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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 729 KB, 1024x768, 1497223312219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6421431 No.6421431 [Reply] [Original]

It's fucking happening again, but this time more subtle than when NGR coin was rampant last May.

/POL/, you have your own board for your bullshit. Aside from the poo in the loos shilling of bullshit, I'm seeing threads popping up on the debate of capitalism, women in crypto (but its really a women hate thread), going off topic on niggers...come on now, we're already dealing with the poos.

Yes, /pol/, for the most part, I'm quite sure /biz/ agrees with most of your shit, but I miss the moderate crypto shilling, and all the threads on NEETS losing their jobs, and being recommended on purchasing knee pads for sucking dick. There was even a thread that discussed the ROI on such knee pads and how much dick you'd have to suck to make rent, or purchase an investment. These were the good ol' days.

/biz/'s advice actually increased my quality of life. It got me motivated to mine eth early 2016, that I sat on for a year, then traded it, and now I'm sitting on 1/4 mil. With /biz/'s advice, I sucked about 50 dicks to get that mining rig.

We need /biz/ the old days back!

/pol/ we appreciate you buying our bags, but just fuck off with your bullshit in your own thread.

>> No.6421467
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You guys shilled on our board, that's why I'm here.

>> No.6421483

B A N / P O L /








>> No.6421529

This is still a 4chan board. With the popularity of crypto other boards have flood here. 4chan goes together with all the points you mentioned.

>> No.6421621

i love /pol

>> No.6421633

There is no escaping pol now a days , but the thing is most people agree with their talking points but it's just to repetitive. We all get it, saying it 100 times is not gonna make us get it more. So they have to go back or we will start building a wall.

>> No.6421999
File: 94 KB, 640x640, 10471880_815046771859741_2012240434_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post underage girls and /pol/ would their shit over a picture. Don't tell them I'm made so much off cryptos already.

>> No.6422053

I started in March, back when we all did this shit for fun. Nothing makes me more happy knowing the anons trading with me made it. They took their loot and ran senpai. Don't expect any more resume rate threads. any decent stock talk from robinhood generals, and don't expect any career advice. Although I was here for a decent time of bliss it was amazing. We are left to the fucking dogs anon, I hope a massive correction comes and these new fags get shook off. All I know is the conversation will continue to get worse but it was nice while it lasted. God bless op.

>> No.6422057

>Post underage girls
>posts fb picture
no one wants to see your little sister anon, also your mom will be hearing about this!

>> No.6422091
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>Trying to fight the colonial forces of this taiwaneese T-girl-for-LTC-trading forum
The majority of us agree with /pol/ but the spammers on this board aren't real /polacks/. They're the same people who post cuck threads on /pol/.

/pol/ is being compromised, don't blame them, /pol/ is a board of peace.

>> No.6422160

>debate of capitalism,
>women in crypto (but its really a women hate thread)
Not /pol/
>going off topic on niggers
That's /pol/

But you leaked first, so don't be a NIGGER

>> No.6422169

wtf i love pol now

>> No.6422194

/leftypol/ and friends have been invading /fit/, /pol/, and /biz/ in a big way for a while now. They say a bunch of shit that /pol/ at large doesn't really agree with to try and make everyone else hate /pol/.

>> No.6422210

The only correct political ideologies are white nationalism and free markets.

>> No.6422214


>> No.6422235

It's not leftypol you faggot.
Leftypol is basically dead.
It's probably the same reddit SJW cucks from /r/SRS or whatever

>> No.6422270

/Pol/ are the earliest adopters of crypto.

Leftypol is attempting to act like /pol/ on other boards to make /pol/ look bad

>> No.6422275

Not /leftypol/ but some other faggots this time, people (pol oldfags) left pol for 8ch pol when they saw this shit a while ago, then they fucked 8ch too.

>> No.6422292

Sorry the peoples views of non left nigger faggot jew cunts displeases you. Go back to your left nigger faggot jew cunt website aka reddit.

>> No.6422296

again it's not leftypol
pretty sure it's real /pol/ but autistic neetsocs

they make themselves look bad

>> No.6422384

>Go back to your left nigger faggot jew cunt website aka reddit.

still thinks its about politics. Holy fuck, you're a moron.

