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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 573 KB, 1080x1310, 1514838304192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6007848 No.6007848 [Reply] [Original]

Which one are you in and why you think it will moon?

>> No.6007897

ur missing one.

>> No.6007909

COSS and PRL too

>> No.6007928


>> No.6007938

BBT because they have an actual product. ECA and COLX will dump if that exchange ever comes back online.

>> No.6007945


>> No.6007961
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>> No.6007967

i'm in Payfair because i bought it when it was literally worth nothing, now i hold a lot of them and i already made like 10x
price dropped from ATH a bit now but i believe it will hit 1$ this month

>> No.6007974

Dgb smt vee gtc

>> No.6007982


This. It's the least pajeet out of all of the potential moon missions

Modern portfolio theory: minimise pajeet --> maximum gains

>> No.6007983
File: 9 KB, 184x184, 282c39be1dc5d6eeb9be7fe90d8b6344157a0cb8_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im into RLC, get ready for 4$ on monday

>> No.6008016


>> No.6008021

Colx is coming to two more exchanges and may even come to kucoin

>> No.6008037

I said shitcoins, not actual gems

>> No.6008081
File: 602 KB, 569x720, Officer K4.jpg (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ECA, and because I can't be a wagecuck for the rest of my life.

>> No.6008192
File: 352 KB, 420x418, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFR, by far the best of all of those. Tiny marketcap, we ate talking sub 10 million, and yet it is a completely unique idea (decentralised torrents), with a solid developmental backbone. It's inevitable this will rise to at least 100 million marketcap, I'd say go all in.

>> No.6008334

You forgot HTML coin and NYCoin

>> No.6008400

>Colx is coming to two more exchanges

which exchanges? and when?

>> No.6008414
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>> No.6008546

Listen to me you shitcoin cucks
Why waste time hoping one of these moon when we know the 2 obvious moons of jan?

I dont understand switching coins every day when you can stay with master race ICX and VEN?

>> No.6008568

decentralized torrents is a stupid idea

>> No.6008669


>> No.6008971

2018's biggest problem in crypto will be that the banks are going to make it hard to go from fiat to crypto and vice versa
PayFair solves that problem !

>> No.6009002

he didn't forget HTML coin because it's NOT a 10x coin... it's the next 10000x coin

>> No.6009035

actually laughed out loud to this thank you.

>> No.6009083

They applied to them, that doesn't mean shit as of yet.

>> No.6009126

I'm betting on COLX, the movement it's seen even being solely on the WORST two exchanges is impressive. Once it's on Cryptopia and Kucoin, we're going to fucking Pluto

>> No.6009184
File: 895 KB, 500x281, CR1IRiv.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decentralized torrents is a stupid idea
torrents ARE decentralized you retardscapofdfjalskdfjklew

>> No.6009234

Lol eca and Colx cause I was a poor fag in the beginning now I’m sitting on 3,000 k ;) Why? Privacy, they’re obvious winners

>> No.6009277

I would say FUN, but thats not a shitcoin because it is going to be genuinely useful.

>> No.6009388
File: 990 KB, 1280x720, MfzVDKN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ECA gonna have me laughing all the way to the bank.

>> No.6009508

EXRNchain. It's not too late to get on


>> No.6009529

>no HUSH
Ah, we're talking about 10x not 100x, sorry.

>> No.6009589

>part bitcoin
>part ethereum
>king slayer

>> No.6009784
File: 233 KB, 500x281, Screen_Shot_2018-01-06_at_17.15.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if there are dumb pajeets shilling this. And I do no care if you like the product or not.
There is a low circulating supply (14,400,000) and currently a low market cap ($9,655,934 USD).
The product is not that difficult to develop and WILL fill a gap that torrents currently don't.

If you are willing to hold a shitcoin.......why the FUCK would you not buy UFR?

IF you don't buy this then you deserve to be a POORFAG.

>> No.6009898

COLX...it's a privacy coin with a great team behind it. It's the prettiest shitcoin.

And it's going to Pluto.

>> No.6010007


Im gonna make it

>> No.6010012

Why? Site looks terrible, they can't even afford a translator after pocketing millions of neet money, they don't explain how they are going to integrate AI into the blockchain, nothing

>> No.6010039

Should've picked a coin that has at least 1 working exchange

>> No.6010054

BBT. Read the whitepaper, look at the team, this is a no brainer. You're lucky if you get in below $5

>> No.6010057

Oh i almost forgot gtc

>> No.6010118

what is the deal with OPs picture and why do i keep seeing it around lately?

Is it supposed to be some girl taking a slutty selfie or what?

>> No.6010270

I'm getting 30k when it gets to kuckoin.

>> No.6010484

marketeers assume the average crypto trader is white, male, between 16 and 30, a meme loving beta and drawn to pictures like OPs. They dont know how wrong they are. the bags the faggot is shilling have been december buys and the dickless idiot tries to sell his bags

>> No.6010543

Cryptopia, Kucoin and one other one that I can't remember

>> No.6010587

Qlink Q1 2018
•Launch SMS & Wi-Fi product
•Launch SDK of P2P protocol
•Integrate with IPFS
•Launch Wi-Fi billing smart contract

>> No.6010609


>> No.6010702
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>> No.6010730
File: 401 KB, 447x438, 16A98013-1B1E-4F38-8C68-5EE8799B0B4E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UFR bagholder spotted.
But seriously though, torrents are decentralized how the fuck do people not know all this while?

>> No.6010768

How the fuck would a torrent be on the blockchain? That's fucking impossible?

>> No.6010779 [DELETED] 


>> No.6010828


>> No.6011084

Just put £5k down on UFR, have seen lots of hype about this one and the concept is good.

