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6490471 No.6490471 [Reply] [Original]

We have been stuck between 6900 and 7900 for the past couple days. Want to accumulate like a whale? Sell at 7700, buy at 6900. Keep doing that until mainnet launches.

>> No.6490643

I’ve been increasing my stack for the last few days. Yesterday was pretty dangerous when it went over 7900. I was afraid it was going to take off. But it appears I made the right decision because I bought back to day at 6850.

>> No.6490734

I'm gonna try doing this and it's gonna moon like crazy past 7900 once I do.

>> No.6490878

I was afraid too, but I think OP is right about it happening all the way until MainNet launch. I don’t expect it to moon until then.

>> No.6490888

My same thought

>> No.6490921

ok anon, I'll try it out. Wish me luck

>> No.6490970

I'd rather just hodl and not sweat it.... i enjoy the comfy lifestyle ICX brings me

>> No.6490996

I've been 5x for the first 2 months in crypto, it didn't feel sustainable so for this month and half into feb I decided to just iron hands in ICX. I'm pretty pleased, but at the same time, I feel stagnant and like I could be making more money.

>> No.6491008

ICON is way too valuable to even risk losing any of my stack. You guys are gonna get burned.

>> No.6491093

my strategy is, ill keep selling off 1000 ICX around the 77k mark and buying back in around 69k, and if it takes off, ill just add it to my OMG position. I'll still be left with a significant amount of them.

>> No.6491111

this is neo as antshares

>> No.6491293

tfw only 300 ICX

gotta risk it for the biscuit right anon?

>> No.6491500

491 ICX will i make it?

>> No.6491573

ICX goes $100, you get $49100

not makin it, but still good money

>> No.6491707
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Started with 44 ICX on Jan 1st, now have 55 ICX
I know I'm never gonna make it, but my goal is to be able to buy pic related. It better not fail.

>> No.6491793

You might make if you make 10 hours of RS drop vids for living

>> No.6491834

poorfag here with 50 ICX
mainnet launch when?

>> No.6491850

jan 24

>> No.6491869

warning friends. Dire warning
Icx mainnet delay to 26 February
Second time delay
Also they print 30% coins more each year to destroy price a scam they want
Not a good pick only going down from now.
VEN good coin right now. Has tobacco on blockchain. More VEN more tobacco you get. Friends love me I have shed full tobacco now. Good twitter fun and times. Guarantee.
No other coin have tobacco in blockchain try but not there!

>> No.6491882


cheers m8

>> No.6491924

tobacco very nice , please buy , will make you rich , and me finally able to afford a toilet

>> No.6491928

chink alert
you VEN shills are all over telegram, no one gives a fuck

>> No.6492003

Please listen! VEN coin is best and most undervalued. Like antshare neo. You don't want to miss out. So cheap. VEN first to have tobacco in blockchain. Icx not even have blockchain. Buy or miss out and lose. Guarantee

>> No.6492032

Yeah, sticking with my 3200, that should be enough to do quite well by year's end.

>> No.6492166

my parents just advised me to pick up ICX.
they also talked about main net launch.
what should I do guys? is it really legit?

>> No.6492252
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How much ICX I need to make it anon? I just want Hyundai

>> No.6492254

even your parents are more up to date than you

baka senpai

>> No.6492275

I can't tell if this is a pajeet or somebody trying to write the same way Trump tweets.

>> No.6492285
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Every fucking token is being strangled by whales. Feels bad man.

>> No.6492413

The handle is forming. This is gonna Fly, Classic Cupper and Handler!

>> No.6492543

Alarm. Do not buy now or else. ICX mod ignore and never update. Korea ban curocurrency too, very soon. 30% more token a year. Money dilution.You will be sorry. Buy VEN if want tobacco on blockchain. Built new shed for even more tobacco. Friend love me. Please don't miss out or you regret. Guarantee.

>> No.6492593

can't tell if actual chinglish or troll

>> No.6492608

you sound like a filthy street merchant

>> No.6492640

This costs more than 55ICX?

>> No.6492653

how high could it go in january? I'm already invested in some potential moonshots

>> No.6492691
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Kek, I appreciate your b8
>built new shed for even more tobacco
Really fags? That wasn't a dead giveaway?

>> No.6492693

I really want some of that tobacco. Seriously considering dumping ICX for good.

>> No.6492720

Yeah it's the 535i V8, that exact one is 2000€

>> No.6492734
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Can't wait to see how mainnet and the summit go, gonna be beautiful

>> No.6492764

Nobody knows but it has potential to go $50 and beyond eoy

>> No.6492785

ive seen chinese say shit a lot dumber than that

>> No.6492836
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everyone is already priced in
only the listing on coinone and krw pairing can make this moon for real

>> No.6492896

ICX will be going on Coinbase March

>> No.6492900
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>> No.6493027

kek i know but i'm not fudding, that's just my opinion

>> No.6493129

Guys, will you be able to stake ICX? And if so, when?

>> No.6493503

> $15 before mainnet

yall been memed

>> No.6493600

That's still 9 days away baka.

>> No.6494009
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>and me finally able to afford a toilet

>> No.6494695
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still plenty of time

>> No.6495374

775 checking in

>> No.6495508
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Is this what you would call a cup and handle?

>> No.6495560

The cup is crooked and there is no handle, so no

>> No.6495637

Most recent candle won't stay like that though

>> No.6495658
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>> No.6495688

Then we'll talk

>> No.6495714

Deluded iconkies are deluded. This shitcoin is way overhyped and will continue to tank in the lead up to mainnet. Sell now and rebuy after mainnet launch if you want profit. This coin is a good long term hold however you will be loosing money holding it now.

>> No.6495878

Is it as loose as your mums hole?

>> No.6495910

This is exact post is why I hold 70% ICON. Even the FUDers concede its a good long term hold.

>> No.6495938

ICX being over $5 defeats the whole purpose of the token. If you knew anything about the project, you'd know this. Use your brain people. Are you seriously going to fucking buy this over $5?

>> No.6495945
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>> No.6496045

whale here. your luck will run out very quickly if you start attempting this.

>> No.6496084
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sir, argue against my points instead of talking my mum you motheryukkers.

>> No.6496136
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