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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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640802 No.640802 [Reply] [Original]

What does /biz/ think about learning a trade in this day and age? I'm still young but I want to make more money than I currently am. I only get less than $800/month from disability and want to make way more than that, move out and get my own place, etc.

Would you recommend it? And if so, which ones?

>> No.640810


>> No.640813

It's not going to be an easy ride. As for recs, I dunno but go with something that is flexible. Welding is always an option but expect TONS of competition from some very rough people.

>> No.640817

Don't know of any welding apprenticeships around my area. Haven't even looked into welding. Was thinking more like electrical. And I'm aware it's not going to be an easy ride but it's a lot better than being on disability.

>> No.640826

>$800/month from disability
You are my G.D. hero. I dream about bitching about the things about which you dream.

>> No.640840

Are we talking American "$"? I would like to bring up all of the intangibles* that you are not mentioning.

*am drunk AND won't argue vocabulary unless it suits me.

>> No.640913

There must be a CC with a program with welding dude it's very common.

Usually it's a year or less with a cert instead of an AAS.

>> No.640922

Not where I'm at. They have it in vo-tech high schools but I never went to one.

>> No.640925
File: 232 KB, 500x458, electrician.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sparky here, everyone seems to think that pic related is what sparkies do. Yeah not even close. If you are disability then chances are you arent qualified to do the job. If its a physical disability then you arent fit to do the job as you probably cant dig, pull wire, move the material ect. If it was a mental thing then we arent going to accept a brain dead person and if we do then that person will never become more than cheap labor and never taught anything.

>> No.640927

Where do you live?

>> No.640931

Not a physical disability and not brain dead. Pretty high functioning actually. I had a maintenance job before and did it really well. I quit because I couldn't deal with one of the bosses.

I have uncles that are tradesmen. I know that doing electrical work isn't easy. Never claimed that it was. I want to learn a valuable marketable skill and that's that. Don't be a fucking asshole about it, dude. I never said your job was easy, "sparky". I'm not autistic.

Delaware. I checked and here's what it says: "A number of other Adult Education Centers and Community Colleges offer a wide variety of apprenticeship programs which take care of the 150 hours of required classroom instruction. You simply have to find an employer that will sponsor you as an apprentice. The employer must be officially licensed in their field with the state of Delaware and your employer must officially register you as a state of Delaware apprentice. The apprentice gets paid for their work with their employer and is usually required to work full time. Classroom instruction is usually required only one day a week. As an example of what is offered throughout the state here are the programs that are offered by the New Castle County VO-tech School: Carpentry, Construction Craft, Early Childhood Education, Electrician, Heavy Equipment , HVAC, Millwright, Iron Worker, Machinist, Masonry, Pipefitting, Pipe Welding, Plumbing, Sheet Metal, Sprinkler Fitting, and Welding. After most programs have been completed, a state exam must be passed in order for the apprentice to be licensed in their field of choice."

>> No.640935

I just got out of a personality class my company paid for so maybe this will relate and maybe it won't.

If you couldnt deal with a boss because he was kind of dominating and short with you ect. then you wont like construction as 75% of us have that personality. The rest of us for the most part are semi-autistic control freaks (me)... so just a heads up.. see if your uncle will get you on with his company and make sure they will pay for trade school or they probably arent worth working for as an apprentice.

>> No.640938

The uncle think wouldn't work because he works for a home builder, not a specific trade business. The other went to school for HVAC but he's on disability cause he got hurt or some shit. He's got an abdominal aortic aneurysm.

I would never consider construction. I went to a skills center to check out their programs and they recommended youth construction. All it was were a bunch of black kids that thought that they knew everything and that they'd have their own construction business in about a year or so.

Where I am, construction isn't a good bet.

>> No.640940

how do you expect to be an electrician without doing construction? you need to learn how shits built so you know how to do your job properly. Are you just going to change light bulbs and ballasts all the time? that is not what an electrician does.

