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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 38 KB, 483x305, chX3pFbK_yZyR_bvL66konU55Ydr5_w0G0FNyU7_67U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6463124 No.6463124 [Reply] [Original]

Here is how you will make it /biz/, I grew 2.5k to 188k doing this shit for 3 weeks.

>Create a twitter
>Follow every single top 300 coin twitter
>Download autorefresh, set to refresh feed every 3sec (twitter has inbuilt delay)
>On every good news (you have to decipher shitty ones from good ones) SAFE ones are big partnerships/big exchange listings
>Don't be greedy with your exit, I usually exit around 20%+ into the pump.

No LARP. Just trying to help out my fellow /biz/realis.

>> No.6463173

post delta

>> No.6463196

post delta

>> No.6463238

haven't tested this yet
post will probably disappear quickly
ty anon

>> No.6463260

dost pelta

>> No.6463277

Post delta and/or blockfolio

>> No.6463298

post delta

>> No.6463317

post delta

>> No.6463331


>> No.6463333

Are you gonna post this thread 10 more times today larp nigger?

>> No.6463346

thanks OP, can you go a bit more in depth on anything?

>> No.6463384

Thanks anon, seems like a legit strategy. How often did you find this worked compared to when you ended up bagholding?

>> No.6463394

aside from delta and blockfolio, is there a portfolio that works well on pc?

>> No.6463410
File: 158 KB, 680x681, 562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>list of top twitters not included

>making it

>> No.6463478

So do you just sit at your trade station all day checking every ping you get from twatter? Sounds probably effective but I couldn't having to be at the ready / on edge 24/7 like that.

>> No.6463500

Made this video based on all the dumb shit you guys do.


>> No.6463526


I don't upkeep a fucking blockfolio/delta for obvious reasons, as it would be a fucking nightmare to enter every trade I do.

Just follow every top 300 coins twitters, it's really that simple. Add some influential cryptotwitter shills (50k+) into the mix and you're done.

>> No.6463563

It works all the time if you can follow the dont be greedy rule.

And for the rest of you wanting to do this, Kucoin is a good secondary exchange next to Binance, make an account there with my ref code: 1rddr

>> No.6463580

Yes. I have the twitter on my second screen, I browse /biz/ on the other to keep myself entertained.

The pump threshold is not as harsh as you would think. As long as you're in within 1-2 minutes you've usually got a good entry.

>> No.6463634

Question, when you get a good announcement and want to jump into the coin, do you have to market buy in to beat the crowds? Or do you find you can usually limit buy in at the going rate?

>> No.6463669

Almost always market-buy.

>> No.6463672

>I grew 2.5k to 188k doing this shit for 3 weeks
>I don't upkeep a fucking blockfolio/delta for obvious reasons, as it would be a fucking nightmare to enter every trade I do.
Well, enjoy getting assblasted by the IRS.

>> No.6463675

congrats on ruining your secret. seriously

>> No.6463685

Pretty good

>> No.6463704

How frequently do you get announcements when you follow the top 300, and how frequently do you act on them? Like how many times per day do you chase a pump? Very curious.

>> No.6463798

post the twitter accounts

>> No.6463797

Very frequently lately, on average I'd guess it's somewhere between 2 and 3 a day.

>> No.6463808

WTC just pumped 25% on an announcement, it's actually a good strategy

>> No.6463811

Revealing this will just make the pumps harder anon.

>> No.6463887


Thanks. Inspired by Pony thread simulator

>> No.6463969

nigga, post the twitter accounts u fallow ?

>> No.6463999
File: 8 KB, 598x188, asd22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked it up and made almost 6ETH just now.

>> No.6464030

KEK please do one every week

>> No.6464116

Lazy nigger. I'm giving you the blueprint to building a machine printing money, the least you can do is putting it together yourself

>> No.6464163

How did you do this from 2.5k? Don't you need to have a bunch of money spread between a bunch of shit exchanges to catch the pumps? I'm a neet so I might actually try this have about 2-3k I can start with.

>> No.6464213

thanks for the wisdom OP

>> No.6464252

i mean honestly? You should just automate this shit so that i can just follow one twitter that will announce to me everything instead of following every single one. Do you think I could be bothered to follow 300 twitters? Lick my anus after I go poop. I'm going back to my ethercraft passive gains

>> No.6464262

is there a daily follow limit on twitter? don't want my account banned after like 200+ accounts followed.

