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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 152 KB, 1500x840, VeChain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6181800 No.6181800 [Reply] [Original]

I sold my lumies for based VEN, did i fuck up biz?

>> No.6181940

bump I'm afraid the snek will JUST me

>> No.6181946

fuck no, its keeping a steady usd value which is great...might dip a bit to 3,50usd but only up from there, new partnerships, and actual working product coming this year

>> No.6181990

chill and hodl the product itself is not even out these small dips from 4 to 3 that might happen will be nothing compared to the moon we will be witnessing. HODL

>> No.6182069
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>> No.6182118

Nope. High IQ to buy Vechain, braindead if you don't buy Vechain.

>> No.6182217
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Look at these 6h candles and you tell me.
Oh and I've been watching and million $ walls are being eaten RAW every 2min.

>> No.6182225

$100-500 EOY

>> No.6182241

Yeah lets not have 2 products co exist lets try to talk down every coin that we are not invested in...just stfu

>> No.6182312
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>> No.6182452
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Buy now.

>> No.6182460

Fuck, lets get this money boys

>> No.6182489
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>> No.6182565

fuckin detective on our hands

>> No.6182567

Captain reporting in. We're going to get rich as fuck off this shit lads

>> No.6182632
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Few hours till the BMW nda ends.

>> No.6182634


>> No.6182682

I got FUD'd out of half my XLM bumping VEN total to 750, maybe I'll buy some more cheap ass lumens when I'm rich

>> No.6182687

Yes my son

>> No.6182697


How do you know?

>> No.6182702
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>> No.6182754


Why are you my captain, captain?
Give reason pls

>> No.6182784

Comfy as fuck with my ven. Portfolio is ready to break 200k today.

Hey, made it to the first page of CMC yet?

>> No.6182806

We are literally hitting new ATH every minute for past hour. Why is no one talking about this

>> No.6182813
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>> No.6182842

Another wall going down. DAMN...

>> No.6182858


Because CocaColaKids twitter is way more fun to decrypt, everyone who has bought VEN already knows that they're going to make bank, so every thread on here about is is simply entertainment for us VENfags

>> No.6182880
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>> No.6182885


>> No.6182924

I'm rock solid

>> No.6182932



>> No.6182939



>> No.6182940
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>Arcturus [...] being the brightest star in the constellation next to Ursa Major, the Greater Bear.

>> No.6182959



>> No.6182992

VEN is good, but is it ICX good?

>> No.6182994



>> No.6183036

just sold the last of my WTC stack to get more VEN. buckle up lads.

>> No.6183078


Since we're readying tea leafs that an Oracle is showing us, it might as well mean that VeChain will still shine bright in the coming bear market.

But fuck if I know, I'm just here for the laughs.

>> No.6183111

why did the ven market con kucoin just disappear

>> No.6183134



>> No.6183146

This looks so surreal to me, like an animation.
It is too perfect.

>> No.6183159

KuCoin doesn't list scam coins

>> No.6183182

>x2 last week after doing x100 since ico
Is it good?
Idk nigga, did we x2 before mainet and exchanges? Wew lad.

ICX is better than venchain nigga, specially if u got in during ICO, getting in now we’ll.... best u can hope for is x5 maybe x10 eoy

>> No.6183194

I sold my icx because of the vet rebranding. Might buy back, might not.

>> No.6183241

VEN has more short term 10x potential than ICX. I hold deep bags of both.

>> No.6183337

VEN comfiest hold this year. guaranteed moon mission constantly. dank crypto memes by Coca cola OG on the reg

>> No.6183383

> buying a literal Pao jing scam

>> No.6183419
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>> No.6183430


cao ni ma

>> No.6183452


GTFO faggot

>> No.6183478

who the fuck is this

>> No.6183503

>walls are being put up by those that know VeChain will be big
>ven biding their time so that:
>pboc, bmw, all other major companies can be confirmed and announced at once
>creates crazy fomo
>straight after, main net and wallet is released
>even more fomo
>biggest bullrun
>straight to ETH levels and climbing
>moons so hard on an unprecedented scale that it gets news coverage
>news outlets cover it
>more money pours in
>china gets free exposure coz their blockchain project is all over western news and the world is thinking "wow china is clearly the leader in this game"


one can dream...

>> No.6183504

$100 by eoy?

