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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 152 KB, 1500x840, VeChain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6268412 No.6268412 [Reply] [Original]

Get comfy fellow venereal disease sufferers. Considering a fuck tonne of the money that has been poured into Ven during the latest price hike to the $6-7 regions was new money, we've held our own remarkably well to maintain that price. Stay strong and hold.

$100-500 by end of year.

>> No.6268455

roughly 6 is the new ground floor, after the rebranding.. atleast 10-15, in a month... 30.

>> No.6268458

> $100-500 by end of year.

Correction: 100 USD end of Q1, 500+ USD EOY
Maybe more if PBoC turns out to be true

>> No.6268462

another 20-30% move today

>> No.6268510

if you look at the charts now you can see it's a double low.. meaning that when the burgers wake up... prepare your ass for lift off.

>> No.6268517

please anon your'e making me feel lewd

>> No.6268547

how long till 'burgers wake up'

>> No.6268553

Just wait and see. CCK confirmed PBoC, it's going to happen

>> No.6268568


dont play me like this

>> No.6268593

its like 2am for west-burgers and 5am for east-burgers

>> No.6268595

Even if this only goes to 12$ next week that will still be comfy gains, but I have a feeling we might see $25+

>> No.6268616

4-7 hours from now. coast to coast

>> No.6268627
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this will be you and I friend

>> No.6268631

Why not? 100 USD would mean a market cap of around 30 billion. ADA achieved this with only a whitepaper in hand within a month.

>> No.6268673

Donnie and his whales confirmed that VEN will be AT LEAST 10$ EOM

>> No.6268772

Donnie and his whales need to be disemboweled and hung from street lamps.

Obviously ven can survive PnDs but it annoys me to no end thinking about smarmy cunts like them

>> No.6268818


pls happen

>> No.6268919
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>> No.6268926


>> No.6269028
File: 369 KB, 1684x792, JB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure as many of you already know. Jim breyers has VeChain as one of his crypto positions.

The very same Jim Breyers who has a networth of 2.4 billion and is a renowned smart investor.

The very same Jim Breyers who was an early adopter of Ethereum AND facebook.

The same Jim Breyers who in an interview likened the potential effect that VeChain could have on relevant industries to the effect facebook had on social media.

>> No.6269107

Burgers are still awake in the western half of the country

>> No.6269177
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>> No.6269181

That dip flushed out many weak hands. Good to know we now have really good support at about $6.

>> No.6269186

his name is Jim Breyer you mong

>> No.6269257


500 by end of year and I'll have made it anons

>> No.6269271

think iPhone autto correct gives a fuck? neither do I

>> No.6269310


>> No.6269414

the majority sure isn't

>> No.6269583

hopefully these burgers that wake up push us past 50k sats.

>> No.6269592

Why do you guys think this VEN is going anywhere

>> No.6269640

get real please, look at total supply

even $50 would be fucking fantastic

>> No.6269657

The rebranding/name change is going to make it dip hard.

>> No.6269697

is $10 possible by EOM ?

>> No.6269700

Remember ANT > NEO?

>> No.6269732

between 10 and 15 EOM

>> No.6269738

its 100% gonna happen

>> No.6269742

oh and I hodl this as 40% of my portfolio

but the stakingis not as amazing as you are hoping it will be, and neither is the bank partnership

yes they are GOOD, but not game changing

VEN is going to be a solid coin but I doubt it will be meteoric unless we see sudden mass adoption of its RFID tech or dapp platform.

>> No.6269760

Maybe i should get in

>> No.6269772


yeah but ant->neo was a good rebranding

vechain thor just sound fucking dumb, again...saying that as a hodler

>> No.6269793

confirmed 2x at the very least. Jump aboard

>> No.6269832

Dear WTCuck - just by saying "I am a hodler" your FUD doesn't become better.

>> No.6269882

desu, vechain thor is kind of a shitty name :/. too clumsy

>> No.6269903

I expect more stable prices then sudden hikes out of the blue. Normies will run away after they see they can't predict short term moons with this coin. People who read about ven will have their luck here.

>> No.6269915

Vechain -> Thor "oh look, it's the Nazi Coin"

>> No.6269927


do your own research first, I promise you will be pleasantly surprised

the only red flag for me was >no whitepaper

but with the amount of partnerships and money they are getting, as well as their proof of concept project, I am reassured that this >no whitepaper is because they are protecting their IP from competitors in china

>> No.6269936

Asians love this stuff.

