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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 75 KB, 626x650, anti biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5899682 No.5899682 [Reply] [Original]

I noticed /biz/ hates on "normies" (sexually and socially successful people), so let's compare our days

>woke up at 730
>cigarette and coffee outside my florida home
>shower, dress, at work at my 100k job by 8:15
>browse facebook/biz/other news
>go out for a nice lunch
>do work periodically
>continue browsing the web
>home by 5:15
>kids greet me and tell me about their day
>wife has dinner ready by 7
>go for a dip in the pool if its warm enough
>in bed by 10:30
>repeat 5x per week 47 weeks per year

Tell me about your "lambos" biz, lmoa

>> No.5899736

you forgot the part where your wife is fucking people behind your back

>> No.5899743

your life has been lived millions of times before its boring

>> No.5899798

Degenerate piece of filth. Stopped reading there.

>> No.5899830



>> No.5899842

Sounds fucking miserable

>> No.5899843
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Have fun enriching the jews. True freedom looks like this.

>> No.5899887

you're probably fat/stupid and your wife is probably ugly or fucking other men.
you must be white trash there's no way you make 100k nice larp faggot

>> No.5899889

who hurt you

>> No.5900014

normies aren't necessarily "sexually and socially successful people"
normies are the lowest common denominator. the lemmings
You might be a normie if you:
>lean left
>consume pop culture
>work service jobs
>willingly go into massive amounts of debt for non-stem degrees
etc etc

I'm both socially and sexually successful but I don't work a norman job cause I'm making insane money on the internet with hardly any effort.

>> No.5900017
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Lol I actually am fat and stupid

But I'm socially apt, confident, and have good facial features, so I'm always closing deals and my wife is hot


>> No.5900074
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>woke up at 10am
>take a shit
>lie in bed awake until 3pm
>get up, shower, check /biz/
>work is dead, spend an hour and a half and don't make any tips
>leave early because no point in me being there
>buy a burger and a drink for dinner from mcdonalds
>smoke a joint when I get home

now I will shitpost on /biz/ for the next 8 hours and repeat

I hate my life and wish I was dead.

the only things that can get me out of this is the breaking down of our modern society or get rich quick schemes so here I am trying to get rich quick off crypto

>> No.5900103

Nice LARP. sounds boring as fuck either way.

>> No.5900152

I'm socially and sexually successful. I have no job and just broke up with my girlfriend because she was a bitch to me about the fact that I like spending my time making music on ableton and trading crypto. I just hit 6 figures today after starting with 4K.

I also hate normies. You don't understand what a normie really is... It's not what you describe them as. Most likely because you are probably a normie.

reeeeee etc

>> No.5900212

>I'm socially and sexually successful.

kys normie

>> No.5900240

>wake up 11am
>mommy left me with some scrambled eggs while she went to work to bring back us some money
>eat and then watch some Milf porn
>shower, dress and straight to /biz/
>make some good trades with FUN and Tron, profit around 1.4k today
>shitpost a bit
>mommy calls and tells me if i can shovel a little because of snow storm
>a bit mad because i might miss some moon missions but guess I can for mommy
>come back, tired, order mcdonalds UberEats
>driver comes 1 hour late, I yell at him and tell him to fuck off my property
>go back to biz, but take a brief fap to some Busty 18/19 gonewild post on reddddit
>mommy comes home
>ask about her day and then we make some tyson chicken
>she falls asleep watching tv and i'm back here making this post

I have a fun NEET life >:)

>> No.5900248

I'll suck your dick you faggot

>> No.5900284


Cmon anon its ok

I was a shitty waiter as recently as 5 years ago... and as I mentioned above, I'm fat and stupid. Literally just be confident and everythign falls into place

It's not just a meme

>> No.5900292
File: 48 KB, 360x740, Screenshot_20180104-215950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, If /biz/ saw me in real life they'd call me a SJW, chad, pajeet, poorfag, etc.

But I don't give a shit.

I'm a lightskinned black person, who has managed to quadruple his portfolio. I'll be here taking y'all advice and getting fucking rich. I can ignore the racist neckbeard bullshit.

Pic related.

