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6220677 No.6220677 [Reply] [Original]


Say it with me, BITCOIN LEGACY!

>> No.6220791

Go 50-50 ETH BCH or get justed in the coming days.

Trust me, it's happening.

>> No.6220853

Are altcoins about to get JUSTED aswell in the next few weeks?

>> No.6221031

one of 45 block explorers post some message
meanwhile the strongest proof of work network operates in a way it was designed

>> No.6221065


>> No.6221160

So BLegacy and Bitcoin $ (Shortened to Bitcoin) now?

>> No.6221237
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>> No.6221261

Buuuuump. Fucken true if huge.

>> No.6221268

>Bitcoin Cash takes the name of a failed currency like a virgin
>Bitcoin gaining the badass title Legacy
I see no problem.

>> No.6221272


roger pls go

>> No.6221277

>bitcoin legacy

>> No.6221350

wait who actually uses this site

blockchain.info is always the go-to

>> No.6221427
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Coinmarketcap changing name as well!!11!1!!

>> No.6221461

What does this mean for ETH?

>> No.6221511

>BCH shills out again

Sigh. No one cares and no one will ever move to your coin.
You lost. Have some dignity and quit while you're at it.

>> No.6221594

I will concede that BTC is in a weak position now, so BCH advocates might attempt another flippening.

What do you think the chances are that will happen?

>> No.6221662

does the pope shit in the woods?

>> No.6221734

can someone give me an explanation? pls no bully brainlet

>> No.6221788

Bitcoin Cash keeps trying to overtake Bitcoin (spot and name).
They do this every few months and it ALWAYS fails.
If you got BCH in the fork, great, hold it. If you didn't, don't bother buying in.

>> No.6221815

Look for yourself on https://blockexplorer.com/

>> No.6221830
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Go back to red-dit you stupid nigger.

Stuff your BTC bags up some more on the way down please.

Are you retarded or just a nigger? Sites starting to call Bitcoin now "Bitcoin Legacy" and Bitcoin.com about Bitcoin Cash aswell.

Bitcoin is getting replaced with something that isn't garbage so the Market won't crash and we can continue to get rich without working.

>> No.6221840


>> No.6221885

You're not fooling anyone anymore man.
The more you guys shill like this, the more it makes BCH look like a PnD.

>> No.6221920

>Sites starting to call Bitcoin now "Bitcoin Legacy"
>Just one known BCH shill putting the meaningless label on the sites he controls

BCH fanboys are pathetic

>> No.6221952

did you also miss china is banning BTC mining, corecuck?

>> No.6221966
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>> No.6221979

Go to Bitcoin.com and put yourself in the position of a normie.
Just put yourself in the position of a normie when looking at Bitcoin itself, would you want to pay 50$ fees and wait 3 days for your transaction?

It is over, you are in the denial phase but it will get better.

>> No.6221990


Roger Ver and his BCash brainlet government coin can go and fuck themselves. NEVER will I buy this BCASH shit ever.

>> No.6221992


In what world does legacy not sound like super old protocols and shoddy old technology? A fitting name for a coin that is done for.

>> No.6222006


>> No.6222064

Cashening happens in stages. You all have until april

>> No.6222071

Normies don't look at transactions or even know what the fuck blockchain is.
Don't tell me I'm wrong, even you know it's true.
The only one in denial here is you for believe a FORK coin will overtake BTC.

>> No.6222106

that’s because it is a pump and dump

>> No.6222133
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How else would you call them?
They irrationally keep screeching that their shitcoin is better, while thinking that they have anything to do with bitcoin aside from the name.

BTC's only point in its favor is name recognition.
BCH doesn't have that, and all the other problems that they claim it doesn't have (scalability, speed, fees, etc) are only lower in BCH because nobody fucking uses it, and because of the low value.

