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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 290x174, Upfiring picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6360911 No.6360911 [Reply] [Original]

UFR aims to provide users a way to generate revenue by providing decentralized P2P filesharing. You can see it as the uTorrent or Limewire blockchain. Filehosts/seeders will get paid for their hosting services. This means that high quality seeders can provide files (think of games, movies, software) for a little bit of revenue. Every seeder will want to chip in on this, and users will want to get max-speed downloads for a small fee. There is no competitor in this sphere and URF is the first coin to propose this paradigm.

- High quality whitepaper
- Unique concept & execution
- Responsive development team
- Solid roadmap
- Not a fork of any other blockchain

Wow solid chance to get in now anons before the inevitable 10x.

>> No.6360941


>> No.6361227
File: 110 KB, 648x508, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one gives a shit about your autism. These faggots doubled my portfolio with UFR so I'm jumping on the train too

>> No.6361260

Take down that wall.

>> No.6361534
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>> No.6361759


UFR is a useless shitcoin.




>> No.6361822
File: 109 KB, 640x480, UFR SCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Proof of shilling: https://imgur.com/a/QORqg

>> No.6361829

pls stop everyone knows what's going on and it's creating a divisive environment that's driving more people away from UFR than towards it. At least, and especially, on /biz/

>> No.6361846

>Shilling a coin where its only practical use is to pay for cp
>Which doesn't even support image or video transfer

>Linking to an image on an imageboard

>> No.6361936

Nice image. Your argument is basically some dude missed the pump now everyone should hop on board before they miss the next pump!

And then, of course, it's going to dump. Because this is a scam.

>> No.6362030



>> No.6362295

>There is no competitor in this sphere and URF is the first coin to propose this paradigm.
Competitors already exist: private trackers. However, UFR doesn't require you to pass some bullshit interview to get in, which could give it an edge if enough content is uploaded to it.

>> No.6362316

I'd agree with you if the fags in the discord were making things up about the coin and spreading lies. As far as I can tell though, they're sincere and are literally just spreading awareness of some tech that they think is under appreciated. I don't see anything wrong with that and I really don't see how that is a pump and dump

>> No.6362470

Yeah, enough with this retarded pasta, it's literally in every thread. So now EVERY fucking coin has a discord group shilling it?

>> No.6362503

Yeah it mooned and now its not doing FUCKING ANYTHING

When is this thing going up again? Christ

>> No.6362609
File: 172 KB, 352x596, 75234234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why this is a good coin, for those who like to investigate correctly and don't want to believe pajeet fud/pasta/retardation:


1.- Very low marketcap (as of right now less than 30M).
2.- Very low circulating and total supply.
3.- Listed on only 2 exchanges (Cryptopia and Etherdelta, still not on Kucoin).
4.- More exchanges coming soon.
5.- Alpha release in February.
6.- Good dev. Communication (check reddit).
7.- Subreddit growing fast (hype is important).
8.- No competition at this moment.
9.- It’s directly tied to a real existing market:
a) Right now there’s no incentive for file sharing. Upfiring solves this.
b) A centralized network seeding can be risky. Upfiring solves this.
c) The quality and speed of the seeds is usually insufficient for the enormous ever increasing demand. Upfiring solves this.
10.- Good name and logo (for the chads who don’t like reading whitepapers).
11.- 100% white. (Founder of UFR: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tylerfallon/ )
12.- No pajeets and jews allowed.


1.- Constant FUD by retards who missed the moon mission.
2.- (Yes, that’s the only con).

>> No.6363531

How can it have any huge potential when it's based on P2P (filesharing on top of it), which has been getting more and more regulated and banned in many places?

>> No.6363748

Crypto is all about hype.
>PoW: Network controlled by miners
>PoS: Network controlled by whales
Blockchain can't scale even with masternodes (centralization). Out of the Top 100 how many coins are using a unique consensus mechanism? There are very few innovators in the space right now. Just make your money and get the fuck out. I suggest picking up some UFR as it is still relatively cheap and super hyped.

>> No.6364325
File: 38 KB, 1070x570, UFRscam2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh my god, how delusional can someone be?

