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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 250x250, eth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6206547 No.6206547 [Reply] [Original]

It isn't too late yet.

Get in while you still have a shot, /BIZ/. This is a long term hold. Learning Ether Delta is totally worth it for this...if you aren't confident, please watch this video:


Everyone's portfolios are looking like trash and UFR is the only thing keeping a lot of us in the green...it only goes up from here, and it's a long-term project with major potential for widespread use. FOMO buys will be very real.

>> No.6206587

WISH, PFR, ODN, NEBL green too.

>> No.6206790
File: 114 KB, 500x500, catss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFR at this price, in this market, is free money. Stayed up after everything crashed. Also DBFZ is almost here. Pic related

>> No.6206829
File: 112 KB, 725x542, uf-girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

havent sen this coin before

>> No.6207362

Hasn't it mooned already?

>> No.6207554

there has been a moon, but the alpha product hasn’t even been released yet and it’s still only on cryptopia and etherdelta, and it’s marketcap is only 40mil, so there’s still so much more room to go up

>> No.6208024
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I'm 3-5x already and we haven't even started. This is just an infant stage of the coin. I mean if you don't have a cryptopia account the only way you can get it right not is from this god awful exchange etherdelta. Once we hit new exchange in 9 days this is going to explode. Also alpha release is scheduled to Q1. I think this coin could easily hit 5$ eom

>> No.6208220
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>> No.6208325

>buy this coin at ATH
I don't know anon

>> No.6208677


YO THANKS FOR IT! I just bought a whole bunch of UFR! Sitting on it like a damn nice hodler, real gentleman!

BUY BUY BUY, it is going total moon!! GETTING RICH!

Upfiring FTW!


>> No.6208837
File: 48 KB, 450x441, upper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get it while it's still low anons UFR is going to the moon, just keep hodling

>> No.6208998

I believe in the project , UFR will moon in Feb .Get in while you can .

>> No.6209068


I bought at ATH 2 days ago and I'm up 2x

>> No.6209109

SHit will be $5 eom at least screencap this. Will be on put on a big exchange soon too, no more cryptopia bs

>> No.6209527

UFRs team is exceptional, their whitepaper is solid, roadmap is laid out and they haven't missed a goal. It's rare to get a team working this hard on a solid project without missing deadlines. Not surprised it has been blowing up lately.

>> No.6209687
File: 42 KB, 294x450, ufr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are still huge gains to be made from this, this coin WILL reach $10 very soon.

The alpha has not been released yet, its still not on a major exchange. This coin has got a long way to go. Hodl on for this moon mission

PS. It just had a small dip, so buy in now while coins are cheap

>> No.6209819
File: 124 KB, 605x190, Screen Shot 2018-01-09 at 9.45.52 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is a shitcoin compared to Audiocoin. They even released Bjorks newest album and will do a press release about a partnership with a major music label.

Not to mention that that already have a working product for months, real artists/musicians, small market cap one of the largest music studio and equipment sales companies in the world.

Supported by Resetera >>6202164 → →

Get in now or you'll miss a legit 50x

Price is 140 satoshi

>> No.6209917

Out of my 23 holds UFR and eth is the only thing in the green, UFR just keeps on mooning day after day!!!!

>> No.6209965
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>Not holding Ven


>> No.6209976

Cap was 20m a few days ago, its still early to get in

>> No.6210016
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>> No.6210018

This coin gets shilled a lot but man it sure keeps going up since I bought it.... tempted to buy more now......

>> No.6210052
File: 13 KB, 304x301, cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$10 end of month, screencap this

>> No.6210115

>decentralized paid torrenting
>will revolutionize the file sharing market
>probably 100x within the year.

>> No.6210461

One of the best shillz here on /biz/

It's making me money while everything else is crashing. best pick 2018!

>> No.6210614

Can agree, thought that UFR was a bit weird at first but I got in at 1.20 for a gamble and it paid off. It’s the real deal and I put more in at 2.20.

>> No.6210650

repeat after me, I will not FOMO into a pump

>> No.6210747

Lol you might have ufr, but i am on the ark. Cuck yourselves boys

>> No.6210786
File: 507 KB, 1070x601, ENDS TONIGHT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6210795


I FOMO'd my ass right into a rocketship my dude

>> No.6210806

EGAS has a 13 mil max coin supply and the price is sub 10cents right now. Even if it turns out to be a scamcoin it will definitely get pumped to $1 before then and that will only put it at 13m market cap.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6210810

thanks just bought another 10k link

>> No.6210832
File: 128 KB, 530x600, homer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah man, turns out /biz/ memes are some of the best market predictors on the planet.

>> No.6210865

UFR is going to the fucking moon. Do you really want to be kicking yourself when this hits $10?

>> No.6210921

Is it really worth buying at 19k sat? I've been thinking of buying more UFR or DGB, just because I really believe in DGB. But if UFR gives more gains, thats what I need atm.

