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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 46 KB, 1000x600, upfiring logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6309950 No.6309950 [Reply] [Original]

>What is it?
Upfiring is a decentralized peer-to-peer file sharing network and platform utilizing the blockchain to provide true anonymity, and tokens to provide rewards for file seeders.

>What does it accomplish?
Currently, there are two major problems with torrent trackers. First, it's well known that sites like TPB are compromised. Secondly, there is no real reason to seed a download after you complete it - and most downloaders just take off and run after it finishes.

UFR solves both problems by providing a decentralized network, and rewarding seeders. Seeders get rewarded in UFR tokens, while leechers must pay a small fee in UFR.

>Why should I buy this?

UFR has an actual use case and has a super low mcap at ~$25 million. It's only trading on shit exchanges right now, and the major transaction networks are clogged right now, so little money is pouring into alts. When that changes, this baby is going to skyrocket to at least $100 million market cap.

The platform is scheduled for beta launch in Q1 2018, with full rollout Q2. Get in now anons, and see you on the moon!

>> No.6310684
File: 109 KB, 640x480, UFR SCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What you want to know about their "coin" ?


1. it is a token - no dev-skills needed, every1 can create a token in 2minutes without any knowledge.

2. the whitepaper read like it was written by a 12 year old, also many parts are just copy&pasted from other projects. -> shitpaper

3. just ask any name in the torrentscene if they are willing to accept UFR - literally everybody is just laughing about that fucked scam project.

4. dev team is unknown, also dev team never showed any kind of skills - they didn't prove anything that they have knowledge.

5. Github empty - NOTHING

6. If you aren't an idiot you will find every movie and software you wish FOR FREE on the internet / usenet / ftp / torrent.

7. Absolutely NO TECHNOLOGY, they didn't show a single line of code so far - NOTHING.

8. This coin is shilled on 4chan and reddit 24/7 by these annoying idiots of the discord group. FUCK YOU, you have no clue, you only shill some token you don't know shit about. Also the obvious and poorly faked tweets of TPB founder and Kim Dotcom speaks for itself.

9. Filesharing companies are not interested in a token, they can easily make the same token in minutes. They won't need UFR. Also every torrenttracker / hoster / site can create the SAME TOKEN IN MINUTES.


* Whitepaper not legit (copy&paste, poorly written, no technical knowledge)
* Torrentscene and filesharing companies absolutely not interested in a token
* only shilled token with no usecase
* S H I T C O I N

Sorry for being a little grumpy, but I am tired of the massive amount of UFR shills that are constantly shilling a TOTAL SHITCOIN.

/biz/ please stay away and don't get scammed.

...TO ALL THE discord SHILLS: prove me wrong - oh, wait, you can't.

>> No.6310904

Hey guys I think you didnt read this moon points:

>What is it?
Upfiring is a decentralized peer-to-peer file sharing network and platform utilizing the blockchain to provide true anonymity, and tokens to provide rewards for file seeders.

>What does it accomplish?
Currently, there are two major problems with torrent trackers. First, it's well known that sites like TPB are compromised. Secondly, there is no real reason to seed a download after you complete it - and most downloaders just take off and run after it finishes.

UFR solves both problems by providing a decentralized network, and rewarding seeders. Seeders get rewarded in UFR tokens, while leechers must pay a small fee in UFR.

>Why should I buy this?

UFR has an actual use case and has a super low mcap at ~$25 million. It's only trading on shit exchanges right now, and the major transaction networks are clogged right now, so little money is pouring into alts. When that changes, this baby is going to skyrocket to at least $100 million market cap.

The platform is scheduled for beta launch in Q1 2018, with full rollout Q2. Get in now anons, and see you on the moon!

>> No.6310950
File: 24 KB, 600x598, f60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6311007

Neither. DYOR. /biz/ is only a place for discovery.

>> No.6311076

ufr is the worst type of gamble you can make. n

>> No.6311080


here let me repeat for you
>>What is it?
>Upfiring is a decentralized peer-to-peer file sharing network and platform utilizing the blockchain to provide true anonymity, and tokens to provide rewards for file seeders.
>>What does it accomplish?
>Currently, there are two major problems with torrent trackers. First, it's well known that sites like TPB are compromised. Secondly, there is no real reason to seed a download after you complete it - and most downloaders just take off and run after it finishes.
>UFR solves both problems by providing a decentralized network, and rewarding seeders. Seeders get rewarded in UFR tokens, while leechers must pay a small fee in UFR.
>>Why should I buy this?
>UFR has an actual use case and has a super low mcap at ~$25 million. It's only trading on shit exchanges right now, and the major transaction networks are clogged right now, so little money is pouring into alts. When that changes, this baby is going to skyrocket to at least $100 million market cap.
>The platform is scheduled for beta launch in Q1 2018, with full rollout Q2. Get in now anons, and see you on the moon!

>> No.6311117
File: 253 KB, 1160x908, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6311209
File: 23 KB, 480x360, terry davis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny, of all the tokens that get FUD'd on here,
why is UFR being FUD'd the hardest?
I see constant shilling of every shitcoin under the sun with discord channels, yet one with a under >40 mil marketcap is being targeted as a scam?
Are you a whale just trying to accumulate low,
or willfully malicious towards this particular project?
I swear, you cianiggers really don't want us to have incentivized seeding.

