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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6307164 No.6307164 [Reply] [Original]

(pt 1/2)
I've been reading a lot of texts shilling UFR and I never payed much attention to them "just the usual /biz/ shill trying to get me to buy their coin so they'll make a profit" I thought.

However, as I was studying for my Computer Networks exam, while reading about the BitTorrent protocol, I came across this text that my professor wrote about the downsides of Unstructured P2P (fancy word for torrenting).

"Well, it's not always easy to find a way to make good incentives because at the end of the day most of the peers just want to get the files as quickly as possible, not caring much about the others involved. In a way it crosses technology with economics and sociology. "

Which basically means people don't seed because there is no incentive, and that got me thinking "shit, where have I heard something about torrenting incentives?" and it clicked, that coin that I always saw on the front page, that always talked about torrenting and shit, so I decided to read their whitepaper to see if it had any actual value or if it was some sort of long PnD and holy fuck...
I was and still am mesmerised about it, the whole technology, how they plan to solve the problem most people never thought much about but that has haunted all of us.

The lack of incentives to seed is causing torrents to die and slow speeds, which in turn is making the torrent community slowly die. All because people just don't see a point in helping other people out and are willing to pay a monthly fee to CDN giants like Netflix just because it's easier.

The other problem that's killing the torrenting scene is centralisation, by having centralised trackers searchers (like tpb or kat), we're making it easier to take our beloved services down and guess what, UFR is also planing on decentralising the whole thing by using an already known method known as Distributed Hash Table (DHR - Read about it, it's pretty interesting)

>> No.6307213

(cont. pt 2/2)
I mean, I'm in crypto for the sole reason of easy profits but to be quite frank, I don't think UFR is like that, it's not a project to invest and sell when I see profits, I want to invest in it because I believe in the technology, the real world use cases and the problems it can solve.
Think about it, it's a problem that we all have and share.

We could even find a way to run from the giants like Netflix or even the TV companies, there's also a possibility to create a streaming P2P service over the blockchain, which would make it fully decentralized, meaning there's no taking it down and P2P directly benefits from the number of users (the more people use it, the better the more efficient it will be).

And for those of you saying "fuck piracy" well, torrenting doesn't need to be about piracy, it can be a matter of convenience and service quality and by rewarding the seeder, artists could upload their own work and be paid for it, which would greatly improve everything. They would stop losing money overpirated goods, and we wouldn't have to pay directly pay for them. The project is still in its early stage, so who says there couldn't be a way to reward the uploader even more than a seeder? There's a lot that can be done, we just have to believe in it and help it succeed.

As John Quiggin once said: "Throughout the history of the the Internet, most of the innovatin has come out as a byproduct of efforts to facilitate communication within social groups of various kinds (academics, bloggers, peer-to-peer file sharing), rather than as the result of profit-oriented investment. Rather than taking the lead, the business and government sectors have adopted innovations developed in Internet communities, and realised significant productivity gains as a result".

>> No.6307254

Fuck off pajeey

>> No.6307266

(cont. pt 3/2 - Thought I could fit it in 2 parts, guess not)

I just want to say that I'm heavily invested(I don't have that much to put) and fuck those gains, I'm investing in the technology, in the industry as a whole. This is a revolution that I want to be part of and I think you should be too, for the sake of us as a whole and our freedom.
I emptied my btc wallet into this and I'm really hoping it succeeds, not because of the money but for what I stand for.

I'm not writing this with the sole purpose of convincing you to buy in, there are simpler ways of doing so; I really want you to research the product, maybe read a bit on torrenting and think about the potential of such a project.

>> No.6307319

UFR would be the Warren Buffet choice. Great coin.

>> No.6307450

Good to know that someone sees the potential in this coin, I've held it for a month and I'm not selling any soon. It's a good hold, and if you don't believe it DYOR instead of calling it a shitcoin or pajeet every time you see someone mentioning it. You were probably the one to call ethereum a shitcoin when it was at $4.
I will hold it despite the tantrum this board is throwing against this coin.

>> No.6307514

tech seems very solid...i’ll buy a few hundred, might as well considering it’s pretty useful long term. torrents are desolate as fuck and i’m finna download my fucking hentai

>> No.6307571


Hey thanks for this.

I put in a couple of hundred into UFR just over a week ago, and was happy to see it go up, but then the last few days happened, so then I wasn't so sure about it.

I'm thinking I'll just keep the money in there anyways, because I like the idea behind it, but desu I'm not 100% if it's going to kick off. We'll see. I feel like most of the other coins on cryptopia are crap anyways

>> No.6307662

I do not hold UFR but your post is a good one OP. Who knows I might drop .7 zcl into it..... v hard choice tho if anyone wants to help me make it with a "do it faggot" id probs do it.