>> No.6422468

This is objectively correct

>> No.6422509

What would you prefer us to call niggers? People of shitholes?

>> No.6422522
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>red cell not appreciating white cells
Nigger, do you want an infection?

>> No.6422564

>It's not them!
this is literally an organized shilling operation in full force. Some anons have posted screenshots of their inner circles where this is planned.

Especially in the Stellar/IOTA threads, there has been a lot of cuckposting etc

/pol/ doesn't raid other boards unless it's lgbt etc
If you're not willing to see what's in front of you on the catalog every day there's no point.

>> No.6422604
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But anon. We were always here.

>> No.6422626

No this seems like more of a concerted effort than the leftypol faggots would be able to pull off. More likely brock just changed tactics.

>> No.6422635

>this is literally an organized shilling operation in full force.
prove it lmao

if it was leftypol you would see many posts in support of communism, but any political threads are always strongly against it

>Some anons have posted screenshots of their inner circles where this is planned.

>> No.6422644
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Yarp. That's why I will call these fucks out every chance I get. They're not trying to get /pol/ to leave here so much as they're trying to spread their leftist identity politics to every board they can.

They wanted identity politics and they got white nationalism in response. Funny how that works isn't it? Kinda glad they did it. Fuck these retards.

>> No.6422665


>> No.6422885

How about using flags?
I'm 99% OP is a fucking leaf.

Guess what?
Also /b/ was once fun. Yep, ancientfag here.

>> No.6422974


Why tho? Banning the whole 4chan?

>> No.6422983
File: 15 KB, 259x194, 9B848560-DA44-4F29-B782-8A6D5278D0C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a /biz/ nessman through and through but don’t fuck with /pol/

>> No.6423322

>I'm quite sure /biz/ agrees with most of your shit
/p*l/ is 99% emotional, cherry-picked or outright fake echo chamber safe space bullshit. They can't and won't listen to any views that violate their extremely specific “““alt-right””” ideology and just cover their ears and screech “HURR GO BOK 2 REDIT” as a defense mechanism.
So actually I guess /biz/ isn't that different

Flags would be the absolute death of this place. The whole point of /biz/ is that no one knows cares who you are or where you're from, just that we're all here to make money. Flags would just mean threads get instantly derailed as soon as an Indian, Isreali and many other flags show up. And certain IPs are effectively soft banned as the only replies they will get is /p*l/ spam.

>> No.6423418

>/p*l/ is 99% emotional, cherry-picked or outright fake echo chamber safe space bullshit. They can't and won't listen to any views that violate their extremely specific “““alt-right””” ideology and just cover their ears and screech “HURR GO BOK 2 REDIT” as a defense mechanism.
>So actually I guess /biz/ isn't that different

Is this supposed to be satire?

>> No.6423433
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What the fuck do you have against Niggercoin faggot?

>> No.6423456

Is it wrong?
To be fair I haven't been on /p*l/ proper all that much because it's too painful to see such concentrated delusion but it's absolutely how they behave on other boards.

>> No.6423508

why do you keep doing this?

>> No.6423560

Because he is a t*rkroach

>> No.6423576

Because I have to enter the G**gle C*pcha every time and I don't want G**gle to know I mentioned /p*l/

>> No.6423580

Cause he's a faggot and obviously he has been on /pol/ or on /int/ because censoring out certain letters in a nationality or assigned group is an old shill tactic to get people to react.

He's a cock muncher, don't feed his ego.

>> No.6423652
File: 32 KB, 230x230, cg1c0143uzox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how emotional /pol/ posters get while claiming to be "fact over feels". shoo shoo back to your hormonal piss pot edge lords.

>> No.6423731
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>not supporting /pol/
lol get out desu

>> No.6423768

/pol/ is 4chan's immune system
without our /pol/ bros every board would be flooded with low races

>> No.6423810

>The whole point of /biz/ is that no one knows cares who you are or where you're from

The whole point of 4chan imo - the boards with flags. But even there, one can either choose the flag that one wants to display, or if that is not possible just login to a vpn and browse the site from there.

>> No.6423829

Flags would filter out pajeets. After years of flags on pol I can say they are useful to filter out larpers, shills and to get a remote feeling of culture/iq of the interlocutor.

>> No.6423870

Flags would be fucking terrible on here.