>> No.640941

Another thing was that the boss wasn't that bad, he was just pissed off that I took a day off and didn't call him about it. Then I just said fuck it and quit. He didn't want to give me a transfer either because I was moving. I asked him about it but it never materialized. The other bosses were cool. Idk what his deal was. Would still be working there if I could but oh well.

>> No.640943

I said that I wouldn't do construction by itself. Sure, I'd love to learn construction but I don't want to be a construction worker. I wanna know how to build shit, sure. I wouldn't mind learning that. You're implying things that I'm not even saying.

>> No.640944

I think this was a very productive talk we have had and that you have saved yourself quite a bit of time. You wouldn't cut it as a sparky. Hey no big deal as there are much better jobs out there that pay better. If I were you I would try to be a drywaller or a ditch digger.

>> No.640946

>implying that you know what I'm capable of.

Go shove some light bulbs up your ass, faggot.

>> No.640951

>getting mad for someone being honest with them
>attacking them when you dont like their answers

Listen kiddo I get that your life sucks and you have no direction in your life and are looking for a way out. I havent insulted you or anything yet but you continue to attack me as if I wronged you by telling you how it is. Grow up and take the bad news like a man.

>> No.640953

>haven't insulted me
>doing nothing but insulting me
You think that I'm incapable of doing an electrical apprenticeship is what you think. Well fuck what you think. I'm not some invalid that has no options like you. You probably never even had the chance to go to college for free like I did. You don't know how it is. You're just some arrogant electrician who thinks that it's impossible to do your job. Well, that's bullshit. So I'll tell you what I think. I think that your advice is bullshit. I think that you're some older worn out guy that thinks that a young guy can't compete with you when it comes to working and that you feel threatened by anyone that considers working in your line of work.

>> No.640957

oh I see you think because I flat out tell you that being an electrician isnt for you that I am attacking you. No brother I am trying to save you a ton of time. See I dont think its impossible, I think that it isnt a good fit for you... being a sparky really isnt even all that tough tbh but you wouldnt like it and judging from the way you are acting now you would just get fired quickly... so grow up and quit whining.

>> No.640958


Well at least we know what the disability is now. OP has terminal, Stage 4 butthurt.

>Waaah I get free money from people who work for a living
>Waaah I don't like it when other people give me advice after I asked for it
>Waaah I want everyone to acknowledge that I am a special snowflake

If only euthanasia were legal, then you'd have a way to end your suffering.

>> No.640959

>implying that you're in charge of hiring or firing anyone.
So what's the best bet for me then, "sparky"? Since you're all knowing and everything? Let me guess, ditch digger? Drywaller? Give me a fucking break. I wouldn't get out of bed to do either one of those.

>> No.640961

You sound lost. Are you looking for /b/?

Who said I was some special snowflake? Lot of implying going on in /biz/.

>> No.640962

funny, both of them are making more money than you are right now.

>> No.640963

Your point is? What the fuck is your point here? You're trying to browbeat me about how I'm not cut out to do what you do when you have no fucking clue what I can do. You're just a grumpy old fuck that isn't happy with his life when I'm actually content with everything that's going on right now. Why don't you take a Xanax and chill the fuck out, grandpa?

>> No.640964

Is being a home inspector a good trade? I am looking for a trade I can do by myself like real estate or work as a home inspector by myself.

>> No.640967

Idk, ask sparky. He seems to know everything.

>> No.640968

I have been calm the entire time. You have been having a tantrum like a 4 yr old just because I told you no. You aren't content or else you wouldnt be bitching about not making more money and you dont even know what you are capable of because if you had a clue you wouldnt be asking /biz/... the only thing I can see you capable of is shooting up a daycare and missing most of your shots.

>> No.640970

>implying I get shots.
Man, you are just off the mark all over the place, aren't you? I'm pretty fucking content because I'm getting over $20,000 back from Social Security so yeah, I'm happy. I'm just looking towards the future, old head.