>> No.6183538



Lmao brother. End of Q2 we at $100.

1000 Vechain will yield you 100K minimum.

>> No.6183551

more like $250

>> No.6183558

Revv fuckin Nissan anon huge insider

>> No.6183601

$100-500 eoy

t. bogdanoff insider

>> No.6183640

Don't get caught holding the bag on Tron 2.0

>> No.6183645

it won't happen. There's no way I could become rich

>> No.6183671

Whole of /biz will get rich because of Vechain. Man we are so lucky.

>> No.6183756

sorry im new but ive never heard of this fucker... can someone educate me on Revv Nissan

>> No.6183768
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>> No.6183811

Not me :( I only have 400

>> No.6183826

You'd be suprised how many biztards dont have Ven yet. They did the same exact shit during the antshares period and fomoed in at 30$. Theyll probablu do the same shit with Ven at 50$

>> No.6183833

t. whale

nice fud - never gets old

>> No.6183847

No just keep holding

>> No.6183850

Please be true.
tfw 4 million would be retirenment level for me, at 24 and not even done with uni. kek

>> No.6183873



>> No.6183890
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thats because the sell walls never get old

>> No.6183891

i hope so. i want to point my finger and laugh.

>> No.6183921

Rebranding event next week.
We're going to 100k sats.

>> No.6183983

Honestly feel like this is the best play in the whole market. I'm too much of a pussy to go all in, but all my senses have been screaming that I should buy more. Sounds arrogant, but they're often right about these sorts of things even if I always only half listen to them cause I'm so risk adverse.

>> No.6184012

This coin has nearly 300m circulating its not going to 100.

>> No.6184031
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>> No.6184042

Someone explain?

>> No.6184050

Fuck it is gonna huge isn't it. Have some eng and icx , should I get rid of them and add to ven?

>> No.6184067

BMW partnership announcement soon.

>> No.6184083

$20 end of month, end of Q2 $100, EOY >$200

>> No.6184096

Same here, I shill people for certain things that end up mooning and stay risk adverse and diversified with moderate gains. Feels bad senpai

>> No.6184103


eng isn't gonna do more than a 3x in the near term bro. This shit can 20x if the news is right

>> No.6184109

Why does BMW want to partner?

>> No.6184132

ICX is good too though. I'd drop ENG, at least temporary. ENG had one hell of a bullrun lately, not sure if it can keep up too much. At least not like ICX and VEN will be doing this month.

>> No.6184148

I've heard the rumours, but wtf does the picture prove?

>> No.6184160

>What is mcap

Vechain is literally better than 99% of the shitcoins out there so 27bil is nothing. Thats without mentioning the massive reduction in supply once nodes lockup

>> No.6184175

this is me. The coins I shill the hardest are the ones that make the most money, yet I hold the least of

>> No.6184221

I've got 75% REQ 25% VEN fuck fuck fuck what do I do? If REQ was at ATH I would fucking sell it for VEN in an instant but it's currently in a dip. if VEN can just wait a few more fucking days I can sell my REQ stack for VEN

>> No.6184232

holy shit another wall is being devoured

>> No.6184242

actual circulating coins are gonna be somewhere in the 100m convervatively range after all things accounted for.

quality control, part cataloging

>> No.6184257

>tfw 40/40/20 ven icx link
So comfy

>> No.6184258
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>> No.6184270


any comfy lad in

>> No.6184275

I have the same feeling. sold loads of shit to go in heavily on this and have never been so stacked on one coin. feels odd.

>> No.6184285

poor anon here, im hodling 100 vechain 100 iota 100 icon and 100 ripple. am i going to make it bros?

>> No.6184300


Minimum of 600 BTC in walls devoured today. Coca Cola kid said it. This is a full fledge attack on the blue whale with killer whales.

>> No.6184348


>> No.6184355

I'm holding 10k+ VEN, and I'm gonna tell you that this is just fucking retarded

>> No.6184368

we chillin right now

>> No.6184388
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>> No.6184414

>dat node

>> No.6184418

Too diversified for your capital.When you dont have much go all in on a sure to moon coin. Thats how you increase your capital faster

>> No.6184427
File: 36 KB, 482x427, 1509441807077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

35k ven

no money in bank account.

last chance to make it

hold me biz

>> No.6184441

should i sell my 100 XRB for 600 more VEN? I already have 1000, but XRB could hit three digits soon desu

>> No.6184469

You already made it

>> No.6184474
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>> No.6184501

which coin should i choose?

