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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58471283 No.58471283 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you bought a home yet?

>> No.58471294

because i was told for the last 5 years the houaing market was going to crash at any moment

>> No.58471328 [DELETED] 


>> No.58471346

Is this real brick or are you buying an oversized cardboard box for half a million, OP?

>> No.58471354

It's on troon street, what do you think? It'll never be a real house.

>> No.58471358

because I do not have $515,000

>> No.58471434

It's in a shitty HOA neighborhood with cookie cutter homes, so it's definitely a cardboard box with exterior bricks for aesthetic appeal.

>> No.58471460

I don't want to live in this shithole country. One more year and I'm bailing to SE Asia. For the amount a decent house costs in the US, you can just straight up retire there.

>> No.58471487


>> No.58471489

why not LATAM or Eastern Europe?

>> No.58471499

Ah. Stonebridge. Of course. So we'll known for stone they even named the town out of it. As we all know, every house in Stonebridge is of course constructed from 100% stone, hewn by the elite of masons.

>> No.58471511

I own a $1.5 million home in Southern CA. It's comfy but I wish it was in a good state like Tennessee or Alaska

>> No.58471514

lower cost of living, less of a language barrier(in malaysia/philippines), easiest dating in the world if you're white.

>> No.58471521


What's a non shit home to live in? They all seem like what >>58471434 says. Just a ton of air with a mcmansion exterior. What's a nice looking house?

>> No.58471540
File: 49 KB, 960x675, slpt-the-missing-puzzle-piece-rich-parents-v0-z35gsl0btnkc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I wasn't born a millionaire.

>> No.58471569

>What's a non shit home to live in?
One you build yourself.

All of these houses are built with the cheapest materials by unskilled foreign laborers. You're not getting a good deal with them, no matter how many times a realtor roastie tries to tell you HOOMS ONLY GO UP

>> No.58471608

>troon drive
That is /biz/ janny dream house to bad they do it for free

>> No.58471655

I have and it’s awesome. Honestly, renting is fucking retarded, I don’t know why people do it.

>> No.58471671

Well that's simple. Does it go like this?

1. Find land
2. Hire an architect to make plans
3. Suffer with the county and try to get everything approved
4. Get a construction crew
5. Finish it

Is it like that? I'm almost tempted to just do a tinyhouse or something (as cringe as that is).

>> No.58471677


>> No.58471698

It's a bitch and a half, but if you can manage, you'll have a great house that will last much longer than the shit heap above.

>> No.58471861

no it goes like this
>1. find land with power, fiber connection (i've located my parcel in TN)
>2. buy $15k prefab from amazon
>3. profit
it's that easy

>> No.58471887

because I don't want to make the same mistake as my parents and pay for repairs all my life, as soon as I make it with the first shit I have in dextools I'm going to buy an apartment

>> No.58471912
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>Flyover cardboard

>> No.58472072

TN doesn't give a shit about something like that? I'd be nervous about some busybody hall monitors sending police to your place to smash it up because you didn't get some certification or whatever.

>> No.58472085

The question is, why hasn't someone sold me a home yet, at the price I desire?

>> No.58472095

They do and you'll be in an HOA to cover for the rest of the low taxes

>> No.58472111

I move around for work too much. I will land in the rural Midwest eventually.

>> No.58472125

That makes it totally worthless then.

>> No.58472132

same. i, for one, would love to live off the coast of lake michigan. also, nice get

>> No.58472156

Worst thing is, the housing market will never, ever crash again until the first world starts depopulating and shitskins are kept away by automatic machine guns. They took some pretty valuable lessons from 2008 and figured it out. You don't have to give poor people loans, just give them to rich people who can afford multiple loans.

>> No.58472183

>i listen to morons for my financial advice

you have yourself to blame for being homeless

>> No.58472206

you don't have a fucking clue what it takes to build a house and are just LARPing because moving the goalposts to an impossible place was the only way you could justify being a failure to launch

>> No.58472251

Tennessee doesn't give a fuck about building and zoning laws, out of all the states they have some of the least building restrictions. Don't be a dumbass that buys into an HOA neighborhood and you're fine.

>> No.58472258

do what i do

(1) buy homes you want to live in someday
(2) rent them out
(3) take massive tax deductions (depreciation, prop tax, mortgage interest, maintenance/repairs, management, insurance....)
(4) use your rental income to rent elsewhere

when your mortgage gets low enough that it's better to sell + invest the cash, just live in it for 2 years and sell it tax free

>> No.58472280
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>troon drive in faggotsville
ohhhh, i get it

>> No.58472284

Found the mentally retarded developer who has illegals build his cardboard houses

>> No.58472285

even if you're not in an HOA there are still city/township ordinances you must abide by

you can't just park your car in your front yard, or let your grass grow out to a foot because you're not in an HOA, you will get tickets by the city/township if they notice it or your neighbors report

>> No.58472296

Wrong, you can do whatever the fuck you want as long as you're far enough away from other people. Maybe Tennessee changed with all the yankee faggots moving in but everyone used to mind their own business.

>> No.58472310

You definitely don't live in TN kek. You can tell when people have idealized versions of places in their heads

>> No.58472316

I don't live there but I have family there, keep coping.