If BCH shills really cared about speed and usability, they would be shilling literally ANY crypto made during the last year, since they're technologically superior to BCH in every single way.
But they don't.
Because the HURR DURR MUH SPEED AND TRANSACTIONS aren't actually something they care about.

They just want to wave the flag of their shitcoin.
Having "Bitcoin" in the shitcoin name makes them keep forgetting that they're just an alt, like every other one.
And not even a particularly good one.

>> No.6222141

BTC is Dying. Open your eyes

>> No.6222166

EGAS has a 13 mil max coin supply and the price is sub 10cents right now. Even if it turns out to be a scamcoin it will definitely get pumped to $1 before then and that will only put it at 13m market cap.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6222180
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>Bitcoin is getting replaced with something that isn't garbage so the Market won't crash and we can continue to get rich without working

ye, it's called ETH

>> No.6222208
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>> No.6222216

Any crypto made within the last year is not trusted and tested like BCH

>> No.6222241

Open your fucking eyes. BTC has futures trading, normies are buying it off Coinbase.
BCH isn't dying either, just will never be as big as BTC. Ever.

>> No.6222292

>trusted and tested like BCH
>trusted and tested

Every fucking shitcoin is "tested", you retard.
And that "trust" is as low as it can be outside of the delusional BCH cult.

>> No.6222297
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BCH will never have horrendous fees. They are switching to dynamic blocksize in 1 month with the next hardfork.

BCH has feasible zero conf transactions. AKA INSTANT as they didnt fall for the replace by fee meme "feature"

>> No.6222399
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Sorry Brainlet but "BITCOIN" is already the established name, ETH would probably be the better thing but were not going with actual logic here were going with normie logic. If you want to be emotional over this you just wont /makeit/

Just an shitcoin that is getting shilled by very rich people and getting implemented by big sites. Bitcoin.com is the site for Bitcoin Cash.

It was the people going against Bitcoin Cash that were the real shills, I can remember the "BCC/BCH actually means Bitcoin China" shills.
Whatever, you are emotional over virtual currency, you are not made for this.

If you are for Bitcoin Legacy to stay on the top you are for the collapse of the Cryptomarket.

>> No.6222408

You pleb. BCH is bitcoin. No other altcoin has existed long enough to be proven safe like BCH. Yes that includes your DAG shitcoin like RAI

>> No.6222439

Nice irrelevant arguments, when it's still more expensive and slower than fucking Digibyte, of all things.
BCH is nothing.

It doesn't have a project, it doesn't have a vision, it doesn't have any particular features.
It's Bitcoin without the name recognition.
It's a shitcoin without a project to drum up hype.

Literally the only worth in BCH is stealing money off retards banging their fists on the floor and panting "FLIP FLIP FLIP" it every time BTC stumbles a few %.

>> No.6222536

It is always the people that get emotional in arguments that have lost.

>> No.6222557

>No other altcoin has existed long enough to be proven safe like BCH
>a barely one year old shitfork missing now standard features in every alt is somehow the oldest and most trusted alt

The delusion and schizophrenia of BCH cultists knows no limits.
It is truly a pitiful sight to behold.

>> No.6222623

Nice post Greg. BCH is Bitcoin. Deal with it

>> No.6222667

>t t twenty dollar fees per send are a feature!!!

the sad state of blockstream bitcoin cucks

>> No.6222722
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The biggest folly of Bitcoin Cash fanboys is that no one gives a shit about anything with the word Bitcoin in it.

It's over. There are new coins. Bitcoins are dying.

>> No.6222723

>would you want to pay 50$ fees
Complete FUD
PROTIP: "Average" transaction fee is meaningless as exchanges use one transaction for 100 withdrawals. Look at median transaction fee you mong
In reality it's like $10 and lower fee which still confirms within the hour, often faster than ETH when that network is blocked by Kitties or Pokemon or whatever. Used it several times myself lately.

>> No.6222731

Being this booty blasted for not hodling your free fork coins.

