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6462930 No.6462930 [Reply] [Original]

When is ETH going to crash again, so I can buy more with USD?

>> No.6462961

I sold it all off looks very scammy to me

>> No.6462969
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tomorrow at 3:19 EST
thank me later

>> No.6463138

imma just gonna wait for a dip under 1200 and buy some more. Eth is very comfy

>> No.6463286


same, 1200 seems like the new floor, otherwise the next surge is going to dip back and start bouncing off 1300

going another 10k into this bitch

>> No.6463336
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wasn't this shit just 300 or maybe 400 shekkels just a month or two ago? Fucking hell.

>> No.6463396
File: 96 KB, 1200x800, 9D13FAD3-2081-4139-BCDF-99FD7FE75C34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes it was.

>> No.6463541


should have bought more anon :^)

>> No.6463689

No seriously. Newfag here, started end of november with funny internet monnies. First with 500 shekkels. Just to buy some shitcoins and see how fucking retarded I am (no surprise there). Then with another 4k a tad bit later. I DIDNT KNOWW!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Then again, I now have something like 15k funny internet monies, depending on the day and time, so that's not too bad either. I guess.

>> No.6463758
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I think I just could have held ETH all the time, and end up with roughly the same value.. fucking shitcoins. BUY STINKY LINK they say.. CLONKY TONKY VERY GOOD, TO MOON they say... pffftt... was it all a lie?

>> No.6463793



if I had just bought and held eth I would actually be higher than I am now

I try not to think about it

>> No.6463826

Don’t listen to pajeets lad, DYOR

>> No.6463943
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>I try not to think about it
eh, it's all good. Thinking in terms of such opportunity costs seems the be rather self-destructive and completely useless. Besides, still plenty of time for stinky linkies to outperform monni skellies shitcoin.

but, but... good, sir! Listen, I only do the deedful!! Sir!!

>> No.6464061


1200-1300 Is the new normal. Unless something unexpected happens, you should be buying at this price or regret it when it's 2k in a few weeks.

>> No.6464140
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>when it's 2k in a few weeks.
fucking hell

>> No.6464189


That was my impression from what I have observed, and also read about all over the net.

I have been in this long enough to consider ETH being at 1200 to be utterly fucking preposterous, but here we are anyways. I am kicking myself for now liquidating more assets back then to get deeper into this mad hell.

>> No.6464292

Everyone's talking about moons and shit but if you really want to play it safe and make some sick gains just stick the majority of your shit in Eth. We're in a bear market right now and it's STILL holding 1200 - 1400. Day by day altcoins are becoming more and more known to the masses, and Ethereum is THE gateway Altcoin into other altcoins.

This shit is going to go up and up and up. The Flippening is no simple meme

>> No.6464402


normies getting into eth is precisely why it will double top and then crash, before going up again

actually its forming a double top as we speak

I'm going to wait a few more days

just look at the fucking chart, its going to correct hard, very soon

>> No.6464667

>b-but double top
says the increasingly nervous BTCer for the 20th time this quarter

You're right, though, it is going to correct soon. Upward.