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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6511690 No.6511690 [Reply] [Original]

What's /biz/ drug of choice ?

>> No.6511715

espresso and shrooms

>> No.6511728


>> No.6511734

drugs are for losers

>> No.6511740


right now?


>> No.6511743

addy is king

>> No.6511756

dabs with an e-nail as you have posted sir

>> No.6511768

Folgers coffee

>> No.6511770


>> No.6511779

Meth. It's the only way to be on top of the market 24/7

>> No.6511780
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Guess which coin I'm all in on
Come at me NSA

>> No.6511787

4 ho met
Anyone else into /novel drugs/

>> No.6511795
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Does Linux count as a drug?

>> No.6511798

gak or nerd

enjoy a life of not shouting at your dog every time you lose 10$, virgins

>> No.6511800

Weed, LSD, MDMA. I've been trying to quit using drugs since it's negatively affecting my life, but haven't had much success because life is just so uninteresting without some enhancements

>> No.6511804

Weed and coffee

>> No.6511808

weed and money

>> No.6511851

weed and redbull

>> No.6511866
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Weed and Jameson

>> No.6511874
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RCs are where it's at friend
Once the DNMs settle down I'll have a steady supply to experiment with again

>> No.6511895

the dopamine rush one gets when buying chainlink

>> No.6511906

Recently got arrested for weed, so I am sober these days, but luckily crypto has been a a welcome escape from (glances at portfolio) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.6511919

Agreed, delicious

>> No.6511934

>arrested for weed
what kinda commie shithole do you live in?

>> No.6511940

I only take kratom anymore desu

>> No.6511944

Exactly my thoughts as well. I'm kinda glad it's called research chemicals, so it deters normie druggies away. I need to get my hands on some RC disso's though. Have only experimented with psychedelics so far. Thinking about some 3-MeO and DCK analogues.

>> No.6511957
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lsd. Any other psycedelic bros seeking enlightenment through mind altering substances and mindfulness meditation?

>> No.6511979

weed, propranolol, caffeine, alcohol

>> No.6511992

Fellow leafs who buy their weed/concentrates through MOM's , who's your go to?
agreed , torches are shit tier

>> No.6511995

og kush and tea

>> No.6512003


>> No.6512004

Only alcohol and caffeine nowadays

>> No.6512015
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cocaine and pussy desu

>> No.6512018

You can always find me with a good ol jenk bloon.

>> No.6512021
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I mainline synthetic female orgasm analog

>> No.6512024
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weed almost daily for the past 10 years.
gotta stop soon though so i don't fuck up my career.

>> No.6512045

fentanyl and xanax

>> No.6512046

Meth. I can buy so much meth with one XMR, and fuck a prostitute or some whore off craigslist until my condom rips and my dicks literally bleeding like a true crypto investor.

>> No.6512050

I'm on probation for fucking weed. I have random drug tests that include alcohol, I just wanted a god damn drink the other day after losing some money swing trading. I'm on edge 24/7 until I make some fucking money.

>> No.6512052

drugs are for fags
just gamble

>> No.6512064


50%+ gains in a single trade

Nothing comes close to that rush

>> No.6512075


>> No.6512088

Drugs are for faggots

>> No.6512094

Crystal Meth senpai

>> No.6512103


>> No.6512122

Are you based jail anon?

>> No.6512123

so is crypto doesn't stop you.

>> No.6512147


>> No.6512150

Came here to post this. Eat more vegetables with your meat and potatoes.

>> No.6512158
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>Doing coke with mad sluts and fucking them two-at-a-time is "for faggots"

Thanks just bought 100k.

>> No.6512162

One of the greatest pleasures in my life. I'm currently unable to partake because of legal issues, but meditation keeps me sane

>> No.6512167

Ayahuasca... and weed.

>> No.6512186

How is this long term? Vs mod?

>> No.6512189
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Ahahaha how can you be a loser with gains like this?

>> No.6512192
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Jefferson is that you?

>> No.6512204


>> No.6512209


Morning: Modafinil, Caffeine, L-Theanine.

Evening: On occasion, some form of cannabis.

>> No.6512221


>> No.6512235

Are you me? What is going on with this board? I love biz

>> No.6512238

Can't stand weedbros/etards. 3-Meo is amazing, probably the most godlike experience there is, but not something a disso virgin should start with (have to use volumetric dosing). DCK is good though there was some kurfuffle about a vender selling OPCE instead. I hope you find all good deals on the DNMs
And if you ever find MXE that is the holy grail

>> No.6512253

hands down, ALD-52

>> No.6512256
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Alcohol is the only drug I need

>> No.6512289


>> No.6512298

mxe is some fucked up shit bro , never doing that again.

>> No.6512305

Metfotrmin and oreos

>> No.6512347

>no speed freaks in here

this is why you're all doubtful and softhanded. I literally spend all my free money on adderall and crypto and I feel great even though I'm down %5

>> No.6512364

god i miss mxe. be careful with any of those dissos. it is super important to respect them or they will fuck with you

>> No.6512383

2 lines of prometh/codeine and a bowl for celebration

>> No.6512402

10x gains

>> No.6512404


wow, never thought I would see MXE referenced on /biz/

what a princely, robust substance. LSD for the internet age really

>> No.6512409
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Weed and shrooms. I would like to try other drugs.