>> No.6311529
File: 174 KB, 1600x777, Dragon - Hasegawa Tohaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's good shilling and bad shilling. Honestly, I don't give a f about so called shills IF they introduce me to an actually decent project instead of a shitcoin. In that case, they're just hyping up something that's already good. E.g. someone giving a good review to an amazing album. So I looked into the coin when they started shilling it. I bought in around $0.50 and I've already tripled my money. Whether the concept pans out remains to be seen, but it's clear from the chart that we're only going to get more steady rises from here. It only dipped when the rest of the market did and it's recovering quite well. Keep an open mind on UFR and DYOR. No guarentees, but I haven't been disappointed so far.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.6311733

Go to thw othwr thread. Type in ufr in the search bar. He counters the FUD perfectly. And what he basically says is this is a fucking money hole if the alpha and beta do well cuz it will be in demand. If you are lazy enough to not go read it(and find out that the lead developr of the project is not anonymous and is literally on linkdn)....youll see that yeah us early investers are taking a gamble on a 25 million dollar market cap coin with a demanded technology that is in the works. I dont know about you, but i would have invested in apple before the release of the iphone

>> No.6311778

Not really, UFR is the only crypto that has been stable during this dip
Its established support at this level, it can only really go up from here

>> No.6311873
File: 9 KB, 217x82, ufrscam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> stable during dip

>> No.6311891

>Its established support at this level, it can only really go up from here

That's the most retarded fucking shit I've ever read.

Are you guys even trying anymore?

>> No.6312015
File: 471 KB, 746x1265, comfy_fireplace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of coins start this way, you can buy now and risk your money or buy once you have answers and have less risk and less gain

Either way the positives in op hold true and this is a volatile idea that will be wildly popular upon alpha release so i'm feelin pic related

>> No.6312107
File: 69 KB, 1110x603, upfiring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao enjoy your SEVEN HUNDRED BILLION supply, devs just increased it, maybe you should follow them more closely

>> No.6312212
File: 46 KB, 551x367, 1470357424017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2. the whitepaper read like it was written by a 12 year old, also many parts are just copy&pasted from other projects. -> shitpaper
>3. just ask any name in the torrentscene if they are willing to accept UFR - literally everybody is just laughing about that fucked scam project.
ok i kek'd

>> No.6312258

Get 50 VIU tokens by signing up here (currently valued at around 3 usd):


you will only get tokens when you use the link biztards!

>> No.6312281
File: 82 KB, 1920x844, FUDoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go hold your cripple bags on reddit.

>> No.6312407
File: 27 KB, 414x508, 1512688312168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>posting a screenshot taken in the summer
>can't even check cmc or tokenholder address for the supply info

get your low level FUD outta here, fucking pajeet

>> No.6312538

I wasn't sure how I felt about the idea of paid torrenting. Might be money in an area it shouldn't be. But after thinking for a while, I've come to this conclusion.

Paid torrenting means there will be availability of obscure music or tv shows. There are a lot of obscure tv shows I would pay a few bucks to torrent instead of dropping a ton of money on Amazon season passes or whatever. And there's also a ton of obscure music I wish I could find, but it's not on youtube or whatever. If we pay people to seed, they are way more likely to put the time into uploading and seeding rare content.

But really, the main reason I liked this token was the market cap and the fact that it's only available on exchanges that are challenging to use.

If the value has gone up to this level despite lame exchanges, just think what will happen when it reaches some good exchanges.

>> No.6312551

>1. it is a token - no dev-skills needed, every1 can create a token in 2minutes without any knowledge.

There will be a token, and a platform to use it with an APP. This proves you don’t know SHIT about the project.

>2. the whitepaper read like it was written by a 12 year old

It's well written, like any good whitepaper.

>also many parts are just copy&pasted from other projects. -> shitpaper

Completely false, stop bullshiting retarded pajeet, it was NOT copied, that claim was always false and proven false. The supposed copy was from a project that got here AFTER UFR, yeah, that's right, UFR was FIRST, so it's impossible to copy retard.

>3. just ask any name in the torrentscene if they are willing to accept UFR - literally everybody is just laughing about that fucked scam project.

Completely false again. You are just inventing bs. I've talked with people about this and they think it's a good idea for torrenting.

>4. dev team is unknown, also dev team never showed any kind of skills - they didn't prove anything that they have knowledge.

False again. The lead DEV is known, and I've linked to his LINKEDIN already like 100 fucking times, STOP LYING YOU PIECE OF SHIT. The rest of the team is anonymous (JUST LIKE THE XBY team, and that coin has 200M+ in mcap). And the reasons why it's anonymous are stated and explained already fucking 5 times in reddit, but you probably didn't read shit because you're a lying piece of shit. ( https://www.reddit.com/r/Upfiring/comments/770dhp/warning_no_team_names_have_been_disclosed_to_the/doitu2n/ )

>5. Github empty - NOTHING

There are reasons for this, already explained, it will come before february. The lead dev actually stated that if you feel uncomfortable buying before it's released this it's okay. It's done for security and privacy issues. Yes, the main code on XBY is still private and not released for a similar reason.

