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6187998 No.6187998 [Reply] [Original]

Something is wrong. Too many of us are making way too much money too easily.

This is the part before the crash right? We’re not supposed to all easily make shitload of money, right?

I mean, I know the exchanges are overloaded and have to delay new registration which is a good sign. But, when we’re all just making boatload of money easily. Something is not right.

Is this the invasion of normiendy that biz kept taking about back in May? They always said the normies are coming, the normies are coming.

I’m concerned bros.

>> No.6188238
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nah... all seems fine to me.

>> No.6188490

ask how much money are making those who fomo'd btc @ 20k
who fomo'd XLM at 0.9
who fomod meme tron at idk which price
who fomod xrp at 3$
if you werent in those apart from btc witness the wealth transfer from these to ETH and then to other solid coins.

>> No.6188573

There's a fuckload of money in this world. Crypto is just a babby market plenty of room to grow into the trillions

>> No.6188626


Did you read the thread from the Blockfolio dev the other week? They released some interesting stats. Only 51% of their users make a profit. Not EVERYONE is making money. I think its highly likely that most of Biz is turning quite a nice profit be we're just a small percentage of the whole crypto market. Jack & Jill next door who just started trading probably arent doing too hot.

>> No.6188702

wealth transfer from normies to us. just relax my dude. dont think too much, and enjoy the ride. dont sell. its just numbers on your computer screen anyways. dont be a nocoiner, or you will be very sad later on

>> No.6188792

btc had a 45% pullback and has then been going between 13-16k ever since and you still think were in a bubble

i want the boomers to leave

>> No.6188874


There are so many vaporware and scam projects and there has been so much normie hype about shit that is worthless (XRP) that there can be no doubt that we're in a bubble. But that doesn't matter.

>> No.6188920

>We’re not supposed to all easily make shitload of money, right?
i think you're underestimating the amount of newfags and brainlets in this market

>> No.6188947

This is exactly the problem. The money you're making has to be coming from somewhere - and it's coming from the people who buy in way too high and sell it to the ones who bought in low.

I am really worried to be honest. This seems to be like the masses are running over crypto, losing a lot of money, and then fuck off again, but leaving the entire market in a terrible state in the process..

>> No.6188957

Nah, everything's fine. For everyone making money, there's someone losing money. That someone is me.

>> No.6189010

How is it even possible for that many people to lose money in this market

>> No.6189013
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I have the same concerns but at the same time crypto needs to 1,000x the total marketcap to come close to the dotcom bubble.
I'm cashing out $100k at the next BTC ATH just so I don't have to go back to being broke if it all comes crashing down.

>> No.6189039


Shitcoin isn't getting to $19k again

>> No.6189151
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All the wealth in crypto will end up Pareto distributed eventually (meaing a small set of people control almost all of the wealth). It's how it always works out in systems like this. It doesn't matter what the starting conditions are (this is important to understand). Many people on /biz/ are going to be part of that minority for sure, but far from all.

>> No.6189157

A lot of people seem to get burned on trades, they just keep quiet or lie about it in most cases. The market is too good now to want to stop though. We'll reach a peak at some point, but I hope this is not it.

>> No.6189169

You're right. It's going to jump completely over $19k and go straight to 20k.

>> No.6189219

>Something is wrong. Too many of us are making way too much money too easily.

>This is the part before the crash right? We’re not supposed to all easily make shitload of money, right?

>I mean, I know the exchanges are overloaded and have to delay new registration which is a good sign. But, when we’re all just making boatload of money easily. Something is not right.

No shit, the altmarket is 30x too bloated. You fucking idiots pumped 80 billion into a piece of shit that will never serve a purpose for the consumers (ripple).

Alts will go down, money will flow back to classics and some couple chosen pieces that actually serve a function.

>> No.6189233

it's going way past that nig

>> No.6189247
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Relax, we're all gonna be millionaires by the end of the year

>> No.6189256

sounds to me like youd prefer communism and centralization over crypto. may i suggest just fucking off and cashing out, then?

i think that faggot warren buffet once said about the stock market, "investing is a transfer from the impatient to the patient".
crypto is no different.

tldr; git gud

>> No.6189280

The question is when. Having a solid hodling on BTC ETH and LTC is crucial

>> No.6189286
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Thanks anon, we couldn't do this without people like you. Remember, buy high, sell low.

>> No.6189295

and thats a good thing

when it has 20% market share it can die in peace without taking the market with it

>> No.6189322


no, it needs to 3-5x. Where the fuck did you get this 1000 figure you illiterate cuck

>> No.6189332
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Retail investors still aren't in. If the stock market run ends, even more institutional money will pour in. We're not close to being done.

>> No.6189350

>Too many of us are making way too much money too easily.
Unrealized gains that will be lost when the market changes back to bitcoin.

>> No.6189357

This already happened earlier this year, you can see it on the charts.

The sentiment on biz was exactly the same, people with crazy vertical graphs on their blockfolios and people asking how it's so easy.

Then it peaked and started it's slow decline, blockfolios showed red numbers and the board was covered with pink wojaks.