>> No.6512427

Yeah, everyone on drug forums who has tried MXE has nothing but good things to say about it.

>> No.6512428


>> No.6512447

MXE has been dry the past year or so.. Along with ketamine.. Fuck I need to find somewhere to get me some MXE again:(

>> No.6512505

With all the demand for mexxy I'm surprised there isn't a lab somewhere making it. It's still grey status in india, so any pajeets please take notice and get synthesising that badboy

>> No.6512523

valium, xanax, ativan, percocet

and weed

>> No.6512529

Gains, nothing better than just smashing it

>> No.6512557

It's going the way of quaaludes

>> No.6512564
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>> No.6512565

i know that feel

>> No.6512587

aniracetam, cerebrolysin, and noopept

>> No.6512591


Yep, on occasion I can get some US made moda which I find to be more consistent than the Sun pharma Modalert. That being said, never got a completely bad batch of Modalert, just weak batches.

>> No.6512597
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You all for the drug meme HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.6512603
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trenbolone, test and LSD

>tfw 5 hits of acid during the peak of my cycle

>> No.6512618

haha holy shit this is a great place to shill mxe. yeah hey indian druglords, please make less K and more Methoxetamine. Will trade for shitcoins. Thank you.

>> No.6512626

Booze, weed and xanax to calm the anxiety from trading crypto

>> No.6512628
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>> No.6512642

isnt propranolol what killed michael jackson?

>> No.6512643

Yes but I'm scared to trip again. Hit me way to hard last time

>> No.6512652

bet you like taurine too

>> No.6512670

weed and DMT
when I party I like ketamine
my favorite coin is BAT

>> No.6512673

Blowjobs from hot women.

>> No.6512681
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>> No.6512698
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That has to be the saddest thing anyone has ever said to me on here

>> No.6512702

Weed, nicotine and caffeine. Used to do shrooms and DPH
Who /del/ here

>> No.6512709

I dont have much experience with it. Alpha-gpc is good, though

>> No.6512718


I'm on aniracetam right now. Haven't tried the others.

>> No.6512724

3-MeO-PCP? Also, MXE is good, but too addictive and solely hedonistic. That's bad.

Straight LSD is my best experience, but I have a soft spot for 4-AcO-DiPT and a terrifying respect for DPT. Guilty pleasure would be methylone, even more than MDMA, and ketamine, but I'm not doing any of this anymore. You can get a lot of perspective from some drugs, but it's still playing with fire and you need to have time to rebuild yourself when you fuck up too bad. I'm not in a place where I could do that now.

>> No.6512751

Scotch son. People who do drugs openly are fucked where i live.

>> No.6512755
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>> No.6512765

true , roids make you feel like ZEUS but pct sucks balls

>> No.6512781
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Holy fuck is than an XVG tattoo?


>> No.6512795

valium, xanax, ativan, percocet

and weed

>> No.6512798

Alcohol might be less degenerate than painkillers and uppers, but it's still pretty degenerate. I never got the appeal, shit only makes you depressed and confused.

>> No.6512834

how does dpt compare to dmt? i've been meaning to try mine but haven't gotten around to it

>> No.6512841


>> No.6512912


>> No.6512926

you guys every try 1p-lsd? Been grabbing some RCs lately and remember that being pretty big back in the day. Is it still around or been replaced by something new?

>> No.6512929

Oxy and nicotine gum

>> No.6512948

Nah, it's a beta blocker some people use for stage fright. It can be used for social phobia and it works, but it's not something I would take daily without a real medical need too. Michael Jackson was propofol, which no one in their right mind would take in anything else than in a medical setting.

>> No.6512958

ALD-52 > 1P-LSD

>> No.6512973

If you are not on some kind of nootropics then you are not on your A game

>> No.6512985

This, only when Im out socializing tryna get laid

>> No.6513003

How can drugs make you a loser when Jordan Belford did them?

>> No.6513040

I've got a ton of ALD-52 and ETHLAD.. Not sure which one I should try first. I use ALLAD when I go to music events because it's easy. Growing some shrooms too but I don't want to build a tolerance. What do you recommend I try next week?

>> No.6513045

ketamine is one of my favorite drugs ive ever tried (tried everything but heroin and obscure drugs)... or maybe its just the memories attached to it
nothing like IVing that shit and completely losing touch with yourself for a bit

>> No.6513055
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tfw buying oxiracetam with eth during an eth moon

>> No.6513080

LSD, mescaline, weed, MDA, MDMA. Sometimes amphetamine. In no particular order

>> No.6513090

ALD will be somewhat easier/recreational. ETHLAD is a bit more spiritual

>> No.6513123

I've never tried DMT before, but my DPT experiences were all great. Incredibly intense, but I did 100mg and 250mg doses, so I wouldn't really recommend those ego death-inducing doses at all. I haven't tried it at a much more recreational dose, but I imagine it would be very easygoing and fun, not to mention the "deep" headspace it would give you.