>> No.58472388

I bought one just to protect myself from rent increases. It's not really an investment or anything, it is a place to live. My monthly housing expense coming back to me long term rather than going up my landlord's nose is also very nice. The housing market could crash tomorrow and I wouldn't flinch. If prices do go to the moon, then I'm already in. I took a 30 year loan, but I have my autopay setup to take enough extra out every month that its functionally a 15 year loan. The benefit being that if something comes up that would make things tight, I can drop the payment down to the minimum payment for a couple months to free up some liquid cash. Honestly it'll probably never happen, I pay into savings and shit. It's just that if my HVAC broke at the same time as my mom needed some help and also I just lost my job, that's an option.

>> No.58472418

>I don't live there
It shows kek. That's why you don't know what you're doing

>> No.58473365
File: 135 KB, 1080x1080, 1711815514807327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because buying something like S&P500 gives a better return and is a better more liquid asset. A home is a liability.

>you can sell at any point in time
>you can sell just the necessary amount you need
>It appreciates 10% a year on average if not more
>you can draw a passive income from your investment
>the more money you put into it, the more money you get back each month

A Home:
>You're tied into one asset
>It keeps falling apart
>you need to pay insurance
>you need to maintain it
>you're not guaranteed to sell when you want
>the price is dependent on the housing market and the local community
>you have a mortgage you pay to every month
>you pay less per month than renting, but all your money is tied up in the house

A home is a luxury and can give a lot of fulfillment and happiness, but financially it's not a good investment.

>> No.58473523

shut the fuck up incelPD

>> No.58473531

>troon drive


>> No.58475460
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Why not something like this instead?

>> No.58475695
File: 100 KB, 861x632, 1715025475271833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you're supposed to finish your education in X years, get a girfriend at X age, BUY A FUCKING HOUSE AND TIE YOURSELF TO JEWISH INTEREST RATES at X age and proceed to marry and have kids at X age, always looking for the next promotion at your wagie job so you don't get rugpulled out of your house! Otherwise you're not a real man.

>> No.58475718

that image is the realest shit i ever seen on 10+ years of this site
>mfw i tell my bros about the good pussy i got last nite

>> No.58475748


Retards like you have been saying this for the last 8 years and houses have only gone up

>> No.58475792

>10 tons

>> No.58475796

this literally. i vividly remember people telling me to not buy a house right now in 2018 and 2019
and even with mortgage rates sky fucking high for the last year, the prices aren't coming down
not buying a house was a shitty decision for me. no other way around it

>> No.58475803

looks good until you get a home inspection and find it leaks everywhere and is held together by hopes and dreams

>> No.58475807

because SUPER only gave me a x2.3
i was expecting at least a x4

i would fuck her all night long and i wouldn't even pull out

>> No.58475808

I did buy a house. Biggest mistake of my life.

>> No.58475813

because i prefer lending those 500k on aave and earn 7% yield

>> No.58475816

>H-house supply is going to g-go up, r-right guy?

>> No.58475819

i'm so sorry you got an easy 2x in the last 5 years and didn't have to waste money on rent

>> No.58475827

im convinced that the instant I buy a house the crash happens. honestly, I'm almost at the point where I dont care. I'll take the bath if it means just having somewhere I can call my own.

>> No.58475870

>house isn't selling
>*increases price*

nothin personnel

>> No.58475873

Whats stopping you, you fag?
Sell your 1.5m home and buy a similar one in alaska for 400k. You can give me the rest of money for giving you this advice

>> No.58475882

Troon drive in red neck cuntry

>> No.58476020
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>> No.58476102

Americans explain, why is half that house a garage?

>> No.58476157

>Europoor doesn't have 3 cars
lmao. Also, most americans just use their garage as a storage shed or a workshop that's connected to the house. Personally, I have 3 cars and a motorcycle, so there are some honest use cases but it's the exception to the rule.

>> No.58477575
File: 56 KB, 1261x499, mspus m2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debasement. Not a bubble. Housing has been in decline for decades

>> No.58477644

jfc this moron is back

>> No.58478442


banks lend 10x vs home
home goes up 5% PA
this mea a 50% increase on my money down
I pay the interesty only.

Banks do not lend 10x money down on S&P.
House and home loans becuase of the multiplier are essentailly the best inflation/money. printing hedge you can get.

>> No.58478546

I bought a brand new 5000 sq ft suburban matchstick box with stone veneer 10 years ago. It's more than doubled in value, and it'll have doubled again by the time I sell it.
I can only ask for your sympathy through these difficult times.

>> No.58478614

someone with a brain

i paid $500 in closing costs to move into my house and there's $200,000 in equity

if i bought BTC with that $500 i would have $4000 and would be making rental payments that are 2x what my mortgage payment is

>> No.58478633

Jews put the game in HELL MODE
Just do drugs and eventually kys
It's much better than playing along and mindlessy accept their Kimberly games imo

>> No.58478672

I just saw a joke fly over my house.
>these anons >>58471354 >>58472280 >>58473531 >>58475882
>the joke
>everyone else

>> No.58479494

the only troon you should drive is off a cliff

>> No.58479507

Where would a 10 ton rock show up in Australia. Do kangaroos throw them?

>> No.58479532

I'm more partial to Sneedville, KY

>> No.58479583

I'm in an HOA and nobody cares that the car goes on the front lawn.

>> No.58479657
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>> No.58479803

Interest rates on mortgages are almost 8% and I want to Airbnb my home after living there a year or two

>> No.58479883

>Fayetteville, AR
Delete this post, to many jeets flooding into Bentonville as it now.

>> No.58479897

Why the fuck I would want a house in Wal Mart land??

>> No.58480907

I want to watch it burn since I am moving away from this dump soon. :)