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File: 65 KB, 690x632, by default 2018-01-08 at 1.24.09 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6109454 No.6109454 [Reply] [Original]

Buy under $5.00 - sell at $10.00. All kucoins that list initially dip then moon for about a week or two. Expect some dips here or there, and don't panic sell. Sell at 3-5x in about a week or so. It just listed this morning (7AM EST), so as more people catch up on this, and people start shilling, it will go up even faster. If you listened to my calls on SNOV, QLINK, DBC - they all went up 3-5x in the last 2 weeks. Yes, this isn't the best coin, but neither is SNOV LOL.

Circulating Supply
There are 100M tokens total. The vesting schedule for founders (20M tokens) is 12 months, so that 20M is out. 20M is kept for rewards, also not in circulating supply.

The vesting schedule for private sale (26M tokens) is 3-12 months, so that 26M is also out.

So that only leaves 34M tokens. I'm not sure how many were sold, but a lot of the early returns will depend on the circulating supply listed on CMC.

DBC has also seen ~8x gain on kucoin, with a ~3x gain from ico to initial list price on kucoin.

UTK has seen a ~6x gain since being listed on kucoin.

QLC has seen a 2.5x gain since being listed on kucoin. The circulating supply is still not listed on CMC.

Price Expectations
I think holders are in for a pretty good next few days. If we see a 34M circulating supply, and a start price of $2.60 per coin, that gives us an $88M marketcap.

While I'd be surprised to see a 10x gain, that would still put us in the ballpark of DENT, which is a similar play (i.e. mobile app backed by blockchain) with admittedly a very different market. This is an interesting play, as we'll see what decentralizing can do for an existing app.

The market they are targeting lends itself well to decentralization, and it is a large market. There don't seem to be any blockchain competitors right now. IMO, I would be looking at a $350M marketcap before considering selling anything, and will probably hold everything until we hit a $500M marketcap.

>> No.6109538

Is $4.00 a good entry point? When do you think this will 2x, and 3x?

>> No.6109544

i made 4x on this coin today in 30 seconds
seconds after it was listed, it's price was 4x lower in CAN/ETH than in CAN/BTC
bought some here, sold some here, and boom

not interested anymore

>> No.6109550

bought some, thank you for the update.

>> No.6109645

kucoin is sperging out, can someone tell me the price movements of the last few hours since listing, cant view the chart

>> No.6109652

big sell walls at ~4.20-4.25, once those are down there is no resistance for a while

>> No.6109673

Buy now asap or let it dip more as ICO holders are dumping?

>> No.6109759

If there are major sell walls -> it's a good sign that this will go up in the next few hours or a day or so. I would buy at a dip. Remember this is easy $10.00 in a day or two.

>> No.6109898

After the initial 15 minutes, hovering between 20k and 30k satoshis. between 25k and 30k the past hour.

>> No.6109918
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>> No.6109983

is kuckcoin messing up for you?

>> No.6110016

sat at 0.003818 ETH waiting till I can cash out 0.6

>> No.6110020
File: 270 KB, 1675x831, Screenshot 2018-01-08 at 7.09.18 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see this green candle wick? That's where I sold. The very top. Easiest 5x of my life.

>> No.6110182


working okay for me

>> No.6110231

Sold for 0.6xxxx ETH

>> No.6110260

It's gonna go up to $10-15 but it'll fall a few times in the next few days. If you are patient and buy 'low' right now (below $5) you should be safe. Set a stop limit at -10% below where you bought.

The algo is simple folks - invest in new coin listings on kucoin. Guaranteed 2-10x in a week to 4 weeks.

Stock market doesn't even give 20% in a year.

>> No.6110296

>tfw bought at 21k sats this morn


>> No.6110300

good arbitrage opportunities when it hits a BTC or ETH wall also

>> No.6110330

can kuckcoin please stop being dogshit and let me buy this

>> No.6110481
File: 135 KB, 1228x1090, liftoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6110553

I sold my DBC for this hopefully it will 2x soon.

>> No.6110626

I'm really weary of doing that. It's been around 4 dollars all morning.

>> No.6110643

Not selling till at least 0.006 eth

>> No.6110691


>> No.6110824


you faggots realize this isnt a shitcoin right??

CANYA acquired A REAL COMPANY with 46,000 developers called BountySource.


