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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 46 KB, 960x540, 27168D3C-4B09-434B-AE20-2BAE41A991D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6451209 No.6451209 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the deal with icon?

Is it actually moving soon - I have two coins that aren’t soi g anything that I’d be willing to
Move into icx.

>> No.6451276

Shhhhhh, im not done accumulating before the bif end of month events

Post shit like this in a week

>> No.6451357
File: 413 KB, 487x664, in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

conservatively ~ $15 end of month

getting all the way in

>> No.6451647

Its already priced in you retards if anything its going to tank

>> No.6451651

Source me up senpai and I'll buy all your bags

>> No.6451699


>> No.6451807

This. The pajeets shilling this shitcoin is getting alittle bit annoying.

>> No.6451813

my man
have fun

>> No.6451819


You think? Buried in every thread in mention of icx.

I’m every “what’s going up” thread I see there’s like random shot and always icx among them.

>> No.6451867

>already priced in
clearly forming cup and handle for $15 moon .. kek
stay poor rajesh

>> No.6451869
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you're going to have to do better

>> No.6451923

I came here to make a new thread and say this, but yeah...

>> No.6451958

I'm done convincing others why this is a $100 dollar coin. I'd be so happy to see their faces when ICX reaches $20 which it will, sooner than you think.

>> No.6451970

This coin always got hate even back when it was cheap and still managed to get to this point. Im going to keep this coin fuck all fud

>> No.6452089
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>> No.6452114


Alright cool.

Thanks anons

>> No.6452315

>From 10 to 15

Absolute biz of state

>> No.6452418

When you're holding 20,000 of them, yes, that's kind of a moon.

>> No.6452624

>125k gains
sounds like a pretty nice moon to my portfolio

>> No.6452670

I could retire off that lmao

>> No.6452840

This is going to the Moon

>> No.6453153

nope , back again , you can see chart will push this down back $5, FALSE hope here , enjoy SMALL PROFITS, GET OUT, FAST!

>> No.6453215

Even if it's just a pump, good time to accumulate even more shithead.

>> No.6453280
File: 57 KB, 651x711, brainletHamster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow guise it mooning now!!

We all gonna be so rich

>> No.6453420

Will this be listed on any Korean exchanges soon?

>> No.6453575

you will be a loooser if you hold this more than 2 hour , it will DROP fast.. you wont even blink , man.. heed my warn , or be poor.

>> No.6453642

What's with those badly organized weak fud?

>> No.6453678
File: 2.01 MB, 1080x1080, IMG_1227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Broke through 78k like fucking marshmallows. Current price in newfag is $10.71 you will miss the biggest 10x of your life.

>> No.6453690
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Just sold everything. Thanks for the tip, that was a close one.

>> No.6453870

yes, thanks u, ur welcame, this is harsh coin , but can learn to timing trade here , long term holder will not succod, last warn.

>> No.6453908


Ok cool - just sold 100k and put it into 2FA

>> No.6453922

thank you sir

>> No.6453996
File: 1.93 MB, 263x252, 1486956259878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you man, we couldn't do it without you street shitters.

>> No.6454007

Thanks I just sold 10k ICX

>> No.6454250

good time , you willl see a drop to $9.30 or so here , then can pick some again , if you want to play short game!! enjoy... this crap coin is fun and free

>> No.6454342

k, you basing this off btc rising in a couple of hours or this is some insider shit?

>> No.6454412

just look sharting, 4H, 1 month, free for you if you please place BOL band and MACD . . you will see it and learn it , thanks u for that.

>> No.6454642

>you will see it and learn it
TA works if there isn't news any news, you should learn that by now. I was going to give you some free toilet paper if you attributed it btc or eth rising, but now I know you're a silly billy.

>> No.6454861

whatever you sayin, it works for me on this crap shareing ICX, make many smaller profits totaling large, but OK .. no need to trusting me!

>> No.6454896

Estimations for end of the month?

>> No.6454986
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Most estimates are somewhere around $20 - $25.

>> No.6455621

>dropping to 9.30
most likely will but after hitting 11.5 or 12

>> No.6455891
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It's doing something guys.

>> No.6455954
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>> No.6455982

Fucking this. I’m tempted to FUD other ICX holders so I can accumulate some more. I was banking on it dropping to 6800 again, but it never happened. Hopefully it drops to about 7300.