>> No.6011179


even if it is a shitcoin, tiny market cap and won't cost much

>> No.6011202
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guess they found a way

>Pic somewhat related if you torrent CP

>> No.6011215
File: 6 KB, 562x34, EtherDelta PFR ETH (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6011221

Colx... Its a no brainer

Cryptopia paid
Kucoin paid

This will moon so fucking hard

>> No.6011267

Upfire get in get some cash and move on if you want

>> No.6011476

have invested in 3/9 you've listed. CRED went 4x since I bought into it.

>> No.6011623

I'm worried that giving monetary incentives to host pirated content is a stupid idea but what do I know.

>> No.6011663

BBT is going to buy me a fucking island

>> No.6011939

Why do wire purchases take so long?

Any recommendations on faster ways to make purchases?

How do you guys trade fast????

>> No.6012256
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>> No.6012297

U F R duh

>> No.6012357

>Don't understand switching coin everyday

I agree why would anyone want to 2x in a couple days, and then move the profit around to another 2x in a couple of days and make 8x in a week when they can stay in VEN or ICX and make 5x in a month, fucking stupid bro what morons might as well be lazy and bitch made and HODL.

>> No.6012451
File: 6 KB, 180x180, frog cigar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about x1000
Shill me the tiniest, must unknown coins with the best potential so nobody has to wagecuck again

>> No.6012464

just put $1k down on UFR. Will I make it?

>> No.6012547
File: 3.01 MB, 519x360, moon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFR huge potential, gains have already been ridiculous, do your own research into it and you'll thank me for helping you moon

>> No.6012548
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Capp cause pic related

>> No.6012570

If you're still not in HUSH you're seriously fucking retarded. ZCL JUST made x200, HUSH only made x4, there's still room for x25, GET NOW while there is still time. We're shilling it in /biz/, fucking IMAGINE what happens when it reaches reddit, you fucking mongols.

>> No.6012637

your missing doge and bytecoins
and possibly digital note.

>> No.6012676

There are sell walls on UFR now, what did you fuckers do

>> No.6012826

dont forget to pump some MANA while ganking....

>> No.6012919


lamden is 100x potential but u looking for shitcoins it is not for you

>> No.6012946
File: 24 KB, 1600x609, 74464b50-ea58-11e7-8741-44a597e96eb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biggest Hidden Gem of 2018

> Founder of NEO
> Developers of NEO
> ICO price $2
> Current price $8.50 so only 4x approx
> 35m Circulating Supply
> Extremely low Market Cap
> Considered the Google of Blockchains
> Hasn't pumped yet cause no one knows about it yet
> Only on Huobi and OKEx which means you should get in before it goes mainstream
> Main-net Q1 2018
> (Doesn't mean much but so you can get an idea of how much potential there is on this coin, Ian Balina said that it could easily do a 100x)

Without a doubt, the comfiest pick of the year.

Nebulas (NAS)

It's a easy 100x and I'm all in

In b4 shills saying it Mooned already
>100x potential
>60% In a day

Kek stay poor faggets

>> No.6012962


>> No.6013080

This is only on etherdelta

>> No.6013155


Community based project taking over from Confido. Token sale will be tiny, Presale happening right now with 30% discount.

Not only will they produce what confido couldnt, they are aiming for an all encompassing escrow solution in crypto.
Get in now, already looks like it will reach the hard cap and there are only 300 people in the telegram channel. Haven't even started their bounty program yet.

>> No.6013266 [DELETED] 

First 100k users who sign up no longer have to pay trading fees for a very long time. Hurry up, we already reached 90k registered users.

>> No.6013428

just bought 5k worth of BBT and 5k worth of UFR...did you guys fuck me over or am I comfy

>> No.6013705
File: 62 KB, 1019x640, ab1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these

>> No.6013774

saved nice.

>> No.6013866

it's funny because you can perfectly taste how salty the author is for not getting laid at 17

>> No.6013868
File: 736 KB, 810x4530, 2018-01-07 02.37.53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

follow me for profit

>> No.6014028

>tfw when only two anons said DBC

This board is hopeless. I am done. Bye /biz/.

>> No.6014105
File: 61 KB, 1019x640, ab2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE these

>> No.6014127



>> No.6014187


no more chink exchanges plus they will allow fiat lets go

>> No.6014487


>muh blockchain ai

fucking retarded

>> No.6014720


ls use my referral code

>> No.6014764


>> No.6014919

BBT is so going to my first 100x

>> No.6015370


>> No.6016169

You forgot to mention bazingacoin. it's actually legit despire all the people thrashing it

>> No.6016208

does anyone have the original

>> No.6016239
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>Pajeet can't stop shilling BitBoost.

BitBoost is a dogshit version of Shopify (NYSE: SHOP) with bitcoin payments. Shopify already has support for bitcoin payments. If you think anyone is going to use this you are beyond saving. You are the dumb money.

>> No.6016259

please help

>> No.6016443

ECA generated enough traffic to crash 2 exchanges, enough said.

>> No.6016536

BBT will make so many people rich

Also PRL still has x10 potential

>> No.6016632
File: 384 KB, 385x352, eca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. It's a fucking shitcoin but not for long

>> No.6016655

Wow Ann is such a loser, typical woman that has no understanding of finances.

>> No.6016712


>> No.6016880

I have all of them except BBT and CRED (failed 400 times buying it on ED). Either of those must haves?

Plan to hold all for at least a week and revisit then.

>> No.6017290
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pic related

>> No.6017334

Same, as long as coinsmarkets ever gets back online