>> No.6464276

I used to go all-in on binance coins only when I started out. Now I have around 120k on binance, with the rest spread out on ED, Kucoin, Cryptopia and bittrex. If the coin is low volume/mcap, I recommend sizing your entry accordingly. I don't go all-in on lowcap shitcoins, but if VEN/ICX or one of the giants were to get a big announcement, I'd go all-in.

>> No.6464300

Dont even consider this if you are a burger

35%. Every. Trade.

>> No.6464335


Can do. Please share it. I don't give a shit about the youtube views but I'd love for this to become a meme.

>> No.6464368

But it's barter tax and you're trading exact value so you're taxed 0.00 on every trade.

>> No.6464451

Sounds like a good strategy for traders.
Short-term tax on your end profit. Even if your bracket is 35%, that's still 65% of your gains that you keep.

>> No.6464478

fuck off with this shit, seriously you guys are stupid.

>> No.6464484

You get taxed on the appreciation of your asset that you're trading away.

>> No.6464497

I like your strategy. I think I'm gonna give it a go. So you started out only doing Binance coins? Same strategy though, right? Just hawked on twitter and bought ASAP? Did you just market buy right away?

Sorry for all the questions I'm very interested, been in crypto for almost 6 months now I've made great gains but I want to utilize my time and partially autistic ways to make some money.

>> No.6464530

More specifics OP? How much do you diversify and how much did you diversify back when you ahd 2.5k, and how long do you ride the pump?

>> No.6464575


>> No.6464592

99% of the time I market buy, yeah.
Went all in every time at 2.5k, started diversifying at 20k~

>> No.6464625

I appreciate the advice op but if you would I would like your twitter handle so I can do this quickly otherwise I will do it slowly. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.6464638

what exchanges do you use and what % of your capital do you spread between them?

>> No.6464729

This strat only works if you have absolutely no fucks about regret cause youll be selling eth at 700 and neo at 40 etc etc

>> No.6464765


60%~ Binance, 20% bittrex, 10%~ Kucoin, 5%~ cryptopia, 5%~ ED

>> No.6464799

I've made way more than I would than if I had bagheld ETH or NEO from when I started out, what regrets?

>> No.6464931

I tried this shit once and it doesn't work to be honest. Even with a lot of the good news, people can dump. I did way, way better just holding the good coins.

>> No.6464980

No one checked your quads, but I will :)

>> No.6464984

I'm a big fan of Bittrex. They're U.S. based, withdrawals are quick and they have a good selection of alts.

>> No.6465234

Can I suck your dick OP?

>> No.6465333

For example for ETH, would you follow @ethereumproject, @eth_classic, and @vitalikbuterin ? Or just the main page?

>> No.6465354

You've fell into the brainlet trap then. Yes, people dump on "good" news, but only if the expectations were set sky high by "announcements of announcements", be wary of this.

>> No.6465437

how are you supposed to know this when your following hundreds of shitcoins? I'd say most news dumps.

>> No.6465483

OP, when you sign up for Covesting what will be your handle so we can follow you?

>a lot of people are going to google Covesting

>> No.6465511

Yeah, Microsoft crypto chart.

>> No.6465618

hard to know the background and sentiment around every coin though to make that decision

>> No.6465645

I'm a shitcoin autist, and besides that, I can usually tell if there is a possibility of the coin dumping, if I had to break it into tiers it would be

Tier 0: Exchange listings, huge partnerships with household names

Tier 1: Announcements of announcements (We're going to announce a partnership/exchange soon), coins NEVER dump on announcements of announcements

Tier 1.5: Misc Partnerships being announced with no prior warning

Tier 1.5: Any exchange being announced with no prior warning.

--------------------------------- Enter at your own risk -------------

Tier 2: Semibig partnership being announced after an announcement of an announcement

Tier 2.5: Semibig exchange listing after a "NEW EXCHANGE LISTINGS COMING THIS WEEK"

Tier 3: Misc partnership being announced after an announcement of an announcement

Tier 4: Shittier exchange being announced after announcement of an announcement

>> No.6465852

Thanks UNironically

>> No.6465865

Thanks for the responses. Might give your method a go with a small stack.