>> No.6184510

what the fuck are those sell walls holy shit

>> No.6184511

Dubs everywhere, we're gonna make it

>> No.6184513
File: 10 KB, 316x160, download (53).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm right there with you anon. Hoping this is my last moon mission before I cash out.

>> No.6184516

75K Ven here. This is our chance to make it.

>> No.6184524

blockchain info collection about how people drive etc.

and up to 33.9k we go. Today is a great day.

>> No.6184572

Easy, Ven. Not only because im shilling it. It also has the lowest mcap by far so way more room to grow

>> No.6184581

40k here. Jelly.
You made it for sure.

>> No.6184583

35k here. This is the moment we've been waiting for. Praying for the best of times.

>> No.6184602

jesus christ BTC is dying

look at our USD value

>> No.6184643

1k VEN
i'm not going to make it

>> No.6184707

all the people with 20k 30k, 70k + ven are set to make it and live off dividends and interest from their bank acc when ven hits $100

>> No.6184726

Is the rally over? It seems like we were so close.

>> No.6184731

This is like climbing a down escalator. Fuck

>> No.6184756

kek i went all in, hopefully i dont get justed too bad.

>> No.6184808


80% VEN
15% ICX
5% DBC
$200k portfolio as it sits
comfy lad

>> No.6184829

make some more money
invest it in something that you are certain will make your money you spent on ven back
walk away for a year
come back when ven is $500

>> No.6184852

Dips dont mean shit even if it goes down 1-2k sats. Just look at the 1 day chart, this rocket is going to new ATHs every couple of days

>> No.6184951

100k sats next week.

>> No.6184975

It cunt grow forever, niga

>> No.6184980

I genuinely think these are the last of the coordinated walls.

>> No.6185031

what are your price predictions for halfway through the year and EOY 2018

>> No.6185046

Its undervalued as fuck, just on its way to the correct price.

>> No.6185064


but what is the fucking point? BTC just keeps going down. We've been hitting ATH in sats every fucking day yet this coin is still worth less than it was on Saturday.

>> No.6185069

they have to stop for the rebrand right?

>> No.6185106

Big ballers trynna accumulate so they can get the nodes

>> No.6185182

I think they are just running out of Ven. Binance has lost more than half of the Ven it had to withdraws.

If we get past these two and a wall doesn't suddenly appear then they are gone. It's straight to 60K.

>> No.6185194

one would think so, but when is it?

we go up more, sell for loads of btc and then btc goes to 50k.
Or the better scenario, btc dies, markets are now eth based and we keep our value.

halfway: 40-60
eoy: 90-150

>> No.6185219

You can say that shit about every other coin thats mooning but tied to Btc. Blame btc for the USD price. Either way Ven is going up and doesnt give 2 shits about the btc performance

>> No.6185246

biggest nodes are already set in stone though

>> No.6185272

We will reach all new levels of paradigm when no one is selling the precious VEN

>> No.6185336

are you actively keeping track of this? Because I hear so much speculation and see no evidence

>> No.6185406


When do we start taking profits? Especially if you're a poorfag with 1k ven

>> No.6185480


Wagecuck 2 more years, hold your VEN tight and then never work again.

>> No.6185490

Its ok, I'm a poorfag with 1.5k VEN. I'm gonna probably start taking profits at 15-20$

>> No.6185513
File: 34 KB, 540x378, thatsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's trying to cash out. Scramble the Sukhoi su-35s

>> No.6185558

Comfy as fuck. Market is doing shit. Vechain meanwhile slowly mooning.

Comfiest hold 2018. Everyone with 1K Vechain will make it this year.

>> No.6185562

900k sats

>> No.6185576


I'm thinking of selling half at $100 so I can reinvest. Good/bad idea?

>> No.6185636

You can look at Binances wallet. They had 19M a week and a half ago. They are at 8 Million now.

>> No.6185642

there are like 6 walls up at the moment.

Oh and where do I see how many sells and buys there are? I mean like in trex all sells put together, and all buys together

>> No.6185670

lol please if this shit gets to $20 everyone will be dropping it

>> No.6185671

100 dollars per VEN is definitely possible. All dependent on the news though.