>> No.6307724

As far as low cap coins go essentially every coin is a risk. I don't buy the argument that "this coin is being shilled so its risky so you need to avoid it" . Literally every coin is shilled, some are better than others, DYOR and you'll all be fine.

>> No.6307735
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upfiring is most definitely going to go up atleast 40 cents from the current price in the next few days. Once it releases on new exchange(likely kucoin) and alpha releases 5 dollars is not unlikely. Tech's good too :)

>> No.6307800

None of these fucking replies seem remotely genuine. Is this what shills think passes for a discussion? Fuck you all, trying to scam noobs. Karma will bite your ass!

>> No.6307919
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>> No.6307992

Don't worry about it, just a correction and it will eventually go up. If you're going to hold you shouldn't worry about short term changes. Bottom line if you believe in the tech, just stick with it.

>> No.6308023

As far as early stage, high potential coins go, I think UFR is solid. Market cap still under $50 million, plenty of early interest from the target audience, nobody else is doing the same thing.

Yeah it's speculative and doesn't have a public beta yet. But the same can be said for so many coins with many times more market cap and much more obvious shilling every day here.

>inb4 "muh deepbrain gang"
>inb4 "muh icon"
>inb4 "muh funfair"

>> No.6308082

UFR and Funfair feeling comfy

>> No.6308125

Get in quick, UFR won't stay this low for long. Already moving back up

>> No.6308145

Yeah obviously I'm not as knowledgeable as you about torrenting services as my major is not in computing but I do see the advantages of both incentivising seeders and decentralising torrents. Incentivising seeders helps on both ends, when seeding is rewarded hosts are more likely to seed as you said and it also means advertising is no longer the primary/ only revenue source, so torrents will be less dodgy and not spammed with ads and viruses. Decentralisation is also great for obvious reasons (governments/ centralised bodies can't use strongarm tactics) and also brings filesharing to its roots,a community where filesharers all benefit and help each other. I haven't finished reading the UFR whitepaper but when I do its definaely something I'd consider investing in (hype and annoying threads aside)

>> No.6308148
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>oh no people want to spread awareness of a coin they invested in
I guess you just invest and never talk about it? If you did some fucking research you would realize it's a legit good project.

>> No.6308210

True. UFR is an unique idea in crypto world, dont buy this coins is a stupid thing

>> No.6308288
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There might be some same fagging in here but I agree with op about this coin.

It's been interesting to me to watch these shitcoin games for a year now. I think there are 3 categories of shitcoin:

1. Good and valuable ideas that can use blockchain to solve a problem and have a dev team that wants the problem solved i.e. will execute the plan to the best of their ability.

2. Good idea as above but with a team that will fail or sell out when the rumors pump to a crazy price

3. PnD, scam, shillcoin

It's hard to tell the difference between 1 & 2 until a large portion of the roadmap milestones have been hit or missed. I think many 3s used to be 2s and people who've been burned call potential 1s 3s prematurely.

>> No.6308353
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>> No.6308407

I don't care if UFR cures cancer. Getting pajeets to shill for you is the lowest thing you can do.

>> No.6308481

good rethoric, please post more.

>> No.6308495

Thoughts on this as an alternative?

It looks early, but I remember seeing the team post before and it sounded really promising. Looks like they recently redid their website...


>> No.6308550

after reading all the fighting going on in their discord i got the fuck out of this shitcoin.

>> No.6308629
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To summarize, I think this coin is a 1 right now. It has potential to become a 2. I don't think it's a 3.

It's a problem, the solution tech is a viable and unique use of the blockchain tech, the team is at least competent enough to communicate well and put together a solid whitepaper. This is enough for me to risk a few btc and I'll be relaxed about holding through the dips. This allows me to focus on other things. Pic related

>> No.6308651
File: 58 KB, 600x600, UFRshillSCAM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


UFR is a total SCAM

pajeet shills trying to sell bags of this shitcoin.


>> No.6308656


Jesus Christ does no one get it? Get on a private torrent server not tpb normie faggotry. You will see that you're incentivized to seed by your ratio. Or just get on newsgroups. The subset of torrenters is small, and the sub sub set of torrenters that will pay is vastly smaller. Oh yeah what do you think the (((riaa))) and (((mpa))) will do to you when they catch your ass SELLING pirated goods and have a public ledger to record all of your profits?

>> No.6308672

show proof or stfu Im tired of these fucking fuders, that do not talk anything about the coin only about the fucking discord group.

>> No.6308763

This is not about tpb you fucking idiot.
P2P is more than just torrent

>> No.6308870

hospitals use P2P to share data with other hospitals quickly. P2P is one of the cheapest solutions for distributing information, no matter what kind. its not only about torrenting

>> No.6308910

Biggest reason I didn't invest in this was because anons said they wouldn't be doing videos and music. Was I incorrect about this?