It will happen again soon so remember to take profits at some point.

>> No.6189367

That thread was a troll. You should have stayed to the end, he admitted it himself. I wish I had the screencaps.

>> No.6189371

I'm concerned as well and gathering my things for a quick exit...we'll have time to get out. The signs will be there. Or are they already here. Fuck

>> No.6189375

can you link to that thread? I've always wondered how much information blockfolio was getting from us.

>> No.6189392

>I am really worried to be honest. This seems to be like the masses are running over crypto, losing a lot of money, and then fuck off again, but leaving the entire market in a terrible state in the process..

that is what any market is where someone makes a profit. it is zero-sum (your gains equal someone else's losses). it is not win-win. we don't "all get rich" or "all make it bros" - that is propaganda.

the majority get screwed and scammed. i mean some poor Indian sucker bought DGB at 2600 sats. that's why the SEC is gonna regulate the fuck out of it and crypto will crash irrevocably.

>> No.6189395

1000x? Another math expert. Dot com was around 7 trillions. So try 10x lmao.

>> No.6189445

I see you saw that bubble infographic on ZH too. The cryptobubble is so small, very comfy.

>> No.6189452

Because for every buyer there’s a seller?

>> No.6189461

This is perspective. I have to remind myself that even at current levels the total market cap is a drop in the bucket.

>> No.6189473
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Too much truth... can't... handle it

>> No.6189479


ooooo scary, I am so threatened by your "store of value" coin. it is in fact so good at storing your value that with enough demand you can't even move your value around for days!

inb4 you faggots try to defend bitcoin's flaws as being "a feature"

>> No.6189546
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My mistake, I didn't realize crypto was already in the hundreds of billions. I haven't been paying much attention to the total marketcap for awhile.
Now I'm really scared.

>> No.6189548

Well not every person who puts money into a slot machine will end up winning. Similar to a form of gambling, but also not. Requires a bit more knowledge on actually doing shit vs. pulling a lever (which most of the normies end up doing when they FOMO buy XRP at $3.25)

>> No.6189570

>The money you're making has to be coming from somewhere
Get off this board. Nothing has value if people don't agree it has value. People agree magic internet money has value, henceforth nobody loses until society decides it doesn't have value anymore.

>> No.6189582


It's nowhere near the truth. That is someone who doesn't understand the concept of wealth and its creation. Pay no attention to fools like that.

>> No.6189630

However shit BTC may be that doesn't stop it from being the main trading pair on most exchanges.

When it rises alts bleed, regardless of its utility.

>> No.6189667

Yeah man I get that, but just from my intuition it seems like you could pick any 5 coins in the top 50 and make gains if you just held for a month. Is that wrong?

>> No.6189694


Kodak announced they're doing a coin and their STOCK jumped 117% TODAY.

There is SO MUCH normie money DESPERATE to get into crypto, and the exchange lock down is keeping the firehose from going full blast which just means more and more pressure building up.

And for every person who is holding tron or ripple bags, there's a few more who just made bank on siacoin or whatever shitcoin mooned this month. As long as there is massive movement in the market there will be massive investment.

>> No.6189703

I'm a normy. But It has been my calling. I'll be here after the crash with new money.

>> No.6189753

Why don't you just open up a few charts and click the '1D' button.

Ripple is a particularly good example of 'alt season' in effect.

>> No.6189807


The vastttttt manority is peolle aren’t.

This wallstreet in the 80s.

We make our millions while we can - we hodl that cash and set ourselves up for the future.

>> No.6189856

>Too many of us are making way too much money too easily.

I've made like $50 in a week.

Everything you fags say will go up tomorrow doesn't go up tomorrow.

>> No.6189888


btc pair trading volume has been declining steadily over past 30 days. Also, decentralized exchanges will replace centralized ones anyway when ethereum scales and can handle it. Best of luck anon, and if I were you I would stop thinking in those infinite/constant ways. Super dangerous to assume that bitcoin will forever have a certain relationship with alts

>> No.6189891

>he thinks the government could regulate crypto even if it wanted to

>> No.6189960

lol what? how is it untrue. if you want to make a profit you sell to a buyer, and most likely the buyer will get screwed

>> No.6189975
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>> No.6190038

Looking at the monthly increase, everything's green as fuck. Are 50% of people day trading and panic selling at a loss?

>> No.6190082

If you look at historical trade volumes they are actually relatively low during the BTC moon mission. So a relatively small number of idiots created the moon while the majority of the available BTC on the market is held by people who obtained it for 3 and 4 digit sums of money. Anybody who bought in past that is an idiot and is just getting shaken down by all the whales.

>> No.6190179

that's why i just sold through local bitcoin, now i sit back and watch the crash (bitcoin 5k in a week)

>> No.6190257

To me kinda it seems like every individual coin moons once a week and then goes down and stays down for a whole week. I try to do some day trading during the day and make a few extra dollars, and I usually succeed, then I try to park my coins in a safe coin that shouldn't have reason to go down overnight and then it does anyway and then im stuck with baggage. Repeat.