> auditory hallucinations: gongs, bells, "electronic frequencies", sounds echoing (e.g. the water droplets from my bathroom faucet made this incredibly beautiful echo when it dropped)
> visuals: the usual psychedelic visuals, but a bit more intense; lots of geometric patterns appear everywhere
> body high is nice, but nothing too crazy
> ego death experience was intense and gave me depersonalization/derealization disorder for almost a year

>> No.6513135

>ctrl + f for DMT
>2 results found
you are my niggers

>> No.6513141

does it have the same effects on the ego as LSD? Im looking to take an introspective trip. Would just get normal LSD but too high a risk with legal status going on.

>> No.6513193

It's still around. It's nice and can get deep. I've never tried ALD-52, but like the other guy said I would probably go with that. Even though they are very similar, a lot of people on drug forums prefer ALD-52 over 1P-LSD. Not sure why, but I've always noticed that. Doesn't hurt to get both though.

>> No.6513228

That's what ive heard. I have a lot of trip experience under my belt and like having difficult trips. Mostly when I'm alone though.

>> No.6513234
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Alcohol and adderal everyday holy fuck my body is FUCKED don't do it biz.

>6:20 a.m. - alarm goes off about 40 minutes before I actually need to be up in order to get ready for work.
>pop 20-40mg xr adderal
>reset alarm for 7 a.m. and fall back asleep
>wake up to a nice little tingle as the addy kicks in
>mix a vodka and orange juice if I'm deep in a binge/have enough booze to keep a buzz all day. Enjoy it while I shower, shave, dress.
>buy more booze on my lunch
>actually start working, write my copy, pretend to be helpful and social.
>buy more booze on the way home

It's time for a break though. It's been fun..

>> No.6513252

My drugs of choice in order of preference:
Ritalin, Kratom, Weed, shrooms, coffee, and alcohol (hardly use anymore)

>> No.6513261

is it something to get on clearnet or go through dnm?
mainly ask because some stuff is just flat out better to get on the clearnet (roids_)

>> No.6513288

One correct answer and that is cocaine. The best drug. You can have the time of your life and then wake up the next day feeling fine and ready to go again. Any drug that makes you sick or hungover the next day and cuts your productivity by hours is for fucking normies. Cocaine is your friend

>> No.6513291


>> No.6513294


Kratom made my dick feel like it was 200 years old.

>> No.6513293

I like to smoke weed at night and in the morning coke when my coin is mooning so I can swing trade it

>> No.6513302

Learn to take kratom so you don't need alcohol.

>> No.6513330

yeah it's about the same, but if you really want an introspective trip, i'd go with 4-aco-dmt

>> No.6513339

dmt up the ass

>> No.6513386

my favorite thing is to take 500ug of ald-52 and dive right into the full trip. it fucks up your tolerance for like a month, so i dont do that often

>> No.6513390

That's pretty much just psilocin

>> No.6513424

I'm addicted to Opiates :(

>> No.6513435

Lol mxe is fucked that shit had me glued to my bed spinning around

>> No.6513460

I use the clearnet all day for my RC's man.

>> No.6513483

I've done both, they're exactly the same

>> No.6513512

Vyvance and alcohol

Not at the same time obviously

>> No.6513563

That shit was fucking out-of-this-world. Do miss ;(

>> No.6513569

I think it's as powerful but a lot longer. I've only used 5-Meo-DMT and some snuff form of DMT but never got to use straight DMT, I was a bit scared of it. The main DPT experience I had I can only describe it as an intense dream and a flood of forgotten memories I had trouble to integrate for a while. I was mixing things though since I was dumb, so on that trip I was also MDMA, 4-AcO-DiPT, ketamine and a some racetams if I remember correctly, but it ended up changing my life for the better. I would like to revisit it at some point when I have less obligations, but I can't afford the potential fallout at this time.

>> No.6513574
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Took it for awhile. Not my thing.. I love to hit the sauce way too much.

>> No.6513604

honestly a much bigger fan of lysergic compounds
4-aco-dmt ive read is similar to shroom trips and those are fun but a lot more social for me and almost "goofy"
On L i feel like a supercomputer powered by lightening in the sense that everything is very neat and precise... hard to explain

>> No.6513615

never felt anything from that.

>> No.6513624

This has me intrigued

>> No.6513635

Love / Having a girlfriend.

>> No.6513679

LSD is and probably always will be my absolute favorite
Kratom tastes absolutely disgusting

>> No.6513683

1p-lsd has much more bodyload. it also gives me mild hppd for a few days. it feels less healthy but not as bad as a 2c or an nbome

>> No.6513693

What shop you go thru? Powder city was the bees knees.. rip

>> No.6513706

If you're not that deep into it, taper down and quit. Being on opiates is no way to live. I only ever dipped my little toes in it, but this goes from monthly, to weekly to daily use insanely fast, and the psychological cravings stay for a year or two even when you never got that deep in physical addiction. Opiates suck, because nothing can ever give you as much pleasure and comfort after that. Even trying them is a mistake for 99% of people.

