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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 225x225, doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5954486 No.5954486 [Reply] [Original]

Who still has some Dogecoin? I remember back when we were still on /g/, /biz/ literally got created because we were suffocating the board with Dogecoin posts. People for sure still have to have some left in their wallets.

We're in the news, the marketcap just hit $1B, let's shill this thing and ride it out

>> No.5955071

I do.
Not that much tho.

>> No.5955138

the mainstream media is shilling it pretty hard right now

>> No.5955174
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>> No.5955230

i sold em for ripple and im still at a plus

>> No.5955274

Like six months ago I found 190k that mined back in 2013. Sold it though, feels kinda bad.

>> No.5955296

I had some in December 2013 which I turned into $200 of btc, which is now about $7500, still have it. Did I do better than keeping it in doge for 4years. Pls say yes. I wish I could find my transaction history but i was using CoinedUp exchange which is gonzo

>> No.5955424

imagine being the guy who first memed doge and owning no part of any of it.

>> No.5955657

100,000 and i am liking the recent mooning

>> No.5955840

Holding 88,000 into late retirement. Great investment wow

>> No.5956257
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It hasn't even started yet

>> No.5956369

This is the year of the dog btw. So I bought 41k

Already up 50%

>> No.5956372
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Recently found my old android that I had doge in. Completely forgot all about it. Accumulated this from tips and shit on reddit in 2013.

Will I be okay /biz/?

>> No.5956470

Why after all these years are my measly 2k doge making me money? What happened?

>> No.5956512

>if you bought at 18 sats when /biz/ told you you'd be over 400% rn

i bought 100k doge a few months ago and gave a lot of it away on /biz/, bought some kimchi socks for me and my bro and still have 40k

>> No.5956747
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This really was the definite reason why /biz/ was created. Had fun memeing and mining, I still have several other shitcoins from that period. My only regret was that I stopped messing around with crypto right when Etherium was announced.

>> No.5956826

I have a lil over 18k.

I had 400k back in 2014 and threw the USB drive I kept it on because I forgot about it.

>> No.5956876

So I haven't opened my wallet since about 2014.

Do I need to download a new wallet? Was it forked? Is there anything I need to know before firing it up?

>> No.5956910

>put a third of my stack in a couple days ago
>its up 50%

>> No.5956970

Same boat exact same boat but with 500k :(

>> No.5957013

there haven't been any software updates for 2 years and I'm now using Core 1.10 with wallet.dat from 2014, had no problems.

>> No.5957155

>mine for two weeks on shit netbook CPU years ago
>wake up today to free $2000 for my troubles


>> No.5957255

Advice: mine Photon

>> No.5957267

Some guy scammed me for 20k doge back in one of the first doge threads on /pol/. Please send it back.

>> No.5957324

I only have 24k, should I wait to buy more?

>> No.5957326

dogecoin is our beautiful child, take care of it

>> No.5957643

/pol/ is worse shithole than /b/

there were treads on /g/ where some guy gave away 10k doges for everyone who asked

>> No.5957690

Literally went up after I decided to exchange it for raiblocks fml

>> No.5957712

I went all in when it was at 20 a while ago. Hilarious free meme magic money.

>> No.5957764

10k doge was worth less than a dollar then, i mined 100k doge in like 3 days

>> No.5958066
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>> No.5958328
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>tfw tempted to sell but to faithful to doge
I will not break.

>> No.5958398


the shitcoin designed to make fun of shitcoins is worth well over a billion

in other news real enterprise projects like VEN are worth a billion too

choose wisely

>> No.5958594

is this going back to 20 sats? was that the end of the annual doge pump?

>> No.5958704
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>> No.5958939

The year of the doge doesn't even start until February, this is just the beginning

>> No.5958996
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i want my 5mil doge back, fuck you big vern, i'll curse cryptsy till the day i die.

>> No.5959093

bad doge
chink new year haven't started yet

>> No.5959884

paul vernon took 50 000 doge from me man

>> No.5959939

but yeah no id kill vernon if i was you

>> No.5959957
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Have about a thousand purely from faucets. If it gets past 5 cents USD I'll be beyond comfy

>> No.5960025

Had a shitload of doge that I forgot about and lost. Don't mind starting over because I still have the faggot dogecoin stickers on my computer

>> No.5960087

Got like 25k and i love this coin. Unironically hodling.

>> No.5960134

500k, wished I'd pulled the trigger on 1 mil back at 20 sats

>> No.5960144

How do you mine it. There are no guides the threads just at all assume people know enough already and there are no pools

>> No.5960514
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still have like 500k

>> No.5960623

its not worth it honestly unless you have an asic. doge is scrypt algo and is merge mined with litecoin by scrypt asic miners

if you have any kind of gpu hash power you are way better served mining almost anything else

>> No.5960690

Sold mine in September to trade shitcoins. Been funnelling gains back into doge and finally have over 1M again.

>> No.5961098

I just purchased 200,000,000 doge

now or never fuccbois

>> No.5961320

>-500 000 to cryptsy
i feel bad for you

>> No.5961365

it was a good lesson to never leave your coins on a exchange
at least I still have 500k left

>> No.5961410

You wish. Even I can only afford 140 million.

I'd have bought that many at 65 sats desu.

>> No.5961524

Oh I was talking about mining photon

>> No.5961544

if i back up my wallet.dat i can recover my coin no matter what, right? like even if the blockchain wasn't synced when i backed it up or even if i don't have any doge in the wallet yet?