>> No.6190594

Maybe I'm getting lucky. I've been in for a few months and only recently IOTA has become a bag. Up until now, every coin has netted me profits. I don't consider myself that informed on crypto, so I figured everyone should be doing the same or better than me with their earnings. To think that people are actually making a loss is confusing because the gains have come so easily for me

>> No.6190645

Haha I fucking hope dude except I didn't cash out I'll just add more

>> No.6190824

People like you, that post/mentality, is why I'm holding bitcoin. If everyone thought it was a good idea I'd know I was definitely wrong

>> No.6190892
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by 4chan standards I might be a normie

>> No.6190907

you should be. if gemini would fucking verify me i'd drop way more fiat fuck

>> No.6191018

nah, this is just what life was before millennials and gen z got the shaft. If anything, you should be demanding more.

>> No.6191052



imagine getting into the dot com boom right when it started

for crypto it really hasn't even started until your grandmother starts mortgaging her house and everyone at work is yapping about justin sungofuckyourself and sir gay linkbutt

>> No.6191150

The reason to hold BTC is volume. Imagine you buy 1 BTC of some shitcoin @ 1 sato and it moons to 50 sato, great but now you need 50 BTC worth of buys to be able to sell.
Now imagine you are an investment firm and want to throw $50m at a coin and sell when it 4x, now you need $200m worth of buys, BTC is the only option for true whales.

>> No.6191220
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Yes, but WHEN

>> No.6191393

it's the only way it can work, bryh

>> No.6191464

Biased perception. Not everyone is doing money. A lot of people out there just spending some on shit which is at some point not profitable. And sell at a loss and/or are daytrading. People think buying a coin and making a bubble is just like watering a plant. But that's just plain wrong. You have to read the signs and listen to your stomache. For many it's sink or swim.

And regarding the bubble - I don't think we have to think about a bubble right now. Australien housemarket is "in a bubble" for 20+ years, real estate in Germany is in a bubble, ... every year people are classifying bubbles and predicting the worst case scenarios. It might come down to an end - but not too soon. For that the technology and the gambling on these technologies (some fail, remain or whatever) are just too strong. The blockchain won't vanish over night.

>> No.6191491

it was going well until the end
good try, buddy

>> No.6191804

sir are you the one who told me to buy dgb, what is your name sir

>> No.6191889

You are literally in a bubble. A bubble is not a rise and crash, it is something that is unsustainable. This growth is literally unsustainable. HOWEVER, if you're looking at a bell curve, we are about HALF WAY up to the peak. This isn't the end. Higher tier normies have literally been in for TWO MONTHS at best. Regular normies will get in around may, it will peak around December when normies panic sell any dip because holidays. THEN you will see the crash, slowly into 2019. Culminating at the end of 2019. It won't make the market go away, it will settle it. Housing didn't go away. Internet companies didn't go away. This is the FIRST bubble in many bubbles. Ride each bubble for 1-2 years. Cash out. Wait for the next. Normies haven't even begun to pump their money into this market yet. It's not done. You have to burn the normies a couple of times each, and then they pull out. You better pull out before them. Doom and gloom about the market is for morons who haven't lived through these exact scenarios many times over. Take it from an old fag. You have about 1 year left, maybe 2 since it's world wide, and THEN you will see the real down turn.

>> No.6191983

Poor people pretending to be Gordon Gecco can never be underestimated for their panic. They see the rent money gone, but they were promised lambos. Better to lose half than all. People are weak. And they think ANY down turn = going to 0. Look at the panic sell of XRP since the removal of SK.

>> No.6192063

Do some adjustment for inflation. Its around 60%. So 16x.

>> No.6192138
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yup time for the big crash, BUY BYE gainz. All these normalfags are about to experience some serious JUST

>> No.6192171

how do we evolve from normies? Church and Jesus.

>> No.6192180

Buying at ATH is how you lose money in this market.

The ones got into crypto during the last global pump; buying close to ATH; are the ones who will be losing money if they keep chasing the next pump.

A common misconception some of you have is that everytime someone makes money, someone loses. False, you guys know how easy it is to pup a coin to ATH when you have deep pockets? You just buy up all the sell orders up to a certain price and then keep buying/selling to yourself at that price. At that point, "everyone is making money".

Since the market cap of a coin is so speculative, people now accept this new ATH and start trading around this point unless it get's dumped.

The price is only relative to how many people bought close to that price and refuse to lose money. So they hold.


>> No.6192198


How much did you make in crypto?

>> No.6192644

I like my ID so I'll continue my rant.

1. Whales pump alts
2. Whales trade alts for btc/eth
3. Whales cashout
4. Market crashes
5. Rinse and repeat

This is how they make money. Following the pattern is how YOU make money.

It doesn't matter what the hell happens with your coins until you cashout.

The only ones who lose money in this market are gonna be the ones who never cashed out shit.

I'm at 20K right now and can't wait to have enough to justify cashing out.

>> No.6192863

Blockfolio spies on its users' data? Holy fuck, glad I only use it as a watch app for prices and dont input any numbers of coins i own.