>> No.5900392

I'd have no problem with you if you weren't a SJW. The very concept of Social Justice is oxymoronic...

>> No.5900448

human rights are moronic, Mad Max is my ideal society desu

>> No.5900520

>watermelon watermelon booty kfc ayoo hol up
Sorry I don't understand niggin

>> No.5900551



I'm the most liberal, anti-trump, pro-gay, non-religious, anti-gun, TYT loving person you'd ever meet.

I even met my current girlfriend at a Trump protest.

>> No.5900611

This is a bad larp

>> No.5900661

>wake up at 6
>shitpost on plebbit and 4chan on my phone in bed for half an hour
>get ready for my shitty median income deskjob, get there at 7:30, half an hour late
>fortunately nobody there cares about me or notices me
>spend all day shitposting and trading cryptos
>go out for a shitty mclunch I eat in my car
>go back to work, get a little work done and more shitposting
>get home by 4
>more shitposting, trading cryptos, maybe fap, have a few beers
>dinner by 5:30, something simple like baked chicken with rice, spagoot, or a tv dinner, with a side of beer or whiskey/vodka
>more shitposting and trading, maybe watch a movie while doing these things and more beer
>in bed by 10:30
>shitposting on my phone and drinking straight from the bottle until 12, don't actually sleep until then
>repeat indefinitely

I've noticed my heart rate has gone up noticeably from a few years ago. Hopefully this is the year I get the sweet release of death.

>> No.5900665
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>> No.5900708

You're making 100k a year and investing none of it in crypto? Enjoy your middle class hell

>> No.5900728
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>woke up
>ate fruitloops
>posted to this thread

>> No.5900754

jesus christ i thought you were just memeing

>> No.5900781

How does it feel to have a cell phone in your ass?

>> No.5900785

To be 15 and have mashed potatoes for brains. Must be wonderful

>> No.5900812

what did you do to get into prison?

>> No.5900841

>wake up 10am
>take my vitamins and ADHD medicine
>eat pizza rolls for breakfast bc no food in the fridge.
>trade shitcoins for 12 hours
>make .8BTC
>play some video games
>haven't left my room in weeks

>> No.5900843
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That's the whole point you mongoloid

>> No.5900863
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took the rainbow pill

>> No.5900886

Mk ultra victim huh?

>> No.5900919

I actually did the same, but I cryptod and weed stockd the whole time.
Fucking sessions let me get an extra 30% of cann (went from 4k shares to a little over 5k). But I lost 300 ripple trying to day trade. So fuck.

>> No.5900938

i'll pay my crypto taxes like a good goyim.

>> No.5900955
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>>home by 5:15

False, you will probably get home late because of traffic, working more hours or some bs that Mr.Beinsterg told you you "have" to do.

>kids greet me and tell me about their day

Sorry, your wife probably doesn't want kids because she's a strong woman.
And if you have kids, it's probably only one.
2 options:
1.- A communist soyfaggot, he will probable take hormones to become a woman later.
2.- A slut who lost her virginity at 12 and is probably fucking multiple guys.

>wife has dinner ready by 7
No way your wife is making dinner. She's probably working outside too and your "kids" are being educated by a random woman.

>go for a dip in the .pool if its warm enough
You are so exhausted of making Shekels for Mr.Shekelberg that you literally start watching tv and immediately get asleep. You probably don't have the energy to enjoy what you like to do.

>repeat 5x per week 47 weeks per year
So you repeat the same bs over and over. Yeah, very entertaining.

Sorry, not convincing.

>> No.5900967

pay your taxes /biz/ or this could be you

>> No.5900970

possibly this

>> No.5900981
File: 3 KB, 256x240, Final_Fantasy_II_(J)-penta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more socially successful a man is, the more likely he is to self censor his true beliefs and principles to avoid the social cost of voicing them.

This is where the feminization on men actually begins, but the xenoestrogens, not the easy lifestyle or the liberal indoctrination.

Being afraid of social perception and stigmas is a female problem. A man's social bond and status is his word and his ingenuity, not his ideas or beliefs.

But now men make themselves into what allows them to be successful with women or with the company, demasculating and demoralizing their inner principles.