>> No.640971

most of the trades dont really respect them as there is no way to learn everyones trades properly and understand how the codes change by cycle. Home inspecting is really just a tool people use to beat up a realtor so they can get a lower price. Lots of times the people who do the corrections jack up the price of the fixes as it usually isnt worth our time.

>> No.640972


>You sound lost. Are you looking for /b/?

I'm not the 15-year-old with ass burgers.

>Who said I was some special snowflake?

Well, let's see. You quit your job because you decided you needed a "day off" and didn't bother to tell anyone. You just had an asspie fit on someone who was trying to help you just because he said you may not be able to be an electrician. You sit around on your ass all day, "earning" disability for what is obviously not enough of a disability to prevent you from working, and in spite of having no education, no skills, and an obliviously terrible work ethic you feel you have the ability to pick and choose how you actually contribute to society.

>> No.640973

wow $20k.. thats like almost 3 months pay for me.

>> No.640974

He isn't trying to be mean, he is trying to help you. Don't do something you don't have interest in. You will only fail because you will feel miserable about the job and eventually quit or get fired. Do something you enjoy or somewhat enjoy.

>> No.640976
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What a shitty thread

>> No.640978

Got a problem with that?

>> No.640980

Sure it is, "sparky"

Who said I didn't have interest in it? I'm only considering it because someone in another thread said that real estate was a bad idea.

>> No.640983

Yeah, I think real estate isn't a good idea either to be honest. Too much of a dog eat dog world.

>> No.640984


>Got a problem with that?

Not really. I'd pay you double that just for you to stay in your mom's house and refrain from gracing the rest of us with your affable personality, though. You can call it a "trade" if it keeps from triggering your autism.

>> No.640985

The best way to improve your work ethic is to move out of your parents house and try to survive on your own. You will be grateful for any job you get.

>> No.640986

>implying the world isn't dog eat dog

Are you trying to sound like someone from /b/? Fuck off, wannabe Heaven.

>> No.640989

Can't afford to at the moment.

>> No.640991

>wants money, not willing to work hard for it.... still wants to be an electrician

>> No.640992
File: 7 KB, 235x216, 1476044_406205642815150_310104968_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying implications
Can't work yet, Sparky.

>> No.640994

How the fuck did you even pass the mathematics exam to become an electrician? You seem like a complete fucking super moron.

>> No.640997


>Are you trying to sound like someone from /b/?

Listen, your comebacks aren't terribly entertaining, so I'm moving on.

Before I leave, though, I just want you to know that while you're a pitiful waste of oxygen who would be lucky to be given the opportunity to shovel warm shit for your pizza roll money, I forgive you for lashing out at your moral and intellectual superiors when most would be grateful for assistance, and I'm happy that people with your condition are taken care of in our society.

KIsses! Get well soon!

>> No.641000
File: 155 KB, 400x505, 1384806002866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lurks /biz/
>probably listens to Tony Robbins audiobooks on repeat thinking that he's going to become the next success story.

Here's what I think of you.

>> No.641014

Sparky, Im personally not afraid of manual labor, but is it back breaking manual labor, or is it something if you just don't bitch about and work you will get through it.

>> No.641037

Hey guys, I'm training atm to become a Powerline Technician, any thoughts on the job? Pretty good pay, you can make upwards 100k per year, 80k is the average where I live though, up to 150k with overtime

>> No.641043

Ask Sparky.

>> No.641055
File: 438 KB, 974x1732, KIMG0061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you still fucking crying? shit boy its time to MAN THE FUCK UP

are you 12? you havent told us how old you are from what I remember, I had my 1st job at 13 so why cant you get a job any job?

some days are back breaking. I will give a few examples

This contractor we do a lot of business for lost a phase to his house. Because of the way the utility company does stuff out in his county we know its his issue... send out the tracer guy, flip flop some wires ect. He gives us a location that he stops getting the signal. Typically installs like theses are only required to be buried 18inches down so not to hard to dig up and fix. This one turned out to be 4.5' down... yeah that was a hard day. 4 hours of digging to do 20 minutes worth of work then another 1.5 hours to fill it back in... shit sucked.

