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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 200x200, tron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6186383 No.6186383 [Reply] [Original]





>> No.6186652
File: 74 KB, 625x423, 1506786636491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>800 sat
wer gon hit 1k sat guis MONNN

>> No.6186741

It's up almost 50% from a few hours ago brainlet.

>> No.6186742

holy fuck its moving after justin suns tweet

>> No.6186800


>> No.6186868

its not too late to buy in, anon
chinese justin bieber will confirm partnership with alibaba, facebook, google

>> No.6186872

WE back, gang gang, pack your bags. We taking another trip to the moon.

>> No.6186945

Clueless fucker will do another English livestream and kill it again.

>> No.6186971

I predict it will dead cat bounce here, then work it's way down to 570 sats

>> No.6187010

I just sold 2,216 TRX yesterday at the right time, but instead of waiting for the price to drop I bought TRF ICO. Not sure if good or bad... TRF will moon eventually.

>> No.6187059

That's not going to happen. I bought in at 500 sat and sold at peak. I listened to his livestream and realized I made the right choice selling.

The guy knows how to hype some garbage to brainlets.

>> No.6187260

Dude is a genius and has sick connections. What people don't realize in this sphere having someone like him is more valuable than the tech.

The tech can come...you can hire coders... you just need connections and people to utilize it. ETH is huge because it had first mover advantage, but it isn't going to land any major partnerships (Fortune 500 Companies) because Vitalik is an autistic clown. (Eth is 50% of my portfolio though).

Tron will be the blockchain to corporate america like eth is to the crypto community at large.

>> No.6187367

>going from 800 to 915 sats
ok den

>> No.6187403

Moon canceled. Real moon is on for tomorrow, get your bags ready you will not get in cheaper than this.

>> No.6187492

He is not a genius. Listen to his livestreams. He acts like fucking penn is some prestigious school.

This dude is a hypeman and nothing more. He will hype this until he makes his money and find something else to do. His ideas for Tron are literally not possible and will never work. It's just shit you spew to investors who don't understand anything about tech so that they start jizzing their pants.

You get maybe one more pump from this coin. It's a sham and people will soon call him out publicly for his shit

>> No.6187534

You gotta admit though he is steve jobs tier in shilling his product.

He can find his Wozniak later on.

>> No.6187663

Dead cat bounce

>> No.6187688

>He acts like fucking penn is some prestigious school

It is though

>> No.6187717

I have 10,000 TRX will I make it?

>> No.6187755

He shills well enough to get me a 6x profit. Ye.
Maybe he'll get lucky, find a good dev team/partnerships and somehow bring his ideas to life.

But I've met these guys before. They're great at getting investors for their ideas, but that's it. Their shilling can only get them so far before the money runs out and they're onto the next project.

Is Sun a genius? No. Is Sun a good business man? No. Is Sun good at making HIMSELF money? Yes.

>> No.6187759


Oh wow you guys, it's literally a brainlet in the wild.

>> No.6187768

Only if you sell as soon as the hype from this dies down.

>> No.6187809

Ivy league isn't prestigious ya goof

>> No.6187821

Kek. Unless you're actually retarded, you can get into Penn. It's not anything special.

>> No.6187825

Tronix is a shitcoin right? He got it at top 6 at one point right? How the fuck isnt he a good businessman.

Business is about being able to shill even complete dogshit products.

>> No.6187840

um it is??

>> No.6187869

>he doesnt speak good English and I assumed he was announcing new stuff instead of just recapping end of year changes and introducing himself to the massive new audience Tron drew, so I felt justified in selling at $0.30
Maximum brainlet. See you in a few years when we're over $6.

>> No.6187892
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Penn is ivy league guys

>> No.6187924


Well, if you're retarded. The actual prestigious schools are the ones that don't allow plebes into them and fail to market themselves. They're underground and for rich and powerful people.

You think Harvard is prestigious? They inflate grades like there's no tomorrow. No one has ever felt proud about passing classes at Harvard, only getting in. Once you're in you're free sailing to graduation. Same with all of these other Ivy league schools.

