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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 32 KB, 509x509, OmiseGo-Air-Drop-Free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6344935 No.6344935 [Reply] [Original]

omisego silently mooning...

>> No.6345146

biz doesnt deserve omg

>> No.6345164

Get in before it reaches 23$

>> No.6345228

I love omg.

>> No.6345261

yes it does, and so do you

You should all really consider this easy money, moon incoming in next hour

>> No.6345510

Does this coin do ANYthing besides act as a currency? Isn't everyone clamoring to be the next "easy, safe, streamlined, decentralized payment method"?

There's nothing that makes this project stand out.

>> No.6345540

I have 3.3 OMG :3

>> No.6345595

No I don't see this mooning anon

>> No.6345604

i gotz 2500 at 6 dollars sitting comfy

>> No.6345662

Its one of the only coins with a real financial valuation model.

Price = sum of expected future discounts gained by using it in transactions.

I dont have any but I appreciate that about it, inthink vitalik made this point

>> No.6345704

It does a lot more than a brainlet like you could possibly hope to understand.

>> No.6345750
File: 108 KB, 929x463, bizomg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6345755

It's a crypto fiat dex token that'll enable 1 million transactions a second, so kind of.

>> No.6345760

It literally does everything BESIDES act as a currency.

You fucking idiot

>> No.6345794

>four out of my five chins wobbled in excitation

>> No.6345826
File: 5 KB, 211x239, tmp_24419-92d1603092712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost feel bad for you (((((I don't)))))
Go buy big blue brain coin.

>> No.6345881
File: 1.59 MB, 300x225, lloyd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw only 500
feels pleb senpai

>> No.6345967

100 OMG minimum if you want to make it.
/biz/ doesn't deserve it.

>> No.6346035

DELET biz really doesn't deserve this

>> No.6346040

i have 700
by your calculations will i make it

>> No.6346177
File: 135 KB, 967x566, omg climbingup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought 8 at 22.18

>> No.6346179

Only got 300. Not happy about then. When do I buy more?

>> No.6346186

Nice just sold 100 baht

>> No.6346215

we are not even sure even if 4k are going to make it

>> No.6346256

psshhh..hey kid,

OMG:Asia::RCN:South America

>> No.6346327

only 92. Feels bad

>> No.6346398

>OMG:Asia::RCN:South America
may you elaborate as I admit being completely noob and only following signals? I really want to learn..

>> No.6346449

>RCN:South America

>> No.6346611

Research yourself or stick to the signals. Fucking hell biz is fucked. If you wanna make it go buy a shit load of RCN. There's your signal.

>> No.6346693


What kind of price u expecting

>> No.6346762

Max 70c then a huge dump

>> No.6346779

If OMG doesn't hit $100 2018 I'll live stream cutting my dick off.

>> No.6346832

500+ EOY

>> No.6346846


Nice just bought 100k and cut my dick off

>> No.6346879

Reminder that in less than a year we're all going to have a small computer in our home that literally prints money for us.

>> No.6346928

1 OMG = 1 money printer

>> No.6346977
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It's time boys.

>> No.6346996

This is the most frustrating hold I've ever had
Been in since 3$
What a fucking waste of time

>> No.6347068

-2% is not mooning you retard

>> No.6347082


>> No.6347120

OmiseGo is at an all time high on Google trends.

>> No.6347124


>> No.6347167
File: 56 KB, 342x342, 1471396034785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6347277

op lies as always

>> No.6347312

dont shill a coin with working product pls.

>> No.6347367

That is rough. For context, when you bought at $3, what was the value in sats/gwei?

>> No.6347561

>when you bought at $3, what was the value in sats/gwei?

No clue, don't care I'm at ath in sats
But fuck omg

what working product? not even a wallet yet.
muh sdk beta testing, muh plasma

>> No.6347742

If you can't see why this is the blue chip coin to hold then by all means keep chasing pump and dumps. Pajeet.

>> No.6347837

>If you can't see why this is the blue chip coin to hold then by all means keep chasing pump and dumps. Pajeet.
Fuck you nigger
I've been holding 1500 since 3$ longer than you.
now succ me fgt

>> No.6348010

OMG will have its time, and when it does, everyone will bow down and suck its cock

>> No.6348101

>doesnt have 4000 OMG.
>thinks he's gonna make it.

>> No.6348107

It fucking better
It fucking better

>> No.6348153

>>doesnt have 4000 OMG.
>>thinks he's gonna make it.

I hope that anon is okay
Because these bags are heavy