>> No.6423875
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>Women hate thread

>> No.6423898
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Reminder about nu-/pol/

>> No.6423908
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/pol/ is always right

OP is faggot

>> No.6423910

This, i saw over a dozen “bitcoin hits 15k” threads in /pol/ back in early december. You wanted us here niggers

>> No.6423918
File: 166 KB, 640x640, 1515369026544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I sucked about 50 dicks to get that mining rig.

/biz/ shills crypto on /pol/ and makes them rich, /pol/ keeps filthy fucking kike scammers like XRP in check on /biz/. /biz/ and /pol/ have a symbiotic relationship. You don't have to like it, but its win-win.

>> No.6423997

Except /pol/'s newfaggotry is the virus that is spreading across boards.

>> No.6423999
File: 78 KB, 1306x354, 1514189841435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also they make every thread about fucking /pol/ stuff, talk about increased honey price
> its the nignogs


>> No.6424038
File: 76 KB, 200x150, BE78A47D-4840-43BB-99AE-9B9402903B72.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti /pol/ also hates flag feature
Found the kike

>> No.6424080

I've seen plenty of faggots argue in favor of communism on /biz/. Which in it self is confusing, because why the fuck are communists on a board about business and finance?

>> No.6424089

>After years of flags on pol I can say they are useful to filter out larpers, shills and to get a remote feeling of culture/iq of the interlocutor.

>calls himself ancientfag
>doesn't know that flags on pol don't mean shit


>> No.6424103

>implying it wasn't other /pol/tards

>> No.6424111

Fuck off nigger

>> No.6424128

you see it as a virus
i see it as the cops showing the nigs and soyboys that they arent really welcome
to each their own

>> No.6424159
File: 38 KB, 960x182, 1515150999486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've seen plenty of faggots argue in favor of communism on /biz/
lel when
they're probably extremely rare and since we're all capitalists on here they ALWAYS get BTFO

>> No.6424162

I wonder how much /biz/ would change if we got the /pol/ flags

>> No.6424166

Hope he went back to plebbit like the reactions to his post probably told him to do

>> No.6424173

pol here. eat shit niggers.

>> No.6424224


plenty of people support communism and socialism due to the nature of how it works.

What reality shows these people is that communism/socialism easily fails due to human nature.

So, people support it in theory. However, IRL it's better to live life in pursuit of financial well-being rather than argue with other hippies in a coffee shop about capitalists destroying the world and whatnot...

>> No.6424227

because everyone needs money you fucking brainlet

>> No.6424239

>since we're all capitalists on here they ALWAYS get BTFO
I've never seen a communist not get BTFO.

>> No.6424328

We would see 90% of tron shills come from one country

>> No.6424350
File: 21 KB, 347x316, 1503755692595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP basically complains about /pol/ newfaggotry
>/pol/ invades the thread with their newfaggotry to prove him wrong

>> No.6424349

Yeah the US, I seen all the Twitter Tron niggers.

t. American

>> No.6424365

People can listen to your views but still decide to disagree? Ever considered you might just be wrong?

>Is against Flags
Let me guess, Israel or canada.

>> No.6424421

>People can listen to your views but still decide to disagree?
>listen to your views
Nigger that's not how p*l operates and you know it.

>Let me guess, Israel or canada.
Typical p*l namecalling instead of an argument

>> No.6424443

>>Is against Flags
>Let me guess, Israel or canada.
Maybe you should address his argument instead of strawmaning like a massive faggot you are.

>> No.6424447
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>> No.6424652

But they will argue with you? Most of them started outad liberals too probably.
I know because i was raised as a liberal and always thought conservatism was retarded because i only got presented one side.
When I found pol i was mostly just arguing with people there so I know its bullshit when you say its an echo chamber.

What argument?/

>> No.6424704

The whole of 4chan has the same crowd of people roughly, go make your own snowflake site if you're unhappy with the website culture.