>> No.6456010

Not even the Korean cryptocalypse fud could keep this down. The ultimate Chad coin.

>> No.6456453

Will it dip when Euros wake up in 6 hours? I want it to dip a bit so a I can buy some more.

>> No.6456526

$21-27 by January 31st

>> No.6456551

It already dipped. Why did you wait so long?

>> No.6456564

$21 is more likely. Could’ve been $30 by EOM if the fake news wouldn’t have slowed it down.

>> No.6456569

if it breaks 7900 within the next hour it might moon, if not then sideways for another day or week.

>> No.6456574

Looks like ICX is the official /biz/ coin.
We need to start making more ICON memes

>> No.6456603


I'm a euro, Netherlands. It will will dip a bit. Everytime I wake up it's my ATH of the day.

>> No.6456626

Was doing some research. All the partnerships and what not they claim are all unconfirmed/unverified. I couldn't find anything that shows their claims of things like the "loopchain" company they are working with. All they have are websites to verify things but none of that partners or companies have anything to show for all their talk.

>> No.6456654

They are theloop

>> No.6456676

You've had more than enough time.

>> No.6456699

Yeah and there is nothing verifiable to prove it even exists

>> No.6456779

Are you serious lol, go read page 7 of the whitepaper.

>> No.6456894

Seems to be slowling down, but it looks like its on its daily schedule. Might pump a little more if the Koreans put some effort into it.

>> No.6456914

And how can you prove what they wrote is true?

>> No.6456950

How can you prove what they wrote is false?

>> No.6456977

Should I sell my COSS and buy ICX?

>> No.6456990



I'd normally say kys but I'm feeling nice today.

>> No.6457041

Doesn't matter when the burden of proof is on them.
They are the ones who need to present credibility. There is reason to question when there is lack of evidence.

>> No.6457055
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Poorfag here who got in early at $2. Sitting comfy with my 1k ICX.

>> No.6457103

Chainlink is the official /biz/ coin. I don't own any, but I get a kick out of the memes and the constant shitting on Rory.

>> No.6457105

Yeah do some research on Dayli they are a literal who startup. Even trying to dig up basic info even in Korea channels on them is non-existent.

>> No.6457110

If it breaks 7900, we’ll see it hit 8600 at least.

>> No.6457131


Do you believe in Don Tapscott?

>> No.6457153

thought we had at least 1 more green candle on the 1 hr chart. guess we will see

>> No.6457204

And? He wrote a bullshit book and does bullshit TedX talks. That should tell you all you need to know about his character. He's a nobody who managed to snake his way into being somebody.

>> No.6457210

They were a different company up until last year or something

>> No.6457213

Yeah shitting on Rory and Sergey is hilarious. But LINK doesn't have a future because next gen blockchains will already have the oracle problem solved

>> No.6457225


Just fuck off man, I'm done spoonfeeding.

>> No.6457259

If you look them up they started in 2015 and are a startup which was crowdfunded. To date they have yet to show anything for it

>> No.6457264

Nice! Fortune is smiling upon you poorfag

>> No.6457318

How much will ICX hit at the EOY?

>> No.6457493
File: 46 KB, 960x640, icon_taeyeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

invest in ICX for your k-waifu

>> No.6457501

Impossible to predict; especially due to Korean regulations that will inevitably be rolled out. However, I have solace knowing that ICON project members are working with the government to ensure compliance.

>> No.6457519

I appreciate the FUD because I wanna buy the dip, but your first post said that it was gonna moon, and then you started FUDding hard. You gotta try harder, anon.

>> No.6457520

No shit I saw that. They were a who before that too.

I wouldn't care but when they are claiming to be a huge financial firm that's complete bullshit.
The ICON team stretches the truth or straight up lies about just about everything.


>> No.6457617

Dayli owns Coinone Inc

>> No.6457662

Ok sorry. maybe you're right idk. Who knows.

>> No.6457683

same situation here. I'm holding my COSS; the exchange has some exclusive ICOs that you would otherwise have to use etherdelta for

>> No.6457764

I have a bit in this since the ICO. Yeah I want the price to increase but I'm also increasingly skeptical of their whole operation and it's legitimacy. I threw some money into this after just reading the whitepapers and doing some basic reading but never really did extensive research until lately because I wasn't too concerned with selling until it actually launched.
There are some other concerns/redflags I see as of late too.
Almost no communication from the team, near radio silence on all fronts as of late.
We don't even know how the token conversion is going to work much less what roll they will have in ICON's network. I'm genuinely curious what you think is going to happen though. It just doesn't make sense for them to be operating the way they are right now at least to me

>> No.6457856

I want to see evidence from Coinone. Not something from Dayli.

