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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6000444 No.6000444 [Reply] [Original]


Whoever bought into this, you are fucking lucky rich bastards.

I am the anon that posted threads about coss trying to humbly get you people into it before the exchange obviously shat itself.

Whoever listened to my tips, good for you.

Whoever did not (mainly Kucoin cuck shills), neck yourself.

>> No.6000485
File: 985 KB, 1280x905, yearlycoss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in on COSS

>> No.6000536

Trips confirm

>> No.6000539

I have both. Stay poor.

>> No.6000696

Made x3.5 with KCS and all went into COSS

Thanks CuckCoiners

>> No.6000729

In October I had 2.5k in crypto. I decided to put 50% of it in COSS and not touch it. My portfolio is now at $44k. This is unreal, I might actually make it

>> No.6000975

How many coins did you get brother? If crypto becomes mainstream and actually lives for years then COSS could easily provide for you

>> No.6001096

Should I still hop on COSS or nah? When does the exchange come out?

>> No.6001429

12.5k COSS. Could hardly believe my eyes when I check block folio this morning.

It could very well dip again after this run, but COSS is here to stay. And is still ranked outside the top 200. It'll be a top 100 coin by q2 I reckon. If you buy now you might end up -30% tomorrow (or maybe not) but you'll definitely still have caught it early in the long run

>> No.6001909

Wait it out, it's dipping hard atm.

Only reason it's skyrocketed is because the exchange is down and no one can sell

>> No.6002220
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not really bruh. check out the daily volume, pic related, almost 7m, it's like twice the ath, exchange running good, price steadily increaes

>> No.6002368

You have got to be shitting me... this is hitting 5$ earlier than I thought ...

If anyone is still reading my thread, throw 100$ or more on KIN once it comes back on in the Coss Exchange.

You'll thank me someday

>> No.6002453

My DASH deposit is taking literally hours.

COSS has doubled since I tried to buy in.

>> No.6002479

what is the price per coin??

>> No.6002535

fuck it just hit 1$ again
checked so I know we will bounce back up

>> No.6002570

Depositing into Coss is taking a while
Took me 6hrs to deposit 1k worth of btc but it made it.
They are working very hard on answering all questions and fixing the bugs and tweaks.
You can catch rune in the telegram being honest as always.

My friend accidentally sent 1k worth of btc to coss into a Bitcoin cash address and they STILL recovered it for free despite taking a long time to process everything.

~1.54$ ish

>> No.6002603

The fuck? Are we finally getting boom/bust cycles in COSS?

>> No.6002624

Jump aboard gents


>> No.6002643

Lol someone just cashed out

.92$ on the coss.io eth pair
1.08 on the btc pair
volume fell by a million in a minute

YESSS let the whale wars begin!!!!

>> No.6002681
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>> No.6002837
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So... buy now, right?

>> No.6002866
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Wherever I shill COSS I'll once in a while meet some serious whales. Theres a random chinese woman on the COSS slack that holds 500k COSS.

I met a dude shilling on discord that held 25k COSS. That dude convinced me to go up to 25k in COSS.

If you want to be a whale, get in on COSS

>> No.6002985

>using an exchange where you have to send verification docs

>> No.6002993
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;) if you can cosslet

>> No.6003079
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>He didn't buy months ago when we told him to.

>> No.6003133

I literally shilled this fucking coin for a month and you did not listen.

>> No.6003244

Bought 50k COSS last night because I was pissed about missing out on KCS. Pretty happy with these gains. The new UI is going to be nice too.

>> No.6003262

Coss is a waste of time. Check out the volume vs the volume on kucoin. Use my ref to sign up for kucoin: E3upQA. If you use this ref, I’ll send you 1 XRB!

>> No.6003331
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Kuckcoiners so desperate for referrals that they are actually paying people now? 15% dividends sounds great huh?

>> No.6003339


>> No.6003393

250 here. Will I make it?

>> No.6003497

as the digits prophesied

make profit and sell

>> No.6003521


>> No.6003576

Been trying since this morning to buy some but the transactions are so slow, my LTC still hasn't come through

>> No.6003654

>Been trying since this morning to buy some but the transactions are so slow, my LTC still hasn't come through

growing pains
Sucks but you are not alone, patience m8 devs are busy trying to help.

>> No.6003782

You are going to be disappointed when your LTC does get on there and see how much of a loss you are going to take to get COSS

>> No.6004110

What do you mean not get on there?
You mean in time?

>> No.6004135
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Aaaaand just like that we're back up to $1.3 with $7M daily volume. Hope you faggots bought the dip.

>> No.6004233

There is no COSS/LTC pairing. So you're going to have to buy ETH or BTC first, which is probably going to cost you a premium with such low volume. Then you're going to have to buy COSS, costing you in fees again. Check Coinmarketcap just before you buy the ETH/BTC to see which one will be cheaper.

>> No.6004376

Hmm, yeah you're right. Thought I was avoiding fees by buying LTC instead of BTC but the trade costs didn't occur to me
Thanks for the advice anon, will think this through better next time

>> No.6004467
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>> No.6004654



>> No.6004655

It sucks, but it's how we grow. We pay with blood, and hopefully become smarter for it.

>> No.6004728

I am in the same boat, I FOMOed without looking at the trading pairs and sent LTC. Now I have 5 ltc sitting on the exchange debating how hard I am FOMOing.

>> No.6004777

So, how likely is a x2 pump... and the exchange working well enough to withdraw on time?

