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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6180876 No.6180876 [Reply] [Original]

Where my niggas at?

This week:
New UI
3 new tokens: Nitro, VEZT, CanYa + trading promos for all 3

January 17th gatcoin listing and promo

Last chance to get in under $2

>> No.6180961

Are we sure the UI will actually come though? All of the bug fixing and scrambling they've had to come with exchange volume going up 10x makes me unsure it will actually come.

>> No.6181111

>Are we sure the UI will actually come though?

If it does, then you miss out on a huge rocket mission.

If it doesn't, then you lose nothing.

Coss is not going to drop, it is too low market-cap for a working product that gives dividends. It can literally ONLY go up from here on out. Anyone who jumps in under $2 will be considered a lucky 'early investor'.

>> No.6181227

Well, no I won't missing anything. I own 12.5k COSS and got in at $0.10 and I'm not selling, so I'll be fine. I was just asking/being realistic.

>> No.6181407

>tfw only 3k COSS

Please, tell me I'll make it

>> No.6181488
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exactly, and to be honest, i use it and i have seen way worse exchanges that are around longer

btw, if you wanna make a good deed for the day

Also, its already 10x up, and the dividends work for a long time now. Only the volume is missing and the bots will help with that.

>> No.6181576

>tfw 20k COSS

On telegram they showed a sneak peak of the new UI with Trading View. I feel confident that the new UI should be coming out by the end of this week or the next.

$5 by end of month. $30 by end of March.

>> No.6181598

Also just two weeks ago us COSS holders were hoping for $1 post-UI release and we've already blown past that. Combine that with the fact that the UI may be initially underwhelming, especially given that it will run at first on the current engine which has been struggling under increased volume - I would be surprised to see COSS to shoot up quickly again.

Don't get me wrong, I see COSS as an easy 10x or more this year. I just see it being driven more by the new engine, API and fiat gateways coming in later Q1 and Q2. We should still continue to see steady gains, anyway. As you said, it won't go much lower than it is now.

>> No.6181661

75k COSS here. I'm already fantasizing about my retirement even though I don't want to get ahead of myself.

>> No.6181698

Honestly, if they come through on all their goals you'll be making a nice $300-$400 per week in dividends sometime next year. That's enough to make it if you hold COSS and reinvest your dividends wisely.

>> No.6181784
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>30$ by end of March

Do you even understand what impact this will do?

Do you even fathom the amount of NEETs that will become filthy rich overnight?

Sometimes I am wondering, if this is all too good to be true? Because it's sure as hell fucking too easy.

>> No.6181860

Sorry, already signed up. Coss referral sucks anyways. I think you only get fees for like 30 days right? Useless unless you roped in a whale.

The UI will be proof that the team is working on it diligently.

The FOMO when the UI comes out will be too strong, since everyone will know that everything else on the road-map is actually legit, to keep price anywhere near $2 again.

>> No.6181883

wont decentralized exchanges eventually make coss obsolete??

>> No.6181903

God dammit I hate getting my hopes up I’m so close to making it yet I feel the final hurdle is going to be the hardest

t.200k bagholder

>> No.6181944

It's not really too easy, I think you are underestimating the amount of risk involved. I have been shilling cryptos to my stockfag coworkers since last year and they watched me go from 25k to 200k+ without even investing so much as $100 in the picks I tell them. We still talk about it to this day and they think it's all just too risky to even touch.

>> No.6181947
File: 182 KB, 550x478, drmanhattanfromtrailer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready /biz, coss will literally take over this place

>> No.6181952

Hope you're right!

>> No.6181964
File: 306 KB, 1200x630, 1515509473162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok common, who dropped their bags? own up now. the coin fell on sunday and still hasn't recovered

>> No.6181997
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Just make the move, dont regret this


>> No.6182056


There's over 177 exchanges, with the top ones being way better than the rest. And yet they all survive despite being seemingly "obsolete". From a technical standpoint, decentralized exchanges are usually much slower.

>> No.6182101
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>> No.6182111

but wont they improve over time.....or are they just fundamentally shit??

>> No.6182128

>wont decentralized exchanges eventually make coss obsolete??

They will NEVER get a fiats gateway. You have to be on crack if you think governments are going to let you launder money so freely without paying taxes.

Tax compliance involves handing over customer information. Among other rules and regulations.

So a decentralized exchange would have to keep a centralized repo of all customer data and transactions.... hence nullifying the purpose of having a decentralized exchange in the first place.

The funniest part is that when they implement the fiats gateway, you will be getting straight up cash as dividends.

A crypto that PAYS you in cash. Kek.

>> No.6182260

Goverments WILL keep things regulated. KuCoin will get shut down and COSS will strive.

>> No.6182279

I'm holding this and I will tell you they have been saying this shit for that long now. It literally has to pull through by next week or people will be mad as fuck.

>> No.6182309

The FIAT gateway is going to be enormous for COSS. There are very few exchanges that offer fiat trading, and the ones that do don't offer alts. And it's a huge pain in the ass to get the proper license for that, so it will be very hard for competitors to prop up. That's why COSS has been hiring a ton of compliance people.

>> No.6182318


>> No.6182343

I bought 2k Coss for 200 euro at 10 cents. It was a long hold. 200 euro is all I have as a poor student. I saw potential in this project and hodling it for months shows that it is possible to enter the market. That 200 is now worth around 4000. People expect it to go to 20 dollars. This seems crazy to me as I would have around 40000. I could pay off my student debt, but I will definitely invest that in a new 10x-100x project that I feel confident about. What is your coss target price? With API, new engine and fiat trading this could be something else.