>> No.6187950

A masters at an Ivy League isn’t as hard to get into as undergrad

>> No.6187981
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>> No.6187994

Internet 4.0. Decentralized internet. Give the money to the users. These were his plans he stated.
These are buzzwords to get brainlets like you to buy this trash coin.

>> No.6188121

>Once you're in you're free sailing to graduation. Same with all of these other Ivy league schools.
Ya, no. Princeton grad here. It was not free sailing.

>> No.6188154

WOW. THE Amount of FUCKING RETARDS in this thread is enormous.

> Penn State isnt prestigious.
> Muh dead cat bounce.
> Product is impossible.
> Justin Sun is not a good business man (Jack Ma mentoring him for fuck all reason, just havin fun!).
> Listen to his livestream, sounds retarded, yeah, look at me tho, so cool! so awesome! hurr hurr hurr.

Bunch of jerk offs. TRON is going to bigger than 90% of the shitcoins you faggots shill day in and day yout. I mean, really, you faggots get excited over a wallet release. Suck a dick. Justin Sun is not a genius, but he knows damn well what he's doing an im sure he is backed by some goddamn brilliant business minds.

>> No.6188196

He literally just makes shit up on Twitter to incite FOMO into the people that follow him on there.

>> No.6188207

Always do the opposite of what /biz/ says. Every. Fucking. Time. You know the best coins to hold are the ones that get the most FUD around here. Always have been, always will be.

>> No.6188224


Justin, fuck off.

>> No.6188299

Do you anything about tech?
Have you looked at what he actually wants to do with Tron?
None of his plans are plausible even by tech giants. He is a hypeman and nothing more.

>> No.6188311

Can I get a quick rundown on his twitter lies thanks

>> No.6188335

I guess i shouldnt sell my 4k REQ for TRX?

>> No.6188356

>Penn state


>> No.6188373
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Everyone saying he's gonna exit scam and move on to the next pump and dump is clinically retarded. If Vitalik wasn't a fucking autistic commie he would be on track to be the first fucking world leader right now, ETH is gonna be so big.

There is no project that could make him a tiny fraction of what Tron could if it does half of what he says it will. You can tell he is fully committed. He is a young guy surrounded by some of the most powerful figures in the world and he knows this is a test to enter the global elite ranks, and if everything goes perfectly maybe even rule among them. This is it. Money chink is going to become supreme Chinese overlord and make us all fucking rich.

>> No.6188407

this guy makes money

>> No.6188434

this coin is a piece of shit

>> No.6188436
File: 51 KB, 750x706, eeeeeek.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in anon

Then suck me after.

>> No.6188509

BAT isn't HODL?

>> No.6188537

REQ has potential. More potential in the short-run for sure. They are much further along in their development than TRX. I'd hold REQ over TRX (I hold both) if you're looking to dump on a moon. I don't day trade, I invest for long term. I honestly do not have the time for daytrading. I research and invest in companies that I think stand a chance in the long run, and I invest full well prepared to lose it all if the company folds or is beat out by competition.

>> No.6188567

BAT being over $1 defeats the whole purpose of the token. If you knew anything about the project, you'd know this.

Use your brain people. Are you seriously going to fucking buy this over $1?

>> No.6188581
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>> No.6188611


Shut the fuck up, you know what else was impossible not too long ago? The fucking internet. Virtual Reality, flying to the moon, countless other fucking shit.

>> No.6188683


>> No.6188707


Those were always possible, we just didn't know how to get from point A to point C. Point B was missing.

Magic is not possible unless you're our holy father and I doubt God will resurrect as a chink.

>> No.6188732

You do realize it will moon back to at least 1500 when the partnership is accounced tho

>> No.6188765
File: 5 KB, 275x183, wojak-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You shut the fuck up right now.

>> No.6188826


The Partnership was just announced. It's some no name chink website called Baofeng.

>> No.6188847

Or utterly collapse because it will inevitably be a shit partnership with an obscure company no one has heard of.