>> No.6193184

Old fag in age that has been through a ton of these bubbles. But I'm up 500% from mid term holds. This week has wiped out a lot. I have other investments and work. Don't have all day to swing trade.

>> No.6193298

You need normies. They pump up the market and get businesses off the ground. It's a common cycle. New tech is quickly replaced by better (see bitcoin and literally everything else) tech. New markets EXPLODE then crash to a realistic level. Then GOOD companies come and you make moon gains off the them, not the whole market. With bull and bear years inbetween. Literally nothing you guys are seeing is new. This has all happened before. Just WHAT is being bought/sold is new.

>> No.6193304

a lot of people are LOSING money, so its coming from somewhere

>> No.6193395


Why is it so easy to spot the newfags who only learned about crypto last year but think their opinions have merit?

>> No.6193411

I’m not making shit

>> No.6193441

Unless you buy ATH with ETH - at least for now.

Many coins make ATH, pull back then go back above that point. Look at fundamentals and you will see which ones go against that pattern.

People like to talk about bubbles but just like the dotcom bubble, there were legitimate winners in that game - sure they pulled back, but they went on to ATH's after that.

Many died so don't be that faggot who looks at low use/low service coins/tokens as something that can get you around the bubble.

Question yourself - who offers a legitimate service that solves a need now and in the future. WHen you can answer that question, you can start looking for the gems that ARE out there right now.

ETH is a legitimate contender - it has issues but it also has strength with developers and vitalik as a leader. Money skelly offers a unique wildcard in this arena of greed: he doesn't care about money and that gives him power in unseen ways.

Be careful but do not be afraid.

>> No.6193583

All coins and tech are inherently worthless

Blockchain offers nothing, it’s a solution to a problem no one had

>> No.6193675

>it is zero-sum
You're so wrong and it's very clear you have no idea what you're talking about.

Imagine a cryptocurrency that moons and then plateaus. Everyone who bought in before the moon wins, and everyone who buys and sells the currency as it goes sideways don't lose nearly as much as the people who bought before it mooned. Ergo, it's not zero sum.

>> No.6193737
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If the buyer was getting screwed he wouldn't agree to the consensual transaction. Do you get screwed when you go buy a hamburger from McDonalds? You lost money right?

>> No.6193771

You can say that it is over inflated by don't be retarded and say that it is worthless. Being able to send money to anyone at anytime is valuable.

>> No.6193903


Yeah that's about the shape of it, I think.

>> No.6193975

Ever used Venmo?

>> No.6193997

That was a LARP thread retard the guy even admitted it at the end

>> No.6194018

>implying xlm won't break 0.9'again
Who cares, every alt will recover eventually even digibyte
You just have to wait. This is a Ponzi where everyone wins. ICOs are a great example, you buy em ico and sell after a x10 the the guy who buys gets his x10 too. Everyone wins!

>> No.6194027

But they are though. Everyone I know, knows about bitcoin and crypto. And half the males I know buy/trade it.

>> No.6194140

>my experience is everyones
At my work two other guys just today asked about how to trade crypto, and they aren't morons. The morons haven't even begun to flood the market yet. You guys aren't old enough to remember the dot com boom well. This thing is literally the exact same. It lasted 5 years. At best, we're 12 months into this boom.

>> No.6194317

I can't believe people believe anything they read on 4chan lmao

>> No.6194352
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Holy fuck then we’re gonna be rich. Thank you based oldfag.

>> No.6194416
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>nah, this is just what life was before millennials and gen z got the shaft. If anything, you should be demanding more.
Do you remember all the envious "fucking Baby Boomers"-threats we had here before crypto took off? This is just our fair share of the deal. They got Baby-Mode on finding jobs, building comfy homes and multi-decade stock bull markets and we get baby mode on crypto gains.

>> No.6194423


Yes buying ATH doesn't necessarily make you lose money.

Of course there are gems right now. Of course there are going to other Eths, Anthshares, Raiblocks, TRX, etc

Though 3.8B didn't get dumped into Raiblocks. Whales bought at ATL and pumped the fuck up to make big bucks.

I feel like there is a huge difference between the dot com bubble and crypto right now.

The dot com bubble happened because people where throwing money at it.

I feel like a ton of people underestimate the weight and control that the whales have on the global cryptomarket. Prices are decided by whales and driven by bots. This is the scariest part for me.

There were no such things during the dot com bubble, and I think it will be the reason why the market will crash sooner than expected.

Still, I wish us all to make it and cash out more than invested before then

>> No.6194469

But someone sold the amount you bought pre-moon
And to make a profit, someone has to buy your amount post-moon
Really cooks the noodle

>> No.6194545
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This is the best advice on this thread, anon knows his shit. Thanks for posting.

>> No.6194665
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>they just keep quiet or lie about it in most cases
Try and start a good thread during an alt-crash. A few honest people will say "yeah I'm behind 15k" or something like that. But the overwhelming majority of shitlords on here will claim they did some miraculous trades and are still in the green and therefore have doubled their money.
I don't believe any of them lol

>> No.6194707


> selling with profits but not ath is losing money

If the price stays at the post moon price, who's losing money fiat-wise? No one.