This is going to moon you dickmeats

>> No.6110890


More info please.

>> No.6110898

sorry normies like buying coins that are under $1.

>> No.6111091

this guys is right tho lol

>> No.6111135


ive been watching it all morning like a cuck but I missed the little peak early.

plus my LTC hasnt freed up


>> No.6111282


I had the chance to buy at 17000 sats by selling DBC but decided against in the end, just seemed too risky, and all the FUDers seemed quite articualte while the shills were talking like pajeets. Too bad you weren't here at the time OP, might have given me a little more confidence. I only have a few minutes to decide and on balance DBC has been getting a lot of positivity and hype and I got it very low, while this would have be a massive risk.

It might moon now, if it does,hope you all reap your rewards and lambos while I hodl DBC.

>> No.6111566

Guys get in - preFOMO. This and RPX are mooning.

>> No.6111593


>Guys get in

I would if Kucoin would actually load.

>> No.6111766

Get in before the big moon to $10

>> No.6111845

Kucoin is being loaded right now because of CANYA coin and RPX competition. If you can buy try buying before it hits $5-$5.0. Easy $10 in a day or 2. Expect some drops in price, but don't panic. ALl new coints on kucoin 2-5x in a week.

>> No.6111849

Can someone tell me why the top 3 people of the CanYa teams list associated with aviation?

Seriously check their LinkedIn

>> No.6111951

wow only been listed a few hours, this is going to 5x when the other side wakes up

>> No.6111954

AHHHHHH theres no way my BTC tx will go through in time to get a good position. Might have to wait patiently for a dip.

>> No.6112009
File: 57 KB, 492x550, 1407943783815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's so fucking true tho.

>> No.6112014


>> No.6112016

Canya go a little faster?

You still have time before $5

>> No.6112163

Bought another 1k before this rockets

>> No.6112304
File: 375 KB, 1936x787, Picture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit already mooned retards. Stop getting tricked by shills.

If it's already being mentioned on 4chan, its too fucking late to buy. End of story.

>> No.6112340

>i made 4x on this coin today in 30 seconds
>seconds after it was listed, it's price was 4x lower in CAN/ETH than in CAN/BTC
>bought some here, sold some here, and boom
>not interested anymore
I actually saw this and did not sell for BTC.
brb kms

>> No.6112379

This literally was listed today, you are showing a chart, of something else.

>> No.6112447

Feeling good, bought 10k this morning

>> No.6112523

HAHHAHA that isn't even the canya chart you fucking chud

>> No.6112606

Canya believe this guy.

>> No.6112716

Nice I bought some
Feel kind of bummed for not having ETH but this will probably randomly moon next week or something

>> No.6112739


>> No.6112750

>Charts by TradingView
>Take two seconds to go to TradingView and find CAN
fuck off pajeet

>> No.6112768

this is not visible yet on tradingviews and the chart doesnt look like tihs. you are trying to fool somebody

>> No.6112796

What price is at I'm on mobile boys. Just got in last night pretty excited

>> No.6112833

31k satoshis or $4.66.

>> No.6112836

lol u fucker this is some fud right there

1.this is the first exchange it got listed on
2.it got listen less than 24 hours ago
3.that graph is some other coin I don't know which one but I bet someone could figure that one out for me

>> No.6112897

Do i sell Dent at a fucking loss? To get into this shitcoin


anyways , pls respond

>> No.6112983

I predict the drop near 10$ to take profit, then rise. Are you risky enough to hodl CANs after this first drop? Do you expect at peak in a month, x3, x5, x10??

>> No.6112984

yes, do it. keep letting others think for you as well, you'll make it.

>> No.6112992

I just hope it blows up like all the other coins on Kucoin
Trust the chinks not the whales

>> No.6112999

Remember - all kucoin coins that are new listings go through a panic/fomo stage. Give this 5 days. It will be about $10-15 most likely. DYOR - look at every coin in the first week. You will see ICOs dump around $5-$6, then a nice climb up to $10.00.

>> No.6113010

Nobody knows wer all gambling just like you. Would you ask the person next to you at a slot machine if he thinks you're going to win?

>> No.6113067

Don't worry, I'm not a noob. No one dumps all their shares at 2x. The greatest mistakes happen when you leave a moon mission to early.