>> No.6210922
File: 319 KB, 750x1334, ufr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my portfolio, without UFR i would be screwed right now.

>> No.6210942

Realistically what price could this hit? When are they releasing their product?
I can't buy any until later today

>> No.6210958

Another shill coin that has already left for moon. There's no point in investing now since no one will be talking about it anymore n a few days. Just the early guys trying to maximise their value.

>> No.6211083
File: 25 KB, 414x414, shill1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No lie, I was skeptical of another P&D at first, but I fomo'd during the pump a couple days back and I'm already +50% on my investment.

Pretty sure we're playing with fire; Upfire!

>> No.6211139

it's too late faggot, kill yourself

>> No.6211161

well at some point its going to end and those who invested last will get burned, lets hope you're near the bottom

>> No.6211236

I don't think so. The mcap is still deliriously low, and I suspect that with the big dip this is going to rocket up with the rest of them. 2x EOW would be very likely.

>> No.6211325
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>> No.6211343
File: 164 KB, 363x251, shill2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you on the moon, my sicko. I have a lot of faith in this one. File sharing has been garbage for so long, and UFR is going to fix that.

>> No.6211360

Personally, thinking UFR is gonna hit an ATH of $10-$12. Coin has a lot of promise, but dont hold when it reaches that price imo.

>> No.6211431

Just sold 1200 XRB for this, you better be right biz

>> No.6211699

mcap still below 50MM

every currecny has to hit 100x before it gets to 1000x and beyond, you're not too late

>> No.6211792

wow this shill operation went big.. good job shilling this trash to a 50m cap lmao seriously

sad thing is 95% of this thread is shillers still

>> No.6211800

Let the people who don't get on the UFR train stay poor, fuck em.

>> No.6211847


>> No.6211875

>Everyone's portfolios are looking like trash and UFR is the only thing keeping a lot of us in the green

My thoughts exactly. You really have to consider what a coin is capable of if it can stand its ground while even the kings are getting slammed.

>> No.6212042
File: 955 KB, 1588x1056, hulkfiring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just put ANOTHER 1btc into UFR. I truly believe upfiring is gonna continue this crazy rally. Look what its doing in the current market environment. We've all been in crypto for a while to know that everything will bounce back in a few days. Can you imagine what will happen to ufr then? And then when cryptopia reopens registrations? This shit basically sells itself.

>> No.6212045
File: 74 KB, 750x755, 33'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, UFR will go up at least 3x

>> No.6212093
File: 12 KB, 409x45, New Bitmap Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shillers who are up 702% in the past week

>> No.6212365 [DELETED] 

The discord pump group that is unstoppable,

https://discord dot gg/JWWn6Qr

>> No.6212732

Fuck plz help
I cannot add custom tokens on MEW for UFR but it shows I have it on etherscan


Ahhhhhhhh halp

>> No.6212790

Is it too risky moving PFR to this for the gains then going back? I'm down about 15% since I bought near ATH and want to cover my losses, but afraid it'll moon once I get out

>> No.6212858

ahh dw i just got it working dw i tried it via etherscan rather than ethplorere phew had me worried for a bit

>> No.6213063

Cryptopia's registration is down so I had to buy UFR through etherdelta yesterday. It felt like pulling teeth, but its green and the rest of my portfolio is bleeding

>> No.6213310

Buy in and you wont regret it:))

>> No.6213366

I think i didn't buy enough but with the little i have i've seen great gains!

>> No.6213421

Can this 10x in a month or two?

>> No.6213460

I luv this fkn coin

>> No.6213506

yep just look at the market cap, plenty of room to grow

>> No.6213678

ATH will most likely be $12-15. This thing is a money train.

>> No.6213718


>> No.6213792

If UFR is getting sneaky shilled (in post no threads) then its a BUY

But if its shilled 5x thread per hour, its a SELL

Thanks just sold 100k

>> No.6213832

Yeah this is a PnD.

>> No.6213888

Shill me on this coin. Whats the business model.

>> No.6213925


Yeah easily, take a look at the white paper. UFR is tackling the P2P file sharing using blockchain. It has potential to actually be used unlike most other coins.

It's not even in the top 300 coins by market cap so there is plenty of room to grow

>> No.6214039

YO THANKS FOR IT! I just bought a whole bunch of UFR! Sitting on it like a damn nice hodler, real gentleman!

BUY BUY BUY, it is going total moon!! GETTING RICH!

Upfiring FTW!


>> No.6214089

These people dont understand that this is a scam coin, there is no team, no project, no roadmap NOTHING. Its just pure FOMO

>> No.6214140


>> No.6214503


If I had listened to these fucking shills at Christmas and went all-in on their deepbrain shitcoin I would be up 8x as of today.

Turning $1000 into $8000 is pretty good for browsing fucking 4chan and getting shilled hard by lowcap balloon-holders