Gonna save this thread, any more useful information you think you could give? I think I got it down.

>> No.6465887

If you aren't willing to look at their history quickly before making a decision, I'd advise going only for tier 0/1 picks.

>> No.6465930

thanks OP im in phase one now.

would you recommend cashing out into btc or eth while I sleep?

>> No.6466168

I usually almost stay almost exclusively in ETH/BTC (randomly distributed depending on the pairing I could get out quickly at). My only long term hold is VEN.

>> No.6466183

Good shit op

But im asking this question as well

>> No.6466297

So you have to watch Twitter all day and night? Fuck that, rather be a poor fag

>> No.6466424

thank you! last question. im 70% in a coin that's down a substantial amount. would you hold or cut your losses and use this system?

>> No.6466474

Any coins on Binance that are in the shit tier region? I am adding them all to my twitter

>> No.6466579

Can't know for sure. If you believe it'll rebound I'd stay in it. If it's TRX I'd wait for the next justin shill and get out at the peak.

>> No.6466678

Thanks OP

Added 1-100 today, gonna do 101-500 tomorrow or later tonight

>> No.6466713

man thank you so much for this thread

genuine advice.

I put about $2k in recently and im down a few hundred. gonna try to at least break even with my injured coin. I took out some from my all in coin and put it into bnb @ .06461

gonna put it into eth once i hit that 20%. thank you again anon

>> No.6466783

What have been your biggest mistake(s) with this strategy OP? Or if not mistakes than your biggest loss?

>> No.6466881

XVG at new years eve.

>> No.6466907

if this works i thank you op.

>> No.6466940

and i don't see how it wouldn't as long people play the game well

>> No.6467093

twitter keeps suspending me, their faggot site is glitched or something atm

>> No.6467170

Hey OP, I've seen the announcement tier list you wrote but I assume one must develop a feeling for how good an announcement is before this works, right? How often does your strategy fail? Can you give a bit more insight on how you decide which announcement is worth it? Thanks for the thread btw.

>> No.6467177

>following coins on twitter
nigger that should be like 10% of your whole data strategy MAX
I'm talking website statistics, referral traffic analysis, subreddit community metrics, fucking ASTROLOGY STAR CHARTS

>> No.6467200

I'm going to give this a shot tomorrow since I have off for the day. OP if this works, you're the fucking man. Question: How do you keep track of all 300? That's too many tabs. Is there a method you recommend?

>> No.6467226
File: 6 KB, 191x234, BLUSHING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't be this stupid, right?

>> No.6467236


>> No.6467235

Just use the "Home" tab, any tweets being made by anyone you follow will be shown there.

>> No.6467252

illl suck your cock dry if this works

>> No.6467268

where the fuck do i get all that info for free...

>> No.6467269
File: 15 KB, 576x347, doesntfeelgood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't use twitter, literally ever, since I made one back in 2008 and posted a single tweet. Guess it's back to twitter : )

>> No.6467272
File: 159 KB, 400x289, 1515133533601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh you are setting up the jokes well but then you have to show results. like show someone saying they went in at a certain price and show half of the graph at that time then reveal the second half of the graph where the coin shit the bed
just my 0.00002btc

>> No.6467319

uh no, you're retarded. kill yourself, bud

>> No.6467327

Announcements of announcements, big exchange listings and big partnerships are safe bets.

Any news being released without prior warning are safe bets (take a look at their twitter history).

Other than that you'll definitively develop a feel, where you instinctively know if people are going to dump on the news after a while, allowing you to make profits in tier 2 announcements.

>> No.6467385

Give us your top 10 twitter accounts to follow

>> No.6467398

Why not make a twitter list of top 300 and spoon feed me?

>> No.6467417

OP before this thread is over make a tripcode so that we know it's you posting in the future. If you help us get rich I'm sure people will want to thank you.

>> No.6467427

get on cmc for starters you lazy shit

>> No.6467437

I remember all of these threads lmao

do one of these every week

>> No.6467455

Go back to r/4chan

>> No.6467456

Thanks for this, OP.