>> No.6269941

Vechain thor?
why are they adding Thor?

>> No.6269945

dont expect us to shill it for you. We're not pajeets. DYOR.

>> No.6269963


walton is garbage, stop being such a little fanboy faggot for a second

its not like we can do anything about it, but tempering your expectations can't hurt

>> No.6269978

in reality its something like only 150m circulating coins after everything is accounted for.

>> No.6270021

vechain isnt marketed to 4chan browsing neets like us. Asians will go crazy over the Thor stuff.

>> No.6270052

I have done a little research, it seems like a good investment.

>> No.6270095


>> No.6270118


it jumped right back up to 6 after the mini crash, which indicates to me that ~6 is the new floor

>> No.6270125

Literally there are vechain shills crawling around this board at all times

>> No.6270143
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>he doesn't own vechain

>> No.6270222

Have order set up to sell half at .0005 BTC. Should I cancel it and buy more instead?

>> No.6270234

rename Vechain --> Odin

Odin generates Thor..


>> No.6270280

I have 3k VEN. Can i expect $500k EOY?

>> No.6270290
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>waiting for a dip to get in

>> No.6270293


this coin doesn't need shills desu
I am only here talking about it because I have fucking nothing else to do, since all I plan on doing for the foreseeable future is hold eth and ven

I don't even think I will buy back into icx

>> No.6270301

Per coin, yes.

>> No.6270360


i have a feeling you'll regret that sale if you don't cancel it

>> No.6270393
File: 72 KB, 750x1334, ven2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who else
>can't stop buying

>> No.6270425


>> No.6270491

isn't it too late ?

>> No.6270578


I'm buying up to $10 as my eth gets freed up. Trying to go 40% eth 60% ven from the opposite.

>> No.6270598

I'm stuck with 100% DBC. Should I buy some more ETH to change to VEN ?

>> No.6270638

Have been 50/50 ICX/VEN over the past few days. Moved all in to VEN earlier today.

No regrets. The fomo into VEN is going to be crazy the upcoming weeks/months.

>> No.6270696

where do you guys store your VEN?

>> No.6270729
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Wish I could have afforded more.

>> No.6270746


I can't tell you what to do with your money, pal. I like ven a lot, but that's because I've been thoroughly researching it and following it for the past couple weeks.

What did you buy DBC at?

>> No.6270783
File: 104 KB, 1080x1148, Screenshot_2018-01-11-11-22-54-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad i was too poor to buy a nice stack back then

>> No.6270866

Once they dropped the masternode announcement, I bought 1/3 of a mn worth, but since the price has moved so much, I am not sure it still is worth it.

Am up around 800% and shit's worth >1.5 BTC right now. I don't understand why anyone would sell 4 - 5 BTC for a Thor node. People are bonkers.

I hope for an insane 2x rise to sell part of that stack and buy back cheaper.

>> No.6270895
File: 147 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180111-212745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good.

>> No.6270907

tempted to drop my ltc bags at loss for this thoughts?

>> No.6270942

How the fuck did you hear about this coin so early?

>> No.6270959

VEN has a far greater chance of 2 or 3x in the next week than litecoin has in the next month

>> No.6270974

They want far too much for mn

>> No.6270986


would have done the same at the time but my portfolio was only $3k then

>> No.6271079

again, because the idea is for master nodes to be used by companies etc as an incentive to get thor moreso than your typical /biz/ autist hence why they're asking for so much ven per master node

>> No.6271117

and the idea is that if VeChain ends up being ultra effective, major companies will have multiple master nodes that they wouldn't dream of selling because they would be useful for them

thus reducing the amount of circulating ven

>> No.6271173
File: 114 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180104-210407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was part of one of the earlier research groups. A lot of the members made a shit tonne off Walton when it like 13x to where it is now.

The original buy call for Ven was issued at 12 cents but i was looking at some other coins (neo req eth) so i only got in at 24 cents US

>> No.6271242
File: 1.97 MB, 3264x2448, 1515667205100192416581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my portfolio went from 24k to 170k in about 2 weeks because of ven

>> No.6271268

Which members? What group?

Oh and any news for today? So comfy everything is deep red and my portfolio is up 60k.

>> No.6271286

Jesus Christ dude congrats

Next question is, where could I look for early access to projects like this looking forwards?