Or when we pull 500kcmils copper. That stuff weights about a 2 pounds per foot and you usually grab 4 at a time and have to sling it around for a few hours while pulling it off a reel as a tugger pulls it.

But it does get easier as time goes. We give the shit work to the new guys because everyone starts from square one and we build them up. I have had days where I have to manhandle 500lb gear just to get it into place as there really isnt a better way of doing it. Its still hard work that people who dont like desk jobs do. I have a few guys on my crew that have degrees and they still do what I tell them even though I only graduated high school.

>> No.641059

Worked at nehring electric stranding power line. Can confirm copper bobbins are fucking heavy.

>> No.641061

Hahahaha, butthurt much, Sparky? Go get electrocuted, pal. I'm done with your pathetic ass.

The problem with disability is that if you try to work, they cut you the fuck off. Therefore, I wouldn't get that good ol free money that's taken out of your glorious paycheck, now would I. I'd rather wait until I get my back pay, then get off of it when I can. And THEN I would work. Fucking autist ass moron. It appears to me that you barely graduated high school. Thank fucking God that you never went to college and took away a spot from someone who actually has intellect. I'm 23. How old are you? 45? 50? You man the fuck up, you redneck bitch.

>> No.641064

sounds like you got a good job. I bs with the xcel guys and hear about the horror stories they tell me about working 90 hours after a hurricane or a major snow/ice storms knock out power in the north east... doesnt sound fun. More power to you if you dont mind it and get paid well for it.

>> No.641067

ok, enjoy living at home with mommy and daddy you big tough crippled 23 yr old wizard.

>> No.641074

Do you drive a lot? I assume you do.

>> No.641076

it depends. Lately I am on small jobs because I am waiting for a bigger job to start moving, but I usually like the jobs that last 6-8 months in 1 spot. average distance is 25 miles for a job. I have a company vehicle so gas is paid for and hitting 3 jobs in a day sometimes happens.

>> No.641084

What the biggest skill trades you need to be a electrician. I don't want to go in the business and find out it isn't for me. I may have to prepare myself before I go.

>> No.641085
File: 27 KB, 236x235, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy having your tax dollars go directly into my pocket. Funny how you're the only one that doesn't think it's a good idea.

>> No.641086

Why would you ask this asshole anything? I wouldn't even ask this fucking imbecile for directions.


>> No.641087

organizational skills and technical ability seem to be the 2 key factors for me. There is a lot of code to know but once you know it you need to be able to run a profitable job and that comes down to organization, coordination, and believe it or not some people skills because you will have to deal with some people who are just jackasses.

shh adults are conversing here.

>> No.641091

I will admit I am a little shy, but I think I can get over that. I am very book smart and I know I can remember the codes without any problems. The problem I have to be honest is I was kind of sheltered when growing up. Is there anything I can do to prepare myself? I am pretty strong physically and mentally, but I lack some common sense (my biggest fault due to being sheltered). Please let me know what you think.

>> No.641093

I wouldnt worry about it, inherently electricians are a little geeky as is and if you know your own faults then you have a leg up. Just be willing to learn and try to use your head you will do fine... you could search on electrician talk for some tips that apprentices have asked for before.

>> No.641094

Fuck both of you faggots. I'm deleting this thread. Have your jerk off session elsewhere.

>> No.641095

The amount of asspain in this thread is astonishing. Someone put all you motherfuckers out of your misery.

>> No.641097

hahaha dont go away mad, just go away

>> No.641098

OP. You have options dude. But you have to face facts and realize that you're not in a situation where it's going to get handed to you.

I'm not saying go out and bust your ass like a slave in the 1800's but if you want to have any sort of idea of what's out there you have to, well, get out there.

The path will become clearer in time.

>> No.641099

Before you delete this thread let me tell you something buddy. I can tell you are an attention whore who blames everyone but him self and expect everyone to hand you things. YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL IN ANY WAY OR FORM GROW UP.