>> No.6182414
File: 202 KB, 1597x861, COSSUI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suspect the UI will be pushed back another week. That's why we got the preview from Rune today. They got hammered with upgrading the backend this week, and their team in Romania worked through the night yesterday to get it back up and running (relatively) smoothly.

Still bullish AF.

>> No.6182535

MetroCoin XMC is gonna destroy the shit out of COSS.
And their preICO is live right now... might be too late for you normies tho

>> No.6182600

I asked rune in telegram about some comments about DEX's he made in past articles.

He said he thinks DEX's will be a major market force in 2 years time.
He also said that COSS will add a dex when or if necessary

>> No.6182649

I bought 50k at about 12.5 cents
I sold all of it at around $1.80

I may be wrong of course, but I expect a big dump once the UI rolls out because a good UI won't bring in the volume people expect. KuCoin gained volume because

1. It has a very lucrative referral system
2. It was the first to list new coins that people really want

>> No.6182708

It's not a real competitor to COSS. They don't even have a fiat gateway and the waiting times can take years.

>> No.6182740
File: 18 KB, 250x250, 1507014099060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2. It was the first to list new coins that people really want

>3 new tokens: Nitro, VEZT, CanYa + trading promos for all 3
>January 17th gatcoin listing and promo

buy back in you fool

>> No.6182746

COSS has potential on a level never seen before.
>crypto and fiat and ICO on one platform
>with crypto debit cards
>and a point of sale backend to allow stores to take BTC payments
This shit will print money if it can be implemented.

>> No.6182775

When do you think the exchange will leave beta version and become better?

>> No.6182837

Whenever they can get the legalities of fiat payments sorted. They'll have to do the new UI and API first though

>> No.6182856

If Coss implements everything before the end of the year.

Then expect $50 at least.

I have crunched several numbers. I believe this is a pretty accurate estimate, unless there is a major market crash.

A shorthand is to take KuCoin's value and x3 it. Because Coss guarantees 50% dividends through a smart contract, while KuCoin's scales down to 15% (And they can lower it even further since there is no smart contracts involved). Then we have to factor in the fiats gateway. That should add another 2x easily.

Merchants gateway seems rather iffy, and I have seen better implementations. Furthermore, it would only take off in Singapore if at all. So you can pretty much discount this.

>> No.6182862

q1 2018 after new engine

>> No.6182911
File: 94 KB, 450x410, Cossy Teaches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently aimed at late Q1. That's when the new engine with API is supposed to be ready. API will allow bots to drive volume through the roof. After that, FIAT gateway.

>> No.6182913
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>If it doesn't, then you lose nothing

>> No.6182997

I am expecting end of March for a major ramp up.

The FOMO will hit hard in April, then a market correction in May. Steady gains hereafter.

>> No.6183000

Also the crypto market is growing rapidly, so basically exchange is seeing an increase in volume.

>> No.6183022

Don't talk to me about potentials. You're wasting hundreds of thousands of potential dollars of profit by sitting here shitposting. It's not real money until you cash out.

>> No.6183061


There will never be a gateway. With so many exchanges that are better and the failures of COSS, expect that moon mission to be it.

>> No.6183132

Okay Nostradamus. Good talk.

>> No.6183163

Just checked my divies

last week I got 30 bucks
this week I got 100

Fuck yea

>> No.6183240

COSS has more lawyers and compliance officers than your mom has stds.

The company is laying the groundwork to change the game, and if you dont see that, youre a retard

>> No.6183260

At ~ $250m volume, 1 coss will provide $1 per year

lets say coss provides a 5% annual return, that would value coss at $20

That is about what Kucoins current volume is

So there is definitely 10x potential in this coin in the next few months if things go nice.

And remember, when FIAT is introduced, the fees are 3x higher, so the dividends will be 3x on fiat transactions.

think about that for a moment and decide whether you want to buy

>> No.6183297

this is gunna feel like a dream with the juicy dividends.

>> No.6183306
File: 279 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180109-175542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's going to the Moon with me? Copy my portfolio and you'll make it in 2018. MOD can be subbed out for another moonshot if desired.

>> No.6183314
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Oh shit I just logged in to check my fee split. $1.9 baby.

>> No.6183347

COSSmonaut Rune is taking us to the Moon!

>> No.6183457

for how many coss?

how many dividends can i expect per month with 4000 coss

>> No.6183456

Nice, I got $60, you're gonna make it before me

>> No.6183548
File: 243 KB, 1063x977, 1515009504753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For like 2800 coss. Not sure about 4000 but here is a lowball chart that people post in coss threads. This chart is outdated though..

>> No.6183613

Yeah first time Iv got the dividends since buying in last week and I’m made $135, this is going to be the comfiest coin when it picks up

>> No.6183651

Coss will be huge!

>> No.6183742

>tfw only a $1.80 in divies because poor and got into coss late
>can't even distribute the divies because not enough ETH for the distribution fee

>> No.6183779

People not buying coss hate free money

>> No.6183819

stack those gains and cash out later.

We're going to make it

>> No.6183827

So do we just wait until we hit the distribute threshold or we can no longer claim it after?

>> No.6183859

maybe im a brainlet but i dont understand this chart

500 coss would give me 12 dolalrs in yearly dividends

>> No.6183920


>> No.6183924

just wait, it all accumulates

>> No.6184049

Yes it would give you 12 dollars a year for 5000 coss if the exchange volume stays at 619k, but it already surpassed that.

>> No.6184066

That's at 600K daily volume, which we've long since passed. 5000 COSS today would net you about $200 yearly.

Volume's been steadily increasing. If we reach Kucoin levels, you'll earn about $5000 a year.

>> No.6184215

So glad i heard about this from /biz. This is going to make Q1 fucking great