>> No.6271347


you absolute nigger

>> No.6271383

and how do you come around such groups?

>> No.6271398


I'd feel good too, you're going to have a 7 figure portfolio in about 2 months.

>> No.6271568
File: 151 KB, 641x899, vechainnov17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep an eye out for when you see some of our recommendations floating around.

This is one that would have been on 4chan about 2 months ago when VEN was low at 16 cents

>> No.6271603

Yeah I feel filthy about it.

>> No.6271605

This is going to be my ticket to 1M dollars

>> No.6271650


What made you decide to start following (and paying for I am assuming) a group like this?

It obviously paid off, and I can see the benefit of having multiple people looking out for potential good buys instead of just yourself.

>> No.6271735


Yeah there was a lot of collaborative group effort and research, the group leader is literally inspiring in terms of the workload he churns.

I havn't paid a cent since joining the group (invited). I plan on sending the leader about 100k if I do hit a 7 figure portfolio as thanks.

>> No.6271762
File: 8 KB, 200x200, 8sa9dfy978p0asuyhd9f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carrying 325 VEN (poorfag) right now, should I dump my 160 ENG to get more?

>> No.6271832


Good for you, man. Network is everything in my business, not surprised it is paid off in crypto too.

I only got started trading last month, but it was clear even then that trading is going tribal, with all these shills and various marketing groups putting so much time and effort into trying to get attention.

Going it alone when you don't have to would be foolish.

>> No.6271841

I know what you're talking about. Now please shut the fuck up because this one, exactly this one, is pure.

>> No.6271897

awake california burger reporting

>> No.6271929



>> No.6272036

cute tbqh

>> No.6272072

So are you going to fucking let us know what other ones youre looking at or not?

>> No.6272086
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>> No.6272129 [DELETED] 

We don't Pump and Dump. We Pump and HODL.*'

https://discord dot gg/hTTEEt2

>> No.6272146

holy fuck you need to be publicly executed along with anyone else that advertises.

>> No.6272263

How long until 70K Ven is whale status?

>> No.6272319

I remember waiting for a dip when the competition was ongoing and it was $2. I ended up FOMO'ing at $4

>> No.6272388

Holding both Vechain & NEO - more comfy holding NEO to be honest.

Feels like the guys at Vechain didnt think through when they copy the dual-token system from NEO

>> No.6272453

there was a dip 7 hours ago now just go in

>> No.6272466

Pajeet, we’re not buying your products

>> No.6272468


just like pepsi copied coke

just like adidas copied nike

just like monster copied red bull

just like xbox copied play station

>> No.6272572
File: 3.58 MB, 2624x1068, Screen Shot 2018-01-11 at 3.12.47 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photos of the PWC Innovation Center in Shanghai, featuring VeChain.

>> No.6272626


in my MEW that I access with my Nano Ledger S.

>> No.6272658

Went all in at 1.2 usd. It was an obvious winner.

Comfy as FUCK for the past few weeks and the next few.

>> No.6273007

the not white paper white paper

>> No.6273465
File: 60 KB, 544x768, 2017-12-31 11.46.25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ buying vechain is going to be at ethereums market cap one day. ETH went from 10-1300$ in one year. Buying VEN now is equivalent to buying ETH at 18$ at VENs current market cap..What is ethereum known for? Cryptokitties and scam tokens. Vechain will be the platform for ICOs and Dapps of fucking Fortune 500 companies. Don't miss the fucking boat.

>> No.6273510
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>> No.6273805

I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6274135

They are going to renew it. Will take some weeks but it is going to be great

>> No.6274211


This cant be real. I agree its a huge market, but x80 ? That would make it a 100 billion dollar company

>> No.6274314

it's bevoming like neo. for evedy vet you get thor. just like neo and gas

>> No.6274426

Whole market crashing VeChain still stable this is the future number 1 coin guys.

>> No.6274523

>100 billion dollar
Ok right so far
Aaaaaand he fails to understand market cap. Like 40% of /biz/ at this point

>> No.6274545
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>consolidated everything into vechain and eth 2 days ago

And this is where I will stay for the next 3 months. Maybe I can sleep again at night.

