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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 45 KB, 482x482, hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6472322 No.6472322 [Reply] [Original]

Biz, what is the most unethical thing you have done for money? This is our safe space my fellow sinners

>Ran away with my parent's retirement money after I told them I'll invest it for them
>Not really doing anything with the money I just want to see my bank account and investment accounts go up

>> No.6472353

how much did u lose

>> No.6472372

>what is the most unethical thing you have done for money?


>> No.6472381

nice try fbi

>> No.6472426

buying porn related crypto (spankchain), makes me feel gangsta af

>> No.6472441 [DELETED] 


Yeah that’s great and all but earn real money at this Pump discord server discord gg/YQqTCqt

>> No.6472465

>how much did u lose
What do you mean anon? I didnt lose anything. I just gained money. I didnt run away because i lost it. I ran away with it to earn money.

I already have money for hookers and blow I just need it for well you know, hookers and blow in the future just in case crypto doesnt work out. The money i ran away with is sitting in fiat.

Its mine when they die anyway so whats the difference of getting it now.

>> No.6472491

>what is the most unethical thing you have done for money?
Probably investing in defense stocks, oil companies, weed and energy hog BTC.

>> No.6472514
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Kys faggot

>> No.6472524

We used to have this thread all the time, what kind of newfag are you?

>> No.6472549

> be poor minority
> apply for university
> get the maximum amount of aids possible
> attending university is free
> live in dorm for two years
> rent free
> flunk out

>> No.6472550

I stole money basically every other week from my parents to go pay in the arcade. I didn't care at all back then but I hope I can make it up to them down the line.

>> No.6472558

>Yeah that’s great and all but earn real money at this Pump discord server discord gg/YQqTCqt
Well, comments like this are usually spam but you definitely fit right in this thread anon.

>> No.6472569

Running bitflur.com and taking $12,000 from retards

>> No.6472573
File: 41 KB, 770x433, Apple_EarPods_35446297_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right now u r in your twenties. wait until late 20's or early 30's and you will not be able to live with the guilt

give it back and just say that no investment opportunities came up

>> No.6472596

nice larp

>> No.6472606

I fud good coins just for fun, the thought of weak hands loosing profits or selling at loss amuses me.

>> No.6472618

>maximum amount of AIDS

>> No.6472625


I stole some kids gold in WoW. I told him I'd give him a really cool item for x amount of gold. When the trade happened I exchanged it for a junk item and he didn't notice. I gave the gold back a day later though because I felt bad for him. :)

>> No.6472649

Give them the money back and say you couldn't invest it. Honestly, stealing from parents is more disgusting than the other shit.

>> No.6472655

>right now u r in your twenties
>wait until late 20's or early 30's and you will not be able to live with the guilt
Wtfffffff is this you jesus? How did you know. If im guilty in my 30s I'll probably spend all the money on hookers and blow then kill myself.

>give it back and just say that no investment opportunities came up
I'll never be able to earn this amount of money. It will take me years or even decades to earn this amount of money. Its already sitting in the palm of my hands. Trust me i prefer not to do this but this is the only way I'll make it and be able to bang 9 to 10/10s.

>> No.6472680
File: 39 KB, 900x900, angry_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE get out of this thread jesus

>> No.6472685

I abuse the status of "native" to get free scholarships, I got an easier drivers license test because they had to give me the test in my "native" language (Sami).

I am a recognized minority and get preferred status when companies are hiring to fill their quota etc.

I am like 1/8th but they cannot proove me wrong since it is illegal to DNA test if you are a minority. German cucks are the best.

Ez living.

>> No.6472728

you'll end up spending it all while making no gainz and have the just ending. seriously anon, give it back

>> No.6472756

You are such a fucking fag to do that to your parents.

>b-bang muh 9's

Pathetic. If you can't game your way to doing this natty, then you're incel as fuck and it's validated by the fact you ran off with your parents fucking retirement fund. Absolutely embarrassing. Where is your fucking pride, faggot? What dignity remains?

>> No.6472772

>the only way I'll make it and be able to bang 9 to 10/10s

I fucked a 9.5/10 model daily for more than a year. EVERY FUCKING DAY. You will get tired of her

regards the money you stole; is it worth the black void in your soul? sooner or later you will want to cleanse that black void

switch to weed (indica) and give money back

>> No.6472798

>you'll end up spending it all while making no gainz
The only reason its making no gains is because its sitting in fiat. Dont tell me you faggots have everything in crypto or investments.

Always have fiat just in case the bubble bursts and you need to buy the dip or to celebrate before you an hero.