> whitepaper = trash - it's very unprofessional
> dev-team didn't show any kind of knowledge, not a single line of code, only 1 person known
> github empty, no code, nothing
> torrent / filesharingscene against UFR - torrent is designed to share data FOR FREE - 90% torrentaz follow that view
> releasegroups laughting about UFR and would NEVER support it - they follow an ethical consensus of "data must be free for everyone everywhere" - UFR would be an enemy for them. The top crack/releasegroups are the most important players in the filesharing scene, if they get pissed, we won't get any software.
> nerds won't buy for anything that is freely available on internet - there are so many ways of getting everything for free and easy
> normies only watch YouTube / Nextflix and already pay, won't evern use UFR
> UFR messed up their roadmap, didn't deliver
> all up/downloads can be tracked because of the UFR transactions. ...it's only a matter of time till an uploader gets busted because of tx analysis. ...also UFR token will it make easy for FED/DCMA to proof all the up/downloads that happened -> long time in jail. (right now it's way harder to track uploaders)
> UFRs future seems very bad if you look at the lack of support and lack of real life usability

>> No.6364528


Please, I need to build a toilet and become the richest man in the town

>> No.6364542
File: 49 KB, 300x100, 33.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you go to the link? he posted a link to an image on an imageboard, yes, but the image he linked to is an image of a link to an imageboard.

>> No.6364604
File: 288 KB, 400x569, 54b8186f_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> whitepaper = trash - it's very unprofessional
False, you probably haven't read it.

>> dev-team didn't show any kind of knowledge,

The rest of the team is anonymous (just like the XBY team, and that coin has 200M+ in mcap). And the reasons why it's anonymous are stated and explained already 5 times in reddit, but you probably didn't read. ( https://www.reddit.com/r/Upfiring/comments/770dhp/warning_no_team_names_have_been_disclosed_to_the/doitu2n/ )

>only 1 person known

Yeah, you used to lie saying "the whole team is anonymous" but I have called you on your BS already like 10 times.

>not a single line of code,

There are reasons for this, already explained, it will come before february. The lead dev actually stated that if you feel uncomfortable buying before it's released this it's okay. It's done for security and privacy issues. Yes, the main code on XBY is still private and not released for a similar reason.

>normies only watch YouTube / Nextflix and already pay, won't evern use UFR

Normies only use television, they won't even use youtube / netflix.

>> No.6364636
File: 85 KB, 652x595, 54276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> all up/downloads can be tracked because of the UFR transactions
>lack of support and lack of real life usability
>torrent is designed to share data FOR FREE
>nerds won't buy for anything that is freely available on internet

A) Big name torrent sites are constantly subject to various DMCA takedowns and other lawsuits. Nearly every single brand in the torrenting scene has "government seized asset" plastered all over it. ThePirateBay, Kickass.Torrents, Torrentz.EU. This is not going to stop, ever, as centralized servers are peanuts in terms of work in locating them and shutting them down. This in effect makes it so that there is no stable place to get torrents from.
B) In void of these free torrent sites, all sorts of sketchy and dubious scamware sites have popped up. I can list you a list after list. This makes attaining torrents risky and not convenient.
C) The vast majority of torrents are not seeded at all. Only few, mainly new torrents, are even seeded. Want to find an album of a lesser known artist? Sorry, no seeds. Want to download legacy software? Sorry. Want to download an obscure game? Movie? Document? Nope. With UFR, seeding is incentivized.
D) Torrents are rampant with viruses. UFR will incorperate a seed-rating system which will provide incentive for people to host clean files. If the seeder hosts malicious software, then her/his rating well obviously plummet down to oblivion.
E) Finally, torrents will be very cheaply priced, for obvious reasons. I expect them to only cost 0.01$, the majority of them anyway. Who is too poor to pay such a meager fee? Only pajeets, niggers. And Jews are too greedy.

I have answered literally like... 5? 8 times the same points? and you keep coming here saying the same thing over and over.

>> No.6364704

Stop it /shill/...just stop it. The cover has been blown on your shitcoin scam.

Enough UFR shilling its over. You wont get your 20pts.

>> No.6364716

>if the fags in the discord were making things up about the coin and spreading lies
the UFR pajeets are literally spamming that Kim Dotkom and Pirate Bay have partnership with upfire

>> No.6364757


read whitepaper of neo, waves, eth, ardor, ..... and than say the whitepaper of UFR is good.

dude that whitepaper is non-technical and if you have a little understanding of p2p and networks you will notice that it's total BS

>> No.6364782



>> No.6364800

>Trying to reason with shills
hownew.ru? Best thing you can do in this shithole is to type up your reasons why it's a scam and hope other people watch the desperate spergout of pajeet and decide against giving them money

>> No.6364816

Where can I buy?