>> No.6312589

>7. Absolutely NO TECHNOLOGY, they didn't show a single line of code so far - NOTHING.

Already explained.

>8. This coin is shilled on 4chan and reddit 24/7 by these annoying idiots of the discord group. FUCK YOU, you have no clue, you only shill some token you don't know shit about. Also the obvious and poorly faked tweets of TPB founder and Kim Dotcom speaks for itself.

Those "tweets" were invented by you fucking imbecile, you invented them to delegitimize the project because you're a faggot. NO ONE in their right mind would have used that as a shilling stupid pajeet, it's obvious FUD passed as false shilling.

>9. Filesharing companies are not interested in a token, they can easily make the same token in minutes. They won't need UFR. Also every torrenttracker / hoster / site can create the SAME TOKEN IN MINUTES.

"They can make the same token" fucking idiotic response, the SAME you can argue about EVERY token, holy shit, did you just got into crypto yesterday? This argument has been said about XRP, about LINK, about fucking everything, really KYS. “hur dur what’s impending financial institutions to create their own link tokens hur dur I’m a retard”.

You're the most stupid person in /biz/, with absolutely NO arguments.
You probably sold at 30 cents like the retard you are and now you're mad you missed thhe moon mission, kys and never come back, fucking piece of crap.

>> No.6312596

Also, paid torrenting is already a thing.

>> No.6312646
File: 32 KB, 312x342, 1512343165680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lying on the internet by copy pasta.
>Let the FUD ensue.

>> No.6312712
File: 628 KB, 1000x1000, screaming-man-with-headphones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6312732

Data is worth money in the digital age. People are willing to pay thousands of dollars for a buttcoin that they can use for transactions.....or they can use ufr token to buy data......hmmm...digital age what do you say?

>> No.6312812
File: 161 KB, 358x376, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFR has a ton of potential. Adoption rate starts out at nothing in the beginning, it's a part of everything.

>> No.6313009


Yes, paying for access to a tracker is one thing though. That just generates income for the person/entity running the tracker. UFR would make it far easier for independent individuals to make money from p2p.

>> No.6313175

BuY UFR During the dip. Thank me later

>> No.6313313

Nice scamcoin.

proof: https://imgur.com/a/QORqg

>> No.6313352
File: 110 KB, 648x508, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what he said.

>> No.6313404

Moon mission confirmed

>> No.6313484

>>7. Absolutely NO TECHNOLOGY, they didn't show a single line of code so far - NOTHING.
>Already explained.
>>8. This coin is shilled on 4chan and reddit 24/7 by these annoying idiots of the discord group. FUCK YOU, you have no clue, you only shill some token you don't know shit about. Also the obvious and poorly faked tweets of TPB founder and Kim Dotcom speaks for itself.
>Those "tweets" were invented by you fucking imbecile, you invented them to delegitimize the project because you're a faggot. NO ONE in their right mind would have used that as a shilling stupid pajeet, it's obvious FUD passed as false shilling.
>>9. Filesharing companies are not interested in a token, they can easily make the same token in minutes. They won't need UFR. Also every torrenttracker / hoster / site can create the SAME TOKEN IN MINUTES.
>"They can make the same token" fucking idiotic response, the SAME you can argue about EVERY token, holy shit, did you just got into crypto yesterday? This argument has been said about XRP, about LINK, about fucking everything, really KYS. “hur dur what’s impending financial institutions to create their own link tokens hur dur I’m a retard”.
>You're the most stupid person in /biz/, with absolutely NO arguments.
>You probably sold at 30 cents like the retard you are and now you're mad you missed thhe moon mission, kys and never come back, fucking piece of crap.

UFR shill or not, you wrecked this guy. That amount of info is the shit I like to see on biz. I'll throw a bit in this for funsies.

>> No.6313521

Buy this coin (UFR) on the dip. its only going up from here.

>> No.6313805
File: 108 KB, 750x1334, 5F3CDCD3-5439-4FF0-BA49-82B3CD4FD2DB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garbage FUD before by a phone poster.
Pic Related

>> No.6313836

Finally a token with legitimate utility value

>> No.6314173

PnD or not gotta get in early.

>> No.6314437

lol, owned

>> No.6314615
File: 1.24 MB, 2412x6178, 864234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6314643

Why is this being FUDed this hard?

>> No.6314737
File: 125 KB, 1920x1080, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rule of /biz/ since being here when Eth was worth 8. If it gets FUD this hard, buy it. Almost and inverse response to the slogan buy high sell low.

>> No.6314769
File: 539 KB, 955x1513, lion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely, I'm in the same boat. So many amazing albums that are hard as FUCK to find. Pisses me off. I did some thinking about the price per download and I doubt it'll be as much as a few bucks. I'm thinking less than a dollar, maybe like ten cents per download. It'll have to be low enough that people are willing to download.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.6315569

go to the mars

>> No.6315844

every other shitcoin is pumping on cryptopia, why is this one any good?