>> No.6472810

>if you're not larping, read on
You're an absolute, absolute piece of shit. The worst of human scum. Fucking absolute dog cunt, pure and straight. Dog cunt.

Imagine slaving your whole fucking life away, having a kid and trying your best to work hard and give it a good life, loving them and trusting your own flesh and blood enough to rely on them to help you retire, and they fucking betray you. Fucking betray you by robbing you blind, completely annihilating the very foundations of what's most sacred.

Absolutely pray, fucking pray that you die alone, in a stupid and embarrassing way. I hope you die in such a way that everyone will laugh at you in your final moments.

Absolute complete, utter dog cunt. Robbing your own parents, fucking piece of shit. Complete piece of shit.

When you get older, you'll think about all those days your mother spent thinking about this. All those precious hours of her rapidly-decreasing life span, wasted paining and aching over what her own son did to her. Her happy future robbed, any semblance of an opportunity to enjoy the fruits of her hard labour ripped from her hands by a person she should have been able to trust. And you know what's worse? The betrayal will hurt her more. The betrayal of trust will ruin her heart. The stress alone will kill her quicker.

You use that money to try and quit wageslaving, and in turn have condemned the very people who brought you life to have to do the same in the few years they have left.

Absolute, utter cunt. Pure human garbage.

>> No.6472829

>Dont tell me you faggots have everything in crypto or investments.

thats the only way to do it. i have basically no savings but a 300k portfolio. Your just bagholding fiat

>> No.6472854

well said, I actually hope he kills himself or gets run over by a truck.

>> No.6472864

this desu. You will suffer for your evil OP

>> No.6472887

>implying he can bang different 9/10 girls everyday on a whim
Yeah good luck with that faggot. Anyone who says they can get 9/10 on a whim is either lying or has bad taste. Girls at this level require you to be a top-tier chad not just decent looking or require you to be rich as hell.

>I fucked a 9.5/10 model daily for more than a year. EVERY FUCKING DAY. You will get tired of her
Maybe the secret is to bang DIFFERENT 9.5/10 models everyday and only money can do that. I'm assuming you are not larping and that you dated her. With your parents retirement money you'll probably be able to hire different girls as hot as her on a daily basis.

>> No.6472943

OP is either larping or a sociopath. Either way there's no point in shaming him.

>> No.6472944

Back when I was younger I worked at a theatre. Plays. Tickets were pretty expensive. Well I obviously didn't make much there and was waiting around for a job in my field to open up. The managers were idiots who didn't run a tight ship whatsoever. I figured out that for every cash transaction, I could take the money, usually around 100 for 2 tickets, print complementary tickets that don't register in the system as costing money, and just give the customers change from my own pocket.

I must have stolen at least 8k over the 2 months I did this. A part of me felt bad because the theatre wasn't doing well financially before this and I definitely didn't help things. No one was ever the wiser. I had to explain why the tickets said "comp" on them to a couple of well intentioned customers which got hairy sometimes if the convo was overheard by a coworker but I always found a reason that sounded plausible.

That and I stole around 2k from the church I attended when I was much younger. Around 12. I was a real shit before I realized how to make money legally.

>> No.6472971

>t. butthurt mommy's and daddy's boy
Why did you even bother going to a biz sinner's thread if you are going to be this butthurt? Are they your parents? Then shut up.

They are my parents and im free to do what i want with them. Mind your own parents faggot.

>> No.6472981
File: 299 KB, 448x256, 494.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have a security job where I was basically being paid to sit in my car and doodle/read/occasionally nap between masturbating in the contracting company's bathroom because my presence was so completely unnecessary I could get away with it. That felt a little unethical, but I was more than content doing it and who am I to tell anyone what to do with their money? I really miss that gig.

>> No.6473018

Give the money back to your parents. Dont be a dipshit.

>> No.6473042

They were also free to abort you when they could have done so.

>> No.6473085

>They were also free to abort you when they could have done so.
Maybe they should have used a condom faggot. They probably enjoyed making me. Which is why im never having kids even though i love sex so much. I like fucking both women, traps, and men kek so marriage and kids is a stupid idea. Plus they might betray me too so nope not having them.

>> No.6473112
File: 439 KB, 457x808, greekeco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is the most unethical thing you have done for money?

Probably not paying taxes - if you see that as unethical.

Once bribed an african policeman since I was drunk driving - but thats pretty normal

>> No.6473117

Im his friend from the next door. You dont no him. You dont no shit. Did you no hes black and you sayin this shit on MLK day huh? You white folk talk tough shit but you always afraid how you going to get your ass beat in real life. It he money now bitch ass fucker.