>> No.6194725

Hell yeah, right on, anon! Keep FOMOing, you make this market possible

>> No.6194808

I will be, I don't know about the rest of you.
Oh, and Litecoin is going to 1k by the end of Feb

>> No.6194849

Don't forget, diminishing returns. You're starting to see it now. It's slow. It will get harder and harder to find 10x gains in a month. They will be there but less and less every month. You guys REALLY need to learn about stop losses and fast. Don't be ashamed to cut cords at 10% downturns. It sucks when you look at what COULD HAVE happened. Sucks even more to lose your money on weeks like this week.

>> No.6194860

Whoever was dumb enough to buy your bags with BTC when it inevitably crashes, or if BTC moons again, or obviously if BTC itself crashes

>> No.6194949
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All of you faggots are in the beginning. Just remember, Goldman Sachs is opening up a crypto trading desk this year.

Lots of new money is going to pour in, you watch, faggots.

>> No.6194961


>everyone who didnt absolutely maximize profits means its zero sum


crypto keeps going up because the HODL meme has been so successful. It's only zero sum when everyone decides to cash out, and that wont happen until supply exceeds demand... and judging by the fact that normies are trampling over each other to get verified for exchanges i'd say we're nowhere near short on demand.

>> No.6195037
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>I feel like a ton of people underestimate the weight and control that the whales have on the global cryptomarket. Prices are decided by whales and driven by bots. This is the scariest part for me.
>There were no such things during the dot com bubble
What are banks??
During dot com boom they literally had their hands on all IPO's and could steer more or less everything because to do IPO's you had to go through them. They controlled crowd exposure and who got what shares at the beginning and most buys or sells also went directly through them or their desks because DMA brokers were not common back then.

>> No.6195138

yeah i think that effect is called "most people act retardedly or are actually retarded"

Thanks for the dosh

although to be fair, i weak handed some fine gentleman 40k ODN at 4400 sats. Still made about 1 btc off the pump, but damn. thought i was gonna have a couple days to get back in.

>> No.6195252

People also forget crypto is more global than the dot com era. Any rich Saudi or poor pajeet can throw money into this.

>> No.6195302

its only a bubble when nobody thinks its a bubble.

as long as enough people are mindful, it won't pop.

>> No.6195332


Very well said in 3 sentences.

Marketcap only keeps going up because of the holders waiting for a new ath

If everyone 2x-3x-4x-10x every major pump like the last one, how long till too many people try cashing out at the same time?

>> No.6195491

>do you get screwed when you buy a (((hamburger))) from McDonalds
Why yes, anon, yes you do.

perfect analogy, since so many people are buying imitation cryptocurrencies these days

>> No.6195493

What is Kyber Network

>> No.6195518

not everyone is making money. its a zero same game

for every winner there is a loser

>> No.6195540

Dotcom bubble was 7 trillion adjusted foir inflation it's around 11 trillion also wasn't it harder to invest in dot com companies vs crypto companies?

>> No.6195556

True that thanks

>> No.6195564

mcdonalds employs people whose sole job is to create value for mcdonalds through labour, i.e. hamburgers.

most cryptocurrencies actually serve no purpose whatsoever. at best, they are workable proof of concepts with no real-world use yet, at worst they are scams meant to fool people into buying coins.

since there is little to no real value created within the crypto market, the money you earn from a coin literally comes from the pocket of the next sucker that bought the coin at a higher price. it's a game of hot potato.

>> No.6195606


Fair enough. Didn't know this.

Still, trading bots are scary with this market's high volatility. I'm pretty sure we saw a glimpse yesterday, when CMC removed the KRW paires from the listings.

>> No.6195608

Except that people haven't pulled out of the market yet. What you say is only true if everything eventually goes to zero which it wont.

>> No.6195666

most coins will go to zero, tho.

>> No.6195703

its really a perfect storm. the hype, the market cap illusion, the hassle and fees of going between crypto and fiat, the tax waiting for you when you decide to cash out. All this stuff is keeping money flowing into the system and staying in it.

>> No.6195729

No and besides they haven't yet so you can't claim that for every winner there is a loser. People can't be losing yet if everything is going up.

>> No.6195768

the losers are boomers still sitting in fiat

>> No.6195818


dotcom was also more of a US/western world thing while crypto is global

>> No.6195918

Do you think wealth is just created out of thin air? If everything is going up is because people keep buying and buying.

>> No.6195958

This is why i hold 20% btc still. Ppl dont know what it means for a king to get toppled.

>> No.6196036

but no one has won anything yet. it is when you cash out that you make the person next to you lost a little bit of money, idiot.

>> No.6196116

i mean, you'd think they'd be a lot smarter to figure out that exchanges are tailor made to retain money in the system.

btc crashes and coinbase magically stops working, how cool is that huh?

>> No.6196142
File: 97 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180103-103154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U underestimate xrp, xvg, trx bagholders. Yes i know xvg comeback with wraith. Wait 2 weeks.