>> No.6113080

Yay already made more money than I lost on xrb. Kucoin is alright (mobile app soon pls)

>> No.6113144

there is but its in chinese

>> No.6113146


Fuck it, poorfag here
Usually coins moon hard after kucoin but this one hasn't

Hopefully it does, throwing in my .8eth in
Let's go up to mars m8, or down to hell. Either way i'm in

>> No.6113190

Wise words. So what will be your signal to take profit?

>> No.6113208

i assume you read moonspeak

>> No.6113223

bro it hasn't even been a day have some patient
I'd give it a week

>> No.6113282

i know bro, i'm talking about right out the gate
You usually see a steady climb up to the moon, followed by a nice healthy dip

But this one shat itself right out the gate for the most part

>> No.6113284

No I'm blind I ask my wife whats on the screen and then tell her what to type as a reply
That way I can still use the internet

>> No.6113391

I'm taking profits at $10 and I usually let ride to 0 or 10x. I don't like leaving my old plays behind

>> No.6113467

what the fuck is going on with cuckoin? Can't even login because it keeps shitting itself

>> No.6113564


>> No.6113721

nice, hopefully those fags shill it and get involved

>> No.6114009

Always good to have friends.

>> No.6114084

We're in the pre-pump mode. FOMO building up. Asians are gonna buy this when they wake up. It's 4:20 AM right now (3:20 PM EST). When they wake up, we will hopefully see a nice general trend upwards.

>> No.6114209


>> No.6114266

Hopefully this cunt dips to .0038 ETH
To pick up my buy order, cuz i aint in yet

Also not always, these chinks are tricky. I've seen them dump their own coin when they wake up at night.... but i expect a pump with this one.

>> No.6114376
File: 319 KB, 1070x1420, E5D48A73-F7A7-4ADD-B6F6-B76CC092B1CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I sold qlink dbc and my drgn positions, and went all in. Let’s hope this doubles in a few days.

>> No.6114486

would not have sold the dbc...

>> No.6114624

No comprende %.

>> No.6114756


I’ll gobackto dbc after this 3-5x this week or two.

>> No.6114841

Good job m8, DBC is a 4chan Meme now
Shilled way too hard here, i jumped that ship early. Wish i stayed longer but someone fudded me out hard.

>> No.6114912

DIP you POS, swear to God i have the worst luck

>> No.6114921

is it too late now?

>> No.6114974
File: 32 KB, 435x339, 1500510682949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's' about to hit $5. Hurry up guys get in before it goes to $10

>> No.6114997

The market they are targeting lends itself well to decentralization, and it is a large market. There don't seem to be any blockchain competitors right now. IMO, I would be looking at a $350M marketcap before considering selling anything, and will probably hold everything until we hit a $500M marketcap.

> I think holders are in for a pretty good next few days. If we see a 34M circulating supply, and a start price of $2.60 per coin, that gives us an $88M marketcap.

Alright so 350/88 = 3.977 * 2.6 = $10.34.

500/88 = 5.68 * 2.6 = $14.77. So this is an easy 2-3x moon mission.

>> No.6115162

Can somebody explain the 10$ fucking meme..... The telegram, reddit, here, discord.... The greatest FUD ive found against this coin is faggots like you with the 10$ meme.

>> No.6115175

hurry up and eat the whale so we can blast off

>> No.6115239
File: 17 KB, 533x299, b5c892c604eab3d2a47fedce8b792a0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im saying buy before it gets to $10? Did I say it would stop there? what about my post is FUD? use the acronym right reddit retard

>> No.6115330

Why did I hear someone say the Chinese would drive the price up when they wake up? Was this listed after they went to sleep?

>> No.6115400

Yea it was listed around 11 PM China time.

>> No.6115424

Because when this coin announced this morning it was night time in Chinka around 11 PM. They most likely didn't see the coin. When they wake up this mornign (it's about 5 AM right now), the chinks will see the growth this coin has, and try to FOMO in sending this to the $350 million and $500 million market cap.

>> No.6115626

Looks like this is hitting $5 pretty soon!

>> No.6115711

Should you sell before as there should be a big sell wall?

>> No.6116099
File: 75 KB, 1125x888, 6E519758-BEB7-4523-A934-5B0F721E9817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once we break through this is blasting off. Last chance at <$5

>> No.6116610


I'm 50/50 DBC and BNTY right now. Both are looking good. Anyone recommend I ditch one and get in on this?