>> No.6513724

ketamine and racetams is a fucked up combination because they kinda fight against each other

>> No.6513735

i was introduced to kratom a yr ago and fucking love it, feels like a percy without all the nasty side effects

>> No.6513746

Not true at all.. Ketamine and mdma are amazing together.

>> No.6513762

ald-52 really gives me that vibe

>> No.6513807

mdma isnt a racetam

>> No.6513850

I was taking it because I was finding it made the psychedelics stronger, but yes I was dumb. I don't remember the ketamine dose, but it probably wasn't k-hole strong. I think I had done the rest because DPT was taking a while to kick in, but when it did, did it ever.

>> No.6513864

Get up at six and lift weights, and eat right. Former stoner here. No idea how anyone over 20, especially white men, can still smoke on the regular.

>> No.6513870

Because you're an idiot who didn't know what they were doing
Gotta respect dissos you pleb

>> No.6513903

Different anon, but I found it had ill effects on me when used long term. Both Armo and Mod. Makes my skin freak the fuck out and I get like small cysts or gnarly acne in really odd places like behind my ears or the back of my head. Also it stops being as effective as a wakefulness promoting agent after about a week of daily usage. I now keep a bunch on hand but just use it as an occasional supplement to adderall, which I take a low dose of daily during the work week (and sometimes on weekends). Both are strictly utility drugs though, I don't use them to party, but to get an edge in the office and with trading.

Obviously given the bad sides I don't use the armo or mod for more than 1 day out of every 10 or more, just to get an extra boost if I really didn't sleep much or at all the night before and need to function.

>> No.6513980

lil peep?

>> No.6514017

meditation is dope

LSD is dope but you can't do it too often if you want to function, fucks with your neuroplasticity and turns your brain into a gibbering mess if you do ~200ug every few days. But you recover.

>> No.6514040

Kratom & Phenibut

>> No.6514049

Bud. Always. 4fmph, 4acodmt, 25nbome, hbwr seeds, and 50 others lol

>> No.6514090

All of them.

Spread out over the last 72 hours, I have consumed several hundred mg of vyvanse, several hundred mg of DMT (enough for about 6 hyperspace trips if done perfectly, which I obviously do), probably close to 6 mg of etizolam, a single dose of 4-aco-dmt, and a significant amount of ketamine, 3-meo-pcp, & deschloroketamine. This is all while consistently hitting a dab pen, vape bong, and alternating aberlour 12 year scotch with random selections of 6 packs I enjoy. I guess it's an off month since I haven't done opiates in awhile. My use kinda goes in phases though and I feel pretty good about my drug use.

>> No.6514153
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Dubs gets the truth. I am.

>> No.6514281

Caffeine + Modafinil

>> No.6514320

this. saved my life because i don't have anxiety at work anymore. one day i won't need it anymore

>> No.6514335

heroin out the dab bong

>> No.6514351

Once you use Adderall for all your assignments in college, modafinil doesn't have any effect. But yes I know some people swear by it.

>> No.6514384

I miss mxe so fucking badly

>> No.6514390

Never used adderall in my life. Is it that much better?

>> No.6514396

>meditation is dope
Meditation, exercise and a healthy diet are the only things that work in the end. Drugs are dangerous and unsustainable. I do believe that taking real psychedelics once in a lifetime can do a lot of good for a person if they're ready. That said, people who take drugs daily or weekly will almost always pay a huge price for it. I have no basis whatsoever on which to say this, but I think that experimenting with a few substances once or max two-three times a year can work, but even then you need to understand you're still playing in uncharted territory and there are still serious risks.

>> No.6514398


dude you're a fucking legend. I honestly love you.

How much did you make in that one thread like a few weeks ago

>> No.6514413

try that + promethazine

>> No.6514429

What a wonderful combination.

>> No.6514462

involuntary prisons are immoral
exile from society should always be given as an option

>> No.6514489


Seriously? No on here microdoses LSD?

>> No.6514504

Yep, I would get all my 6-12 page essays in one night. It's really an amazing substance. The amount of focus and motivation you have is unmatched to anything. I got straight As because eof the amount of work I could do in a condensed amount of time.

>> No.6514533
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Filthy degenerate

>> No.6514549


>Not into macrodosing

Have fun stuck in this plane of existence earthling.

>> No.6514569

What the fuck. Is it available online legally, or would I have to get a prescription from a doc? Or tor markets...

>> No.6514586

Two anons both gave me .3 ETH each. Honestly, it was a great help. It helped me keep my money in the market while I lined up a lawyer, took care of bond etc. Still heavily holding FUN. I’m still with you boys, through this “crash”. These weak hands make me sick. Crypto was all I had in the joint. Lol. Seriously though, thanks for the kind words. I am sober and doing well considered the government brand I have on my ass for the next year. Court date March 7th.