>> No.6196197

It's not a zero sum game because 1 more value can be added to the system at any time and 2 there will always be buyers who want something when they think it is undervalued. People will always have their value stored on something.

>> No.6196218

2 yrs, not 5. But ur line of reasoning is same as mine. Get out when uve had your fill.

>> No.6196240

You can't just take your wealth out of the game while still having access to it.

>> No.6196308

while the dotcom bubble indeed was fairly larger when it crashed, the sec can come in at any second at end the game, precisely because the dotcom bubble was a thing that happened.

don't you think financial institutions should be a bit more saavy now than they were decades ago?

>> No.6196368

>You're starting to see it now. It's slow. It will get harder and harder to find 10x gains in a month
I think it'll get easier and easier, actually.

I also think it'll become harder and harder to turn your crypto earnings into fiat.

>> No.6196429


read my other posts you fucking retard

>> No.6196454

>don't you think financial institutions should be a bit more saavy now than they were decades ago?

youre assuming humans learn from their mistakes

>> No.6196512

Your other posts make no sense at all, idiot. You lose money if the person who bought before you sells, this is so fundamental it's embarrassing you don't understand it.

>> No.6196560

If that helps you sleep at night.

>> No.6196616

You won't be able to cash out any of your illusory "gains" because there are only a handful of 'credible' exchanges that allow crypto -> USD / bank acct withdrawals and they have tight limits on how much you can transfer per day.

Furthermore, if there is a run on exchanges to sell and withdraw, they'll just halt all withdrawals because they're not going broke for your sake. They have no obligation to maintain any level of capital on hand, nor do they have to honor any crypto:fiat pricing.

The truth that most of the tards in here refuse to accept is that they lost the moment they bought into any crypto.

Too bad...and Trump is reeling in welfare so you lazy fucks are going to have no choice but to get a job.

>> No.6196670

I'll enjoy taking your money away, pajeet.

>> No.6196729

Normies are not smart and dont think hard.

U neets always underestimate social skill.

>> No.6196800



>> No.6196859

OP what the fuck are you talking about. Most people are losing money. I’ve lost 8k in this correction. Normies are getting BTFO

>> No.6196882

>It's not a zero sum game because 1 more value can be added to the system at any time

Wow, such stupidity. If something can be "added to the system at any time" IT HAS NO VALUE.

Something has VALUE because it is needed, is difficult to acquire / refine / store, or is scarce. NOTHING about crypto has value. PRICE does not equal value, especially when you are pairing zero value crypto with arbitrary value fiat.

ALL MONEY IN ANY FORM HAS ZERO VALUE because money REPRESENTS value, and what does "decentralized" crypto represent? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

USD, for instance, is at least the petro dollar and thus has value in being tied to oil...but because USD is arbitrarily printed by the federal reserve central bank, the amount in circulation tends to steadily increase, thus reducing the value a single USD represents.

>> No.6196893

Not saying I won't be moving my money around too pajeet

>> No.6196915

BTC is falling, half the alts are going down with it. Look at all the red on coinmarketcap. Meanwhile projects like ETH and NEO are paying off for those who have been holding them a long time. This isn't exactly bubble behavior when a lot of people are losing money, /biz/ is just ahead of the curve in being able to distinguish between shitcoins. Now that's not saying that /biz/ is great, its more of an indictment of the rest of the market.

>> No.6197018

>moving my money around
you already lost.

>> No.6197060

I was talking about the economic system. Something has value because people need it. If something new is discovered that people decide that they need more value is added to the system. Crypto has value now because people believe it will have a big use in the future. If it actually does have a big use the money will stay.

>> No.6197092

speak for yourself. been 10xing a lot recently

>> No.6197113

>SEC has jurisdiction outside of the US
Outside of coinbase and bittrex the largest exchanges aren't even based here. If the SEC cracks down what will occur will not be a crypto crash, though there will be a dip from most of the Americans selling, it will just be a correction followed by capital flight of any whales that were US citizens. Banning bitcoin has not been successful in any country that's done it and I'm honestly looking forward to the first major first world country to try just so that they can serve as an example to the rest of what not to do.

>> No.6197151

I've been bleeding money for the past 2 weeks. So it evens out. Relax.

>> No.6197276

Wealth IS created out of thin air....

It is well established economics that has nothing to do with Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies. And you just can't accept that, but again, trust me, it has NOTHING to do specifically with cryptocurrencies. Google something like 'fractional reserve banking wealth creation'.

>> No.6197282

Pretty sure most countries would follow suit. It won't get regulated (or outright banned) in every part of the world, but stuff like BTC would get instantly relegated to serving as a currency for illegal drugs again.

Blockchain technology would eventually be absorbed too.

>> No.6197335

Do you know what happens when this shit spreads to Africa? These primal niggers couldn't buy stocks in the dot-com bubble. They will be dealing Bitcoin like drugs.

>> No.6197415

Pretty sure you're wrong about that considering that several like Japan have already made proactive steps to embrace it.

>> No.6197430


> You lose money if the person who bought before you sells

You lose money if what you bought goes down in value.


they're not losing money unless you drive the price down by selling.