>> No.6467458

Can... can this actually work? Is it a safe way to get rich?!

>> No.6467495



sounds very good. will give it a try the next days, starting with 10% of my portfolio, with 5000$. sound really comprehensibly and fine.

some questions anon.

how much time do you spend a day? did you have set twitter alerts for all 300 coins? you cannot look nonstop on the twitter feed. or do you recognize out of the corner of the eye on the second screen if any new tweet pops up, while surfing on the main screen?

how much do you limit buy at bittrex, where no market buy is possible? and how long do you maximum wait till you buy after you saw the tweet? do you wait for a first mini-pump?

>> No.6467523
File: 72 KB, 283x268, 1513445828110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shhhhhh IRS is watching

>> No.6467672

I spend about every single waking hour doing this. I do recognize a new tweet pretty instantly, and as I said earlier, the threshold isn't McAfee tier, as long you're in <2min after the announcement you're set to make profits.

On Bittrex I just eat sellorders.

>> No.6467784

How many valuable announcements you see on a day?

>> No.6467828

Around 2-3. Perhaps closer to 2.

>> No.6467852

And what is your current status with VEN?

>> No.6467877


want to name your twitter to copy the follow list? new in crypto and don't want to follow some scam shit.

>> No.6467892

Got 7500 VEN which I'm not touching.

>> No.6467925

Can you please be my senpai and teach me your ways on Discord or Skype? We can invest in things together, it'll be more fun than doing it alone.

Please help me get rich ;_;

>> No.6467927

holy fuck go to coinmarketcap and look you absolute FAGGOTS

>> No.6468050

Any idea which coins will make it to binance soon?

>> No.6468069

can you post your twitter handle?

>> No.6468070

Especially with the amount of hours it probably requires of your day. OP you could totally make a discord for this and have people chill with you while you wait.

Also, I'm tellin' ya - make a trip code so people can thank you if this works out.

>> No.6468100

binance has a competition you can gooogle. I think dragon coin was in the running, as well as one or two popular ones.

>> No.6468229

Alright, made one. Don't give me anything before you've at least made 50k though.

>> No.6468237

Nice larp

>> No.6468292

>Twitterbro !/G8x2UIHR2
Cheers mate!

>> No.6468301

Discord is for v tards.

Telegram is comfier

>> No.6468343

Might be worth a try if you can beat the normies but high chance of getting dumped on imo

>> No.6468466

Thank you for this thread, but seriously if it works I’m going love you forever no homo. Also I hope when I make it I don’t wheeze-cry myself to death.

>> No.6468484

You should create a Telegram or Discord pal.

>> No.6468738

As if i'd pay that much you fucking stupid cuck

Stop acting like this is the real deal, they aren't coming after anyone you dumb fucking faggot

Unless you make millions in crypto....

They will get lucky to get 5% of my profits, as i said they aren't coming after us. And i'll prove it when time comes

>> No.6468771 [DELETED] 

INS !!!!!!!!!

>> No.6468775

Don't want to create a community around this or something like that, shit like that can spiral out of control easily. Just try it out, and if it works out for you, you can pay homage to me in a thread or something, I'll notice it and it'll make my day a little better.

>> No.6468814

Even if none of this works, Ill suck your cock dry because it gave me motivation going forward

>> No.6469013

how much sway do crypto gurus posting predictions have in comparison to say some coin making an announcement?

how does your strategy or investment with a #300 coin differ with a #30 coin?

>> No.6469198

Depends on volume mostly. But yes, it changes drastically. On average I'd probably only put in around 1/10 in the #300 of what I would put into the #30 coin. Even with sharp moons, it becomes hard to liquidate with big holdings in low mcap/volume coins.

>> No.6469518

Fuck I got my arm cut off with INS

>> No.6469663

What's INS?

>> No.6469723

It just launched on binance

>> No.6469892

What about getting on exchange news OP? Let's say a coin gets listed on kucoin, and kucoin tweets this. Do you buy?

>> No.6470062

that exact same thing happened to me

quickest money ive ever lost

I saw it was posted on twitter as being just listed on binance. i figured if i get in first, I'll have a leg up. so I instant market buy

then realized i practically bought at ath.

by the time i figured it out...


then binance posts their token on twitter and it goes up more


expensive lesson learned.

i market SOLD back for the bnb token.

im out a lot right now.

not going to be able sleep tonight

>> No.6470194

I like it. /biz/ of the week. You gotta accumulate all the highlights.