I make 60k in my early 20s and I could be doing much better, I plan on being self employed. Nobody understands why have turned down a six figure salary. I refuse to be in an environment where I constantly self censor beyond basic civility and politeness. It kills the soul. Kazcsinsky was right.

>> No.5900990

Whatever man, I'll never understand no-coiners. Especially the ones who are relatively successful yet go out of the way to fud. Do you have a stock portfolio, at least? There are plenty of safe bets in crypto that'll yield you massive returns. That's money you could be spending on a better life for your family.

>> No.5901015
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btw, my dubs confirm.
Neet > wagecuck

>> No.5901026

aight bro. have fun not knowing jack shit cuz your a fucking fag. i bet you dont even know what a .flac is? ignorance is bliss bro have fun dying not knowing what planet you are on tho hahhahahah.

>> No.5901033


>a normal healthy life is unattainable to me because I am not normal or healthy

the post


>> No.5901074

smoking wagecuck just lol

>wake up at 12
>log into binance check gains
>check crypto signals
>inject test/tren
>go to kitchen eat proton powder and oats
>take dog for a walk
>check binance 15 times
>chill with dog watch tv simultaneously checking binance and texting out of state friends
>eat healthy home cooked meal again
>go to gym
>check binance between sets
>come back home
>eat postworkout meal
>jacuzzi while checking binance
>family comes home talk to them
>eat dinner
>go to bed check binance before

pretty much....
no larp parents were rich before i did anything with crypto.
only thing that could make it better is a 8/10 traditional gf and nothing less.

>> No.5901080

Can confirm have been fucking Normie Anons wife desu

>> No.5901099


I have 50k in a 401k, and 50k in fiat/one off brokerage account. Only 4k in crypto, but I started 2 months ago with $400

>> No.5901121

wow you're so masculine for acting like a cunt in the workplace

>> No.5901141

where did I say that fucking wagecuck faggot?

>> No.5901148
File: 97 KB, 800x1002, CucklePoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your dad should have hugged you more growing up

>> No.5901152

post tune

>> No.5901320


In the embittered tone of your post in which you expressed incredulity at parts of my life that literally everyone I know or am friends with have.


>> No.5901361

lmao right on my NEET nigga

>> No.5901375

I have 80k of cash right now, but don't know anything about crypto. People here have been trading it for years and you can't learn that much in a few days. Once "normies" moan and groan about crypto "scams", the government will regulate them and these opportunities won't exist. That day will come in the next two years probably.

>> No.5901378

Not my fault that you enjoy being a slavecuck.
When niggers were liberated from slavery, probably some of them probably didn't like liberty.
You get used to do the same, I understand and pity you.

>> No.5901391

Soundcloud has mynreal name on it

Not sure I wanna post that here

>> No.5901412

$100k isn't a lot in Florida.

It's also snowing and 40 degrees so nice pool meme.

Your house if guaranteed to be shit if you live in Florida.

Having a wife and kids doesn't change the fact you're an ugly fat faggot and your wife is a cow.

1/10 bait

>> No.5901425
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>> No.5901456

I literally had a pastor's wife start flirting with me and secretly sending me e-mails from her college e-mail.

Women are scary

>> No.5901521


>am i.... am i posting in an epic bread??

>> No.5901744
File: 70 KB, 680x792, 022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Notice I never really bragged or said my life is perfect or even awesome for that matter

Yet you're this mad


>> No.5901933

>Kills the soul

>> No.5902252

OP, so if I understand it correctly, you don't have crypto or you do but keep it secret from wife?

>> No.5902667


I have it, and talk about it all the time which annoys my wife

It's such a small amount (4k) that it's just for laughs really

>> No.5902910

Cant wait to get back on blast after this cruise. lets be joocy and rich this summer brah

>> No.5902931

Ignore the racists. They’re a vocal minority. The rest of us don’t care about your ethnicity. We’re just here for the moon missions.

>> No.5903046

No, we're really not. You've got the wrong website, you were looking for /r/eddit

>> No.5903325

copypasta the guy's life is so miserable he comes here and does this every couple of weeks