As of now, people didn't lose money when BTC reached 5K and cashed out. They're gonna lose money if they don't cash out shit before the big crash.

>> No.6197505

The amount of Nigerian scam coins and the amount of retards (TRX bag holders) that fall for them will be a goldmine for tears.

>> No.6197609

dude I can cash out all the gains I want through GDAX and withdraw $10k USD a day..I don't see what's hard about that? I could be totally cashed out within a couple hours if I wanted to.

>> No.6197635

>At fist glance, the fractional reserve banking system probably seems too good to be true. How can it be possible for banks to create money out of thin air? At this point, it is important to note that they create money, not wealth. Money in this context is only a medium of exchange. It has no intrinsic value. By taking a loan, borrowers get more money, but at the same time they are also taking on more debt. So at the end of the day, they are not richer than before. In other words, an increase in money supply only results in a higher level of liquidity, but it does not make the economy wealthier at all.

That's what I got by googling the terms you gave me.

>> No.6198024

Ok you don't lose money if the person who bought before you sells, but someone else buys after you as well, so?

The last man who buys surely WILL lose money, this isn't fucking magic.

>> No.6198135

ETH was always the obvious choice long term. Bitcoin is at best some kind of proof of concept. It's flawed, and also honestly doesn't offer much of anything to most people. As far as they are concerned, they have no problems using PayPal, visa, venmo, direct deposits or whatever for their transactions. Their accounts show their value minus transactions that are pending, and you don't have to wait for them to be posted to buy your stuff so it might as well be instant as far as consumers care. The birth of bitcoin was very ideological, the early adopters were mostly libertarians and people interested in security. That's a niche. The value right now is so speculative because all anybody REALLY cares about is capital gains, normies don't really give a shit by what means their transactions operate.

>> No.6198149

>Something has value because people need it. If something new is discovered that people decide that they need more value is added to the system.

All humans need air. How much will you pay me for a plastic bottle of air? Will it be worth more if I claim it is "decentralized" air from the north pole?

Value, in the context of commerce, requires an element of scarcity. The more available and accessible something is, the less it can be sold for.

All crypto is like air. It's widely available, and anyone who wants to can make their own 'coin'...plus nobody NEEDS crypto. It really has nothing going for it.

You have no grasp on the concept of value vs price, which is probably why you pissed away what little fiat you had on the crypto ponzi. Now you're stuck with worthless digital tokens that you cannot spend.

>> No.6198158

crypto is a system of distributions from weak hands to iron arms

>> No.6198178


Africans were actually pretty early adopters of BTC

check out BitPesa

most of them dont have bank accounts over there but a lot have mobile phones so they hopped on quick

>> No.6198205

>speak for yourself. been 10xing a lot recently

10 * 0 = 0

Good luck cashing out...oh wait, you didn't even think of that. You're just looking at the fake price action between crypto and fiat, deluding yourself into thinking you are now "rich".

>> No.6198285

Agreed, I'm heavy into ETH, NEO, GAS, and ARK, just saying that outside of /biz/ tons of people are losing money right now, we're no longer in a crazy bull run even if it feels like it just because most of the things getting shilled here outside of tron are up.

>> No.6198320


Lots of coins are bleeding. Look. Get out of the biz bubble

>> No.6198323

just don't

cash out in small amounts but I think I 'm gonna keep moving around crypto, other trades are just not as much fun.

>> No.6198443

>dude I can cash out all the gains I want through GDAX and withdraw $10k USD a day..I don't see what's hard about that? I could be totally cashed out within a couple hours if I wanted to.

Yeah bruh, that's not going to happen for anyone with multi-million dollar accts. And no exchange will go broke for your sake. They will maybe honor withdrawals under "normal" conditions but when the crypto-con ponzi implosion comes, you'll be known as Baggy McBaggins.

Crypto is not creating value so the only "new" fiat coming into exchanges are the dumbasses buying in after hearing about crypto thru fake news...or even worse, from an anonymous bot on an anonymous message board (because nothing says credibility like anonymity).

>> No.6198470

That is true and I legit forgot about it. We'll see what that brings around.

>> No.6198751

>. it is when you cash out that you make the person next to you lost a little bit of money, idiot.

> The last man who buys surely WILL lose money

See, I knew you'd get there :^) Not when you cash out but when the market crash. Which is why I strongly recommended people to cash out more than they invested.

Only way to be sure not to lose money.

>> No.6198773

You realize that they'll raise those limits if you have a high balance and take the proper steps, right? GDAX lets me withdraw up to $500k/day.

>> No.6198884

Shut the fuck up. I'm not here to argue with a goalpost-moving mental midget.

>> No.6198953

>I can read the future guys!
>and it's totally fucking great for us
>nice job, everyone. Really just super

>> No.6199172

please watch and draw the parallels

>> No.6199213
File: 77 KB, 1173x272, Screen Shot 2018-01-10 at 12.06.12 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spank me daddy

well... not right now.....