>> No.6004791

I dont know whats best:
COSS going up and us COSSbros gonna make it big time
KuCucks having to resort to paying people to sign up under them because it's so dumpy

>> No.6004988

It happens anon. Nothing you can do about it right now, any stress is just going to be counterproductive to being able to take action once you are able to.
This is truly edge case stuff here. You will still make it.

>> No.6005051
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Both? Can I choose both?

I knew the referral system would be Kucoin's downfall. Once you accept the pajeet mentality, it seeps into your very soul, twisting your every thought. There is no hope for degenerate ponzi scum, but Cossites will walk the true path.

>> No.6005129
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>but Cossites will walk the true path.
we need to publicly tar and feather the few cossbros that have been posting referal links

shame them

>> No.6005322

I Invested both in Kucoin and Coss, and bought both of them almost at their lowest level. I made a shit ton of money this month and I'm still sitting on a comfortable pile of KCS and COSS. 2018 is off to a meteoric start for me.and I feel it's only the beginning for these two.

>> No.6005354
File: 146 KB, 1024x576, come_at_me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are not Cossacks, these are Kucucks who are jumping ship. They taste the blood in the water and know that it is their own, and as their ship sinks beneath the waves they reach for anything remotely resembling their old system. But COSS does not demand you ensnare others into your ponzi exchange, only that you hodl in your belief.

>> No.6005380

I personally don't think that's worth shaming. Kucoin's ponzi-like referral system is a significant factor in its success. I don't mind if some people want to take advantage of coss's referral system. It only helps me by growing the exchange.

>> No.6005653
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we shall fight them together anon.

keep our Cosswamen pure.

You would have these filthy kucucks touch this beauty with their disgusting referral hands?
Treasonous talk there anon.

>> No.6005749

Frankly the downfall of Coss is that referrals dont do shit for you. Cuckoin referral system is much better and it actually encourages people to join the site.

inb4 pajeet mentality, binance, coinexchange, craptopia, all of them have referral systems in place.

>> No.6005801

Nice thread. I remember the first threads on COSS. Major FUD, major. It was exactly that FUD that made me put 1/2 of mine in too. And guess what?..... the hasn't even started yet

>> No.6005838

I value monetary gain too much to care about whether other people sacrifice their self-respect by spamming referral codes. Perhaps you're more honorable, but I prefer to be practical

>> No.6005894

I just bought 1200 did I get scammed?

>> No.6005961

yea the exchange is shitty right now. This rocket shit is held together by duct tape and that rope that Tom Hanks made in Castaway. But fuck will we be rewarded.

The referral program here will be based on the never-decreasing dividends. It will be jucier than a fat girls pussy

>> No.6005996
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>> No.6006042
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>I value monetary gain too much to care about whether other people sacrifice their self-respect by spamming referral codes. Perhaps you're more honorable, but I prefer to be practical

May you gain forever...

>> No.6006049
File: 12 KB, 400x274, rookienumbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't get rich from the dividends, but it's a solid 5x at these levels. Still less than 100M marketcap. How many utter shitcoins are $1B?

>> No.6006081
File: 73 KB, 600x591, 1317816980148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, just bought about 300 Coss. I`m late to the party, but it should still be just getting started.

>> No.6006122

The referral system just saves you money from trading's fee. You dont earn shit from making people join

>> No.6006128
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reporting in

>> No.6006162
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King of morocco checking in

>> No.6006176

Got a link to the Telegram?

Still not seeing a damn thing. Been 4 hours.

>> No.6006177

I was saying that the *true* referral system (not actual) will be the dividends that won't go away. So to speak

>> No.6006182

damn she is built right 11/10 would pay crypto for a handy by her

>> No.6006213
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Over 130K COSS here.

Comfy 20x on my <9k investment

>> No.6006216
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liek little babby

>watch this

>> No.6006246

Don't forget to do their verification process before they add payment gateway

>INB4 3 month wait period before being able to cash out.

Do it while the volume of users is low

>> No.6006354
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>Got a link to the Telegram?
theres enough faggots complaining uselessly on the telegram only to be told that they have to wait but here ya go

>Don't forget to do their verification process before they add payment gateway
you can't yet if you are USA fyi
you will be able to however
USAfags are welcome

>> No.6006367

Why would I cash out of Coss
I can just sell it back to eth or btc and send it to quadrigacx for cashing out through Interac

>> No.6006373

This is going to $3.5 by the end of next week.

Buy a polaroid camera and take a picture of this

>> No.6006407

If enough people bitch maybe we'll get our currency out of limbo. Thanks for the link.

>> No.6006414

Hmmm... I was wondering why my KYC was taking 3 months... lol

>> No.6006417

Do I have to do KYC to withdrawn ETH?

>> No.6006461

Right now, no. But soon.

>> No.6006579
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>Hmmm... I was wondering why my KYC was taking 3 months... lol
Indeed you can not be verified yet
you will be able too
USAfags will always be welcome on COSS

>Do I have to do KYC to withdrawn ETH?
No, it may say somewhere on the website to that extent but it is not enforced

>If enough people bitch
yes everyone in the telegram already hates you

>> No.6006711

Not COSS specifically.

Also need to be verified to deposit fiat.

can't hurt to just do it know , you never known if you'll might use it one day.

>took 7 hours to be verified ,eurofag

>> No.6006780

>yes everyone in the telegram already hates you

>> No.6007127
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>verification denied cause my country doesn`t issue utilities in the alphabet
wat do.

>> No.6007231
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Don't be a pajeet?

>> No.6007314

Any AML compliant bank can certify your residence address, usually for free.

>> No.6007637
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>> No.6007683

Got 4800 at 5 cents, comfy as fuck.

>> No.6007844

Pretty good nickname.