>> No.6424747

>body count

>> No.6424770

>says that /pol/ will listen to your views
>proceeds to completely ignore half of the post he's replying to
sasuga /pol/

>> No.6424788

you must be a massive newfag if you think that /pol/ in its current state has anything to do with 4chan culture

>> No.6424796

White is right mutha fucka, come on, what type of business would black people start anyway? /biz/ users are probaby 85% white, more than /pol/ itself

>> No.6424822

mistaking a board culture with a website culture is typical pol newfaggotry

>> No.6424826

Careful, you'll poke someone's eye out swinging your nose around like that

>> No.6424919

Thanks for proving my point desu senpai

>> No.6424939

Did you just get here? Been here since 2004, I have maybe seen one or two anime flicks, Paprika and Akira, or is that manga?

>> No.6424957

I adressed everything in the postsI was replying too.
Maybe try to refute me or point out what I failed to adress?
I know you wont since i know your kind and all you do is create meta arguments until the other side gives up and you feel confirmed that they just dont listen to you.

>> No.6424990

Your merchant middle eastern bazaar haggling tactics won't work here Sol, I suggest you try a different form of verbal jewdo

>> No.6425025

You didn't make any point, what do you want me to refute you moron? Your /pol/ tactics won't work on me faggot.
>Flags would just mean threads get instantly derailed as soon as an Indian, Isreali and many other flags show up. And certain IPs are effectively soft banned as the only replies they will get is /p*l/ spam.
This was written in the post you were replying to, which you conveniently decided to ignore and even go as far as to deny its existence.

>> No.6425197

I was replying to his claim about /pol/ discussion culture.
He was arguing with two different people about two different subjects.
As a third Person joining this discussion I have no obligation to argue in place of everyone he was arguing with.
I just pointed out he was wrong about /pol/.

>> No.6425236
File: 15 KB, 203x152, 1310496497472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it that only numales and soylents hate /pol/? no one else is crying about it

>> No.6425246

>>Is against Flags
>Let me guess, Israel or canada.
Looks like we've come full circle, haven't we?

>> No.6425339

I know youd say that. Anything to avoid the thing im actually discussing.
If you check my first post I argued against his claim that /pol/ doesnt listen (something that still hasnt been adressed or refuted).
The flag part obviously wasnt an argument and just added as banter.
I dont care about flags either way.

>> No.6425370

they just can't handle the truth or the fact that /pol/ is 4chan now

>> No.6425428

When you’ve been on /pol/ for as long as I have, you don’t need a flag to sniff out a kike. They write and argue in distinct way. I can assure you that you are 100% correct in your assumption about the posters semetic ethnic background.

>> No.6425434

Nigga /pol/ has invaded literally every board. They're the new ponyfags, but they don't attach reaction images to their opinions.

I'm middle ground, I don't give a shit about which side you're on. Sometimes they have good points (like the wall actually being a mechanism to help Mexico fix their own problems because now they actually have the people in their shithole to fight against the cartels), and sometimes I don't agree with them (a lot of them just parroting boomers despite also saying they hate boomers).

You can't go to /vg/, /a/, /x/, /g/, or even the porn boards without finding at least one person bringing their views into every thread, even when the thread has nothing to do with them, because they'll always find some minor point someone makes to latch onto and derail shit.

At this point you just have to wait until talk of politics, regardless of which side, is actively kept to their appropriate containment boards by mods. Stop attaching politics to literally everything. Even the who Korea fud had multiple threads practically pol-centric about how chinks need to be eliminated despite the fact that they're the primary driving force behind crypto booming as much as it is

>> No.6425476

>new to the internet
>thinks evil racist misogynists are magically quarantined to one board
Niggers and women are part of the economy and you're just going to have to deal with it.

>> No.6425523
File: 29 KB, 560x110, Screenshot_20180114-033632~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even kikebook looks like /pol/ now.

>> No.6425564


>> No.6425572

The discord pump group where everyone makes money. Some more some less but everyone makes it..

https://discord dot gg/hTTEEt2

>> No.6425575

>Anything to avoid the thing im actually discussing.
You're saying that /pol/ is not an echo chamber, and I'm saying that it is. There's no point of further argument unless you come up with a methodology to prove one way or another.

>> No.6425602

no one cares, go home red dit

>> No.6425611

>i hate sjws but dont u think anti-sjws are just as bad? seriosly guise
needs work

>> No.6425643

It’s not and anyone who’s spent more than five minutes there could see that. Back to plebbit with you retard.

>> No.6425647

Who are you quoting?