>> No.6473151

that's pretty shitty anon, I mean wow

just give it back or actually invest it already you moralless person

>> No.6473170

>bang DIFFERENT 9.5/10 models everyday and only money can do that

on that subject you are correct. nothing can ever top cumming a model's face

for me a model every 10 months would suffice

>> No.6473192

>Probably not paying taxes - if you see that as unethical.
Will probably never pay taxes desu. After all i am retired with this money kek!

>Im his friend from the next door. You dont no him. You dont no shit.
Hello Tyrone

>> No.6473198

Passed memes off as my own


>> No.6473248

Started a coin called Tron (maybe you heard of it?) hyped it up and then pulled an exit scam and left thousands of round eye holding my bags.

>> No.6473269


>> No.6473322

heheheheh how the fuck do people still buy shitcoins in 2018?

i might b interested. how much money can such a meme gain me and in how much time?

$10,000 in a year and that's it?

>> No.6473408
File: 141 KB, 640x640, 11123789_827058250706206_1228103891_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what in the name of fuck is that?

let me try to outdo your bad-lsd tier video

>> No.6473422

Over the past month, I try to stay away from price related tweets, but it’s hard because price is such an important aspect of TRON growth. And whenever I tweet about TRON price or even just good or bad news, I get accused of doing it for personal benefit. Some people even think I short TRON! So in a sense, it is conflict of interest for me to hold TRON and tweet about it because I have so much influence. I have always refrained from buying/selling TRON before or after my major tweets, but this is something only I know. And there will always be a doubt on whether any of my actions were to further my own personal wealth above the success of TRON and crypto-currency in general.
For this reason, in the past few days, I have sold and donated all my TRON. TRON has been very good for me financially, so I am well off enough that I no longer need to tie my financial success to TRON’s success. For the first time in 6+ weeks, I no longer own a single TRON that’s not stored in a physical TRON. (I do have a few of those as collectibles, you can get some for yourself on our website for 1 ETH, limited production run) This is definitely a weird feeling, but also somehow refreshing. Don’t worry. I’m not quitting TRON. I will still spend all my time working on TRON. When TRON succeeds, I will still be rewarded in lots of different ways, just not directly via ownership of coins. I now believe this is the best way for me to continue to oversee TRON’s growth.
Please don’t ask me how many coins I sold or at what price. I can tell you that the amount of coins was a small percentage of Binance’s daily volume and it did not crash the market.

>> No.6473522

>lives off of handouts
Black fella detected

>> No.6473595

Thank you Mr. Taxpayer. I couldn't have lived rent free without your help.

>> No.6473717

It's not impossible anon, showering and working out isn't really hard to do.

>> No.6473796

it depends where you from too. In Moscow 90% of women are model tier. In Sicily only 2% are model tier.

so in sicily you have to drive a ferrari to fuck a model

>> No.6473810

I stole money from my parents to buy Gothic 3 when I was a kid.

>> No.6473944

Okay confession time

For 3-4 months i've been fucking around with 3 separate 9-9,5/10 girls who have self worth issues. Just lifting their spirits up and calling them beautiful and promising them future plans together. Pretty attractive myself, strong 8 and pretty ripped, so they like it when a handsome person compliments them honestly and not the usual neckbeards who orbit them. I go on dates like one a week with each one of them, and i gotta kep tabs who comen when.... fuck i even sent the wrong screenshot to the wrong girl once, and i could pass it off. What will happen if i fuck it up peeps, i'm kinda afraid that theyll murder me in my sleep.

Oh and i'm bagholding LINK.

>> No.6474000


Also 2 of them are early 20s semi-neets who got fucked over in their teens.

Guys, go for the hurt ones. They're loyal if you can get to them.

>> No.6474007

look you retarded fuck. You've never fucked a girl, you're the most obvious virgin on this board, probably never ever kissed one. You've never made any money in your life, never achieved anything so you're taking money from your parents. It's despicable, definitely but it's also just funny. You think suddenly you'll become alpha, that suddenly you'll have skills, or be interesting. You won't, you're still at the bottom of the fucking food chain, just with a little nicer clothes for the time being. You'll probably get stolen from by a fake friend not too long from now, you'll look back on your life 20 years from now, and realize just how worthless it is before you die. You want to actually achieve something, take a risk, go at it alone and then you might accomplish something worth something. But you won't do that, because you're a pussy deep down but it's ok you'll be at that point in a few months anyway.