>> No.6309004
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You sound like a cunt. You think all that bullshit Hollywood propaganda isn't turning you into a cunt just because you're getting from tpb for free? You're wrong.

>> No.6309067

That is similar to how private trackers like Animebytes work. However, there will be many people that try to cheat the system to earn UFR. AB deals with that problem by restricting entry, so there are only ~20k users at a time....and AB is still considered to be one of the easier trackers to get into since you don't need to do IRC interview bullshit.
Because it's relatively difficult to get into AB most people don't ever attempt to cheat the system, nor is there really a need to due to lots of freeleech + low ratio requirements + lots of credits from seeding large files. On the other hand, there is a monetary incentive to cheat the system with UFR.

>> No.6309070

Not everybody can see the uses of p2p right away, so I pointed the obvious use case. It's obviously about more than torrenting, it's about the possibilities that are bound to arise with this project. P2P is in my opinion the best way to share content, we just need to tweak it and bit more and fix its current problems.

Don't want to get caught? Use a VPN, proxy, what ever you want to, there are plenty of ways to hide your identity.

>> No.6309089

Nigger please. What other popular p2p file sharing protocols are there? This coin is aimed at fixing he problems with torrenting, namely, lack of properly incentivized hosts (seeders). Also you completely ignored my argument about getting you arrested for selling pirated goods. Look at their stupid fucking OSI model diagram (ooh WOW aes encryptd payload). Guess what's not encrypted in the network layer? Your IP. Have fun in jail faggots

>> No.6309216

They're starting off with only .doc, .pdf and a few more types of files but that's just in the beginning. They'll eventually add the rest of the formats.

I think they don't want to be seen as "another piracy service" and this is their way of showing that torrenting can be used for more than just pirating movies/music

>> No.6309231
File: 109 KB, 640x480, UFR SCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What you want to know about their "coin" ?


1. it is a token - no dev-skills needed, every1 can create a token in 2minutes without any knowledge.

2. the whitepaper read like it was written by a 12 year old, also many parts are just copy&pasted from other projects. -> shitpaper

3. just ask any name in the torrentscene if they are willing to accept UFR - literally everybody is just laughing about that fucked scam project.

4. dev team is unknown, also dev team never showed any kind of skills - they didn't prove anything that they have knowledge.

5. Github empty - NOTHING

6. If you aren't an idiot you will find every movie and software you wish FOR FREE on the internet / usenet / ftp / torrent.

7. Absolutely NO TECHNOLOGY, they didn't show a single line of code so far - NOTHING.

8. This coin is shilled on 4chan and reddit 24/7 by these annoying idiots of the discord group. FUCK YOU, you have no clue, you only shill some token you don't know shit about. Also the obvious and poorly faked tweets of TPB founder and Kim Dotcom speaks for itself.

9. Filesharing companies are not interested in a token, they can easily make the same token in minutes. They won't need UFR. Also every torrenttracker / hoster / site can create the SAME TOKEN IN MINUTES.


* Whitepaper not legit (copy&paste, poorly written, no technical knowledge)
* Torrentscene and filesharing companies absolutely not interested in a token
* only shilled token with no usecase
* S H I T C O I N

Sorry for being a little grumpy, but I am tired of the massive amount of UFR shills that are constantly shilling a TOTAL SHITCOIN.

/biz/ please stay away and don't get scammed.
9. Fake

>> No.6309289

I've only seen 2 arguments against UFR in these threads
1) BUT THE SHILL - this is just as useless and mindless shilling, especially in response to thoughtful posts like the OP made
2) THE TECHNOLOGY IS USELESS - the OP addressed this well. P2P file sharing is one of the cornerstones of the internet, and UFR is seeking to fix two of the biggest problems with it

>> No.6309463


> you better check your eyes buddy.

I know you are butthurt that your shilled coin is dropping and your discord shill group was exposed, but you seem to have no idea of torrent, P2P or anything like that.

Actually there aren't any issues with P2P and torrent. Everything is working great and community is strong. If you would be part of that community you would know it.
...and yea, everybody in the community is just annoyed by UFR scam.

>> No.6309488

This dude gets it.

>> No.6309582

Thanks autistic white knight but 90% of coins are shill coins your just wasting your breath. Why dont you just go fap to some trap doujins and buy more link

>> No.6309619


132 shillpoints have been added to your balance

>> No.6309631

>implying file formats mean shit
>implying it's not just a blob of binary
>implying this would actually be used for anything but pirated porn, movies, and software

Go home pajeet

>> No.6309637

I did a bit of research (about 90 minutes) and found that it is quite intriguing. Most of the points you have brought up in regards to Ufr and its decentralization of torrents are profound. No other coin I can think of at has the same intention as this one. A very unique approach indeed. Will definitely be putting some money aside to invest. I recommend to everyone reading this post do their own research. Always know what coin you are invested in. Too many people in crypto now don't do their research especially the newbies. The more research the more you know what you're getting into and the better the investment. Play it smart not dumb guys.