>> No.6457939

>tfw I only have 80 ICX

>> No.6457950

>radio silence

>> No.6457972

But do you trust the team behind it? I mean, they fucked up with their new UI...

>> No.6458018

ITT faggots who watch 5 min charts

Do you people learn nothing?

>> No.6458036

No, it isnt going anywhere. Better sell me your bags on the cheap anon.

>> No.6458046
File: 206 KB, 1242x2208, CE75C296-E7B3-40A9-B8BD-095D5F3F6DCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It literally says it on their website.

>> No.6458075

Thanks, this is news to me.

>> No.6458120

Any idea when Korean exchanges are going to start adding coins again?
Did they ever specify when they would allow adding coins again or anything like that?

>> No.6458138

good time to buy anons? pls no scam me

>> No.6458157

Not sure. Last I heard was that CoinOne was cooperating fully with the Korean gov’t. Don’t know about Bitthumb or the others.

>> No.6458175

just bought anons

>> No.6458194

not really compared to other projects - FUD is always expected whenever a coin gets too popular. I'll only dump if it reaches below $1.50

>> No.6458209

It will dip to below 7500 in about 5-6 hours. I’d wait until then tbqh.

>> No.6458222

Exclusivity is good, motherfuckers will FOMO and prices will be gouged if it's on limited exchanges.

>> No.6458273

ty anon just sold for small profit till then

>> No.6458276

Yeah, I like the organic growth it’s having. I don’t want it to become another pump and dump shitcoin.

>> No.6458295
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>> No.6458426
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The good vibes I'm getting from it and the hard shilling against it is making me think it's gonna do just fine. People are are trying their damndest to FUD it to hell; in vain.

>> No.6458673

well said. Shit happened with XVG, TRX, DBC and they have tanked by 50%

>> No.6458836

TRX is doing absolute shit. I bought it at 180 and sold at 400. Went all in on ICX after that.

>> No.6459023

Just dipped below 7500 for a split second. Getting close to buying time.

>> No.6459855

As somebody that just got into crypto a month ago I feel like i've been spoiled because I doubled my money with my initial 4 investments (including icx) in the first 3 weeks and now icx has slowed down. I'm not tempted to sell it or anything but this lull is boring. I'd be much happier if icx was more volatile in its price instead of being this consistent.

>> No.6460224
File: 81 KB, 800x670, ICX_baller_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't wish for volatility unless you like getting dry-fucked in the ass. Most of /biz/ can't hold onto an investment for more than 3 minutes without growing impatient or chasing PnDs. Patience in something you are keen that's a sure thing is the key to success in this game. ICX is one of those sure things. Sit back and enjoy the ride down Green Candle Highway.

>> No.6460319

235 ETH sell wall just got eaten like a box of twinkies by a fat kid, THERE ARE NO FUCKING BRAKES

>> No.6460431

This. Volatility is only good for day trading. I want ICX to remain a steady growth investment.

>> No.6460602
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>> No.6460649
File: 13 KB, 635x170, oh fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fasten your seatbelts.

>> No.6460736

what does this mean?

>> No.6460787

The dip is also priced in, retard. Everything is priced in.

>> No.6460812

We dont spoonfeed around here faggot. Either buy the coin or sell it asshat.

>> No.6460899

It's just support and resistance over the last 7 days since the initial parabolic, it could mean it's about to pump again but who knows lol, could take another week if it fails now.

>> No.6460907

hello dear, sir i can tell you sir that icx is bad coin. you sell it sir, please. ஜோக்

>> No.6460974

got 205 ICX 400 SUB and 600 REQ should i just go all in ICX ????

>> No.6461033

Do you like money?

>> No.6461306
File: 1004 KB, 1280x720, kamisamamemochou3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone put the minute charts up on their television and cheer and jeer them on screaming like normies watch football games? I can't be the only one.

>> No.6461335

No wtf, REQ is in a deeper hole meaning it's bound to get out of it and reach ATH sometime soon. ICX might have another week until it booms. Just wait until the 19th or so, and if your REQ hasn't recovered then go all ICX.