>> No.6470214
File: 42 KB, 399x399, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C-can we cuddle a-anon?

>> No.6470266


Can someone explain to me why whenever any coin is listed on binance, the very first price posted is astronomical?

>> No.6470297
File: 110 KB, 762x1042, 81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because someone imported his wallet and asked a lot more than the market was before. I knew this and still bought high.

>> No.6470358

lolz just fucking list the delta from your coinbase trades christ

>> No.6470407

Lol, alright the first two people to try OPs method just got JUSTed.

What did they do wrong?

>> No.6470427

twitter bro I tried and failed.

i just lost my shirt on that stunt


you don't owe me anything but i have to ask if you'll lend a hand

eth; 0xd371e6e88f6a399ca2e4bc5aadb895e8f6ee935b

im grateful either way


can i ask the same for

before i get booted out of here.

second chance please

>> No.6470447

Interesting. Wonder if/why this is the case for every coin listed.

INS is ~$10.83 on CMC and is ~$12 on Binance currently. But the original posted price was 0.03BTC (over $400).

Did.. Did you just lose out on $400???

>> No.6470475

>What did they do wrong?
they tried OP's method that's what

>> No.6470507



but I am glad to see this works.

>> No.6470527

i didnt know this

im shaking right now ...

>> No.6470559


they tried to buy asap the coin hits the exchange. I also learned that the expensive way. Not now, but a few weeks earlier.

>> No.6470699

I lost 40% of my total assets on this.

If anyone feels great today; 13Tzn8FnQao1yF9jaSHMPj5K4P7U1rvAt5 (BTC)

>> No.6470722

I'm guessing this should be done on a different exchange. Let's say x coin is already on kucoin, it gets listed on binance. You are supposed to buy it on kucoin, not on binance?

>> No.6470766
File: 177 KB, 808x805, eyz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw this was all an eloborate ruse by OP to dump his INS at ATH

>> No.6470818

When a coin is listed on binance, you wait for the price to stabilize before you buy.

>> No.6470836


triple dubs.

will someone superstitious help us? it's gotta come back to you

>> No.6470852

correct. or at least check CMC > markets

>> No.6470952


But that isn't OPs method. OP said buy the news, not buy the coin instantly on the new exchange. This means you buy the coin on an established exchange. If the coin is really brand new and that's the first exchange, you obv don't go in deep at the first second lol. That's common sense.

>> No.6470997

insult to injury.

>> No.6471005

>tfw wagecuck and can't stare at Twitter/ graphs all day

>> No.6471020

It's stabilising at 0.00085 BTC. Should I rebuy?

>> No.6471036
File: 58 KB, 512x512, E9F01562-A9F9-4CAD-A536-60132BEAE103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe test the waters before you dive in headfirst? I think the OP has a sound tactic that he combines with some good common sense/intuition. Also he confessed to being an autist about this.

>> No.6471086

I'm monitoring LRC and it tanked right after they tweeted their partnership 20 minutes ago lol. Apparently it's still up 18% on the day but if you bought the news you got JUSTed so far.

>> No.6471095

To be honest, you deserve to lose money from that INS sham by following this LARP after what just happened. Stop trying to chase money and get rich quick schemes. I have made millions by simply following fucking coins with good tech and holding. Stop falling for these memes

>> No.6471233

how much did you start out with? and do you still have two arms...

>> No.6471236

How the fuck can you make millions just by holding?

>> No.6471259

Got into good projects (ETH, XRB, ICX, NEO, XLM). Read my latest post on biz.

>> No.6471291


Here it is: >>6471228

>> No.6471392


you cringe tard. now i know you're larping

this is the gold rush. you can sit at camp and shine shoes or head out into the night with a pick axe.

shave your neck and lose the fedora PRESTON

>> No.6471467

No it didn't. I also was monitoring, when the tweet got online it was around 9950 sats. 5 mins after the tweet it was around 10150. Not a profit yeah but I scrolled down to see that partnership was mentioned before. So, it was not new

>> No.6471545

Do you have a list of twitter accounts to follow?