>> No.6200014

ahahhahahahah holy shit

>> No.6200074

Arent we in a massive crypto bubble atm? With all the scams going on? How can some of you say this is just the beginning? Some of you have Diamond hands?

>> No.6200579

>click link
>the lambo meme years ago

fuckin kek

>> No.6200681

>soon to be who fomod into ETH above 1k

>> No.6200858

everyones just waiting for bitcoin to die at this point

>> No.6200903

The problem is that if the buyers stop buying, the crypto """""assets""""" are literally worthless.

>> No.6200967


>> No.6201029

someone actually says "to the moon" at some point.

>> No.6201084

Simply untrue.

>> No.6201146

You guys are retarded. I'm 50% Tron 50% Ripple and I already made a shitload of money. No one has ever heard about or will ever hear about your ChainBlocks or whatever the fuck you'll never make it with them. Have fun working at McDonalds for the rest of your life.

>> No.6201505
File: 105 KB, 1024x688, 1488773798610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people on this planet that bought btc at 20k
>there are people that bought xrp at 3.50
I'm fucking retarded and I've made 3k in the past month, I don't understand how anyone can be dumb enough to lose money in this market

>> No.6201589

it might not be that people are losing money, but that people aren't losing money YET.

>> No.6201623

>I didn't realize crypto was already in the hundreds of billions

Why do XRP people have to exist?

>> No.6201644

EGAS has a 13 mil max coin supply and the price is sub 10cents right now. Even if it turns out to be a scamcoin it will definitely get pumped to $1 before then and that will only put it at 13m market cap.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6201806

That thread made me switch to delta.
Even if it was a larp, selling users' data is how blockfolio makes money, it's right there in their ToS.
They also explicitly tell you that they are going to give all data they have on you if the government asks.
Blockfolio stats are going to be the evidence IRS uses to demand tax from trades between alts.

>> No.6201919

>doesn't know what a 3rd party is
>probably bought XRP

>> No.6201964
File: 190 KB, 1031x902, xrp to da mon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>morons haven't flooded the market

>> No.6202060

but I've already won? and GDAX gave me a 50k/day limit just because i asked. I didn't even do anything other than being one of their first customers from over 4 years ago.

It is true that you'd better cash out BEFORE thing go bezerk. But it's even more true that crypto isn't going away. Every day there is less and less need TO cash out.

>> No.6202124

you can only 10x a lot if you are 10xing very little

>> No.6202126
File: 60 KB, 574x432, china_bitcoin_ruling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh regulations
Like what regulations do people have in mind?
Regulations are some abstract thing in regards to crypto?
Why would regulations kill crypto?

Reporting regulations, aka forcing ICO's to reveal who's actually getting the money?
How would this be bad for crypto?

>> No.6202135


>> No.6202172

Whenever you think this op, just remember how many wojaks are posted. There are more losers than winners.

>> No.6202211

pink* wojaks.

>> No.6202217
File: 4 KB, 267x188, biz122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH being over $1k defeats the whole purpose of the token. If you knew anything about the project, you'd know this.

Use your brain people. Are you seriously going to fucking buy this over $1k?

>> No.6202310

i cash out 10k a week suck my hard cock.

>> No.6202569

>Retail investors still aren't in.
I don't think they will for some time yet. The markets volatility is scaring them off.

>> No.6202695

Adjustable gas price faggot

>> No.6202698

All your profit is coming from me. I've lost 60% of my starting investment. When I stopped daytrading and started to hold a few promising coins those were the only ones that went down.

>> No.6203036

LMAO thanks mate

>> No.6203494

I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6203694

There's no reason why that will ever happen.

Wow. Reading this thread made me realize how many delusional people are on this board. I see so much faith in Bitcoin which I thought everyone knew was finished. Again, Bitcoin has no reason to go up further. Wake up. The hype on that shit is finished.

>> No.6204209

>zero sum game
/biz/ neet buys $100 of cryptocurrency, 1% of his networth, in early 2017
said crypto moons x100
boomer buys from neet $10000 of cryptocurrency, 1% of his networth, in early 2018
crypto starts dipping
/biz/ neet doubled his net worth
boomer's bottomline barely impacted
zero sum games aren't necessarily bad when wealth disparity is correlated to seniority rather than intelligence
likewise, ten grands go a lot further for a pajeet than for a first-worlder
apply that to the extreme and you've got hedge funds dealing in millions of dollars like it's your allowance from mommy
fiat money being printed indefinitely, there's no real limit to how high good cryptos can go before regime change
if you don't understand it yet: the point of bitcoin and ethereum is not really to let you trade peer to peer cash or write contracts on a world computer, that's their *utility*. bitcoin and ethereum are meant to be a silent revolution, social upheaval through new economic incentives rather than violence
this is why sacrificing decentralization for scalability is hare-brained
but anyway
everyone becomes a fiat millionaire on a long enough time horizon
avoiding high profile examples like venezuela or zimbabwe, look up instead inflation in say, vietnam, which is far from a third-world country today
crypto is bound to overtake more and more of the money pie, and one unit of crypto = one unit of crypto
that's it

>> No.6204485

Stop typing like this is a chat room.