>> No.6188861

ez money

>> No.6188998
File: 67 KB, 824x606, 2018-01-09_19-44-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better dump QTUM THEN TOO. SELL SELL SELL!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Qtum, the blockchain application platform, has partnered with Baofeng, the Chinese video portal giant, to help achieve the world’s first Blockchain Consensus Network (BCN) and build the most decentralized blockchain node network."

>> No.6189009

That's just another partnership you retard this shit is gonna have partnerships out the ass we are getting fucking google bitch.

>> No.6189073

A project with actual substance partnering with an obscure company
Whose only substance is partnering with some obscure company.

>> No.6189173


lmao. if it isnt a wwestern company it must be shit. totally disregard the billions of Chinese people and their market even the they're are one of the biggest economies in the world. the absolute state of you fucking nimwits.

Sorry they're not partnering with Trader Joes or Buckees. I mean, not really their market, you shmuck.

>> No.6189185

We'll be at Internet 5.0 before I know it. Fucking sakes. I'm out

>> No.6189191

samefags keep talking shit lol. just leave the thread autists.

>> No.6189220

dubs and i go all in on trx

>> No.6189231

Mavericks invest in TRON. Others FUD your holders because they envy that you hold the financial key to your own destiny. #trongang #logang

>> No.6189275

BAT is actually a good hodl. Its way overvalued for what it is right now though. TRX is overvalued @$0.14 for what it is too. That doesn't necessarily mean it won't be worth more than that at any given time.

TRX is going to swing for a while because of the amount of hype behind it. The mission is extremely popular among social media content creators, and they are the word of mouth. They broadcast TRX to their userbase and its going to fucking explode. That is one big aspect people overlook on /biz/. TRX doesn't even need to market itself hard if they properly incentivize content creators that already market to billions of people worldwide.

>> No.6189302

>still lower than yesterday's low.

>> No.6189320

Wait, you don't seriously think that Baofeng is not the Google of China, right anon?

>> No.6189347

What part of publicly traded don't you fucking brainlets understand? This is going to be huge.

GE, Oracle, the possibilities are endless.

>> No.6189393

>he things the dead cat bounce meme can be used on hour charts
top kek

>> No.6189400


No, that would be Baidu you dumb fuck.

>> No.6189449

fucking retard.

>stolen whitepaper
>scam partnership with himself
>no real yellowpaper

>> No.6189497

Who gives a fuck, you do realize he is literally the son of the chinese amazon? Do you understand how fucking big this is?

All it would take is Alibaba accepting Tron (very likely) and we are looking at $10 a coin.

>> No.6189604
File: 173 KB, 1474x890, tron coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6189621

Fuck off retard smart money understands the power of a genius savant. Retard money chases a charismatic chink with an active twitter account. I hope you and all your nigger investors get dumped on for even thinking you can compete with Ethereum as an ERC20 token.

>> No.6189638

>What part of publicly traded don't you fucking brainlets understand?
The part where that's been confirmed outside of a Tweet from an individual who's credibility is tanking by the hour.

>> No.6189645


Bill is a good guy anon he's the son of chinese nintendo.

>> No.6189650

>Who gives a fuck, you do realize he is literally the son of the chinese amazon? Do you understand how fucking big this is?
>All it would take is Alibaba accepting Tron (very likely) and we are looking at $10 a coin.
Ahhahahahahahahaha please have your head checked

>> No.6189688


>> No.6189704


/pol/bro, just get ur dick wet in some tron, itll feel good, i promise.

>> No.6189721

>i'm gonna get rich from open source code
>a charismatic businessman isn't going to rip it all off and make sick partnerships to line him and his buddies pockets

keep dreaming virgin

money skelly served us well and will continue to help our cause but money chink is our great hope now

>> No.6189736
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Fuck that's funny

>> No.6189761

I did and I dumped on you and havent looked back.

>> No.6189762


>> No.6189825

Will Literally never happen.
Baofeng.com, Alexa rank IN CHINA, 1461
China doesn't even give a shit about baofeng.