>> No.641103

>But you have to face facts and realize that you're not in a situation where it's going to get handed to you.

Never said I wanted anything handed to me.

>implying implications
Never said I was special or expected hand outs. Where the fuck are you getting your facts at? From Sparky?

>> No.641106


Hello, /biz/ brothers!

It's a shame you may lose your forum for this productive, educational conversation.

Fortunately, I've secured another location for you to continue your dialogue! Just head here:


Good luck in your business dealings!

>> No.641107

Listen, if everyone is thinking the same thing, maybe just maybe it is something you are. JUST SAYIN

>> No.641110

>still implying implications
Is that all /biz/ does? No wonder no one ever fucking goes here.

>> No.641112

Okay, then be realistic and start from a lower position than what you're saying you want to be. At least get a feel for what you'll be up against. It may make you rethink your wants.

fuck off nigger....i'll be there though



>> No.641113

And what would that be?

>> No.641115

here kiddo since you want more proof.

1 out of 5 apprentices we hire stick around more than a year.

of those that do stay 1 in 25 make it 4 years with us

1 in 50 actually get their license

you like those odds? you arent cut out for this get over it and mr. bipolar go kill yourself already.

>> No.641119

And where the fuck is this at? Your piece of shit company? Oh wait, you don't have a company. You're just some shill that works for someone else because you wouldn't know two shits about running your own business. You never have and you never will.

>> No.641125

you really go there.. you dont even have a job and live with your mom and dad at 23.

>> No.641127

Okay, I'll give you an example. For inspectors in the oilfield you don't start out as an inspector. You have to move up.

Now, the way you move up can be different. You can start out cleaning protective caps for threads in line inspections, maybe get into a shop as a machinist mate, or maybe hired on as a laborer/forklift operator. Relatively simple things, but as you move on and get used to it you pick up the language and lay of the land, you meet older or more experienced guys and ask how they did it(add them on linkedin and snoop, best thing evar) you learn about certain certifications or maybe even a local college that offers specific degrees/tech edumacation and little by little you move up in the world. leave you starting position then move closer and closer to actual inspection.

>> No.641128

>implying my dad lives with me.
You're wrong on all levels tonight, sparky boy. My job is to use your tax dollars on whatever I want.

Who said that I wanted to do that? That's terrible fucking advice. Goddamn.

>> No.641131

ohh so your dad up and ran away from you when he realized you were a faggot... cant say I blame him. Hey on the bright side your mom still loves you and lets you stay mostly rent free in her basement.

>> No.641132

im starting to feel bad here. You arent going to go shoot up a school or kill yourself or anything because of this thread are you?

>> No.641133

Nah, he's disabled too.
>implying I have a basement.

Can you be ANY more incorrect tonight? At all?

>> No.641134

Nah, going to go and prove you wrong, that's all.

>> No.641136

Dang those statistics scares me. What are the biggest reasons they leave?

>> No.641137

you know I dont think you could be a realtor either.. your people skills arent good enough for sales.

>> No.641140

Like you would know the first fucking thing about real estate. What does REO stand for? Or MLS? or FHA?

>> No.641142

1st and 2nd year suck sooo much. you are everyones bitch, the brunt of all the pain and on top of it you just dont know enough to be useful... steep learning curve all while being paid shit. 3rd and 4th year people think they can get more money so they drag up and start looking for the BBD (bigger better deal) how ever temporary it may be. Also we fire a ton of guys who just dont make the cut fast enough. Honestly with enough time anyone can learn this stuff but you need to learn quickly and not look at it as a job, its a career.

>> No.641143

I know you arent clever enough to know when to quit.

>> No.641144

He saying your people SKILLS sucks. You can have all the knowledge you want, but if your skills sucks it won't mean shit.

>> No.641145

If what you're saying is true and all electricians are assholes, then I'd rather not even fucking consider it. Fuck you and everyone in this thread. I'm out.

>> No.641148

1st smart decision you made all night.. but remember I started off trying to help you.

