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58443572 No.58443572 [Reply] [Original]

pic related is proof

>> No.58443585

Banker buddies can't make the pedo in office look bad in this election year.

>> No.58443589

Your proof is that since Bloomberg forecasts higher GPD growth in the US that in Europe, therefore the US is doing horrible and is faking its GDP?
Did I get that right? Is that the argument you're making?

>> No.58443605

Could it be that Brandon’s puppet masters are actually doing a better job than you want to give them credit for?

>> No.58443642
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>Did I get that right? Is that the argument you're making?

>> No.58443660

Spot on

>> No.58443662

It's not even remotely a hard sell that the Fed pivot means the US will have better growth than the Eurozone. The ECB has zero runway on any of this.

>> No.58443674

or maybe eurotards are just retarded and poor

>> No.58443850
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>> No.58443884

Macrotrends shows that the American GDP last outgrew the Eurozone during the Trump administration.

>> No.58443935
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>> No.58443939

have you seen the jobs reports? I can't find the articles but basically they keep reporting good numbers and then revising the numbers up or down... also, some fag realized 3 consecutive reports had the same fucking number. how believable can that be? I'm not even american but seems obvious that it's all fucking bullshit
also check this: https://schiffgold.com/peters-podcast/peter-schiff-another-bs-jobs-report/

>> No.58443950

just found one of the articles I was talking about:

>> No.58444741


>> No.58445387
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nailed it

>> No.58445391
File: 146 KB, 800x533, 1650394882293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US is always faking economics to its citizens and all of you just eat the shit like it's just another CNN article lol. Truflation studies on the matter have been constant and really straightforward on how its literally a puppet (You) and the puppeteer (Biden gabinet)

>> No.58445404

everybody knows official data is untrustworthy and outdated immediately after getting published. who cares though businesses work with that data anyway.

>> No.58445406


>> No.58445407


>> No.58445409
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europeans literally cannot get american dick out of their mouths. it's hilarious.

>> No.58445410
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I just wonder whats the point of hiding it in the media if every fuckers that actually goes outside to buy food can figure this out. Truf shows real inflation data and why does Biden administrations tries to put make up on it????

>> No.58445411

if I don't trust the guhverment why would I trust anyone else?

>> No.58445416

Americucks cant stop seeting whenever an eurochad enters the room. This is a study, this isn't some banter against Americans. Reading comprehension bro.

>> No.58445435

I think the more notable event is when they tell the truth.

>> No.58445505
File: 58 KB, 907x451, IMG_4629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Job numbers are complete fraud. One part is that people now have to multiple part time jobs to survive. Another is that companies collude with government to pretend like they are hiring for positions that don’t exist so they pay lower unemployment insurance, they then count these fake job offers as real jobs it’s complete fraud. It also makes the company look like they are expanding so it’s a win win for everybody but working class. Then there are the illegals who come here and get paid $14/hr and are subsidized by the government. They count those as jobs too but no American can afford to actually work at that wage.

>> No.58445508

Because kikes will gaslight you into the grave until you simply tell them to fuck off. They are the most brazen liars and feel no shame at all lying to the goyim. They actually rather enjoy it.