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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6389470 No.6389470 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm on Kraken, Kraken was down for 3 days, now it's back up but you can't withdraw.

I realized since I was locked out of all trading during Kraken being down that my orginal ETH address I mined on had tokens in it I had no idea I had.

Problem is, I have 0 ETH and can't get them onto EtherDelta without gas.

Dudes I legit only need like .001 ETH for gas to transfer.

Can prove if necessary.

I'm freaking out because I see coins about to go off, I want in, and I have total shitcoins like XNN I had no idea I had that I want to transfer into COSS or fucking anything really.


Again, I cannot do this myself because Kraken fucking blows ass. I can easily repay whoever sends me the fucking dollar.


>> No.6389609

>Kraken was down for 3 days, now it's back up

Except it's not. It's still down for me.

>> No.6389671

Nice try Pajeet

>> No.6389711


Sent. Buy PFR.

>> No.6389757

I'm literally on it right now dumbass. Refresh your page idiot.

>> No.6389816

Thanks man, I got it.

I'll buy PFR just for you. Will pay you back.

>> No.6389848
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No begging faggot

>> No.6389918

Tattoos are just the worst.
Ruining such a nice body. She should be ashamed

>> No.6389924

Not begging, I have plenty of money. Issue was as I explained above an ANON was awesome enough to help out, I don't need anyone else to send anything. Thread is over.

>> No.6389943
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Just use Kucoin with my referral code: 1vsw2

You wont be sorry once you start seeing some passive income from shares.

>> No.6389992

You mean you don't like looking at stupid fucking sad faces, spiders, tombstones, and comic book shit?

>> No.6390151

Kucoin won't let me authenticate man, whenever I use the Google Auth app, it always tells me the code is wrong.

No idea what to do, but I can't get in to trade.