>> No.6474018
File: 209 KB, 598x670, 1512171047056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking Christ OP you are one seriously ungrateful shit. Fuck off.

>> No.6474098

my fellow Nigerian hustler. You hit jackpot twice. the secret to women is to find the broken ones. their bitch shields are broken. normal bitches have a bullet-proof bitch shield to repel the multiple men that approach them daily

i m in a sort of similar situation to yours. I am planning to tell my gf that I will be going to live abroad due to mental crisis when i get 100% fed up of her. its a lie of course

>> No.6474215

Just buy EGAS and hold it...13mil max supply and the price is sub $0.10 - at $1 it will only be 13mil market cap and even if it turns out to be a scamcoin thats still 10x returns.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6474310

>look you retarded fuck. You've never fucked a girl, you're the most obvious virgin on this board, probably never ever kissed one.
Being this butthurt. Fuck off anyone in this board can fuck a girl its biz ffs. Even faggots that threw their lunch money in crypto in the past few months would have enough money for at least a hooker. This isnt like your buds at /r9k/.

>You've never made any money in your life, never achieved anything so you're taking money from your parents.
Lol this IS making money. Think its easy? Kek try taking money from your parents. You'll probably cry even if you steal $20 from them you massive faggot.

> You'll probably get stolen from by a fake friend not too long from now, you'll look back on your life 20 years from now, and realize just how worthless it is before you die.
Too bad i dont trust anyone. Only empathetic people like you trust other people lol at the cope.

>You want to actually achieve something, take a risk, go at it alone and then you might accomplish something worth something. But you won't do that, because you're a pussy deep down but it's ok you'll be at that point in a few months anyway.
Got a shit load of money in crypto bud. This money sitting in fiat is just assurance that I'll make it. I need to make it no matter what.

>> No.6474345

I met a guy on Seeking Arrangement and sucked his dick for $1,000

>> No.6474358

Honestly I'd sooner kill myself than backstab my own family, no matter how shitty of parents they were.

>> No.6474416
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>Oh and i'm bagholding LINK
>Chad bought my bags

>> No.6474418

This anon knows. Give it back you thieving fagghawt.

>> No.6474434

>confession time
>just a fucking humble brag
fuck you

>> No.6474488

>no matter how shitty of parents they were
They were really kind to me desu. Gave me everything i want since birth. Even paid for my car and condo. Its just that i need assurance that i'll be rich at a young age.

For all we know crypto might burst this month. I need assurance anon, and only stealing the money can do that.

>> No.6474500


>I'm seriously afraid for my life. If they find out about each other then i'm finished.

>> No.6474503

The absolute state of Europe

>> No.6474533
File: 21 KB, 563x503, 1510025631524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maximum amount of AIDs

>> No.6474546

You're scum

>> No.6474589

>I need assurance anon, and only stealing the money can do that

normal people get a job for assurance. gangsters steal money for assurance

sooner or later what will happen is you realize that you got no monthly income. just a large lump sum that keeps gettin smaller

daily drugs aint cheap ;^)

>> No.6474673

pick the best one then cunt. i remember being in a /k/ thread once where this chad fucks two girls at once

lemme get the cap its easier

>> No.6474711

This night I sold more than half of my COSS when it was at 2.10 $. Dunno if this is a sin?

>> No.6474728
File: 42 KB, 1280x720, mclovin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normal people get a job for assurance. gangsters steal money for assurance

Whattup gangstas how does it feel like not to have the drive to make it? If anything this shows i have bigger balls to make it since im willing to steal from my parents.

>sooner or later what will happen is you realize that you got no monthly income. just a large lump sum that keeps gettin smaller
My proof of stake coins will do it for me, assuming the bubble doesnt burst. Plus i can use the money sitting in fiat for safe investments like index funds.

You dont really think a stack of money generated by two people their entire lifetime cant produce enough passive income? Kek at the amount of cope you're doing.

>> No.6474738
File: 155 KB, 486x808, 888270F3-5635-4258-8031-2C5F5694A59D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maximum amount of AIDS

>> No.6474739

No sin. you just followed the first rule of /biz/

>buy high, sell low

>> No.6474801

nice anon :D

>> No.6474836
File: 1.52 MB, 1136x640, 05D20B9C-9D92-444A-A3D1-AEDBECE33771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deleting all my cryptocurrency accounts is the first step to healing.