>> No.6514606

I tried it for that very reason, but it dropped my blood pressure too much and gave me pain in my articulations. If you're really taking it because you. need it, it might be worth it to try to get it prescribed to you legally. It's always better to do these things under supervision when possible, and it's also better to use the real thing instead of a dodgy knockoff (I wouldn't even know where to look for this anymore).

>> No.6514640

Aderall is speed. Amphetamines. It's not a miracle or safe drug.

>> No.6514722

If you go on tor look up "amphetamine paste"
It's the same drug as Adderall but instead of paying $2 for a pill from a doctor it's $0.10 a dose.

Don't get addicted though.. It's very easy to when you become that productive in life. I felt like I was on top of the world with everything I was able to do in one day. My schedule was literally this
>wake up 5am to go to work
>get off at 3
>college until 1am
>straight As
>don't have work for the next week because I did all of it
>self study, crypto, read books, go to the gym, etc

It's not legal recreationally but yea, doctors hand it out like candy. If you want to go for something more natural, look into nootropics. Kratom also gives me motivation and makes me want to work. I'm in the military now though, so no study drugs for me.

>> No.6514730

went on a 3-4 month microdosing "cycle"(for lack of a better word) towards the end of 2017.

I was on another level, literally. Taking a break now though, to recharge.

>> No.6514819

Getting a script is easy and the cheapest way to get it. It's addictive as hell though, and the high you get from it wears off after 4 or 5 goes. Still, a useful tool especially when finals roll around.

>> No.6514822 [DELETED] 

Fun fact, beta blockers are also known to help pass a polygraph.

>> No.6514840

for sure. yea i have a script for it from a legit doc. never take it on the weekends. only take 10 or 20 mg depending on the work day's schedule which seems to be the sweet spot in between being tired and being on point

>> No.6514888

I've been interested in microdosing. Tripped on 100-200ug a few times and had a great time, but I've heard that doing a small dose (< 20ug if I'm not mistaken) can give you some major cognitive/creative enhancements without all the distracting visuals and "trippy" headspace.

Is that true? How many ug would you recommend, and what do you mean by cycle? (I know tolerance builds up fast so it's a 1-2 times a week kind of thing, probably).

>> No.6514891
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I forgot, an additional anon also gave me an amount equalling around 50 bucks. Did not want him to go unappreciated. I am free and pumping up tunes again. Feels good man. Wish I could take a big lung full every now and then, but gotta stay the course to keep Uncle Sam out of my life. My brush with the law was minor, but having my blood taken and being put in a box for a night by the government was a bit violating.

>> No.6514960
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>tor markets

>> No.6514993

Not him but usually people do something like 4 days on 3 days off or like 2 days on 2 days off. There are different regiments that people can do. I personally haven't done it but I think it's usually 10-15ug. There's an MMA fighter who microdoses (can't remember the name). It's also HUGE in silicon Valley and apparantely in stock brokers now.

>> No.6515040
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>> No.6515216

phenethylamines are the best, in moderation

xanthines for the daily

tryptamines for remembering everything

and alcohol to forget.

>> No.6515251

Microdosing seems like such a terrible idea. I've tried a few times, maybe I didn't go low enough, but I'm way more creative when I'm sober.

>> No.6515262

Best fucking combo, it's a shame that weaklings can't handle it.

>> No.6515349

lsd, shrooms, and weed ofc. im trying to remain sober until i make it and can smoke weed all day in BC

>> No.6515394

its the best feeling in the world, with the worst comedown. best of luck to you anon.

good love is like a psychedelic, you put in work then get the reward. This works.

Bad love is like heroin. feels amazing, until it doesn't.

>> No.6515447

Yeah weed
Helps with all the Red Candles and Hodling for dear life.

>> No.6515469

It depends completely on the person, so play around with doses. For some people it's 5-7ug, for some it's 15-20ug. You shouldn't feel any "high like effects though, which a lot of people don't realize. I tried 20-25ug a couple tiems and went to work, and I could function but I was a little spaced out.

The normal schedule is dose day-reflection day-rebuild tolerance-dose day. IT differs though, some people do 5 days on, two days off. I would have concerns about over stimulations desu

I started with the standard schedule, but towards the end only took it twice a week, wednesdays and sundays.

Personally, I got into it to see if it could replace taking adderall. But it couldn't, adderall is undefeated for me when it comes to alertness and motivation. But it did put me on what seemed a higher mental plane, and I appreciated life more. I took addy and lsd together sometimes as well, and had good results, but it seems like most people don't have good experiences with it because of the anxiety inducing effects of both drugs.

What I will tell you anon, is that the most dramatic life changes happened after I went on a 2g shrooms trip. Became pescaterian, stopped taking adderall(til recently bc like i said nothing gives me that focus), became more friendly, etc

I think shrooms are better trips (more fun, shorter), and LSD is better for microdosing(more creative, abstract thinking, lasts longer).