>> No.6116791


I soldmy dbc and Bnty positions as this has a chance to moon more easily .

>> No.6116863


I'm thinking ditch DBC over BNTY and put that 50% position into this. BNTY seems like it has a lot more growth room vs. DBC.

>> No.6116887

DBC is not looking too profitable considering it won't get a high marketcap since it's a targeted product for chinese businesses, it's not like they got all the banks trying to crush BTC like XRP fails to do.
No idea about BNTY

>> No.6117085

Just dip to 27k so i can buy more reeeeeeeeeee

>> No.6117299

You are asking for the impossible, please stop spamming

>> No.6117579

Just put one ETH in this, that's half of my assets. Hope it goes well

>> No.6117640

There's a wall at $5, so we either blitz through it or we see some exhaustion, for a dip, and then back up to $7-$10 short term. I might keep this for $15-20, the coin, and team look good.

>> No.6117712

Chinese wake up soon. Prepare for yellow lightning.

>> No.6117752

What's the market cap for this coin?

>> No.6117787

It's so fresh that it hasn't been accounted yet

>> No.6117823

>What's the market cap for this coin?
100 million ish

>> No.6117917


Read the fucking thread. It's all there you lazy fat ass.

> Alright so 350/88 = 3.977 * 2.6 = $10.34.
>500/88 = 5.68 * 2.6 = $14.77. So this is an >easy 2-3x moon mission.

Stay poor, lazy ass.

>> No.6118083

This exchange is such dogshit. Nothing loads and it lags like hell

>> No.6118106

ICO price was under a dollar. Better get out before the competition's over or you're getting dumped on hard.

>> No.6118151


Thanks my dudes, altough I study economics I didn't understand shit of that calculation. And I'm 50% in so hopefully I won't stay poor.

>> No.6118265

Just trust the experts anon

>> No.6118348


During this period, users will get the corresponding CAN based on the net CAN trading amount ranking.

Activity time: 2018-01-08 20:00:00 -- 2018-01-12 23:59:59 (UTC+8)

Competition ends in 4 days ya fool.

>> No.6118595

ICO was under a dollar because ETH was under 1000
Now it would be more then a dollar

>> No.6118618

First time using this website.
Why is it so shit?

>> No.6118658

It's actually not that bad, besides login issues

>> No.6118676


Kucoin is slow b/c it's under load. But it has the best gains of all exchanges. People trying to FOMO into this basically.

>> No.6118725
File: 43 KB, 700x393, canyadigit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6118954

Anyone thinking to sign up for this, pls use my referral code 1vdhP

I will wub you forever and it don't cost ya nuffin.

>> No.6119326

There's a contest on for people offloading large amounts of this coin to the site, if we get eaten alive by them I'm blaming OP.

>> No.6119526


>> No.6119572
File: 118 KB, 1142x704, O8YAZxz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for those who still need ref, use mine
I need refs please anons

>> No.6119620

Alright lads I just bought in. These big sell walls are scary though

>> No.6119672

Where are the whale bros from yesterday? They would be helpful right about now

>> No.6119750
File: 115 KB, 880x674, chetarh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically buying ico bags the first day (first hours) they arrive at an exchange


>> No.6119843


It's for depositing CAN to the site, mong, not selling it.

>> No.6119910


>Put money into site
>not quite making it in the ranking
>o lawd its gone up
>sell sell sell

Also the second context is for trades regarding it.

>> No.6120333

i want to buy in, but it wont pick up my order

China will shit on you if you don't sell, bad luck to not let a bro in

>> No.6120572

Does anybody else have a problem with the google 2FA on KuCoin? I always get an error message "wrong code or code expired".

>> No.6120694

no, shitty slow website but my code always works

I recommend microwaving your cpu

>> No.6120708

If you're on mobile type the key instead of copy and pasting it. If you're on desktop click the log in button instead of using the enter key.

>> No.6120729

My phone app doesn't work either now

>> No.6120811


Check your phone again and when it changes it'll work.

>> No.6120832

The website fucking up is a bullish sign that people are trying to trade.

>> No.6120936


Clear your cookies and cache. Fixed it for me.

