
File: 236 KB, 771x606, CF896DDA-5E68-4CCD-8D5C-202D77DE0D72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn’t stack more COSS

>> No.6521875

Been watching this closely for a month or so. They sure have devoted community but honestly, what they have delivered so far is shit tier.
So the whole team looks amateurish to me which is a sign not to get too involved with this.
They may be some speculative short-mid term gains, but in the long term I am afraid they not gonna make it..