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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5911080 No.5911080 [Reply] [Original]

Since /biz/ is always on the hunt for the next pajeetcoin, just to get dumped on, I will bring some fresh air into biz. Because I feel sorry for you retards and you shilled me some good coins in the past.

IntenseCoin (ITNS) is the next safe mid term 50-100x coin (note yesterday 200x) in a 4-6 months timeframe (look at Skycoin the past few days, ITNS will do the same but better/anonymous)

Intense is aiming to become THE anonymous (monero-based) marketplace for VPNs.

Some facts (based on dev statements on discord which I follow closely):
>browser PLUG-IN end of jan 2018 + MVP of desktop wallet
>name change Q1
>Dev said some major VPN service providers that they have contacted so far have shown major interest
>Desktop wallet coming within 6 months (check out their world-class team, Vladimir Jirasek top security head of Nokia, Tmobile, Dell etc in the past)
>Mobile wallet within 8 months
>Hardware VPN router coming end of 2018

Some general facts:
>Market cap: 6-7m right now (I started shilling this at 600k 2 weeks ago and it will only go up from here)
>VPN market is 70-80B per year
>China bans major VPN providers, therefore decentralised VPN market will be huge there, there is a big demand
>Intense won't compete with VPN providers, as they can just easily act as nodes and then get paid in ITNS, it will bring more people
>personal prediction of market cap once widely used: 10-15B if major providers hop onboard, it will be very popular because ITNS offers monero-like privacy

Mobile wallet will be a break-through
>be poorfag or be from russia, north korea or china
>have unlimited data plans
>go to sleep
>stake ITNS on mobile wallet and provide your mobile internet connection
>all westeners will lick their fingers for private russian/north korean/chinese internet connections

Where to buy: stocks.exchange (RU)
Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/f3XQgA3
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2090765.0
Website: intensecoin.com

>> No.5911673

honestly went in for 5000 coins today, I do not regret this choice. Want to race lambos later this year anon?

>> No.5911944

Honestly, yes!

Although I'm really thrilled about this coin. Not only the money I'll be making with it but real world use

>> No.5912059

exactly why I like it. It will support free speech and free market flow and I'm all about that shit. I think that anyone who wants to invest in a coin needs to think about these things: Does it follow bitcoin's original mission? Does it actually provide a service outside of arbitrage? Is it's main focus security and privacy? (bonus: is it fungible?)

honestly if none of your coins hold at least three of those attributes you should probably fucking sell it immediately and do better research for long term holds.

>> No.5912143
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>> No.5912209

wish they could get on another exchange. but i got in early so not complaining. and yes, this is literally the only coin i own that i would actually use.

>> No.5912215

LINK or XRP holder detected enjoy your shitcoin

>> No.5912281
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>> No.5912308

Not really.

Currently having a massive diarrhea and reading on altcoins squeezing my butt.

After some reading old posts I tried to warn /biz/ about this coin.

>> No.5912341

thanks for bumping us, I will tell auntie Anpoo to send you some delicious chutney for the holiday celebrations

>> No.5912348

im dying

>> No.5912380

I'd rather buy xvg

>> No.5912384

Why not just buy skycoin? it is far more advanced and has a lot of good news coming up.

>> No.5912433

I was shilling this earlier so might as well post it here since it's way better

Ticker: SNT
A mobile Etherium OS, you read that right, a mobile OS based on etherium.
-A hardware wallet with a safe, contactless transaction experience
-compatible with all major cryptocurrencies including Eth and ERC-20 tokens.
-open source bounty based development of the code
-private messaging through the "OS network/etherium"
-multinational development team and angle investors out the ass

Think about it, the Asians are embracing this technology much better than Euros or Americans. Their fucking beggars use QR-codes in place of fucking local currency, that speaks volumes of the direction they're going with this.

Every fucking China man is going to want to see their cryptokitties and ether waifus on their etherium based mobile devices.

>why do I need the token?
- SNT is required to register a username on the Status Network.
Stakeholder A, a casual user, wishes to register the username @david inside of Status so his friends can easily find him, and more easily recover his account should he lose his mobile device.

SNT is required to become a seller. Research case: SNT required for arbitration.
Stakeholder B, a street vendor in India, becomes a Seller on the Status Teller Network as a means of generating additional revenue.

-SNT is required to deploy a semi-public token-based group chats
Stakeholder C, an event organizer, has issued a token as a ticket for a music festival using Bancor inside of Status, and allows attendees to join a Public Group Chat.

- SNT is required by Stakeholders to select and receive push notifications.
Stakeholder D, a casual user, wants to receive Push Notifications and pays a microtransaction in SNT to do so.

>> No.5912456

The name kind of gives it away as a pajeetcoin. Intense Coin, really? If you want the biggest red flag of all, go to the website and scroll down a bit and "meet the team". That's in quotes because there aren't even photos of the team members. Isn't that convenient? It's almost like they did it so nobody could find them if they decided to say... cut and run.

>nobody wants to buy your shitcoin so you immediately shill another


>> No.5912492

xvg is garbage, that was the joke, you fucking shit eating pajeet

>> No.5912558

>calling me a pajeet when you're a shitcoin buying brainlet

ok lol

I like that you can't even spell Ethereum.

>> No.5912622

Take a look at Vladimir Jirasek (@VJirasek): https://twitter.com/VJirasek?s=09

Take a look at this.

>> No.5912665

Take a look at Vladimir Jirasek (@VJirasek): https://twitter.com/VJirasek?s=09

>> No.5912671
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>shills a literal shit coin designed by a chad that has been hard ball dropping for a week straight.

Go dump your bags elsewhere


>> No.5912715

But I'm not shilling anything, you mouth breather. I've never shilled a coin on /biz/ because I'm not fucking shitcoin buying shitskin who needs my PnD coin to pump.

Please point out where I tried to shill something or just continue embarrassing yourself.