>> No.6274660

Salty walty pls go

>> No.6274817


Walton is changing the supply chain game, one of the most solid projects in crypto. Just because you didn't buy in during September doesn't mean it's garbage

Keep buying those coins made by a basement dweller with a poorly written whitepaper on cryptopia, chasing those moons
Keep posting about Lambos as well, surefire way to 'make it'

>> No.6274945

waltcucks on suicide watch, VEN has first mover advantage and will promptly put salty walties in their place.

>> No.6275063

Walton is the coin for cucks. You want to watch how the bull (vet), fucks your dreamgirl and takes all your marketshare.

>> No.6275288


I have a position on both, because I'm not a moonboy faggot that chases shit coins

Every investment I make has a potential for a few years down the line

VEN, WTC, ETH, NEO, REQ, POWR, XLM + small BTC holding

If some or half of them fail, i'm still set

>> No.6275335

10k VEN here. Will I make it?

>> No.6275448

I'm all in VeChain.

My body is ready.

>> No.6275517
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70% VEN
30% risky low mcap shitcoin

I'm ready to make some money

>> No.6275534
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>> No.6275557


I used to be like you anon.

Then I realized.

We're entering a bear market.

>> No.6275558

rocketship is moving

>> No.6275685

good morning burgers all aboard the chain train one at a time please

>> No.6275722

Should I sell before 50k sat and rebuy when it dips?

>> No.6275752

$20 EOM, >$200 Q2 2018

GG we made it. /BIZ going to make it because of Vechain lol.

>> No.6275756



>> No.6275789
File: 42 KB, 399x322, 1504164793220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you serious? youre about to sell before a major breakout?

>> No.6275805


They're still people in WTC because the tech is better.


They're are still people in ICX.


>> No.6275832

what did he mean by this?

>> No.6275834

if you have to ask then yea go for it

>> No.6275868

fuck me I wish I didn't fall asleep. would've time the dip and bought more

>> No.6275899


Never been in ICX, but whats wrong with it? Thought it was one of the mor elegit shitcoins no?

>> No.6275921

Not a company, the coins would add up to 100 billion. Just lay back and enjoy.

>> No.6276032


1 - ICX owners spent the last two weeks saying VEN is stagnant shit, that'll never go anywhere.

2 - ICX is basically labeled the ETH of Korea. Look at what Korea just did yesterday. Those ICX holders need to drop those bags and run.

>> No.6276129


The market doesn't care about tech right now.

When this loses hype, it will stagnate much lower than your prediction, you'll sell off and then start shilling the next coin

The cycle repeats

>> No.6276162
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Flipped another 400 VEN how you anons doing?

>> No.6276200

yeah the market doesn't but when its adopted and a fuck tonne of companies are pouring money into it the market will

hmu when im rich and youre poor

>> No.6276210


sold 49500, didnt bought back in 48000, i was going to so.. :D

>> No.6276237
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fresh buys coming in boyzzz

>> No.6276248

i hold both. and im really comfy in both. please stop being a cunt

>> No.6276261
File: 6 KB, 225x225, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

01-11 14:05:50 VEN/BTC Limit Buy 0.00048201 0.00048201 9,486 9,486 4.57234686 -- Filled

>> No.6276298


exact when i was going to buy back in.. :D u going to flip again?

>> No.6276319

only hold 500 of these bad boys, who else is fully in ICX and VEN?

comfy fucking holds

>> No.6276322

Already sold rebuying at 47700

>> No.6276332


Then why are people slating WTC? Check their real world partnerships

They will be used just as much, if not more than VEN

>> No.6276350


coming with you

>> No.6276387

And Ven still hit a new ATH. money and sat wise.

>> No.6276398

Bold move eh?

>> No.6276421

Haha I've flipped 1200 Ven so far think I am pretty good at guessing the charts atm

>> No.6276474

I believe that anglos will pump this coin again followed by chink dump tonight.

>> No.6276822

dump maybe 60. you want to hold eng

>> No.6276919

66 bitcoin wall my goodness its getting eaten so quickly.

>> No.6276930

Anyone seeing this massive BTC sell wall? Will that stop us or are we powering through it?

>> No.6276980

Ven has a lot more short term potential imo.
But I am not 100% up to date on eng. But I do know that it is a good long term hold.

>> No.6276986

No one can stop this, not even the eternal gook.