>> No.6222742
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Never forget Cashies

>> No.6222805

Flippening happens in stages faggot

>> No.6222807


You're so blinded by rage at people not falling for your scam that you're not even able to comprehend the posts you're replying to.
No one is claiming that BTC's fees are a good thing, it's just that if you actually gave half a shit about usability and fees you'd be shilling any of the hundreds of alts that are faster and cheaper than BCH.

But BCH has absolutely nothing going for it, aside maybe scamming someone naive enough to see "Bitcoin" in the name and think it has something to do with it.

>> No.6222814

This post is truth, regardless of whether or not the flipping happens there is no good reason for BCH to hold the throne based on merit

>> No.6222871

Keep telling yourself that faggot. All you corecucks sound the same across all mediums.

>> No.6222888


Your all a bunch of cuck nigs. Crash in 30 days. Cashing out my 2 mill now

>> No.6223248
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>> No.6223288

So what should I keep my money in? ETH?

>> No.6223305
File: 780 KB, 1186x1226, Screen Shot 2018-01-10 at 9.59.04 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the real flippining
>lock on 16
>fork date announced 16th
>founder just like trx is going to shill on twitter to normies
>easily 8k next time bitcoin crashes to 11k the flippning will happen
>pic releated

>> No.6223381


tfw when lightning will also implement privacy layers. all this FUD is hilarious

>> No.6223397

Who cares I don't even know what a block explorer is. Sounds lame.

>> No.6223449
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implying normies would understand that even if it were true.
these are the same normies that pumped a centralized unlimtied supply shit coin to 140b marketcap
dont underestimate normies when they fomo into the NEXT BITCOIN

>> No.6223508


>> No.6223568

If they don't fuck up somewhere I can see this overtaking that shitty grandpa dinosaur in a few years. They also want to add Segwit2x sometime after the release.

>> No.6223626

underrated post

>> No.6223717

I tried to actually buy something small with BTC over the break, I realized fees would nearly double the price. I'd be glad for the flippening at this point. Though the absolute best thing would be XRB becoming king because it's just the best currency coin.

>> No.6223838

its a centralized utility token not a currency idiot. god this normies are idiots these days

>> No.6224026


man btrash chinks are getting desperate.

i wonder how much money roger has spent so far to get twitter accounts and services to pump his shitcoin

>> No.6224071

I refuse to hold bch so I'm just all in ETH and enjoying the same gains

>> No.6224124

Made me check/10

>> No.6224302

thats funny and real pleasure to watch the segwit fork go down the tubes

>> No.6224358

XRB is the future.

>> No.6224386

How much Zcash do I need to get Bitcoin Private?
Already happy with my long holds in VEN , REQ, ETH and LINK. Shuld I free some up and get some Zcash?

>> No.6224410

Craig Wright on Ethereum and BCH scalability

BCH will be doing everything ETH does and more so dont wait to long


>> No.6224457
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>> No.6224522

bitcoin 1:1 ratio
Zclassic 1:1 ratio

bitcoin 15k each
zclassic 160 each

its still early the fork date hasnt even been announced but its expected to be forked by end of janurary therefore the forkdate is being speculated the 16th expect a 4x return easily end of month

>> No.6224549

You need to buy EGAS and hold it long term, it has huge potential. 13M Max supply and it costs pennies right now. Great concept and active twitter. mooncoin material.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6224561

One day the flippening will happen but it won't be because of Btrash.

>> No.6224585

most of the biztards have no idea this is the best investment. they are idiots do the opposite of what they say and dont miss out on the next bitcoin.

>> No.6224608

If this is the real flippening, why is nobody talking about it? And why is the price of ZCL stagnating so hard? Don't give me some pajeet BS excuse like "ahur whales accumulating"

>> No.6224655

Fake nd gay.

>> No.6224730
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>read white paper
>"sole purpose is being a high performance cryptocurrency"

>> No.6224818

100% ETH. Hitch on to the money skelly wagon.