>> No.6185687


This is how you stay poor you fucking idiot

>> No.6185705

wait until then and asses the situation, how vens future looks at that point and if you are sure of any other moonshots by then.

>> No.6185719

Yeah.... all the dumbfucks will be dropping it and then fomo back in on the run to 100.

>> No.6185721


simply wrong poorfag. supply will be vastly reduced because most people will be staking in nodes/wallets to generate THOR. Do you know anything ?

>> No.6185723

My orderbook didn't update for some reason. I was still seeing two walls. What a shame.

>> No.6185823

so you think the end is nigh?

>> No.6185824

like they dropped eth at 50?

>> No.6185841

This will be at $20 minimim this month. End of Q2 $75 minimum.

>> No.6185860

no like they dropped it at $7

>> No.6185899
File: 241 KB, 2048x1368, cryptobae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are discussing this exact thing in here. come thru anons.

https://discord gg/dbSwUhM

>> No.6185913

I'm starting to wonder if it's actually Binance. There isn't some Mega-whale it's just Binance selling Ven they don't have and making it up in trading fees, withdraws and their bots buying below the walls.

If that is the case Anon it will literally NEVER end until Binance isn't the primary exchange. Keep in mind Binance has also gone down twice mysteriously when Ven was pumping to kill the pump.

>> No.6185923

you really think more than 25% of investers in crypto are in it for longterm? cunts will happily take their x4 and move on

>> No.6185946

Is his FB private or something? Can't find this.

>> No.6185974

climbing constantly while chewing through 60btc walls like its nothing is pretty impressive.

>> No.6185978

gotta believe that they would execute the binance operators for this when the communist dictatorship finds out though

>> No.6186001

Ven is poised to hit new exchanges. Once that's happened, if certain rumours are true, the sell walls are gonna be taken down so hard it will make the tearing down of the berlin wall look like nothing

>> No.6186012

That's retarded. Why do this with VEN, why not some high liquidity shitcoin with higher marketcap ? Like TRX or ADA

>> No.6186019

Btc currently taking a shit. VEN Holding strong so far

>> No.6186054

but then they would have to buy it back?
If they already sold most of them then it should end even then. right?

even better.

>> No.6186068


Ven SOLID as fck.

Destroying 60+ BTC walls constantly.

GG we winning.

>> No.6186073

Cuz theyre pnd vapourware shitcoins. Besides japanese hold most of the ada coins and trx is a normie milking machine

>> No.6186203
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>> No.6186271

No idea. I just find it more plausible than some whale with infinite BTC and Ven endlessly creating walls.

>> No.6186321

kek this coin is such a scam, im still all in though because it will continue to moon for another few weeks

>> No.6186325

I think VEN is waiting for a final big dip before the moon. After the bull run of December-January, there will be a coming big correction in the next few months. VEN will have its final dip, then moon mission.

>> No.6186332


If speculation-driven gains are all they want, I'll gladly buy their bags off them when they drive the price into the ground. Now that I think about it, I'm probably going to start spamming fud when this coin hits $10/20/50/etc, because I'll probably have enough money saved up by then to get a strength node @ 5 bucks.

>> No.6186355


>> No.6186381

The next one is as good as down.
How many were that today? 8?

>> No.6186384

no fuck you

>> No.6186413


i'm 50% VEN, 20% REQ and even I was thinking about throwing it into VEN.

That would leave me with 70% VEN 20% ICX 10% DBC

ultimate meme stack

>> No.6186446

Because they don't even have a working product yet, and they have amazing hype and marketing.

>> No.6186450

if you spam FUD I will have the bogs call in an orbital bombardment on your house.

>> No.6186452

WTCuck Fud

>> No.6186469


That's a very comfy stack. ICX and VEN are guaranteed to moon.

We eating through another wall now DAMN.

>> No.6186502

>dont have a working product
tell me anon, what do you think Ven's product is?

>> No.6186518
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But they have a working product, brainlet.

>> No.6186522

Did you even research VEN at all?

