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58443430 No.58443430 [Reply] [Original]

WFH is rotting my brain bros. I sleep on the job and do 2hrs of work a week. I dont leave my house for weeks on end and shower once a week, brush my teeth every other day and scroll through youtube, tiktok, reddit 4chan for 95% of my time.

I need my enji coins to moon or its over for me

>> No.58443432

oh and im poorfag making 45k a year in big city usa.

>> No.58443438

Get a second WFH job lol

>> No.58443441

you think you've got problems? i retired early and now i'm fucking bored

>> No.58443443

go travel somewhere or eat some oysters or some shit

>> No.58443450

>2 hours work a day
This is the part that kill’s me at least, just enough work that you have to keep an eye on it and can’t fully fuck off doing something else, but not enough work to make you actually busy. I used to have 5-6 hours of actual work and it was pretty good, now I’m in 2-3 hour hell as well

>> No.58443452

WFH was rotting my brain too. I was struggling with getting motivated to work on anything, and feeling guilty about it. Not a good mental loop.
So I did the honorable thing and I quit.
Now I've been chilling at home for a couple of years. So much of my identity was around my wagie status, it's been a shock to the system to do nothing for a living, but I think I'm starting to come to terms with it.
Then again, last night I had a dreadful nightmare: I was back at work, and my managers had just given me a horrible performance review. And it was public so the entire company could see how bad I'd done. They didn't even talk with me about it, just went straight to public shaming.
So maybe I'm still a recovering wagie. They should hand out chips for this.

>> No.58443458

damn so u just dont work and its been years? how do you live without working r u a rich crypto dude.

>> No.58443462

go on a walk every morning, 30 minute minimum. having a routine has been super important for me.

example routine
>wake up at 6 am
>read or read manga or something for an hour or two
>work out
>go on a walk and get sun
>then work

way more productive

as an alternative start smoking, made me way more productive. I quit for other reasons but that shit does work

>> No.58443470

In fairness, I had also accumulated a couple millions by waging and saving, but yes, I happened to click on a slashdot article about bitcoin a while back, read the forums filled with obvious crazies, ran a GPU miner for a bit, and then did nothing with it for a decade and change, which was apparently much more impactful than working every day for two decades.
Shit doesn't make sense.

>> No.58445092
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What about just investing some pocket change into defi gaming? So you can actually do something out of your life for your own good, have some discipline and maybe become good on something fun. I did it and it was awesome for like two months as long as you know when to sell. Im currently farming $super and karrat, both at the same time

>> No.58445124

Im working two remote jobs and STILL manage to work like 15h a week. Probably gonna get canned of both places soon kek

>> No.58445198

stacking eth is the only way brother

>> No.58445201

that's cuck wage talking! we dont want your kind here faggot

>> No.58445202

reading aside, that sounds like a pretty good wake up routine

>> No.58445204
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>>work out

no thank you.

>> No.58445205

>some pocket change into defi gaming?
how much is pocket change for you?

>> No.58445219

Im talking about 10 or 20 bucks investments. You can make 20 or 30 out of them and start day trading that way. You won't do millions but you'll get by for rent and food.

>> No.58445223

dead board

>> No.58445228

skill issue. You retire early so you enjoy life not just for any fucking shit

>> No.58445236

>t. waggie at target

>> No.58446022

How much capital u got to spend?

>> No.58446070

same except I also goon to BBC/Femdom porn like 5 hours a day. Pretty sweet.

>> No.58446075

This is why I go into the office even though I can WFH.

Being at home all the time makes me unhappy and I can't sleep well without getting out of the house.

>> No.58446444

>read manga or something for an hour or two

lmao fucking loser

>> No.58446536

you're on a literal anime imageboard full of weebs. what does that say about you?

>> No.58446565

you need to have routine and purpose in your life or you are just neeting except you get paid

I WFH while my wife takes care of our kid, take a plane to the office once per month to have meetings. WFH has been a blessing for my life as I can spend more time with family, spend half as much for housing and save 1 hour per day by not commuting. I started training and playing tennis during the day by managing my time efficiently, and only eat home cooked meals

>> No.58446584

Skill issue, I invite over tinder whores with daddy issues over when I'm on the clock and fuck their brains out

>> No.58446989
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i also wfh and i noticed that besides shopping or buying groceries i scarcely leave my house. I never get to see the sun these days. If i dont make it with my pinksale launches buy strategy im COOKED

>> No.58447409

It says that you're the loser.

>> No.58448916

play videogames

>> No.58448932
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>had no life before
>is financially independent thinking it would make him happy and now he still has no life
sad, many such cases

>> No.58450548
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What can i say, sounds like a massive skill issue, otherwise why are so many people yearning for WFH?

>> No.58450645

I'm WFH. Applying for a management position right now that I might be able to fandangle into WFH as well. not sure what that will mean for me.

>> No.58450680

>scroll through yt, tiktok, redit, 4chan
use that time for gaining more knowledge op, otherwise you´re burning your brain doing that, btw which coins you´re currently holding?

I'm holding SSNC, ETH, LTC and XRP

>> No.58450749

> waaah waah i'm in paradise

give me a break

>> No.58452790

some people are really too stupid to win

>> No.58452992 [DELETED] 
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2nd year buying VINU
things are going great, but still waiting that... 100x....