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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 352 KB, 1280x720, comfy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6229082 No.6229082 [Reply] [Original]

/comfy/ thread
I hope you like my OC. Although many coins are in the red, there is still enough room for optimism! Remember that HODLing is the best solution for making profits. Don't fall for the daytrading meme.

->If you want to make it, pick out SOLID investments. Don't buy into every other coin that is shilled on /biz/. This board is very good for picking up rumours about projects and potential gainers but don't follow advice blindly.
On the other hand, I made a thread about NEBL a longer time ago. warosu.org/biz/thread/5039077
People didn't even bother to look up the name of the project. Being comfy doesn't mean getting the best gainers and "100x coins" spoonfed by this forum. It means sitting down and doing research about the idea behind the project, reading articles and maybe even skimming the whitepaper.

->Don't store your coins on exchanges for a long term hold! A friend of mine spoke around about crypto (1. mistake) and one of his fathers friends wanted to invest in it. The easiest way for him to do so was to give my friend 35k€ and tell him to invest in "crypto" (2. mistake). As a result he has a portfolio he knows nothing about (3.mistake) being held on Bittrex and Binance (4.mistake).
Think about Mt. Gox, you have to take the time to download the wallet, let it sync and put your coins in safe storage, because they deserve it!

->Yes crypto is gaining adoption but that doesn't mean normies are stealing your investment potential. Apart from most of them only having contact to BTC,ETH and LTC, they don't understand what immense disruptive potential the blockchain has.
If you speak German, maybe you had contact with this wonderful piece of music https://youtu.be/KWCuqxg2ZxU
They see it just as another "thing" like playing Pokemon Go or making Vines.
At least I think that it is like that. If you don't agree, just tell me that I'm a fucking brainlet pajeet nigger shill in the comments.

Stay /comfy/.

>> No.6229350

Can you make this a gif? I want to use :3

>> No.6229396

will do, but it will get huge and have bad quality!

>> No.6229410

I still hold NEBL and bought at $4.50, it looks like its going to drop. Mmm thinking of selling.

>> No.6229439

i like the ref id, top left.
stay /comfy/

>> No.6229480

Me too but I'm never going to sell!
It's not really a ref id, just my username on twitter, kek

>> No.6229581

No worries m8. Apparecite it either way

>> No.6229666
File: 1.84 MB, 500x500, 1515443048534.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was this one from you too op?

>> No.6229737

yes it was!

>> No.6229779

Bittrex is located in the United Kingdom and the odds of it pulling a mt gox are extremely slim. But ultimately I think you’re right. I’m at a dilemma because I’m holding ZCL for the fork, and I need to be able to dump ZCL as soon as the snapshot occurs.

>> No.6229812

in fact, this is a very comfy room

>> No.6229830
File: 2.35 MB, 600x338, comfy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there you go

>> No.6229871

love your OC anon, you should post it in /3/ and get them into Link

>> No.6229896

Thank you for the sound advice through all the noise. :)

What program do you use to make your webms? Seems like a really fun way to make art.

>> No.6229971
File: 247 KB, 400x416, 1504445053950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6229995

Fantastic. Saving for future /comfy/ usage.

>> No.6230017


>> No.6230106

It's located in the USA according to their info page.

>> No.6230123

I must admit I've never been to /3/ before. I could try shilling them Link

It's all done in Blender. I just render it as .mp4 and then convert it online to a .webm here video.online-convert.com/convert-to-webm

>> No.6230130

new group crypto!
news and PUMPS!!!

>> No.6230217
File: 224 KB, 800x799, C O P E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay comfy, have some cope from nocoiners.

>> No.6230858

kek, nice comic

>> No.6231350

Op, have you considered commissioning your work?

I would be more than happy to throw some Eth your way for you to make one of these based on my room.

>> No.6231410

nice idea
going to put a hodl sign in my office xD

>> No.6231466

I have never tried to do anything for money!
But sounds interesting, how do we do that?

>> No.6231523

Can you re-render it with a higher sample rate? The graininess ruins it.

>> No.6232088
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could do that but it takes ages to get something decent, the lightning is probably set up bad.
Here's an image tho

>> No.6232523

Definitely not comfy