>> No.6461605


>> No.6461693

This will drop now, 2 hour or less, back to $8 . Like alway am saying , SELL it now, or feel the pain . low coin , bad coin , ICX not strong. where u see on shart. 4H by 1 month , big big tell here. BOL bands noit good!

>> No.6461746

people jerking themselves off here on /biz/, no one can predict what's gonna happen, I'm just parroting their jerkings

>> No.6461819

If this thing cup and handles.... holy shit.

>> No.6461827

tbqh $25 EOM is quite realistic

>> No.6461843

based on my crystal ball, sir. it will moon in exactly 7 days, sirs. thank you come again, sir.

>> No.6461851


>> No.6462019
File: 171 KB, 917x654, bull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On track for now

>> No.6462033

What's with these really bad fud's with bad english? If anything, all these people telling you not to buy should influence you to buy even more.

Remember, everybody on biz is looking out for their own best interest. Always do the opposite of what biz says and you'll always win.

>> No.6462053

HAHAHAHHAA talk about being deluded

>> No.6462140

Fuck when do the chinks start pumping??

>> No.6462144
File: 1.80 MB, 500x279, 1515653048478.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're a good little boy when I cash out in 2020, I'll hire you to be my pool boy on my estate. How tight's your boiipussii?

>> No.6462146

Here's some shit about ICX:

>> No.6462186

Chinks are 12 - 13 hours ahead 4chan time.

>> No.6462262

This was posted in another thread that got archived. Some faggot replied and said that the streamer was fudding it. I went and watched myself to see what was said and by the time I finished watching the thread was archived.There was no fud, that was a straight lie. He is optimistic about the project and is literally going to south korea to attend a conference and potentially meet members of the Icon team. This was a pretty good video for people who are curious about learning more about icx. I've been in since 2 dollars and don't intend to sell my stack anytime soon.

>> No.6462484

Really? I haven't finished watching it, but I watch Boxmining pretty often and he seems mostly objective.

>> No.6462565

I wanna buy low. Will it not dip below 7500?!?! Ahhhhhh, should I just buy now.

>> No.6462626

It'll dip, wait a little bit.

>> No.6462692

i bough it at 7020
predicting that it wont go below 7000 today

>> No.6462781


Go balls deep into ICX. You won't regret it if you plan to hold for a year at least. It's only launching it's mainnet on the 24th.

>> No.6463452

Why is there some pajeet shitposting in nearly every ICX thread I've seen today about tobacco?

>> No.6463928

pajeets are impatient.

>> No.6464039

It's almost there.

>> No.6464096

Alright Iconians,
Shill me what satoshi level i should place my buy in at.

>> No.6464161

as low as it goes in the next few minutes

cup and handle forming

>> No.6464188


>> No.6464310

Anything lower than 7600 imo. In about 2 hours itll go up.

>> No.6464327
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Selling all my bat to go in on this. May Odin grant us gains.

>> No.6464380
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Better do it soon, this beast is ready to cum

>> No.6464429

What is this chart?

>> No.6464440

I set a buy at 7420 and another at 7350.

>> No.6464455

7500 is a good buy in price. That's .786 on a fib retracement

>> No.6464457

Dang it you got me FOMOing at the mouth. Sitting here waiting for BTC to transfer.

>> No.6464492

Buy Sell Pressure

>> No.6464636

Might not get to 7500

>> No.6464697

It did for about 30 seconds then went right back up.

>> No.6464772

I come to warn all friends
Icx delta mainnet to February 28
Never answer twitter or update
They print 30% new coin a year if want to
Coin sinking soon with Korea ban
Sell now
Buy VEN good coin. Has tobacco in blockchain
Can smoke free or sell if want
No one else has tobacco in blockchain

>> No.6464784

That's an interesting chart. I'm looking at it now for the first time in tradingview.

I'll have to read up on it to see if it's something I want to add to my bag of TA tools.

How do you like to use it?

>> No.6464792

24 hour change crossed across 0% into positive... volume incoming maybe.

>> No.6464796

Shill me on this tobacco. Is it any good?

>> No.6464916

tobacco very nice , please buy , will make you rich , and me a toilet

>> No.6464955

Some edutainment while we wait.