>> No.6425657

>because they'll always find some minor point someone makes to latch onto and derail shit.
Case in point

I literally said you cunts have both good opinions and bad opinions, but no one needs opinions when the threads aren't about them.

>> No.6425687

/a/ is still fortunately a safe haven from /pol/'s influence.
nice try, but I can smell your newfaggotry through my computer screen

>> No.6425715
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>> No.6425759

you have to go back

>> No.6425761

>he's trying to remain neutral, he must be crying
You people complain about the left trying to control everything, but here you are bitching when anyone tries to say there's a time and place for everything and that no one should force their way into shit that doesn't ask for them.

>> No.6425785
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>> No.6425792

>like the wall actually being a mechanism to help Mexico fix their own problems because now they actually have the people in their shithole to fight against the cartels
Mimma address this real quick

1. A wall won't stop inmigration, they'll just find other ways to come in. just like they always find new ways to sneak in drugs, they'll do with people

2. There are by no means lack of people in Mexico. They have like 1/3 the population of the US, their police forces and military are also relatively big, they don't lack personnel at all, it's just they get such a shit pay that they are easy to bribe/blackmail

3. It's not only the cartels that are a probkem for mexico. Cartels are but a symptom of a country who's hugely protectionist single party government fucked up it's economy and failed to integrate millions of peasants into the market. In Brasil it's metals and hard woods (apart from drugs) that drive criminality (because they have the fucking amazonas in their territory). For mexico drugs are the obvious decision since they have the leading drug market in the world right above them

i doubt the wall serves any practical purpose other than fueling the ego of a narcissist, my take is he wants to build something he'll ne remembered for but has actually no idea if it can work or not

>> No.6425802

Ok shit in street

>> No.6425830

/pol is full of faggots, just like reddit
gtfo already

>> No.6425851

You sure that’s not your kosher meats you smell, moshi?

>> No.6425884

Illegal immigration is down 80% for the past year, even mentioning the wall and not encouraging them to come over like the previous admins worked. The wall will reinforce it physically and mentally .

>> No.6425900

Red*t is the breeding ground for alt-right, which then further migrates to /pol/ and subsequently to other boards.

>> No.6426042

The wall plays a minimal part on that I think. It's mainly the hundreds of raids by ICE that have been hugely publicized in the media and the speeding up of deportations. Also the general environment of xenophobia that the current political debate has generated is extremely unappealing for foreigners.

I for one am avoiding any US travel while trump is president and I'd never have had any intention to stay in the US further than my Visa allows, I just go and spend my money on shit. I know dozens of persona that think in similar fashion because they wouldn't feel safe there

>> No.6426052

This is probably how Trump feels when he's trying to fix the economy.

>> No.6426167
File: 157 KB, 1024x883, muh_freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is a seed which grows in the white man's heart as he begins to accept the reality of our situation. I know it isn't pleasant - we didn't ask for this. Be glad you're a faggot or shitskin, I guarantee it's easier than caring.

>> No.6426228

Why are you trying to shoah us OP? /pol/ is a board of peace. Everyone here is anti-indian and an anti-semite, and that's fine, but women hate is crossing the line? It's relevant to the field. If you want clean conversation go to reddit.

>> No.6426237

I'm an Aussie who calls my friends pajeets and jews. I just want people to stick to the fucking topic of threads.
In your case, you, just like the other person, did a good job of proving that you people latch onto the most minute of things (in this case whatever you used to call me a faggot or shitskin) and then take that as a reference for your entire argument while ignoring everything else.

>> No.6426381

I doubt most people actually hold those views about indians and jews.

Of courae I can't say for sure but Inthink most of use judge people on an individual level and just write tracist shit here because it's such taboo irl that it ends up being funny.

>> No.6426413

>be European
>get truck of peace'd

>> No.6426418

What makes you a /pol/ack? I posted the most on /trv/ and /biz/ but lurked /pol/ the most without ever shitposting.

I only lurk /britpol/ now that nothing interesting is happening after Trump and I stopped trying to make money betting on politics and got into crytpo

>> No.6426508

>13 posts by this ID

>Gas lighting
>ad hominems
>no true scotsman
>Old faggotery
Oy vey

>> No.6426669

You cannot separate peoples general perception of the world with the actual people. People will look at threads that are interesting, if enough people are attracted to sjw topics, then a crypto-sjw thread will get +200 replies.
Same principle applies to derailing threads, threads often don't become derailed by a deliberate action, how many threads have been derailed by some anon calling another anon a name e.g. retard, and the other anon then respond in the same ad hominem way.

