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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 19 KB, 678x381, ethorse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6240718 No.6240718 [Reply] [Original]

Ethorse is an Ethereum Smart Contract based working DApp with users betting on the coins/tokens to win from everyone who bets on other coins/tokens. Winners are decided based on the highest price increase % in a specific time period. Bets are placed and rewards are claimed in the dApp using Metamask plugin or Mist. Being completely secured by the blockchain, no one has control over the race or user funds once a contract is deployed and a race is announced.

They have a fucking working product already. Very low cap and you can 'stake' your HORSE. If you compare the market cap with Etheroll (which is pretty shitty) you'll see that there's atleast a 4x potential here. Don't miss out.


>> No.6240904

Also this:
There will be 100M tokens total in the public sales, 125M total. If you put in 1 ETH and get 20,000 HORSE tokens in the round 1 public sale that means you have a 0.016 percent stake of the 5% house take.

If you assume there are $1M worth of bets per day then that's $50k take for the house and 0.016% of that is $8 per day. Therefore over a year of such volume, your 1 ETH investment will net you earnings of $2920. At ETH/USD=1000 today that's a nice return even ignoring any appreciation of HORSE tokens that might occur. With predictable earnings like that everyone will want to buy in driving the price of the HORSE token up considerably. As volumes on Ethorse increase so will the price (compare to bond market prices relating to the interest they earn).

Can Ethorse get $1M of bets per day? Well, for comparison just look at Coinmarketcap data and you'll see there are 450 coins/tokens each with over $1M volume today. Over the last 24 hours the combined market volume was $46 billion. As we know the cryptocurrency markets are highly speculative - many people are essentially betting on them. It seems reasonable that people will be making similar "bets" as literal bets on Ethorse. They might even use it as a hedging mechanism.

>> No.6240966
File: 319 KB, 1050x356, ethorse2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this:
So even if we imagined only 1/1000th of that total $46B daily volume moving to betting on Ethorse that is actually more like tens of millions per day, not just one million. Can you imagine the price of a HORSE if there was even $10M per day?

At the ICO Public sale 1 price they are selling HORSE for about $0.05 each. (1ETH=$1000 and 20,000 HORSE). As I calculated above 1ETH worth would net you $2920 per year per $1M of daily betting volume. So at $10M daily volume we are talking $29,200 per year. I would say that easily means 1 HORSE is worth 29200/20000 or $1.46. More realistically I think people seeing it as a predictable income would actually price it at multiples of that since at $1.46 price you're getting at 100% return after one year. People would KILL for such a guaranteed return elsewhere. In the crypto market people are more greedy and because there is risk expect higher returns but something between 2 to 5x that amount representing 20 to 50% annual return might be more realistic.

Even at $1M daily volume you're still talking a price of $0.146 or multiples thereof - so I reckon this ICO will quickly give a 10x to 100x return for early investors. At $100K daily volume that is $0.0146 earnings per HORSE per year or 29% of the initial price.

I wonder if the creators have ever wondered about using Ethorse to bet on the price of HORSE itself? That is pretty meta but I guess might have a destabilizing effect on HORSE pricing. Only time will tell I guess.

As ever, only invest as much as you can afford to lose! Aside from that... may the best horse win!