I never wanted to microdose so frequently forever, I think 6 months on 6 months is my plan. However, I still have 3 160ug tabs in my closet, I'll probably trip recreationally here and there.

Hope this helps anon

>> No.6515554

Caffeine, THC, LSD, Coke, Alcohol in that order

have to try some codeine sometimes since niggers love talking about it in their songs

>> No.6515571

try 5 or 6ug and see if that works. I found 15-20 was too high. I usually did ~12, although it differs from tab to tab so you never know.

>> No.6515573

theyre not shit tier, they cook off the residue from the previous dab. i switched back to a quartz banger personally.

just use a qtip after each dab and they stay fresh

>> No.6515685

lower. its super subtle. 1/25th of a hit is probably too much, depending on the hit.

it's like taking the "afterglow" without getting the trip. It's like zen adderall. I found every other day to work best, up to 3 days a week. same schedule for adderall. I notice positive effects even on the off days.

Also for adderal people take way too much. 5 mg gives me what i need for the whole day. and the next.

I do drink caffeine every day as well so that might potentiate things for me

>> No.6515714

What's your job?

>> No.6515723

Weed(1-2 times a month, sometimes a lot more, sometimes not at all), adderall(~4 times a week, try not to take it every day), liquor(1-4 times a months, depends how social im feeling. besides new years I haven't drank much since halloween), LSD, Shrooms, caffeine.

I wanna do coke and/or mdma eventually but i know any coke i get my hands on in my area is cut with bullshit.

>> No.6515744

Does anyone else get the idea that people on 4chan who haven't done tried drugs at least once are just the absolute worst?

I'm not saying doing drugs makes you a great person or exempts you from being a loser, just that never having tried drugs, and spending time here probably makes you the worst.

>> No.6515783

>unironically a NP-C

>> No.6515801


>> No.6515818

if you can tolerate 4chan, but haven't tried a single illegal drug . . .

yeah that's a pretty scary overlap.

>> No.6515821

Weed, coke, acid

>> No.6515832

do you break the tabs in half to take 5mg?

Ive cut down from taking the 30mg xr capules, to the 10mg tabs. But i feel like my tolerance is too high so i usually take two. I'll try 5mg tomorrow and see how it goes.

>> No.6515880

Alcohol. Did anyone say that yet?

>> No.6515910

I'm going to guess not a very good one sadly.

>> No.6515914

>I wanna do coke and/or mdma eventually but i know any coke i get my hands on in my area is cut with bullshit.
coke is gay as hell, a huge waste of money that only leaves you wanting more 30min later. but you can never reach the first level you had the first line of the night, so you are chasing the whole night until its 5am and you realize how fucked you are.

>> No.6515919


Thanks anons I'll research a little more and give it a shot. About a month ago I quit drinking and smoking (weed and cigarettes) after an intense tripr. Now that all of the withdrawals are over and I'm back to my baseline I'm looking for something that's a lot less destructive and more positive. Ideally I'd love if it gave me an overall mood boost + more productivity and creativity, but I know drugs (especially psychedelics) act very differently from person to person so I might be wishing for too much. But there's only one way to know.

>> No.6515940


>> No.6515941

I hated that I constantly had to buy butane and my torches would stop working usually within months of use but to each to his own. Even the "high quality" torches that run up to 60 dollars break within months of use, makes life easier with a enail that's reliable.

>> No.6515987

It's all a dream my biz bro ;)))

>> No.6515989

I'd recommend kratom if you want something less addicting. It tastes like shit but it's good for what you want. Go to socalherbalremedies(.)comand type on "speciosa" to find it.

>> No.6516050

I loved microdosing on LSD but then run out and my favorite shop online got closed ;_;

>> No.6516053

It's all our dream ;)

>> No.6516147

ive been careful to never let a tolerance build up, so YMMV. my rule is never redose, never two days in a row, two days a week max. been 6 years and i can still break a 20 IR into 1/4th and be good.

>> No.6516151

I don't see why you would think that. People don't need to do drugs until they're ready for it, and some for better or worse might never be. Most drug are degenerate anyway. Alcohol, weed, opiates, benzos and speed are all degenerate. A few drugs can make you another person for a while and let you gain perspective which would be hard to achieve otherwise, but the vast majority of people do not need to take drugs, and anyone who is happy should stay the fuck away from drugs lest they break their equilibrium.

>> No.6516166
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Modafinil and plenty of weed.

Trying some phenibut lately as well.

Also waiting till I grow enough balls to try this tab of pure LSD I have. Anyone dabbled?

>> No.6516210

do you guys still get your shit off the internet now that alphabay is kill?

>> No.6516213
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Lol do it pussy look at this

>> No.6516243

I already experimented with Kratom a while ago. I tried a variety of brands, strains, and dosage levels (from 1g all the way up to 10g) and didn't feel anything at all. Well except for some constipation and green turds.

I know the effects are supposed to be subtle but... if they're so subtle that I can't notice them, then what's the point?

>> No.6516253

Yeah but all of that applies equally to 4chan, which is the piece you are overlooking. people that don't need to or aren't capable of doing drugs in balance also don't need to or aren't capable of being on 4chan in balance.