>> No.6224878

Holy shit this is just like June/july. After alts skyrocketed, peaking in mid June, then the fork Fud started dragging down the entire market.

>> No.6224933

What happened then? Most anons just believe alt season will last forever and ever.

>> No.6225059

You just need to read Bitcoin's abstract to know that this is bullshit: the only thing that dictates what is Bitcoin is the consensus of the network, and Satoshi was very clear about that, 1-cpu-1-vote. Miners (95% of them) voted for SegWit and LN, and that's why Bitcoin adopted those technologies.

Bitcoin Cash is the biggest scam in crypto ever: they created this fork to double spend peoples money while telling you "Hey anon, this is Satoshi's vision lol", which is completely false obviously (Satoshi himself was against big blocks).

Even an idiot can understand consensus: the majority decides, with their hashing power, what they want. And they did. That's Bitcoin.

>> No.6225317

core keeps repeating the same mantra over and over but to many of us see thru the bull, bitcoin segwit is a fork the same as bitcoin cash only cash is more true to original vision.

>> No.6225467

Rick Falkvinge: Here's why I choose the Bitcoin Cash fork


>> No.6225601

Hold up, what happens if I'm holding my ZCL on an exchange like Bittrex?

>> No.6225654

Basically real bitcoin doesn't care about price action, they care about creating the best longterm solution and community consensus.

Bcash is a big money play/attack from wealthy individuals who want to control the coin. The way Cashies are focused on building FUD kind of show how myopic they are.

I'm not really on either side with my money, but I think many Bcash holders will catch a falling knife unfortunately.

>> No.6225704


>> No.6225711

Hahahha emotional traders getting rekt

>> No.6225758

BTC maximalists are so fucking bluepilled I can't wait to see the tears when the flippening happens.

>> No.6225792

Totally the best long term solution to have 50 dollar fees with 3 day waiting time.

Man I'm glad about #satoshisvision once this bloated shit called Bigcoin Legacy will be dead so it stops potentially killing the market.

>> No.6225850


What the fuck are these retards talking about. BTC is fulfilling the conditions of the whitepaper EXACTLY. The chain with the most Proof of Work is the canonical chain.

>> No.6225913

as a core supporter I understand we need Bitcoin Cash and their supporters on board of this crypto market. I'm not Bitcoin maximalist but core as will remain the main Bitcoin wallet for the forseable future. It's much worse for the crypto markets if bitcoin cash supporters lose their shit and exit for fiat cash or worse. united we stand divided we fall. I may even buy your coin someday.

Keep believing bcashies..

>> No.6225930
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Legacy fags are so delusional, they do not realize that nobody cares about anyones vision or whitepaper. The real world wants something that is usable and even more so, something that brings money.

>> No.6226016

>but core as will remain the main Bitcoin wallet for the forseable future
If you leave it too late I guarantee you will regret it. You might have a couple more bull runs left but the flippening will probably happen this year.

>> No.6226023
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>> No.6226045

Bittrex will most likely come out with an announcement saying they are supporting the fork expect a huge rise when that happens

>> No.6226060

best solution is layer 2 solutions and not giving into contentious hardforks with mining difficulty adjustments and insider trading meant to line the pockets of a few hodlers.

Best solution is the community's consensus to be reached and devs who are not centralized and care about the future utility, NOT today's price action.

Shows me how emotionally charged you are to blame the amrket dying soley on BTC. If I were to point out a single event that really kicked off the bearish trends, it'd be Bcash being listed on Coinbase.

Do you think constant paid shills and billionaires colluding together to FUD the most popular crypto currency is good for the market? No, it's not really good for anyone but people who hold ungodly amounts of BCash and want to see 10x profits.

>> No.6226210

>bargaining phase

>> No.6226219

fucking BLegacy shills

>> No.6226282

90% of hashpower for BCH comes from China idiot

>> No.6226333

Btc and Bcash are both trash but the arguments are hilarious

>> No.6226429

Not really. This market doesn't care abut the actual utility. Do you think everyone is buying Ripple because they want to use it?

