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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6306860 No.6306860 [Reply] [Original]

> mfw nocoiner

How's going your crash faggots?

>> No.6306902


Down from $320k to $270k from a $6k investment in May, so I'm fine thanks man. Thanks for checking in, though.

>> No.6306921

it sucks bud. nervous as fuck right now. for better or worse I was born with iron hands though so I'm either going down with the ship or straight to lamboland.

>> No.6306991

15% down.

>> No.6307126

Up 2,000% percent in a year but tell me how you did better sitting on the sidelines?

>> No.6307185

It's a dip caused by misinformation. I'm buying more crypto at discounted prices.

>> No.6307207

50% down. Pulled out my original investment so I don't care. Holding on.

>> No.6307212

Don't worry, he's the wolf of wagecuck!

>> No.6307247



>> No.6307263

Same boat, feels good when you'd still come out positive after a 95% market crash.

>> No.6307310


>> No.6307385

>make 20x returns in 2 months
>30% correction of this 20x happens

>> No.6307410

guaranteed replies

>> No.6307431

pretty good.
how's that throat cancer treating you?

>> No.6307505

Oh captain my Captain!

I'm with you.

>> No.6307511



>> No.6307562

I hit an all time high in USD early this morning, just over 100k. Thank you VEN.

>> No.6307596

I sold out a bit before the crash and then bought back in, I'm at pretty much the same dollar value due to by bag growing.

I bought in 45 minutes before a larger price drop.

>> No.6307696

Got into crypto 3 weeks ago. Even with the damage to my portfolio form the correction I'm up 2.5x. Suck it.

>> No.6307768

Don't you have some wageslaving to get to?

>> No.6307797

shit like this make me think i'm 1 fucking year too late for those kinds of crypto gains

>> No.6307962

>things that are not true.

why do you lie on an anonymous Tibetan cartoon picture board?

>> No.6308043

Up from 80k to 90k by daytrading ufr...from a 1k investment in july

>> No.6308142
File: 104 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh you're right, I'm back up to $280k

>> No.6308177

jokes on you latefag.
I hit 120k down to 90k from $400 Sep 2016
and i'm shit at this

>> No.6308220
File: 88 KB, 540x540, 1515384086008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Secured $216K in profits so far this year. Pretty comfy actually. If it crashes, it crashes. Just an opportunity to reinvest at a cheaper price. I feel sorry for all the dumb money brainlets who entered mid-to-late December tho.

>> No.6308221


That's how I felt as well when I joined anon, seeing Eth had already mooned and feeling like I missed out. There will be constant opportunities in crypto for years to come, if you're astute.

>> No.6308361

pre good desu am up 10% hbu

>> No.6308486

Started a couple weeks ago with a very small stack and made 100 off XLM. Not optimal. Guess I'll kms.

>> No.6308626

oh nice i can make a fake image online too

no, your not lol. this is pathetic.

>> No.6308686

I entered late december and my coins are still higher than they were back then.

>> No.6308732
File: 37 KB, 680x401, 1514613372027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a good look folks. This is what jealousy looks like.

>> No.6308760

You're one of very few then. Grats on the lucky alt picks.

>> No.6308801
File: 988 KB, 250x250, 909B053A-2A0D-46F3-8DDD-140BF8FB3CFC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still up 1000% from the normie invasion. Get fucked OP

>> No.6308815

Are you this legitimately ignorant? What the he'll did you buy?

>> No.6308826

Im only up 4x instead of 5x

>> No.6308907


what else lol?

I can smell normies from miles away. Btw, what the fuck is it about ripple that convinces them so much? I honestly think its the fidget spinner logo

>> No.6308911

> Goes up 100000%, crashes 30%

This is what normies were warning us about when they said "It's going to crash then I won't feel like a retard for never investing"

>> No.6308935

didn't hear about btc until last month huh? must fucking suck
i thought I was tarded.
mate, it's possible, just getting exponentially harder as the low caps keep exploding.
early last year was mental

>> No.6308981
File: 962 KB, 1393x732, 1515721741292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you, OP.

>> No.6308982

Feeling pretty comfy - wow my stack dropped 2k from 7k, but I'm only playing with house money anyway.

>> No.6308990

Trading swings like a pro. Like right now on binance, VEN went up from a dip. 2 Major pumps today XRP and Dsoomething (I forgot the name but I remember making a decent plus). Don't QQ. Trade!

>> No.6309027

My 50x gains got erased to 42x gains boohoo

>> No.6309101

Yeah, Crypto and blockchain arent going anywhere.

Imagine people after the .com crash saying "webpages are done"

>> No.6309169

my 10000000x gains are only 1000000x now feels bretty gud

>> No.6309266

>was up 350%
>only up 250%

>> No.6309269

Lol I bought in $200 btc at 19228 transferred the lot (120) to binance and was up $500 in a week so its pretty hard to get fucked right now

>> No.6309364


>> No.6309467

This.Crypto is dotcom repeating.

>> No.6309736

Jesus how can someone be this salty?

>> No.6309975

the bitterness of nocoiners is becoming more and more apparent.
I love it when they say it's dead.
>Bitcoin has died 234 times

>> No.6310047

Most newcomers bought TRX and XRP.

>> No.6310137

A year ago you didn't have to even try. Buy literally anything and wait a year. You'd be a millionaire today. This year is going to be chaos, volatile. Much riskier, but millionaires will still be made every day.

>> No.6310737

I bought in slowly from Jan up until the summer correction. Total investment about $20k. Held 8.3BTC and 84.6 ETH until CB launched BCH. When they fucked up and people bought BCH at insanely high price, I traded half my BTC stack to ETH. Happy with this decision. The King is wounded. The wolves smell blood. There's articles going up all over the place about inefficiencies of BTC and BCH. Lots of hype on the other side, the civil war of crypto is on and the winner is going to be the first alt that gets the combination of public hype, production, and adoption by Global brand names. Kodak's coin is going to be amazing, by the way. Photographers everywhere are going to lap it up to copyright all of their pictures and it will eventually be integrated into cameras that use 5G internet connectivity that instantly record your pictures on the ledger. Giving you instant copyright of all of your pictures. Its fucking genius.