>> No.6474849

2.10 isn't really low for coss

>> No.6474850

You get pleasure from fucking women who, even if they are 9/10, are almost assuredly thinking about how ugly or how much of a loser you are while they're fucking you?

You dumbass. Anyone can fuck a hooker with money. The real shit is when you fuck someone who actually thinks you're attractive. That, my friend, will never happen for you even if you make billions :)

>> No.6474857


Yeah that's great and all but if you want to make real money join the best pump group

discord gg/YQqTCqt

>> No.6474872

couple gangsters for life

>stack of money generated by two people their entire lifetime

well if you live in Serbia that's $1500. If in Australia it's $5 million

you know what sucks about grindin to make it; success is not guaranteed.

basically being a good cuck goyim in a corporate job or any job is a gamble

>> No.6474886


Might as well start fucking sex bots. They're cheaper and give as much of a fuck about you than the hookers. You know it's true.

>> No.6474888 [DELETED] 

I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6474904

You spoke like a true soy bottle of milk

have fun fuckin 5's till you die

>> No.6474992

>stack of money generated by two people their entire lifetime
>well if you live in Serbia that's $1500. If in Australia it's $5 million
Thats how low the wage is at Serbia? If was in their situation ill probably be a hardcore criminal

>Might as well start fucking sex bots. They're cheaper and give as much of a fuck about you than the hookers. You know it's true.
I dont give a fuck about them either. I just like a quick fuck when im horny. I dont expect long term relationships either since sometimes i like fucking really hot girls, sometimes i like fucking really hot traps, sometimes i just like fucking men.

>> No.6474999

I took some copper from my job site. Super said it was okay, but I know the owner would have shit himself.

Easy $1000

>> No.6475004

I fuck 9/10s on the regular. Difference between me and OP (probably you as well) ? The girls are not thinking about how they can't wait to get the fuck out of your place in an hour to fuck their chad boyfriends or chill with her girlfriends talking about how much of a sucker you were as her client,

Money doesn't buy mutual attraction :)

>> No.6475044

I meant that they find you to be a butt fuck ugly loser. You do find the 9/10 hookers attractive.

>> No.6475052

Perfect example of a hedonistic subhuman, who’s IQ makes them unable to look at the future. Fuck, degenerates like you makes me support authoritarian governments that cane the little whimps you pathetic fucks are

>> No.6475053

> Bought a cd burner with my paper route money to sell pirated CDs and videogames.
> Bought tubular lockpicks and used them to raid vending machines.
> Acted as a bookie for acquaintances when online gambling was legal; skimmed 10% of the winnings.

Nothing too bad. I grew up to be a contributing member of society.

>> No.6475089

>I fuck 9/10s on the regular.
>Money doesn't buy mutual attraction :)
100% larp lol. What kind of chad uses a smiley face.

How does it feel like to fantasize about women and money while i have a lot of cold hard cash just by doing this unethical deed? You probably dont have the balls to do the same thing.

>> No.6475092

>invested 1k in crypto
>made them 12k
>sitting on my ass being neet for 2 months
>fuck me

>> No.6475109

>sometimes i like fucking really hot girls, sometimes i like fucking really hot traps, sometimes i just like fucking men.
All right , buy a gun and fucking blow your brains out you absolute degenerate piece of shit. Seems like your father didn’t beat you up enough to shape you up like a real man instead of a whiny NEET

>> No.6475119

Omg that sounds like heaven. I would crypto trade my paycheck while working

>> No.6475128

like i said before man. depends where in the name of God you are on earth. in Russia 90% of women are model tier. In sicily its only 2%. In Tunisa its only 0.2%

In Belarus only 0.2% of women are not model tier

supply and demand retard.

>> No.6475139

Guaranteed you're butt fuck ugly anon. I can sense the change of tone in your language after realizing that no amount of money will change that fact.

I don't need to fantasize about money or women since I have both,

>> No.6475171

>Perfect example of a hedonistic subhuman, who’s IQ makes them unable to look at the future.
Lets assume that I really have a low IQ you have to admit im ruthless in the pursuit of success. That is much more important in making money.

>Fuck, degenerates like you makes me support authoritarian governments that cane the little whimps you pathetic fucks are
Kek!!!!!! AUTHORITARIAN GOVERNMENTS ARE FULL OF PEOPLE LIKE ME. I would probably gas your entire family for 1 BNB just so i can get a discount in my next trade.

>> No.6475249

>Guaranteed you're butt fuck ugly anon.
False, not everyone in biz is ugly like you. I'm pretty good looking but not enough to score 9 to 10 out of 10s on a daily basis. I'm just being honest. I'm not like you fags that live in denial.