The Bitcoin community though actually does (sometimes) care about its longterm viability, political implications, etc.

>> No.6226512
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I can't wait for the future where I can buy me a 63 dollar icrecream! 3 dollars for the icecream and 60 dollars for the fees, but fiat doesn't matter anyways!

>> No.6226514
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>You need 1mb blocks for 2nd layer solutions
>Only Blegacy can have 2nd layer solutions
>We need consensus. And by that I mean whatever blockstream supports
>Bitcoin Cash's 4 different teams are centralized, core's 1-company dominance on a github repo is not
>Coinbase shouldn't have been allowed to list coins I don't like
>100 bots and sockpuppets claiming "insider trading" means it actually happened
>Billionaires supporting your coin is a bad thing, we need our developer to have 2 teeth tops and beg for donations to fix his windows

>> No.6226542

>Do you think everyone is buying Ripple because they want to use it?
People are buying ripple because they believe the banks will be using it. Others are just riding the pump.

>> No.6227086

BCH will also need/get layer 2 solutions. Ironically it'll probably use LN. LN will be open to alot of cryptos that need to scale.

I never said Coinbase shouldn't list BCH, but if you can't see clear signs of insider trading then you can't be helped and will likely just keep believing what you want to.

The number of teams isn't really relevant when they're all on the same agenda. Atleast BTC's team disagree often. It's kind of like the GOP versus the DNC.. Dems often argue and disagree with each other on the right way to move forward when Reps usually come to a quick and easy consensus and work together marvelously well. As it stands now, the community found BCH fork to be contentious and they still do.

>> No.6227088

>personal attacks
>calls someone else emotional


OK THERE BUDDY everyone gonna listen to you

>> No.6227118

Idk Rick kinda makes sense, I'm fed up with 30-50$ transaction fees, I once made a slight mistake and all of a sudden paid 150$ in transaction fees for a 200$ transaction..

I don't know how a potential flip would affect the altcoin market, which is what concerns me most. But I'd like to be able to move around money without paying shittons of money.

I mean people are using fucking LiteCoin to move money quickly to then convert it to BTC to purchase alts, thats fucked up.

>> No.6227156

Get off my board you nigger

>> No.6227244

This year BCH will be able to handle 50k transactions a second.

>> No.6227284

hahaha it's almost like they're actually retarded

>> No.6227357

Wrong I'm afraid blegacy retard.


>> No.6227579

>Not knowing that Brian Armstrong is a big blocker
>Not reading the posts where coinbase announces that bch support will be live BEFORE 2018
I guess every non-retard is an insider now. Corekeks are beyond salvation

>> No.6227620

Both of you, fuck off. Get to the fucking point that is what actually works? You people shouting BTC v BCH are so fucking delusional.

BCH might be a contender for BTC name but honest to god if that even happens there's tons of coins more suitable for what it tries to accomplish. I'd rather switch to Ethereum and let BTC just die completely with all its pretentious hardforks.

>> No.6227747



>> No.6227755

Ether also has biggish fees right now though. And it's the ONLY pretender, none of the shitcoins can provide the PoW security of Bitcoin.
ETH will dominate the smart contract world and BCH will receive the merchant adoption. And there's no real competition, just shitcoins

>> No.6227778

Fuck me

Keep an eye on big news stations like CNN and FOX

If they report on this shit they'll call it the end of bitcoin and doomsay for week's about it, causing a huge normie panic that will crash BTC.

Hold on boys, a storm is coming.

>> No.6227815

no one uses that exploere you dumb BCASHfaggot.

>> No.6228082


You mean Bitcoin, not Legacy Bitcoin.