>> No.6464992

Lol okay youre a good shitposter but stop spamming

>> No.6465004

Tabacco is from best Chinese government around. None close. You get it free just need VEN is all. I get so much I give some to friend they love good smoke. Rest I had to buy shed to store it in. Lot of money so I spread word to freidnsa here. ICX going down soon. VEN go up soon. Choice clear. Guarantee

>> No.6465071

I mainly check it on different timescales to look for manipulation,moon missions, increasing interest, and trend reversals.

>> No.6465114

Dumped all my ICX. Went all in on VEN. Gotta get me some of that tobacco.

>> No.6466154

when is the conversion happening so I can take it out of MEW.

>> No.6466291


>> No.6466411

I heard they're going to handle it on the exchange. No set date. However, they're ICO was completely independent from an exchange, so *shrugs*.

>> No.6466787

>people think it isnt priced in

>> No.6467496

>all those awkward, nerdy gooks
If that doesn't give you confidence in the product I don't know what will.

>> No.6467585

Does it really matter? You can't cash out anyway. No really, go try it. You can't cash out.

>> No.6467878
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How much ICX do I need for a gf like her?

>> No.6467917

TA says 50% target in a month or three. HODL for mad NVDA Facebook gains.

>> No.6467974


>> No.6468031
File: 113 KB, 1273x1000, 20180114.icx-btc.4h.macd+bollinger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think we can get to 9000 by the end of the week?

>> No.6468071

Did you all forget whats happening on 25th and 30th with ICX. Keep looking at your 1 min charts.

>> No.6468119

Definitely. We’re finally pulling out of the slump. Our ATH is 8600. We’ll hit a new ATH by Friday.

>> No.6468277
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>> No.6468367

Why should I keep looking at my one minute chart?

>> No.6468394

>what is sarcasm

>> No.6468482


>> No.6468562

because you touch yourself at night

>> No.6468592

>family guy reference
OK 12 year old

>> No.6469295

Euros waking up. They always sell. Time to buy, lads.

>> No.6469843

Told you guys. Eurofags always sell. That’s why they’re always poor. Buying this shit before it goes back to 7800.

>> No.6469877

As a burger I'm gonna take note of this. Easy way to time a short.

>> No.6469913
File: 130 KB, 500x500, yay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more like
>It's gonna get dumped, those fuckers are going to dump aren't they? Fuck, they always do this shit, stop dumping you stupid fucks let the price go up more. God damnit, fuck.

>> No.6469946

lol wtf

>> No.6470012

This is why EU get raided by shitskins

>> No.6470078
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>> No.6470100

Dangerous mindset

t. 7k ICX here

>> No.6470333

Fucking called it

>> No.6470883

Holding 3 OMG. Should I move them into ICX?

>> No.6470931


>> No.6470945


>> No.6470984

Pre surgery - 5 icx
Post surgery - 50 icx

>> No.6471164


he did an actual TED talk bro

>> No.6471695
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>> No.6472010


>> No.6472090

somebody tell me if I should be concerned

>> No.6472092

Is the time to buy

>> No.6472117
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>> No.6472140

Weak FUD. Fkin google translate it even. Nothing about banning accounts, just virtual anonymous accounts.

>> No.6472144

if you are in the green sell it and move to a solid coin on the dip. If ICX starts to recover you can move back in, at a lower price that it is now, and come out with more ICX and greater % to grow after being down.

>> No.6472145

Do you really have to ask? No, you shouldn’tbeconcerned. Now is the time to accumulate before ICX breaks 8000.

>> No.6472151


Yeah that’s great and all but earn real money at this Pump discord server discord gg/YQqTCqt

>> No.6472172

Fuck off faggot

>> No.6472177

Your opinion is not valid if don't give explanations.

>> No.6472225

Dude, it’s not dipping any further. Selling now would be disastrous for anon. I got lucky and bought at 7380. The lowest it has gotten was 7370, and that was for a literal second. If he sells now, it’s going to shoot right up. It had been hovering over 7600 up until the Euros woke up.

>> No.6472249


lol that's not what that article says at all

>> No.6472257

Cup and handle + bullish flags forming.

For newfags, this is the time to be excited as it's the calm before the storm.

You have been warned.

>> No.6472362

dont worry ill make sure to drop it back down buying some more at ath

>> No.6472511

Guys I panic sold

But then I panic bought and increased my stack. Why does ICX have to make me so tense? This coin better pay off for what it has put me through

>> No.6472757

I was expecting a dip at the time it dipped. Happened last night at the same time. It will most likely hit 8000 tomorrow. Don’t worry.