Its easy to spot larpers like you in biz. Ever wonder why super chads that look like greek gods fuck 6 to 7 out of 10 girls from time to time? Because even they cant score different hot girls consistently.

>> No.6475305

Have never met a greek god who couldn't pull 9/10 girls whenever they want on demand. I'm not surprised by your lying regarding your looks though so it's all good

>> No.6475390



>> No.6475400

Fuck you OP

>> No.6475431

>Have never met a greek god who couldn't pull 9/10 girls whenever they want on demand
You've never seen chads fuck girls way below them? Complete bullshit. Have fun living in fantasy land faggot.

The thing with people like you is that you want something but you dont have the guts to act. If you stole your parents money you could probably live the life you want, assuming your parents arent dirt poor.

But given how you're REEEEEEEing over my posts it seems your parents didnt love you that much did they? Now you're angry because someone like me whom his parents love very much is acting this way.

Sucks to be you honestly. I can sense the insecurity and pain that you feel by not having parents that treat you well.

>> No.6475441

>Claims to be a chad

post pic lets see

>> No.6475543

>dog cunt
Australian detected

>> No.6475546

I am curious....do you have siblings?

coz if you do drama will start soon :^)

>inb4 female siblings (they will get bf's / husbands)

>> No.6475583

>Asks me to post a photo thinking i claimed to be a super chad
Did i claim to be the one to fuck 10/10 girls on a daily basis? Its this anon >>6475139 Why do you think im stealing the money. I'm good looking thats it, girls that are complete strangers have commented on it. Even faggots comment it. But they are not 9s or 10s.

If i wanted to larp i could have just said i can fuck 9s and 10s but im just greedy. But unlike you faggots im being honest in this thread.

Plus why would i post a photo given how butthurt you fags are to someone stealing from his own parents. I honestly dont get losers like you who feel the need to care whether someone's parents are getting hurt. Its not like they are your parents.

>> No.6475612

give it back OP, do the right thing

>> No.6475627

probably because its despicable

>> No.6475669
File: 95 KB, 593x693, average day in ukraine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, fuck that guy.

>> No.6475782

Imagine the long hours your parents worked to make that little nest egg. How they balanced their lives and work and you, giving up their own enjoyment so that there was time enough for both.

And then, at the end, they give their nest egg over to their joy. To their son. And you run with it.

I’m not going to tell you to give it back. Or to die, or hang yourself, or anything like that. It’s not my place. I don’t know you. But, I want you to think for a second. Think about your partners, old with wear and tear back home, and the faith they have in you.

They’re not even worried about the money because it’s with you and they love you.

>> No.6475792

>I am curious....do you have siblings?
I do but they are all scared of me so i dont see this as an issue. Even my parents are fucking scared of me. I decide where to eat, i decide what to do when we go out, i even decide where we go for vacation. But i probably wont see them anymore once i run away with the money so they can decide on their own.

How do you think i got them to give me the money to "invest"?

>give it back OP, do the right thing
Look ill try to make you understand. You people are so empathetic and loving to other people that you dont realize you have to be empathetic and loving to yourself.

There is NO afterlife faggots. If you dont get to fuck 9s or 10s on a daily basis and live a luxurious life before you die you will never ever ever be able to experience that.

Close your eyes and imagine before you were born. Seems like a long time right? After all a billion years is a long time. But get this, after you die it will be longer since its not just a billion years, you will be GONE FOR ETERNITY. Not a billion years, trillion years, or septillion years but forever.

Do you really want to be gone for eternity without experiencing these pleasures in life? How about you try being loving to yourself.

>> No.6475823

Youre going to hell OP. Even if this is a LARP for having such bad thoughts. Sage.

>> No.6475861

i'm not even a psychologist but you're clearly a sociopath. hope you get killed by a crack whore

>> No.6475943

Either you are a troll, in which case, congrats, you triggered me (and everyone else in that thread) or you are the textbook definition of a worthless piece of shit.
Have fun when you are poor and lonely at 30something, when you spent it all on living out your neet fantasy and no one will want to have anything to do with your sociopath ass.

>> No.6475955

>Youre going to hell OP. Even if this is a LARP for having such bad thoughts. Sage.
You faggots keep bringing up hell but dont you realize eternal nothingness is more frightening. The thought of never getting to experience these pleasurable things for eternity is much more painful than the thought of hell.

Give it some thought and you'll end up doing the same thing as me.

>i'm not even a psychologist but you're clearly a sociopath.
Being loving to yourself is being a sociopath now? Kek sure.