>> No.6471581

cant hurt to give it a try

>> No.6471733

around what time of day do big announcements normally come on average and what time zone do you go by? feel free to lie about your time zone just make sure you adjust the time accordingly.

>> No.6471794

name projects with good tech and use cases. bonus points for lower market caps.

>> No.6471834

OP can you give us a link to your twitter account so we can follow off of your list?

>> No.6472071

Hey OP How about you share your twitter account and you retweet anything good. If you follow you we'll see it instantly what is good. It atleast can make you twitterfamous like the cocakid.

>> No.6472192

INS 9.50 and dropping


>> No.6472222

Holy fuck you people are utterly retarded

Op is literally talking shit

He’s got no method, this is a sure fire way to lose everything

If you listened you deserve to be poor

>> No.6472258

>I don't upkeep a fucking blockfolio/delta for obvious reasons, as it would be a fucking nightmare to enter every trade I do.
What about using APIs from the exchanges?

Also I don't think this always works, I've seen many coins tank after news.

>> No.6472318

For comparison it's at .0006902 now

Did you rebuy anon? Lul

>> No.6472323


>> No.6472351

Because they already made an anouncement of the anouncement. Are you even paying attention to what OP is saying?

>> No.6472373

it doesn’t work you gullible fucking nigger

>> No.6472396

quads of truth

>> No.6472398

How do you know, have you done it? Field tested it? Genuinely curious.

>> No.6472430

You're NOT going to catch pumps in time following twitter kek, might as well get in on the artificial ones and check out something like this
discord.gg slash TKXXhsV
might as well get in on the ground floor on a pump and dump group and get the coin before its announced, at least they have a plan and are growing pretty fast. you can sign up and get referrals, or copy their method to create your own group. You just aren't going to make any money trading shitcoins without insider info you're basically playing roulette but with worse odds. Everyone's been doing well only when the whole market's been doing well. pump and dump groups like the above discord at least give you a chance to make money.. observe a few pumps and see if you could have got in to make money, then try with real money when you feel confident.
They also do a .1 LTC giveaway so there’s that, use my invite then join the channel when its time and you'll be entered

>> No.6472439

I didn't say it works.
I'm just considering every possibility instead of being close-minded.

>> No.6472467
File: 59 KB, 852x937, 1515960608156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to hang out with Sayori!

>> No.6472470

You’re fucking brain dead
Closed minded? Oh dear. Kill your self you newfag moron

>> No.6472507

Explain your position at least. Fucking low energy fag.

>> No.6472509

That's not how you prove your point. But keep being angry I guess.

>> No.6472580
File: 4 KB, 1378x68, Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01-15T09-06-19.853Z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so you know, this is how you lose your money

>> No.6472614

Pro tip: By the time it hits twitter, whales already bought/sold

>> No.6472660

They're trying to out trade bots.

>> No.6472665

How do they see into the future?

>> No.6472670


>idiots don't understand what OP is saying

Stay poor.

>> No.6472713
File: 4 KB, 847x90, ebin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could have been a lot worse, it's now less than half of what you sold it for

>> No.6472781


>> No.6472788

>Download autorefresh
what, do you mean the chrome plugin?

>> No.6472795

Same way whales make money in the stock market.

>> No.6472822

Nice try. U gotta be more subtle if you want people to join your scam group

>> No.6472905

stay poor I guess? At least in there everything is up front and you know exactly what you're getting, unlike a lot of other groups..

>> No.6472978
File: 7 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6473256
File: 200 KB, 764x512, 1493938856886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gib pls

>> No.6473306

OP, please post your twitter so we can follow everyone you follow. I know we might as well do it ourselves, but it would save all of us so much time by only posting your twitter link. Thanks for the advice, I will try it

>> No.6473365


I followed every coin on binance/eth pairing

>> No.6473575
File: 130 KB, 600x765, YES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 red candle it's a pump n dump

>> No.6473746

Thanks man. Any chance for OP?

>> No.6474110


It only took me 30mins to create such an account. Can't believe how fucking lazy you guys are...

>> No.6474477

I can't really figure out good accounts to follow. Most of them post very rarely