>> No.6309691


14 shillpoints have been added to your balance

>> No.6309713

>decentralization of torrents

Top fucking kek

>> No.6309989

Shut the fuck up Pajeet

>> No.6310387

Ahaha thats basically whats happening on these threads lately

>> No.6310428
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>> No.6310497
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You know what else is getting added to my balance?

>> No.6310563

Noone is getting any pajeets to shill fof thrm man relax. Im under the perception, as a person that stumbled on ufr from this board(thanks btw whoever op was), i see everyone calling me a discord shill when i never even use that fucking app. Point is, just cuz there was one discord chat shilling it doesnt mean i got them to shill it for me. Jesus christ
You guys are delusional fagits

>> No.6311124
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discord gg/sy2uXx2

Successful pnd every time since I joined (3 weeks). they're doing a $200 ETH giveaway, too. 130K+ members and climbing rapidly.

Our pump power grows stronger with everyone who joins, which could turn into quicker pnd.

see you faggots there.

pic related. last pump.

>> No.6311662

Now this is a PnD pajeet.

>> No.6311928

If you were really into torrenting and piracy you would know a monetary system like this goes against everything piracy stands for

>> No.6312060

Must be the premium shill package

>> No.6312286

>1. it is a token - no dev-skills needed, every1 can create a token in 2minutes without any knowledge.

There will be a token, and a platform to use it with an APP. This proves you don’t know SHIT about the project.

>2. the whitepaper read like it was written by a 12 year old

It's well written, like any good whitepaper.

>also many parts are just copy&pasted from other projects. -> shitpaper

Completely false, stop bullshiting retarded pajeet, it was NOT copied, that claim was always false and proven false. The supposed copy was from a project that got here AFTER UFR, yeah, that's right, UFR was FIRST, so it's impossible to copy retard.

>3. just ask any name in the torrentscene if they are willing to accept UFR - literally everybody is just laughing about that fucked scam project.

Completely false again. You are just inventing bs. I've talked with people about this and they think it's a good idea for torrenting.

>4. dev team is unknown, also dev team never showed any kind of skills - they didn't prove anything that they have knowledge.

False again. The lead DEV is known, and I've linked to his LINKEDIN already like 100 fucking times, STOP LYING YOU PIECE OF SHIT. The rest of the team is anonymous (JUST LIKE THE XBY team, and that coin has 200M+ in mcap). And the reasons why it's anonymous are stated and explained already fucking 5 times in reddit, but you probably didn't read shit because you're a lying piece of shit. ( https://www.reddit.com/r/Upfiring/comments/770dhp/warning_no_team_names_have_been_disclosed_to_the/doitu2n/ )

>5. Github empty - NOTHING

There are reasons for this, already explained, it will come before february. The lead dev actually stated that if you feel uncomfortable buying before it's released this it's okay. It's done for security and privacy issues. Yes, the main code on XBY is still private and not released for a similar reason.

>> No.6312322

>6. If you aren't an idiot you will find every movie and software you wish FOR FREE on the internet / usenet / ftp / torrent.

Now you will find better of everything with better quality and more speed for a minimum minimum payment, it will incentivize a bigger market of seeding. Check the subreddit where this is best explained. And you’re assuming everyone is as good as the typical 4channer to find shit to download, which is false.

>7. Absolutely NO TECHNOLOGY, they didn't show a single line of code so far - NOTHING.

Already explained.

>8. This coin is shilled on 4chan and reddit 24/7 by these annoying idiots of the discord group. FUCK YOU, you have no clue, you only shill some token you don't know shit about. Also the obvious and poorly faked tweets of TPB founder and Kim Dotcom speaks for itself.

Those "tweets" were invented by you fucking imbecile, you invented them to delegitimize the project because you're a faggot. NO ONE in their right mind would have used that as a shilling stupid pajeet, it's obvious FUD passed as false shilling.

9. Filesharing companies are not interested in a token, they can easily make the same token in minutes. They won't need UFR. Also every torrenttracker / hoster / site can create the SAME TOKEN IN MINUTES.

"They can make the same token" fucking idiotic response, the SAME you can argue about EVERY token, holy shit, did you just got into crypto yesterday? This argument has been said about XRP, about LINK, about fucking everything, really KYS. “hur dur what’s impending financial institutions to create their own link tokens hur dur I’m a retard”.

You're the most stupid person in /biz/, with absolutely NO arguments.
You probably sold at 30 cents like the retard you are and now you're mad you missed thhe moon mission, kys and never come back, fucking piece of crap.