>> No.6364856

Ether Delta. Watch this video if you want to learn how to use it, in case you don't have it yet:


>> No.6364861
File: 42 KB, 393x595, 62435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitcoin scam.
Not a scam, prove it.
>the UFR pajeets are literally spamming that Kim Dotkom and Pirate Bay have partnership with upfire
Not true. It was probably created by a random retard to make the token look bad.
>Stop it /shill/
Again with the retarded discord thing? I literally discuss this all the time on these threads. I've seen this retarded pasta of muh shillpoints in every coin, and every thread I go. According to you there's a discord with whales that shill req, link, dbc, ufr, wtc, and all the fucking things on biz? You're retarded.
see, there's a thread up with the same discord bs: >>6361519

>> No.6364894
File: 59 KB, 422x650, 9PG8PY7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dogshit, pajeet scam coin

>> No.6364907

Yeah, I argued like a normal person, and everyone here just throw random insults and "muh scam". It's the other way around, I can't argue with retards who can't read.

>> No.6364954


You just earned 20pts+!!!! Good post!!!

>/shill/ is /biz/ PnD

>> No.6364993

yeah very good, I already know that pasta, I've seen it everywhere today, what's the point?

>> No.6365085
File: 14 KB, 348x300, 1503101076375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice just lost 20k

>> No.6365145
File: 442 KB, 800x696, 1515707261306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how all the pajeets stop talking when they get called on their bs.

>> No.6365163


are you stupid?

just google the whoel sentences of the posting and you will see that I wrote the original in UFR topic to warn people.

the discord shills new tactic is now to copy all my warnings to make idiots like you think that it is posted everywhere so UFR seems legit.

TOP KEK, ...but boy, I know that you are also in the discord because I jsut saw that you posted your post to the shillbot.

> you got 5 shillpoints


>> No.6365273
File: 76 KB, 972x596, 32356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already talked about this in the old thread, I told you to PROVE IT, because, according to you, you're inside the "shill discord". And you didn't prove shit. I'm telling you again, PROVE it. But you can't, you're just autistic and paranoid and think everyone here is going against you.
> jsut saw that you posted your post to the shillbot.
what the fuck? show me an screenshot then, go on, I've asked you this 3 times today, and still no proofs. Post the screenshot of me on a fucking discord bot or whatever you think I'm doing, retard.

>> No.6365382

look, here's the thread
Claiming the same bs and lies like the pajeet you are, 0 proof, and 0 proof you will provide again.
I'm tired of people like you constantly shitting this board and lying and deceiving people, probably a normalfaggot.

>> No.6365425

I've been in that discord too. I actually didn't mind that the coin was shilled until I saw that the shillers were actually sub 40 IQ pajeets that were so bad at shilling they made it look as a scam. It might not even be a scam but pajeets already ruined its reputation, its never gonna go up because of you pajeet

>> No.6365538

I provided good arguments in this thread of why UFR is a good choice, see
Sadly, I only get people like >>6365163 accusing me of "copying" his post or whatever, then he says he saw me on a shillbot? I ask for proof and then he disappears. How am I the pajeet here?

>> No.6365546


you idiot I'm not gonna dox myself.

here are the screens I made:



>> No.6365642
File: 132 KB, 1064x516, UFRshills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dude nice try. i understand that you are butthurt because you are sitting on a bunch of shitcoins that are going down sonstantly.

Get over it and next time do your research before you buy a total shittoken

>> No.6365680

Tell me when it ever reaches $3. Wasted my investment on $2.30

>> No.6365725

I'm not asking your for that, I've already seen that image. I'm asking you for the false claims you made:
1.-That the group is making a pasta and you saw them organizing it. >>6361910
2.- That I posted something on a "shillbot".
Both of the claims are false.
Yeah, I bought at 30 cents, so no problem at all.

>> No.6365732

Is this really an alternative to private trackers? I may look into this meme coin if so. Would I have to pay users to seed and allow me download in this case?

And yes, of course I'll do my own fucking research, but this comment really sparked my interest and may act as a springboard f evertyhing else checks otu

>> No.6365826

Are there any consensus mechanisms your interested in? There are a plethora of strange alternatives, but I honestly prefer PoW over all.

>> No.6366569

K fagz we fucking now about UF fucking R. Don't fuck off mad just fuck off .... but while we are shilling, buzz coin bies. 10 toshis right now next normies moon mission