>> No.6426741

You are essentially advocating that people whom are of a particular view, should not participate on /biz/, because their view will automatically surface in some of their posts.

>> No.6426787

You are the one making a positive claim, so it would be on you to prove /pol/ is an echo chamber.

One way you could go about this is by finding shared traits of other echo chambers and see if they apply to /pol/.

Imo the most important trait is that dissenting opinions get moderated/deleted and/or made invisible to people by other means (downvoting).

In /pol/ you have neither of those. Controversial topics usually generate more discussion and post count since a lot of the people on /pol/ are eager to argue.

I know this is anecdotal, but I myself grew up in a liberal milieu and was heavily antagonized to anything conservative and nazi.
When I first found /pol/ I mostly debated with them just to find out that I had been told mostly lies about the other side and they actually had sound arguments.

I cant recall a single instance where my posts were deleted by moderators or anything like that.
So your claim that it is an echo chamber is just flatout wrong as far as I can see.

You are welcome to provide arguments for why it is one though.

>> No.6426813

There are more deaths by mass shotings in the US than killings by muslims in Europe.

I'm pretty comfy here desu, I'll take my chances

>> No.6426840

The nose knows.. eta on when bibi is going to release the e shekel?

>> No.6426921

>You are the one making a positive claim, so it would be on you to prove /pol/ is an echo chamber.
You didn't get my post at all. I merely asked for a methodology by which a proof can be provided. The point is that it cannot be proved using scientific method, thus it's pointless to argue about it.
>I know this is anecdotal
Yes it is, therefore anything you wrote is subjective and has no value whatsoever.

>> No.6426929

That is correct.. muslims in europe (less than 5% of the European population) commit less murder than the all the mass shootings in the US.

>> No.6426957

>Imo the most important trait is that dissenting opinions get moderated/deleted and/or made invisible to people by other means (downvoting).
You get called a retardniggerkikejeet and are told to go back to tumblredditwitterbook. Any point you may have been trying to make is not addressed. So you're not literally censored by mods but you might as well be.

>> No.6427000

This. They are even more gay than gays and more niggers than niggers themselve.
Fuck all this divide tactics and new age SJW-ism. Fucking spineless brainlets parroting big words in hope to sound less spineless brainlets.

>> No.6427008

Let's do this haha. but where do you get pics of cute unseated girls, anon? haha

>> No.6427057

I provided a possible methodology and tried applying it (even though that is actually your job).

If you dont have a single argument for why /pol/ is an echo chamber, why are you so adamant about your opinion?

>Yes it is, therefore anything you wrote is subjective and has no value whatsoever.

Actually the first part of my post was not anecdotal and you choose to ignore it.
Even the part I said was anecdotal has value in my opinion since I've never heard of anyone getting deleted by moderators for having a controversial opinion on /pol/.

How about you make a topic like that and we see if someone deletes it or not?

>> No.6427062

>sound arguments

Denying the most documented genocide on history is not really sound, if you spend too much time around a community of course you're going to normalize the statements discussed

>> No.6427065

are you implying the number of deranged psychopaths in the US is much higher than 5% of its population and thus my comparison is invalid? lol

>> No.6427127

Nice strawman. I did not say their take on the holocaust or all their arguments were sound.
Just that I had been led to believe the other side were retarded lowlifes without coherent thought while they actually provide good arguments for several topics.

Not my experience. Maybe some people will insult you but you can usually always find a few people who are willing to engage in discussion.

>> No.6427156

>You get called a retardniggerkikejeet
In northern europe, we spend billions upon billions of tax payers money, to financially support people that come from the middle east and africa. Most of these people will never be a part of society or contribute to it, they will live in ghetto areas, they have no respect for the native population, but sees them and the labour they perform as a wealth they can extract.
You are a retardniggerkikejeet, for thinking this is acceptable, your intellectual capabilities are limited to antagonizing anyone whom agree with the current migration policies in the europe.

