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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58446460 No.58446460 [Reply] [Original]

Just spent $5 for my son to get an ice cream from an ice cream truck. Holy fuck things are bad.

>> No.58446472

Well, what did it teach him?

>> No.58446479

OP here on my phone, I actually meant my wife's son btw.

>> No.58446491

My parents would've given me $5 for the ice cream man in the year 2000 because that's a lot easier than giving me combination of singles and quarters and hoping it's enough.
Make sure your son ain't finessin' you wit the change tho fr dawg

>> No.58446505

Nigger you can make your own ice cream for free. You just need a freezer and a 1 hour goon session.

>> No.58446507

Taught him that hard work pays off, because I paid it without issue while other parents had to hum and haw and tell their kids "we have some at home".

>> No.58446516

I'm 30 but have ADHD and shit long term memory so I can't remember what things used to cost. For me the only reality is the present moment so I'm perfectly happy to shill out $30 for an eight ounce steak at the supermarket. I'm the perfect goysumer for Biden's economy.

>> No.58446524

>Just spent $5 for my son to get an ice cream from an ice cream truck.
Lmao in Denver, they sell ice cream for $7-$8 here out of the truck. Back when I was a kid in the 2000s, they didn't sell ice cream out of trucks for more than $3.50. Inflation is crazy

>> No.58446597

every day you live in the post-modern dystopic warzone the leftists like to call the United States you are openly funding the feeding and breeding of the savage negroid cattle. This is why you can no longer afford your house. This is why you can no longer afford ice cream for your child; whitey is being taxed. Nigger is being fed.

>> No.58446622

So it doubled over 24 years. Complete nothing burger

>> No.58446632

Good goy, just ignore that you can't afford groceries or a house anymore. yes goy, yessss....

>> No.58446650

Or just get rich from holding Link and never have to worry about the cost of ice cream ever again. Or anything, for that matter

>> No.58446669
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>Every shitty LRDS nft is like 2k each
>In eth
>Plus fees
>Plus tip
The future of finance can't save us from the mess that is the economy all around the fucking world.

>> No.58446674

>NFT mentioned
you're either crazy rich and bored or just an extremely retarded filipino chink

>> No.58446676

Ah yes it's all the negroes' fault, why of course. All the white senile old fat fucks in every fucking branch of the governemnt, same old senile fat fucks that can't sepearate state from church and can't hold q&a's and dialogues for longer than a few minutes, they cool they do nothing wrong.

>> No.58446677

Based. Is it a Jamal or a Lashawna?

>> No.58446679
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lmao p funny if real. no matter how dark life gets im at least not an american under b*den.

>> No.58446680

Your fault for not being a decent parent and making the ice cream yourself

>> No.58446685

>knows things are bad
>probably has a relatively bleak view of the future
>still decided to creampie his wife so she could push out a human being that'll have to experience this shitty ass future we are obviously set up for

>> No.58446686
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you knew you were getting into an erc-20 videogame nft thing faggot stop bitching

>> No.58446687

total eurofag domination

>> No.58446688

Deserved for doing gamefi

>> No.58446692

>Can't convince a woman to have sex, let alone carry on his blood line
Sour grapes incel.

>> No.58446703

If negroes weren't shipped to America we would already be in the space age

>> No.58446714
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Don’t forget the tip!

>> No.58446727

I make 45 USD /hr

>> No.58446744
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You don't "make" 45usd/hr. Israel and their allies allocates you 45usd/hr worth of goyslop vouchers you can withdraw from the (((centralized))) banks in exchange for you legitimizing the legacy financial institutions. If you can't withdraw all your money in one go without the goyim police freezing "your" securities, they were never your securities to begin with.

Those savings accounts you obediently deposited "your" hard-earned slavebux in? Comrade Fink will un-own it.
That house you thought you owned? Comrade Biden will un-own it.
That beautiful white wife you thought you owned, loved and cherished? Comrade Tyrone will un-own it.
If you're not of the tribe, and you think you own it, they will un-own it.

>> No.58446791

His name is Binyamin

>> No.58446802

Denver anon here too and was going to say it was $7 last week. Even then those guys barely make any money so I don’t blame them.

>> No.58446813

Was this truck at Wash Park by chance?

>> No.58446884

>For me the only reality is the present moment

Anon is on nigger time.

>> No.58446924

It sucks for people who are stuck on the same salary, but everything's a lot cheaper for me because my income has increased faster than inflation. It's more than doubled in the last two years.

>> No.58446926
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>> No.58446933
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Moused and corporate pilled wagie.

>> No.58446980
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Same, im 22 and i can't believe that i just spent 20$ for a fucking burger and fries at five guys and enjoyed it without guilt. I then proceeded to buy into some ponzis in pinksale while thinking what i will do when i make it
Holy fuck im the quintessential zoomer i got made just to consume

>> No.58448278

Literally nothing is organic anymore, is it? Everything is neatly polished and presented to you in a product that's been optimized by bean counters and protected by lawyers. You can only pay them for the favor of sharing it with you, and you can never make it a genuine part of your existence. You are merely given enough hint of joy so as to continue extracting as much money from you as possible.

>> No.58448421
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Well said.

>> No.58448605
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Fuckin kek

>> No.58448637
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Now you waste almost $23 in one hamburger with everything
Inflation is running rampant and it's wild that we actually can see the indexes (like Truflation) but we can't do anything about it

>> No.58448841

lmao i guess this is what america feels like. Should've gotten the clue when you realized there existed paid bathrooms. I mean who the fuck charges you for taking a shit? only in burgerland. You still have time to leave that hellhole you know

>> No.58448862

how the guys first instinct wasn't to knock the mickeymouse motherfucker out the moment he snatched his ring shows he's not worth marrying lol

>> No.58448894

proposing in fucking disney land shouldve been enough of a hint

>> No.58448986

lmao fair

>> No.58449059

is Denver a nice place? Is it full of evangelist christtards?

>> No.58449103

did your wages double?

>> No.58451022

It's Glownigger central. Almost as bad as Utah.

>> No.58452461

why wouldn't wagie cagie do this? no one is man enough to punch wagie, wagie is backed by corpo mouse, he's a God amongst peasants, fuck Chad for having sex

>> No.58452596

It's cowboy themed Portland

>> No.58452776

It taught him how to be a NIGGER FAGGOT and make mealy mouthed bullshit posts on fucking LINKEDIN

>> No.58453162

Hard work doesn't pay off. Inheriting assets from the 20th century that are pumped by the Treasury and Central Bank with other people's money pays off.

>> No.58453367

>ice cream truck
in my city these ONLY exist in the nigger spic parts of town.

>> No.58453373

oversized shirts are unironically more /fa/ than fitted if your that fucking fat

>> No.58453374

and it's going to keep getting worse, just wait to see truflation data near election day

>> No.58454087

those are some decent boobas

>> No.58454121

Look I know all about the price-income divergence but honestly I see this so much and it's really just youfs growing up and witnessing inflation. Your dad and grandad also did, and probably stood around the water cooler bitching about how he gave you $1 for the ice cream truck (used to be $0.25). It's never gonna stop and basically you're just old now