>> No.6189874


a dude with this kind of credibility isn't going to fucking lie like that so publicly and frequently for a three day pump

you do realize he has billions of dollars in this coins success? holy shit you guys are retarded.

>> No.6189892
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Rip Tron. Get fucked normalfags

>> No.6189993
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>> No.6190019

BAT being over $1 defeats the whole purpose of the token. If you knew anything about the project, you'd know this.

Use your brain people. Are you seriously going to fucking buy this over $1?

>> No.6190028
File: 8 KB, 235x214, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tron brainlets will ignore this and still praise their shit coin. Kek

>> No.6190364

You'd think with billions of dollars on the line he could provide something better than a pitiful, content-light, plagiarized whitepaper.

>> No.6190384

Baofeng is the Chinese Netflix. Good news for Tron.

>> No.6190389


Because PAPERS is what decides a coin's worth. Because people READ PAPERS before buying coins, right?

There are still faggots buying LTC even when the boss himself SOLD OUT, literally.

>> No.6190405
File: 209 KB, 2000x1333, 8cc154474424ac76e90504f89f93952c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a fuck if its copied 100%. This shits about to take over the market and be on coinbase.

>> No.6190496

It was 17 sats 4 weeks ago. Priced in. This price is bullshit and based on vapourware. There is no product.

>> No.6190532

is that a cock or a puffy vulva

>> No.6190559

As predicted, KEK

You guys are the people I love in crypto. You're the ones I sell to when coins reach their ATH. Keep it rolling tho, Justin Sun will get you your monies.

>> No.6190566
File: 130 KB, 1634x1168, 1473587274454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no name chink website called Baofeng

Literally the Chinese Netflix

>> No.6190581
File: 16 KB, 664x357, VIbHEsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Then why is everyone continuing to jump ship?

This shit is dead.

>> No.6190673

Baofeng is not even a top 1000 Chinese website....it's bollocks mate. Give your money back to Skelly. He will make it 10x by the end of the year.

>> No.6190681


>> No.6190730

You're going to cry and kys as predicted.

>> No.6190766


Are you actually retarded? Already made 4x gains on this "shit coin", and much more on DBC and KCS. But yeah, you are selling me ATHs.

Actually. Fucking. Retarded.

>> No.6190767

Is it the Chinese Netflix, Chinese Youtube or Chinese Google. Ive literally heard it shilled all three ways. Its pathetic how shitty Trons community shill campaigns are. Have you guys not heard of Discord? Organize and shill instead of just attempting to parrot shittier shills and maybe you can pump this shitcoin with Justin No-Moon not undo all his shilling by being a low effort Pajeet.

>> No.6190803

Baofeng and Directupload partnerships and these aren't even the major one..... This thing is going to be monumentally huge! Coins in the future will be measured by the crazy gainz made by TRON!

>> No.6190822


Not even Litecoin, these literal faggots buy coins with no whitepaper at all. With no product whatsoever,

These are the same motherfuckers who shilled CONfido and just JUSTed and now they want to talk shit like they're expert crypto investors and care about anything more than making money. Bunch of faggots, i swear.

>> No.6190859

Why dont you check their website fucking idiot and you'll see it's like a Netflix.

>> No.6190942

If anything causes the bubble to burst it's gonna be idiots who buy into tron. Ponzi schemes actually making headway in any way are bubble bursters. Please kill yourselves if you unironically still own TRX.

>> No.6191008

Aren't you supposed to sell high?

>> No.6191215
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>> No.6191269
File: 314 KB, 1000x1271, 1478363224042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i buy and sell crypto based on looking at the order book

the literal state of tron fudders, i'm out there is no reasoning with you imbeciles

this is 10x more of a real and valuable product than shit like cardano and litecoin and it has a long way up to go, this should be sitting at number #4 tied with ripple

>> No.6191302

TRX will be worth $10,000 one day

>> No.6191362
File: 17 KB, 650x350, 0IFPdyW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get hype boys

>> No.6191422

He think buy walls are a good thing