>> No.6277019

The 'eternal gook' that made me chuckle

>> No.6277020

I feel like these walls are generating even more hype

>> No.6277045

i rlly start thinking that im gonna make it with this shit

>> No.6277100

they are because they create a spring/tension effect when they get voluntarily removed

>> No.6277217

wall destroyed in seconds

>> No.6277235


>> No.6277242

they are being ate nigguh

>> No.6277288
File: 11 KB, 250x201, images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTkQZytVlNRe4R3hyCw7sF6AGShq281mIw7wKFI8asDEFi0zYJR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5th largest 24h volume on binance
>52k sats

>> No.6277295

you think we were kidding
this bullrun will make tron’s look like a sideways movement

>> No.6277391

how far we going boys?

>> No.6277416

$100-1,000 EOY

>> No.6277418

100 btc got eaten it 30 seconds.
Ven will just keep going, doesn't even care about a bear market.

>> No.6277424

I just broke 6 figures guys! This coin made me a dolphin. We are all going to make it :)

>> No.6277429

We're at the stratosphere now, and we're going all the way to Neptune.

>> No.6277432

> Waking up
> Down 10% on QTUM
> DOWN 20% on REQ
> VEN mooning, portfolio in the green

>> No.6277433


>> No.6277490

I only wish I had more

pretty sure some anons broke 1M by just holding vechain

>> No.6277538

20 end of january would be unreal, but quit possible. maybe even more if the rebranding event is as good as I think. Then 30 is possible.
Q2 with mainnet at least 50.

>> No.6277569

btw: news aren't even out yet, this is just the price adjusting itself after being kept artificially low for weeks

>> No.6277591

It made my 3 btc into 21 or 22 now.
Going all in was the best decision possible.

got me from 60k to 290 now. Broke the quarter million yesterday. Best feels.

>> No.6277688

i only have 46 ven.. but im still hopeful
im proud of you venbrah.

>> No.6277746

your goal in crypto is to now ride moon missions and pile all profit into acquiring more ven for when it inevitably hits $500

>> No.6277765
File: 907 KB, 499x269, ZlUUWAf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your autocorrect autocorrects auto wrong?

>> No.6277780

whats up guys, are we winning or what?

>> No.6277793

ATH boyos FeelsGoodMan

>> No.6277795

How long do you think untill it dips?

>> No.6277810

This is the dip.

>> No.6277813

doesn't matter, this run will give you the funds to get rich with the next chance.
It will bring you a huge step closer.
We are going to make it.

>> No.6277823

This will go to 10

>> No.6277831

picture this.

$100 end of Q2.

>> No.6277838

>thinking there will be a dip

>> No.6277841

not if whales keep dumping rn

>> No.6277856

probably same as yesterday

>> No.6277871
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>> No.6277882

>the dip never came, VEN $400

>> No.6277885

i'm a faggot

>> No.6277919

>sold VEN waiting for a dip, pussied out and bought it back 10 minutes later

At least it was the same price

>> No.6278003


haha +1 here. lost 10ven, so lost 1k what i could say eom

>> No.6278078
File: 106 KB, 645x968, 1509783240085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought at 17k
>sold at 18k
>wait for the dip
>bought back in at 27k

>> No.6278154

>didn't sell the top
oh god oh god oh god NOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.6278167

this why you should never swing trade good coins. i've gotten burned a few times.

>> No.6278190

>Weak hands
10 dollars soon

>> No.6278194

fate of every """"daytrader""""

>> No.6278217

And here I was thinking I was just being a pussy for not trying to day trade.

I mean, I've got no fucking clue what I'm doing but still

>> No.6278220

>he doesn't maximize his gains by trading
hello brainlet

>> No.6278225

Announcement in 5 hrs. Buckle up

>> No.6278256

larping as cck

>> No.6278260

will this go below 50k again?

>> No.6278261

FAKE! There's always an accompanying tweet linking to a 4Chan thread by him.

>> No.6278373
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>t. Beta with 70ng/dL test

>> No.6278438

Sorry Coca kid
I meant this faggot

>> No.6278450
File: 93 KB, 716x698, smug 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 10,003 VEN. How much USD will I have on january 1st, 2019?

>> No.6278526

you are more like a freeway cola kid

>> No.6278529

About three fiddy


>> No.6278542


>> No.6278625

thats not the coca cola kid you mouth breather. Look at his ID then read his previous posts. I seriously want to know how you havnt choked to death on your own tongue with an IQ as low as yours

>> No.6278745

VEN up, WTC down,
I've made a million dollars today.