>> No.6228085
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>> No.6228107

They announced people would be given access to their BCH tokens AFAIK, not that it'd be available for trading (not that that isn't obvious). It doesn't take a genius to see that there was a runup in the hours before it was listed, and that whole ordeal could have been handled so much better and even had its insider trading window.

The point being, and that you're too emotional to read, is that that Coinbase doing that likely kicked off the bearish trend for the major coins. Atleast thats what the graphs all say. I'm making no judgements about it, but anyone saying BTC killed the market is just wrong.

>> No.6228217

When is this happening?

>> No.6228246


Bcash Legacy.

>> No.6228258

bitcoin cash will win.

>> No.6228318



>> No.6228379



>> No.6228444

bitcoin cash will have superior tech with extension blocks. it will eat the whole market

>> No.6228446



>> No.6228490

Bcashies on absolute suicide watch since Microsoft announced it was resuming bitcoin-denominated sales.

This little stunt on a literally-who? website means less than nothing to the serious money in crypto. Just another joke being played on the weak hands.

>> No.6228721




>> No.6229157

Fuck bleg

>> No.6229802

>Are altcoins about to get JUSTED aswell in the next few weeks?

yes since they are strongly correlated to BTC, at least until BTC dies and altcoins are free to assume their real value (lol their real value is zero)

>> No.6229845

>didn't change BTC or Bitcoin Cash

>> No.6229875

are you an idiot or something. its 160 with no exchanges supporting it yet and no fork date even announced. do the math and see that its still early but YOU'RE TOO MUCH OF AN IDIOT BUM TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS.

>> No.6230024
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>> No.6230413
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>> No.6230753

I can imagine you sitting there at your grimy PC shitting your diaper while typing your spastic posts

>> No.6230811

>If BCH shills really cared about speed and usability, they would be shilling literally ANY crypto made during the last year, since they're technologically superior to BCH in every single way.
>But they don't.
>Because the HURR DURR MUH SPEED AND TRANSACTIONS aren't actually something they care about.
Wrong, they do "shill" other cryptos.
>people don't care about fees and conifirmation times
Open yoiur eyes, step away from 4chan for an hour, and go read some other websites. Nobody besides deluded bitcoin faggots LIKE the $50 fees, they are grasping at anything they can right now, the only thing bitcoin has going for it AT ALL is its first mover advantage. What good is a store of value when you lose a decent portion of your stack when you move it? There are a huge amount of bitcoin wallets right now that have a smaller balance than the amount of fees it would require to actually move the bitcoin off the wallet.

BCH is simply a reaction to blockstream taking over BTC, going against Satoshi's will by refusing to implement bigger blocks. Have fun when the CIA/NSA run lightning network nodes and you pay to put your bitcoin into their channel.

>> No.6230901

You mean my iPad Pro.

>> No.6231046

Inspect element, you bitch

>> No.6231069

What's an iPad Pro?

>> No.6231213

>BCH will also need/get layer 2 solutions. Ironically it'll probably use LN. LN will be open to alot of cryptos that need to scale.

>I never said Coinbase shouldn't list BCH, but if you can't see clear signs of insider trading then you can't be helped and will likely just keep believing what you want to.
You don't even know what the term insider trading means.

>The number of teams isn't really relevant when they're all on the same agenda
They're not all on the same agenda, blockstream is owned by AXA and the bilderberger group.

>> No.6231330

>"durr youre delusional andannoying"
>contribute nothing at all
worthless shitpost

>> No.6231341

Last time it failed because of DDOS on exchanges. Bcash play dirty, but it"s within the rules...DDOS is cheating.

>> No.6231378

3 months max

>> No.6231610

thanks but don't call me max

>> No.6231671

>Pointing out 8 logical fallacies in your 4 sentences is being emotional
>Assuming that coinbase will only allow withdrawals when their CEO is the most popular Big-blocker after Roger Very is not retarded
I'm actually having fun with you, halfwits

>> No.6231682


>> No.6231855

Best technology on the market.

>> No.6232412

Is it on bittrex?