>> No.6121011

Alright lads what do I do

Bought a bunch at .0026 on EtherDelta
Sold half my stack at like .0069 on KuCoin (Already in profit)

Not sure now if I want to buy back in at the current price or just let my half stack ride and see how that goes

>> No.6121096

you nigger it never went to .0069 on cuckcoin

>> No.6121102


I'd buy back in for a at least a 2X profit. It's guaranteed. Look at DBC, BNTY, QLC. They've all gone up after listing. It's a safe bet.

>> No.6121232

Holy shit show, that website.

>> No.6121423
File: 830 KB, 808x805, 1488577847966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for all the recommendations. I pretty much tried all of this. Even tried different devices.

Why does KuCoin not want my money?

Guess ill have to keep trying.

>> No.6121429
File: 82 KB, 1347x943, CanYaNotBeRetarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying you didn't sell immediately due to the usual immediate 10 minute pump and dump?

>> No.6121480

What error message do you get?

>> No.6121513

whoops, i usually use 5 min timer
Mine didn't show it like that

very well then

I'm still trying to buy in at a dip.... fuming

>> No.6121694

how the fuck did you know .69 is the peak?
It could have easily went twice as high, good call i guess

>> No.6121836

you wanted a dip, this is it, better jump in now before the other side starts waking up

>> No.6121879

finally dipped so I can buy some more. thinking we will hit at least $5 by the time it is noon in china

>> No.6122101

>bought at $5
>now it's $4.5

I could have had 10% more of this coin, why even live? Oh yeah it's going to $10 sopn

>> No.6122122

Fucking kuckoin left my transaction pending for 6 hours locked in at 3.30 early today then canceled it AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.6122293

Got in a bit : ) TY dip gods, Proceed to moon lads
This is all i needed

>> No.6122421

Usually happens when the price is stabilising when added to a new exchange.

There was a shitload of sell walls at like 710 or some shit and a decent buywall at 690 so I just dumped into it.

>> No.6122482



>> No.6122541

You could sell now and try buy back in later when it's at a dip or you could just hold for a week when it's minimum of 2x what it is now.

Your choice

>> No.6122547


I wish these "AAAA" posts got instabanned, good fucking grief

>> No.6122552

what is goin up its sinking...

>> No.6122801

Seems to be stuck at 3.50 quid

>> No.6122848

Ooh now that's a nice dip, just picked up more.

>> No.6122888

Yeah I'm not touching this shit until it dips more. Sketch as fuck, seems way too expensive in its current fresh state.

>> No.6122911

kek FFS i could have had my buy order down here : (

O well, don't panic weak hands

There is no way in fuck it is staying here for good

New coin, means newfags want to hop on. We may have to wait.... a while

>> No.6123099
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>> No.6123253

I hate you people.

>> No.6123339
File: 194 KB, 1062x861, Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at 6.25.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems legit

>> No.6123350

Sold a bunch for cheap, hope you guys managed to pick some up.

Happy with my gainz on this, went in with more than i'm usually comfortable with. Maybe i'll buy back in if it dips a lot lower

>> No.6123618


>> No.6123733

dumb cun
If real...

If not fak off, this shit has a few moons ready. Could be hours, could be days, maybe a week.

>> No.6123882

There's a competition on for ripple as well... is that worth buying into?

>> No.6123887

Probably troll but if not you are stupid

>> No.6123944


Excuse my autism. I meant red pulse.

>> No.6124164

Theyre waking up

>> No.6124189

Are you strapped in? All settings clear?

>> No.6124253

Take your protein pills and put your helmet on

>> No.6124282

Who's flexing their 400 ETH wall lel

>> No.6124292

Commencing countdown, engine's on

>> No.6124908

Check ignitions and may God’s love be with you

>> No.6124945

should i buy now or wait?

>> No.6124993


Make your own decision but I'd wait till it's around $3. This shit seems way too high.

>> No.6125087

>what is BNTY

>> No.6125114
File: 35 KB, 365x367, 1511632900435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6125259

it's really not doing much so far desu

i bought in big and wanted to either blast into orbit or come crashing down and enjoy momentarily feeling alive

this is kind of meh

>> No.6125808

Where's my 2x?

>> No.6126140

the 2x will happen after it dumps to $2 then back to $4 before crashing to $0

>> No.6126296

you talk like someone with less than a bitcoin