>> No.6516326

As far as drugs go, I think you found what you're looking for, lsd and shrooms are the safest out there. Of course anything can be abused, but you seem like you have a good head on your shoulders and you're going into it with the right state of mind. I tried to get my brother into microdosing so he could stop smokign weed and drinkign everyday, but all he wanted to do was get high on it lol

If you go in with the right mindset, to grow as a person, psychedelics are actually anti-addictive(if that's a word). I have a pretty addictive personality and I could never touch lsd or shrooms again and be completely fine.

I know i've shilled it enough, but you can also take doses in between a micro and macro dose, for social settings or hiking/skiing type deal. I DJed off a quarter tab, and it was a good time. But not the dirty high you get from weed or liq. I want to experiment with medium doses more, so im gonna try 40ug when i go skiing here in a couple weeks.

>> No.6516327

bro, I fucking love 4 HO MET

by far my favorite of the psilocybin-like tryptamines
I think Shulgin had a knack for it as well

>> No.6516376

Make sure you trust whoever you bought it from so that it's real LSD, people will put anything on blotter. I actually got Bromo-DragonFly once, but was too much of a pussy to take it. :)

>> No.6516437

It took me about 10+ times of me taking it to notice the affects. Weird drug. I feel it a lot now. It's not subtle at all though. Definitely hits harder than caffeine and is a lot more noticeable.

>> No.6516577

Do you really can tell the difference between all of them? I've tried a handful of these analogues and I can't tell them apart.

>> No.6516628

Alcohol is a drug. You're a drug user.

>> No.6516656

Coke, crypto never sleeps, neither do I

>> No.6516697

Join P&D group were everyone profits even during dips.
Discord >> UXBnfm2
950% on last pump.
Giveaways happening next week!

>> No.6516743

Caffeine and ginger root. Drugs are a big fucking waste of money

>> No.6516859

it's certainly similar, but for me there's little threat of gloomy introspection or anything like that as with 4-ACO-DMT or even cubensis mushrooms

it's just a super easy and fun ride for lack of a better description, it's all the good of mushrooms without any of the potential for negative thought loops. It's as if MDMA took on a mushroomy persona, it's just fun and bubbly all the way through

My favorite part is smoking weed on it, I feel like i was fucking BORN to smoke weed, the smoke feels like the hand of God reaching down your esophagus. It really goes well with the trip but the feeling is just indescribable

>> No.6516871

Lets be honest, a binge for you is 2 days LMFAO

>> No.6516926

I've had both 3meopcp and 3meopce and neither felt any good to me. DCK was fucking incredible though and DXM is my childhood sweetheart.

>> No.6517086

Your air way is your larynx, but I agree. Weed is good. Like any good thing, you can have too much though. Every day smoking for years makes weed less and less good to you, in my opinion.

>> No.6517090


>> No.6517094

Im a musician and pot makes the music flow bru

>> No.6517138

There's still dream market. There's lots of small vendors now but less trusted so higher chance of getting ripped off

>> No.6517159

I bet you make absolute shit music
t. sober producer

>> No.6517185

> phone in jail

>> No.6517211


>> No.6517257

How have professers not caught on to this yet? Also, nice grades but theyre about as valuable as digital monopoly money unless you can keep doing addy binges for the rest of your life

>> No.6517279


The feeling is absolutely beautiful plus no comedown.

>> No.6517306

weed and lsd i guess

>> No.6517342


Long story short, I got arrested and they let me keep my phone by mistake after letting me get a phone number out of it, so I shitposted all night.

>> No.6517356

oh...that's what mommy and daddy told u? lol.
u gotta smoke some good weed at least before u can make a judgement of any kind.

>> No.6517362

try doing mdma once a month weed 2-3 times a week and lsd whenever you feel like you are stuck in life

all about moderation my man

>> No.6517381

Oh shit man you should've called for help. Maybe you could've escaped

>> No.6517550
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Oxycodone. It makes everything that's wrong in your life seem like it's not a problem whatsoever. It feels so good to just sit with some snacks and be wonderfully content with anything and everything.

Can't do it too often though or you'll fuck your entire life.

>> No.6517569

do i off myself if i lift a day after addy?

>> No.6517574

I can solo on ukelele in 4/5 cunt what can you do?

>> No.6517578

I wouldn't mix crypto trading with it.

>> No.6517628


>> No.6517651

he talks about shit music, forgetting today's mainstream music is filled with the most shitty music ever made in music's history!

>> No.6517684

I play the skin flute in 18/16 over 4/4.