>> No.6476042

>Have fun when you are poor and lonely at 30something
How can i be poor when i have 2 people's retirement money sitting in fiat plus my crypto?

Everyone dies alone anyway. You think couples die together? Check the statistics on how often couples die in the exact same time. It is often the case that one outlives the other. So chances are that you or your spouse too will die alone.

>> No.6476087

no, but not having any basic human decency does.

>> No.6476188

So you faggots are saying you wont steal a large amount of money given the chance? What a joke. Whats the point of not being truthful in an anonymous board.

99% of this board would probably steal the money given the chance. What a bunch of hypocrites.

>> No.6476323 [DELETED] 

EGAS has a 13 mil max coin supply and the price is sub 10cents right now. Even if it turns out to be a scamcoin it will definitely get pumped to $1 before then and that will only put it at 13m market cap.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6476508

They're gonna sue u for it and send bolice

>> No.6476545

t. jesusfag

>> No.6476650

Wow you are a true faggot if you really found out there's a maximum amount of aids you can get

>> No.6476689

>So you faggots are saying you wont steal a large amount of money given the chance? What a joke. Whats the point of not being truthful in an anonymous board.
>99% of this board would probably steal the money given the chance. What a bunch of hypocrites.
Yeah, no, you're just scum.
My parents have close to a million in stocks and such and I could easily get access to their account. My grandad has a few dozen k in Gold coins at home (old people are gonna old), and I know where they are (after all, I helped him to do an inventory of the stuff) and I have the keys to his house.
So I have every chance to run away with the money, iin the case of grandpa with a very small likelyhood of anyone noticing, yet, I don't do it.
Why would I?
What do I gain from that?
Fucking 9-10 girls?
Been there, done that, didn't have to pay a single cent for it.
You're just a worthless piece of shit.

>> No.6476740

>Be me a few days ago
>On the coming down of my acid trip
>Some guy I met in a discord tells me to check out the Thekey ICO
>Apply for the ICO and proceed to try to fall asleep
>I forget about it
>I remember the crowdsale is today
>Scrape up my 3 NEOs
>KYC approved
>Join the telegram
>It's a shitfest of autists asking the same question over and over without even reading the pinned message
>Whatever.jpeg and I close the tab
>5 minutes before the crowdsale begins I try to login to my account on the website
>Bad gateway 502
>Sale begins
>Bad gateway 502
>Refresh for a good 15 minutes
>Still nothing
>Decide to check the telegram again
>It's a cesspool of porn and people sending their addresses
>One clever message presenting itself as an admin catches my attention
>I copy it and paste my own address
>Think to myself theres no way someone is dumb enough to believe this is legit
>I "ironically" send it a few times over the course of a minute then start asking for more asian woman to be posted in the chat
>Get banned from the telegram
>Keep refreshing the page of the worst ever ICO ever
>Give up after an hour and decide I should sell my NEO back since it's higher than I bought it and it might keep dropping
>Check NEON
>I have thirty-three fucking NEO
>mfw 3 autists actually sent me me over 5k

>> No.6476760

I followed a fat guy around the mall for an hour because I could see money about to fall out of his back pocket and when it did I grabbed it and ran away. It was a 50 so I bought a brand new PS2 game with it. Joke was on me, I bought The Bouncer.

>> No.6476774

>My grandad
Crap, i forgot about my grandparents. Lol i need to find a way for them to give me the money too. Thanks anon, they're more loaded than my parents. Fuckkkk im going to be so rich as in disgustingly rich if i get their money too.

I would have the fruits of four people's lifetime hard work.

>> No.6476775

Holy fuck is OP an absolute piece of shit.

Atleast we can take comfort in the fact that people that get their money in this much of an unethical way will eventually have a miserable, miserable life.

>> No.6477036

Hey you seem like you have the same attitude as me and I have something you might be interested in. Do you have a throwaway email address? Let's talk

>> No.6477244

Thanks but no thanks. I prefer not to trust people. Good luck with whatever unethical thing you're doing. I mean it.

>> No.6477383


You're legit a disgusting person, hang yourself already pls.

>> No.6477487

>hang yourself
I'll legitimately try to rob a bank or some shit before trying to hang myself. It ends the same way anyway.

But i probably wont kill myself so theres that. Anyway what the fuck happened to this thread? You faggots are just hating on my unethical deed instead of being biz's unethical deeds.

What did you guys expect going into a thread about unethical deeds done for money. Did you expect unethical deeds to be "hurr durr i spammed discord links in 4chan".