>> No.6427183

>I provided a possible methodology and tried applying it (even though that is actually your job).
Your methodology is retarded and has nothing to do with scientific method.
>If you dont have a single argument for why /pol/ is an echo chamber, why are you so adamant about your opinion?
It's an opinion I formed from observation, just like you.

>Actually the first part of my post was not anecdotal and you choose to ignore it.
I'll address it.
>Imo the most important trait is that dissenting opinions get moderated/deleted and/or made invisible to people by other means (downvoting).
That's a factually wrong definition of an echo chamber
see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echo_chamber_(media)
>I cant recall a single instance where my posts were deleted by moderators or anything like that.
I never made such claim, but nice try.

>> No.6427236

What I find the funniest about /pol/tards is how obviously young they are. Most people who found about 4chan back in the day were already >18 or in their last teenage years. Clearly everyone posted sexist/racist shit because everyone is anonymous and you could do it without consequences. I think a lot of people took advantage of this to spread their views and they eventually caught up with the kids that found out about this really young and literally spent all of their teenage years in here. This kids only know the 4chan echo chamber and were politically socialised in it and now refuse to undertake the least possible amount of self critical thinking.

>> No.6427267

Yes, not every muslim is a terrorist, but the fact that you even take out 5% of the population and then compare the murders within this tiny population, with the murders of the US population, illustrate how delusional you are..
To put your claim into another context; domesticated cougars are not a problem, because they kills less people than dogs do.

>> No.6427311

/pol/ vs /biz/ = overlap ~90%

keep dreaming OP

>> No.6427355

But it actually follows the scientific method?
You postulate a hypothesis (/pol/ is an echo chamber) and then try to see if this hypothesis matches your observations.
Since it does not share the traits other echo chambers have, your hypothesis is refuted.

Even doing the second thing I suggested would be aligned with the scientific method.
In order to confirm your hypothesis, you make several posts with controversial opinions, spaced out over a few weeks and see what percentage of them get deleted by the moderation team.

If more than x posts (whatever limit you set before to accept/reject your hypothesis) get censored, you conclude it is an echo chamber.
Otherwise you reject your null hypothesis.

Of course you are not going to do any of this because you have absolutely no interest in challenging your preconceived notion that it is an echo chamber in a scientific way.

>> No.6427364

/pol/ is like any other demographic = there is a great variance within. If you take the 10% most intelligent post on that board and look at the persons behind it, then your analysis of the board would be borderline retarded.
If you take the 10% less intelligent posts, then you may very well be accurate about you edgy-teenager analysis..

>> No.6427403

>To put your claim into another context; domesticated cougars are not a problem, because they kills less people than dogs do.

5% of 500 million is by no means a tiny population, it's roughly the population of Tokyo.

And yeah, not every muslim is a terrorist not even a significant part of them are, I acknowledge this and it's one of the reasons I find hate against muslim refugees absurd.

>> No.6427404

>That's a factually wrong definition of an echo chamber
>see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echo_chamber_(media)

Literally the second sentence in your wikipedia entry confirms what I said. You are too retarded to read your own "sources".

>Inside a figurative echo chamber, official sources often go unquestioned and different or competing views are censored, disallowed, or otherwise underrepresented.

>> No.6427448

I agree with you although I'd say the less intelligent tend to be the loudest/most prolific posters.

>> No.6427486
File: 37 KB, 719x645, 1513051403533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how /pol/ causes mass emotional damage wherever it ventures.
Truth hurts y'all.
>pic unrelated

>> No.6427514

Your entire premise is wrong, because an echo chamber does not need to be moderated to constitute an echo chamber.
>>Inside a figurative echo chamber, official sources often go unquestioned and different or competing views are censored, disallowed, or otherwise underrepresented
I read it. What do you not understand about the word "or"? Once again, brainlet. An echo chamber does not NEED to be moderated to be an echo chamber.

>> No.6427526

>within this tiny population
also I never said within its population. I said murders by muslims, not between them. But yeah nice try.