>> No.6278793

just made 3mil today

>> No.6278874

the pepsi kid cant keep getting away with it
Helo mistar I kontakt u once more for greet greet buy oportunitay of walton. I work for veri veri veri
impornat financeel organization. Me and nigeran partner predikt walton go up in mani mani dollar. I alse
heav more news for u sir. Your greet greet aunt haz sadli passed awai and u get much money becoz she die,
it is 1million dollar sir. Please send 1000€ to this acunt numbar: 12345678910 so we can unlok the fund
and send dem to u. For mor informatian kontakt me via emal: Pajeet@walton.cum ok Baibai

>> No.6278875

should i sell my pearl and buy more ven in this slight dip? or should i hold off my pearl until tommorow due to their rebrand?

>> No.6278881

>445 VEN here
Stop making me feel miserable

>> No.6279019

im joking ven brah. keep climbing.

>> No.6279075

newbie here, i have some digibyte i want to sell to get more VEN, should i sell my dgb to btc or eth? or does it not really matter?

>> No.6279088

Twenty Cent Dip? Your kidding yourself, you've left it far too late if you don't put in big bucks now you're getting left behind

>> No.6279112

not sure, impossible to say if they will sell the news or if the rebrand will make it 5x after it happens.
Ven rebranding should be soon too.

>> No.6279130

feels smug man

>> No.6279173
File: 5 KB, 201x251, sonamdissapoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Son why didn't you buy VEN?

>> No.6279207


>> No.6279216


>> No.6279219

It doesn't if you convert instantly. But do it for eth, it's faster.

>> No.6279222

95% of my portfolio is ven. I didn't miss out on anything. I'm just trying to ride some quick moontrips so i can reach my 10k ven

>> No.6279258

Please forgive

>> No.6279289

100% VEN all day, we out here

>> No.6279311

and it's not a 20 cent dip, more like 80

>> No.6279365

46 VEN is all I have should I hold it or try to sell it before dips

>> No.6279399

you should've sold the top and went into jew coin that's how you get out of being a poorfag

>> No.6279436

$100-500 END OF YEAR

>> No.6279438

what don't you guys get about holding?

>> No.6279446

>TFW got in late and bought at $6.9
>TFW didn't sell at peak
At least I'm smart enough to buy VEN before it hit $10 right?

>> No.6279458

W-what's going on? Is XRP draining everything?

>> No.6279516


>> No.6279542



>> No.6279547

Dont worry.
VEN will moon again in 4 days.

>> No.6279568

$200 easy

>> No.6279692

$200 end of week.

>> No.6279709

$100-500 eoy

if PBoC


>> No.6279745

FYI to those using Blockfolio/Delta.
My portfolio is 100% VEN and through these global dips over the last 24hr my total has kept going up. These apps have clerarly been hacked.

>> No.6279844
File: 48 KB, 1024x962, 1515585069380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rode down from 51700 to 46000 and bought more at 46600

>> No.6280024

Did they say the 15th is the day? All I know is mid january.
Pretty strange that there is still no exact date.

>> No.6280117

Made 2x on both req and dbc. Now jumped ship into ven.
Holding 3,4k ven, will I make it anon?

>> No.6280120

"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."

-Sun Tzu

>> No.6280221
File: 41 KB, 600x579, 1489530450304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that waltonlet who was FUDing threads nonstop

>> No.6280229


>> No.6280259

or sell your bags and join our pumps for guaranteed gains instead of hypothetical, this is litterally free money.


>> No.6280390

Asian business tactics.
Asian suprise rebranding. Country and date come out 30 minutes before it begins.

>> No.6280514

do you expect one today?

>> No.6280552

I thought I was noticing that too. At least I have noticed that too. Or something, something feels fishy.

The answer might lie in the fluctuations of USD itself. But it doesn't seem to matter much because I can see my totals in binance.

>> No.6280579


>> No.6280753

>unless we see sudden mass adoption of its RFID tech or dapp platform.
Dude, have you seen who they have partnerships with, what do you think's going to happen?

>> No.6280936

Breyer bullish on vechain as a platform


>> No.6281276

Can someone explain what pboc is the a ven newfag?

>> No.6281297


>> No.6281351
File: 79 KB, 800x1200, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are pumping VEN in discord is why lllmao, not because of use cases or news.

dont be silly


stay informed