>> No.5961663

Yep. You just need the private keys.

>> No.5961680

yes you can and should backup your wallet.dat file
if you don't do any transactions after backing the file up you should always have your coins
It does take a while to sync and download the entire chain on a new pc since its like 20gigs

>> No.5961706
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tfw you became a doge millionaire @ 20 sats
t. me

>> No.5961763

>if you don't do any transactions after backing the file up you should always have your coins
so if i do any transactions i have to back it up again?

>> No.5961832

if you sync the backed up wallet.dat it will show the new transactions
it will update itself

>> No.5961991

ikay i see. thanks, anon!

>> No.5962037
File: 66 KB, 182x184, Screen Shot 2018-01-05 at 6.54.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo I got scammed for 45k dogecoin (dont ask how, just know that im a dumb cunt faggot who should kill myself)

I know his name is James Brodsky and his email has 1962 in it so he might be 56 years old. What do? Set a bounty on his head?

>> No.5962237

I'll let you cry on my penis before I put it in your mom because I feel bad for you.

>> No.5962242

I hope he fucking dies every day.

And I "only" lost 500k DOGE.

>> No.5962256
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kill someone over 600 dollars?
poorfag much?

>> No.5962320

hey oldfags, look at Pandacoin on yobit, wtf is happening? is this a pump and dump or a revival?

>> No.5962321

Holding 6 mil and feeling very comfy right now
Just had Delta notify me that its gone up so much. Nearly in 6 figure portfolio thanks to my faithful Doge
I mined every last of my coins back in '14. So glad I held

>> No.5962325

Hes living like a king in china with 10s of millions of our dollars and banging the hottest asian girls money can buy.

>> No.5962361
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kys retard

>> No.5962440

Not kill him, a bounty on finding who he is cuz theres a few ppl named James Brodsky

>> No.5962892
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lol how can you even use it? Wasn't that shit delisted from everywhere?

>> No.5963581

I've got 20k, wondering if I should keep hodling or swap for ETH

>> No.5963627
File: 50 KB, 382x255, dogecoin-382x255 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally mined over 10 million of the coins

I'm not selling a single one

>> No.5963763
File: 165 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180106-010322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put $1k into each sigt and emb, turned that $2k into $574. Disgusted, I sold both of those niggerfaggot bullshit coins and dumped into doge for funsies. Pic related

>> No.5963865


>> No.5964252
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Pump it.

>> No.5964413
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fucking kek

I bought a doge puppy and that sorta influenced my decision as well. His name is bear and he's awesome

>> No.5964468

10 mil doge here.

Cant believe this meme made me more than bitcoin

>> No.5964487

should i go all in on doge

>> No.5964545


>> No.5964573

I mined 800k doge on cpu the weekend it came out, then stopped. Still on my pc, but i dont know how to access it.'

I havent synced the wallet in like 4 years and dont know how.

>> No.5964618

fucking cute doggo

cut his head out into a circular shape, make the background blue/trans and you have doge jr meme.

>> No.5964637

He looks like a good boy. You're going to make it.

>> No.5964667

How many sats do you think its going to?
I think its definitely going to at least 150
Or is it going to be like all the other low cost coins were it moons into the thousands?

>> No.5964686

I have 400k on a hardrive. I should probably go find it

>> No.5964732
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Here he is at like 9 weeks trying to get the fuck out of daddy's lambo.

>> No.5964743

I mined 20 million and sold them all.

>> No.5964868

I lost 3 mil doge to cryptsy bro. No fun anons, pray for our sanity.

>> No.5964915

Fuck man im salty i sold the bobsled news and never bought it back lol.

>> No.5965066

This will get big. Think 50c this year at least
Easily available. This coin doesn't need Pajeets shilling it. It's a good boi

>> No.5965153

I don't think there's a need to panic sell
Doge always more than doubles in price in a day when its at the end of its moon, and stays there for a day. That's my signal to leave

>> No.5965235
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does anyone have the vimeo vid of the record playing oh yeah by yello i've been looking for years

>> No.5965421

Probably me, 10k was my standard number and I gave away around a million total. I probably accidentally made some of them good money by getting them into mining and then rediscovering their wallets, so that's the way to think about it instead of the money wasted.

>> No.5965806

OP here, we got a nice thread going here

I used to gamble solely with doge back when you could mine it for cheap, used to play on this coin flipping website with an autobetting script that used the Martingale system.

Had slowly worked my way up to around 70k doge just running this script selectively, betting .1 doge every second. Then one day I left it running all day for class, worked my way up to around 140K dogecoin, and then lost 21 coin flips in a row and lost all of it....

To this day I wonder if the website had some sort of mitigation technique against autobetting, or if I was really just that crazily unlucky.

Something like 1 in 2,000,000 chance of that happening

>> No.5965927

fuck I remember that site I used that shit

>> No.5965966

Steel hands and happy holder of 500k. Last year I sold steam keys for like 30-10k doges lol.

>> No.5965992
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This displeases the elder doges. Why would you gamble with your sweet precious baby angels?

>> No.5966008

Nah. That's just how it is with martingale. At some point you actually are going to get that unlucky.

>> No.5966277
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can i drive your daddys lambo

>> No.5966516
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>using the martingale strat
lmao kys gambler idiot

>> No.5967002

A lot of people who use martingale system truly believe nobody is that unlucky but if you play forever you actually will hit 2 to the power of 21 chance. The flaw with the martingale system is that it assumes you have enough money to play forever.

>> No.5967070

Had 110k but cryptsy stole it