>> No.641150

All construction workers are a little bit of an asshole because they sometimes work in extreme conditions.

>> No.641152

not just because of the weather.. sometimes its actually fun

>> No.641153

I would like to talk to you more because I am actually considering to do this. I just don't want to be screwed. I actually do have a job right now (programming) but I can't stand being by myself and program. It is too depressing to be quite honest.

>> No.641161

By extreme conditions, I don't mean just weather (although I am sure that is part of it).

>> No.641163

ehh I hear you.. sometimes when I have a big job starting I have to sit in an office and do pre planning for a few days and thats dull, or like now since things are slow I work alone until the bigger jobs get going.

Things I would make sure of when finding a company are, finding one big enough that they pay for your schooling, this can be union or non-union. Try to learn a little about everything. We have 3 major areas of work, residential, commercial and industrial. Industrial pays the best but often is harder work threading 4" (100lb) pipes 10' up on a ladder is tough. Commercial pays the next best but is also lighter work, this is what I do. Then the resi guys who have to run their asses off to get peanuts... I dont know what else to tell you. Try to get placed under someones wing.

>> No.641365

>I wouldn't get out of bed to do either one of those.

That's your problem. You think you're a special snowflake. You're on disability. You're accustomed to having everything handed to you in life. If you go into a trade it won't be like that and you're unwilling to hear people tell you the truth about it. Stop being a burden on your parents and just end your life.

You'll never be anything besides a leech. You're not better than a nigger.

>> No.641367

This was perfect.

>> No.641377

No, I don't think I'm some special snowflake. And who gives a fuck that I'm on disability? It's a temporary thing that enables me to get some money for the moment so that I can get a car and what not. I've worked before. I've had three jobs before that I've busted my ass at. I'm not some fucking nigger that's never worked before and just lays in bed complaining about the world and collects a check. That's not the case at all. I want a job. I don't want to not be able to work or go to school. You really think that I'm happy with making less than $800 per month? Fuck no. My last job I was making around $200 or so every week and that was just part time. But at least I felt like I was contributing to something because I was in a union and having taxes taken out of my check.

You seem to think it's easy to get disability. It's actually hard as fuck. It would have been easier for me to just get a part time job.

>> No.642027


Just try to do some job shadowing.

You did fuck up though, just admit it, you shouldn't of just quit like that.

If someone asks what you are doing just saying you are temporarily unemployed.

Job shadowing will let you see what jobs are like.

>> No.642035

Doesn't <200 dollars a week add up to around 800$ month? Lol

>> No.642575

I want to go to school though.

It was a little more than $800/mo. Probably closer to 900.

>> No.642577

This thread might be dead, but youre a fucking homo boy. 21 yr old apprentice electrician here. Not a chance the union would accept you with your shitty history and attitude. Even if some scab company hired you, you wouldn't last a fuckin week queer. Go ahead and try to prove me wrong.

>> No.642582

Fuck you, you fucking pussy. I'll just get a degree and make more than your blue collar ass will ever make. Enjoy doing your backbreaking work for peanuts, chump. All of you union fucks are drunks and drug addicts anyhow.

>> No.642588
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>> No.642621

OP, don't fuck it. Working is a fucking scam. Unless you aren't a 6.5+ white WASP trust fund babby life is pain for most people.
I wish I could get like 600 a month doing shit nothing. You say you make "less than 800" so you probably make more.
What I would do is live with parents, save like 3000 then start trading, doing crazy ass bets until you hit a big jackpot.
Its money you can risk to lose.
I would be making so much money with cryptocurrencies that guy. Thanks to Bitcoin and other alt's ive made like 20K speculating, im also saving BTC and holding long term. There are going to be so many suicides in a couple of years when people realized they missed the boat twice.

>> No.642645

No wonder you're poor. You're goddamn stupid

>> No.642722

>a poor with a job critisizing a poor with free time

>> No.642875

Private investigating. Can elaborate if anyone cares.

>> No.642941


>> No.642994

Teach people how to collect disability