>> No.6477525


I agree with you anon. Apparent nihilists talk about how nothing matters, and we should focus on family and friends. However a real nihilist will use existential dread to fuel his/her goals.

Nothing matters in this world and I'd gladly let myself rot away if it weren't for the fact that I'm still clinging onto a personal goal. This goal is all I have left and I'll do whatever it takes to make it.

Empathy is simply a hindrance. It only exist to make people feel good about their inability to make hard decisions.

>> No.6477548

desu07@protonmail.com if you change your mind . If nothing else, advice would be cool

>> No.6477600


There's no evil or good, just actions and consequences.

>> No.6477666

goofy faggots and a strong argument for gassing autists at birth ITT

>> No.6477717


But if everyone thinks like me, the world will probably be a lot shittier and my reason to live will then become much weaker.

If I were to acknowledge that, I must also remind myself that being "good" is mandatory to an extent or I'm simply a parasite to society, somebody that can't succeed without backstabbing others

>> No.6477731
File: 32 KB, 360x480, 1515659162844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I agree with you anon. Apparent nihilists talk about how nothing matters, and we should focus on family and friends. However a real nihilist will use existential dread to fuel his/her goals.
Finally someone who understands. Its not that we are pieces of shit or sociopaths like these other anons say. Its just that the thought of never getting to experience being rich or making it before you're gone forever is scary as shit. I definitely agree that real nihilists is the best term to describe us.

I wont steal their money if i can get a 100% guarantee I'll be rich as fuck. But thats not how things work. I need a guarantee i'll live a pleasurable life before eternal sleep takes me and stealing their retirement money is the only way ill get that guarantee.

>> No.6477808

Trips of the lord
Bring the Zyklon

>> No.6477842

Those trips kek, quite fitting for this thread.

>> No.6477861


Hopefully you can find pleasure in work anon. I always admired my cousin's dog whenever i take her out for a run. Although she's always panting like mad at the end of every session but you could see in that moment she has never felt more alive

>> No.6477936


>> No.6477991

Whats wrong with wanting sex with women, traps, and men? Its about pleasure. It happens in private anyway so no one will be able to judge you.

>> No.6478041

OP is so gay. "Hey guys I'm so cool, look how ruthless I am, please please give me attention". Idgaf that you're scamming your parents; they must have whatever strand of pajeet DNA that you apparently got.

>> No.6478096

>Seems like your father didn’t beat you up enough to shape you up like a real man instead of a whiny NEET
My father never hurt me and if he did, i assure you i would end him instantly in his sleep. The reason why i ended up a good outstanding citizen (no criminal records and good grades) is because of their supportiveness.

Which is why they gave me the money to invest in the first place faggots. Do you really think a father who hurts his son would trust him to handle the money?

Kek it seems you're the one who got beat up often since you're REEEEEEEing so much about loving parents getting betrayed.

>> No.6478139

>t. newfag
Biz sinner's/confess thread isnt a new thing faggot. I dont understand why everyone is being so harsh to someone who posted in a thread like this.

>> No.6478272

Stole a wallet from a nigger dropping it outside of the gym. Took his 20 dollar in cash and threw the wallet in nearest bin.

>> No.6478381

>I haf a 140 IQ guise
>hurrr durrr why is everyone giving me shit for my 3+ standard deviation outlier tier socially abnormal behavior

>> No.6478445

>socially abnormal behavior
You're really complaining about my behavior while investing in fucking crypto? Most of the CEOs of ICOs you invest in are probably just as bad.

You think Justin Sun or Joost will hesitate to fuck someone's life up for money? Stop being a fag this is about money not out of a grudge.

Grow up.

>> No.6478530

they should get a postnatal abortion license for you

>> No.6478600

Anyway im out of this thread full of triggered faggots. I'm feeling sleepy cause im comfy with the money i got from my parents rn.

>> No.6478625

Well you're behavior is repellant obviously; but I was actually merely stating the fact that it's highly abnormal and as such you should expect to get a derailed thread...but you knew that already and are just begging for attention like I stated before because you're a homosexual.

>> No.6478743

>you should expect to get a derailed thread
Really? In an anonymous board notorious for being immoral. You faggots laugh at other people's misery from loosing money, just check the front page.

I thought you faggots were cool, after all normies hate you guys for being open to the most politically incorrect things. I genuinely thought you guys would be more open to this type of behavior. But it turns out you guys are no different from Buzzfeed or Tumblr.

Anyway goodbye ill take a nap now.