>> No.6186524

Well I'm holding WaBi, VEN and WTC at the same time. WaBi and VEN have given the highest returns, but I won't sell my WTC till it has at least 2x'd

>> No.6186548

majority ven is the ultimate hold at this point imho. this coin will make everyone rich as long as youre hands arent weak as shit. i sold my req for ven long ago. ven is just a better and more impressive project in every way at this stage. req has to prove itself to be priced in while the only thing ven is waiting for are for walls to come down

>> No.6186582

t. waltcuck whomstdve havestdves no product and no marketing

>> No.6186619

yes, they are forking ETH to make a new blockchain similar to NEO/ETH but better. But its not fucking done yet, right now all they have is an ERC-20 token and an app that scans RFID's. I can code storage of rfid data on smart contracts, thats how simple it is.

Once they finish their own chain and release that, then, I will know its not a scam.

>> No.6186639

It's interesting that the walls are so close to each other. It's like they are trying to prevent FOMO by a sharp price increase but don't want to put the walls all at one point because someone might just buy them right the fuck out.

>> No.6186674

what are you saying? are you trolling me, or do you have an extra chromosome?

>> No.6186678

thats my stack. 80% VEN, 6% XRB, 6% DBC, 4% ICX, 2% ITC


>> No.6186701

look at my post history, im all in on VEN. Doesn't mean its not shit though. I went all in on ripple at 1$ too

>> No.6186710

They are on VeChain 3.0

>> No.6186712

Kek. These waltoncucks with their "patents". Who gives a fuck when your product comes out a year from now not to mention try to secure global partnerships while Ven will have taken over by then.

>> No.6186774

you can already buy wine that has vechain chips in it, you can scan them to see they are real.
Plus other stuff.

>> No.6186795

100k ven marine here. Got in at ico when i heard some elites at the singapore economic forum mention that PBOC were interested in the company. Saddle the fuck up bois

>> No.6186810

Bit of a poorfag here. Considering selling 300 ICX to get over 1k VEN and (if the rebranding goes well) then sell a few hundred VEN to get over 1k ICX before the mainnet release on the 24th. Have to say though, this idea only works if the rebrand makes VEN x10. Any confidence in this speculation and idea at all?

>> No.6186836

Just because you say you have ven doesnt mean you have any. Besides what fucking moron FUDs his own coin, thats like shooting yourself in the foot to prove a point. Either you're a larping faggot or just a retarded faggot.

>> No.6186858

how much did you pay?
No, don't tell me, I will probably hang myself.

Fuck, tell me. I need to know.

>> No.6186910
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wrong gessner its not that dude its this chick

>> No.6186913
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my stack:
>100% VEN
very comfy

>> No.6187031

Does anyone genuinely think this is just some whale liquidating his position and nothing else is going on?

>> No.6187032
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>> No.6187173

That whale must have bought 20 million at least at ico price.
More likely 40 million.

>> No.6187176

why does he remove them occasionally then

>> No.6187190

>cashing out
>implying you can
You know damn well we are all in this until the crypto crash

>> No.6187307

when the price drops he drops his walls.
They go "walls are down, pump ven", then 5% before the price is hit he puts them up again.

>> No.6187328
File: 372 KB, 1005x576, 1491563857305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

captain goes down with his ship

>> No.6187407

I think I've seen him removing the walls while it was pumping on news

>> No.6187888

Is now the right time to sell my DBC stack to pick up more VEN anons?

>> No.6187992

I noticed that the price only rises when the walls are up.

>> No.6188084

wait for the dip, its at ath

>> No.6188087
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Coca Cola Kid where.

>> No.6188243

I guess it's over for today. Was a good run. Goodnight boys.

>> No.6188577
File: 214 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180110-123240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck what do I offload to buy more VEN?

>> No.6188633

maybe go half and half with your REQ and VEN?

>> No.6188677


Unload your REQ. 75% into ven, 25% into ICX.

>> No.6188870

Can BNTY be used to kill street-shitters yet? Missed opportunity.

>> No.6189265

jesus the eth pairing is so bad. Why did it have tp be like this? If this shit doesnt moon im going to lose a fuckload of money.

>> No.6189376
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1511473093770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't fucking sell your REQ, you'll regret it

>> No.6189486

Is anyone arbing between kucoin and binance?

>> No.6189847

Should I drop 20k req for 3500 ven ...

>> No.6190421

Definitelty don't sell all your REQ it has huge potential, but I'd sell some to pick up VEN. Both of these can honestly pull 10x+ soon imo.