>> No.6427582

Terrorist attacks in Europe are predominantly made by the muslim population, in crimes such as rapes, murder and robbery, muslims are overrepresented. Muslims have a lower productivity compared to the native population and are more inclined to be living of hand outs from the government.
10-20 years ago, muslims accounted for barely 1-2% of the European population, now they have doubled. You say >I find hate against muslim refugees absurd.
We hate muslims refugees, because they are de-facto migrants, they come here, we know how they will on average fair in our society - and how their children will fair. We know they are a negative contributor to our society, we can look forward to living in a relative less poorer nation and with a higher crime rate. And why is that? because people like you exists..

>> No.6427633

Controversial opinions are neither censored, disallowed, nor otherwise underrepresented on /pol/. Why do you point out the "or" if neither of them apply?
Again, you can actually make an experiment to confirm or reject this.

Additionally, /pol/ is moderated and if it was an echo chamber, controversial posts would be likely to be deleted.

Again, what exactly is your basis to call it an echo chamber?
All the actually observable metrics by which you could judge whether or not it is an echo chamber tell you that it is not.

Your only argument for why it is an echo chamber is "muh feels". There is nothing substantial.

>> No.6427658

i misspoke, i actually meant "committed by this population" rather than "within this population". Which should have been apparent from the context of the rest of my post and the post i replied to.

>> No.6427761
File: 68 KB, 178x173, 1512378191710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And yeah, not every muslim is a terrorist not even a significant part of them are, I acknowledge this and it's one of the reasons I find hate against muslim refugees absurd.
God you're a loser. You can help the third world develop without relocation programs. Refugees need to be helped in their country of origins, because otherwise we're (White man) set to become a minority in our own countries. We can't have European culture without Europeans anon.
But you haven't realised any of this because you're pathetic. Absolutely fucking pathetic. Actually orse than pathetic, you're human waste. Total trash.
Go watch John Oliver and masturbate to your own false sense of moral and intellectual superiority you pissweak human being.

>> No.6427822

>>6427364 <--- this.

>> No.6427885

20 years ago it was the balkan/russian refugeed doing the exact same things (except terrorist attacks, those were done by right/left wing radicals). They got hate but apparently everyone has forgotten they still exist. At least in germany they are still largely dependent on government help, they are also much more criminal than average and tend to spouse ultra conservative/nationalist views that are not really accepted in europe anymore (much like some muslims)

What I find absurd is that muslim refugees are singled out and their religion is chosen as the decisive factor for their behavior while the populations in the same situations who had similar problems were wiped out of collective memory. It is absurd that the behaviour of a lot of them is explained by their religion when there are millions of people who share their believes and behave like decent human beings .

>> No.6427955

>>6427761 <-- read this

You're operating in the lower orders of logic 85, listen to smart anon, he is telling you the bigger picture and that's more important than expressing butthurt.

Biz is the master board because we look at the bigger picture rather than waste time being butthurt.

>> No.6428059
File: 276 KB, 503x424, 1512528650067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol no. You're wrong, really wrong. But i wouldn't expect a self hating specimen such as yourself to understand.
Croatians that migrate to Germany during the war, per capita, have lower rates of government assistance than native Germans.
You can't compare European Christians migrating to another European Chirstian country with other migrants you gigantic fuck up.

>> No.6428107

I use muslim interchangeable with the middle eastern people, people originating from a particular geographic region. I don't have any more sympathy toward Arab Christians or African Christians.
When that is said, you are still arguing that the negative affect muslim migration have on Europe, is somehow acceptable because it is similar to Russian migration ?

>> No.6428195

>God you're a loser. You can help the third world develop without relocation programs. Refugees need to be helped in their country of origins, because otherwise we're (White man)

yeah that sounds really nice in CSU and AfD campaigns but it is insanely hard to pull off, it's almost utopical. The principle of sovereignty is one of the biggest hurdles to the enforcement of sustainable development programs and we are light years away from advancing on that. You can't just throw money at problems you created (drawing arbitrary borders in africa, letting a band of tyrants gain absolute power over the arabian peninsula, the state of israel, etc)

did you also misspoke when you said 5% of 500 million was a tiny population and comparable to the amount of domesticated cougars in the world?

Look guys I'm trying to tell you it's not as simple as muslims=bad refugees=bad, there are thousands of people involved in the taking of important decisions that fucked up and failed to see how they would affect the lives of others. But we are too far into the rabbit whole and must envision other solutions because taking it on the refugees won't solve this, it'll only make it worse.

>> No.6428305

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