>> No.6517690

James Fadiman who promites this garbage is a CIA nigger. When SRI & harvard dept of social relations were testing lsd they first called them psychotomemetics & people were buggin out it wasnt until they renamed/remarketed them as psychedelics/hallucinagens & entheogens & suggested the spiritual experience that people began to think they were ghandi. https://youtu.be/8ZmZEvJV7Ww

>> No.6517722

Link the pornhub NAO

>> No.6517749


Man the comedown is awful though

>> No.6517828

LSD is mind control. Its bullshit. Makes u think your a shaman literally nothing there. Your relationships eith other people is the key to personal growth. https://youtu.be/8ZmZEvJV7Ww

>> No.6517841

Sorry, for sober guys only

>> No.6517903

Adderall 60 mg

>> No.6517936

Go listen to sweet leaf by black sabbath soberboi

>> No.6517971
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I actually had to quit smoking cigarillos so my heart wouldn't give me any problems while doing this. Got an ECG on NYE to make sure I was set for the rest of the night.

Just weed and beer now. Interested in trying DMT and re-exploring other psychedelics while I figure out how to make money off of the blockchain

Highly skeptical of this.
I know people find ways to get phones while in jail but they make you spread cheeks just before putting you in housing.

>> No.6518041

Strange, LSD made me realize that my relationships with other people is the key to personal growth.

>> No.6518060

Amen brother, anything else is for losers

>> No.6518179
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snus and coffee

>> No.6518234 [DELETED] 

Maybe, maybe not. It's very subjective, but you can see deep things inside yourself on some of these hallucinogens. They also make you very vulnerable and you can get lost, so they're not to be taken lightly. But when you heavily lack direction and might even be considering suicide, they can bring to some kind of awakening and make you see thing from a 10,000 feet perspective. Of course, most people use them for fun and have no respect whatsoever for them, but they can also bring what was once pretty much considered religious illumination. When you have these experiences, they will make you feel a disconnect with some people who have never tried them, and they can change you as a person. The psychedelic experience can be hard to describe, it has to be experienced to be understood. But anyone who is happy with their place in life or generally in a good place already should stay away.

>> No.6518247

..is...is that a titanium nail? That's disgusting anon.
just not with a titanium nail so fucking gross holy shit. Enail yes titanium nooooooooooooo.

>> No.6518376

I use quartz personally .

>> No.6518398

Nothing beats a nice cup of soy milk in the morning

>> No.6518464

Crystal Methamphetamine HCL
and watching charts

>> No.6518471


>> No.6518490

Fucking lab-grown Siberia, man. Dizzies up even the most seasoned snus user.

>> No.6518787

I drink diesel

>> No.6518835

Caffeine is a drug, drug user.

>> No.6518860

probably a greeting card copy writer

>> No.6519077

I smoke crack six times a day for those sweet gainz. I also take 300mg Ritalin daily. Krokodil four times a week and a gallon of Ayahuasca once every four days.

>> No.6519210

Did anyone here take modafinil a few years ago ( the Sun Pharma generic stuff) and now gets headaches daily and their scan shows a pituitary adenoma?

>> No.6519259
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fukn kek'd

>> No.6519348


>> No.6519368

you shouldnt be using ayahuasca with all that other shit bro
youre meant to be clean

fucking really

>> No.6519415

Actually - maybe you guys know. I have a hard time getting this when I want it. How do I get it on the internet?

>> No.6519507

Quit the weed. I did and do everything else evey once in a while. Never felt better.
Weed is *mostly* a teenager drug. Once you become a little dependent on it it starts to consume your life and dragging you down. Weed always led to self-deprecating thoughts for me, and low self-esteem.

>> No.6519606

this, fuck weed and anyone who is over 25 that is a heavy stoner

It is a weight on your life and connection to others. End of story

>> No.6519651

Just buy EGAS and hold it...13mil max supply and the price is sub $0.10 - at $1 it will only be 13mil market cap and even if it turns out to be a scamcoin thats still 10x returns.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6519746

Regular smoking isnt for everyone. Some can handle it and others cant. Really depends on your personality and where you are in life, whether you are comfortable already or not.
Still though.. Better off without.

>> No.6519773

its still good in a "shamanic" context, but it only works that way if you do it a few times a month, otherwise tolerance stops you from being able to reach that level.

smoking/eating small amounts (that don't get you high) of certain strains can be really helpful for pain, or insomnia, nausea, etc. But you've gotta have good self control and a genuine desire to NOT be stoned for that to work out. because too big of a hit (or a second one, you shortsighted stoner) will take you there no matter what strain.

>> No.6519800
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holding ZRX FUN CAN and APPC
all my frend r ded all i see is red

>> No.6519855

get a made in japan blazer you cheap fag. i use a fresh banger, bought 20 off dhgate. i only smoke $60/g+ no poop soup

>> No.6519926
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This, guy from /sci/

>> No.6519941


>> No.6519955

Shrooms and weed.

>> No.6519967

Cocaine , weed , alcohol.. Sometimes ghb & mdma

>> No.6520118


>> No.6520156

That grammar kek

>> No.6520235

I agree with this to some extent after being without for 2 weeks. I’m 28, been an every day smoker for about a decade. I thought I needed it. Two weeks later, I miss the escape but the clarity is very valuable. It’s like I can see farther forward now. Still, I don’t judge those who smoke every day and never will. A part of me will always relate. Different people have different lives and reasons.