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58439999 No.58439999 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58440002

Is Tinder publicly traded?

>> No.58440006

Met my girl at the gym unironically. Risked it all.

>> No.58440010

but you need to actually make something that isn't cringe, where people will actually show up and have fun, make clicks, meet people with similar interests and be able to discuss things/ talk shit/ chit chat

the reason zuck's shit failed was because they had no fucking idea of what people enjoy
look at VR chat's success while being extremely limited

think about it now, you want to hang out online, where do you go?
vr chat? maybe if you're a weeb
discord? lacks interaction
/soc/, /atoga/, /bant/ ? autism

if you had a default metaverse thing, it would pop off like crazy

>> No.58440039

hw .uch do u need gto bench before being Allowed to talk to women at the gym?

>> No.58440068

Quads of love. Checked. What about the gays?

>> No.58440108

Release the post-2020 COVID data so we can see how bad it is
They're owned by match group, who owns basically every dating app btw

>> No.58440139

They mostly meet through crypto conventions and NFT discords

>> No.58440147

Don't flat bench. Girls don't care about how much you can lift.

>> No.58440169

yh i usually do incline bench it burns more for me

>> No.58440524

It also squares up the bottom of your chest
Women care about looks not actual strength

>> No.58441377
File: 199 KB, 1942x1654, uwe4cchpfz5c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that it's much worse than this chart suggests. You'll notice the percentages don't add to 100% because they accepted multiple answers to how people met.
You'll notice that bar/restaurant is rising. This is because of the number of people who met online and had their first date in a bar/restaurant, and gave both answers in the survey.
If you count these couples as meeting online only the graph looks like pic rel.

>> No.58441389
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Where's "Didn't meet"

>> No.58441466 [DELETED] 
File: 163 KB, 1209x925, 1710116764944382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quads check
Get a junior dev from fiverr or just post asking for help in /r/ they're usually up for it, and make a zoomer oriented half-anon dating site based on preferences and using two different captchas as verification methods. Truflation wrote an article not so long ago about how obliterated Gen Z currently is, and how they rather worry about entertainment factors over than their WellCare just because they're either too poor or lonely. Or both, too.

>> No.58441545

younger generations are embracing absurdism, at least while they are young and idiotic. and i dont blame them, modern society makes no sense, corruption is so obvious and rampant and no one in power does anything about things that should be priority, no one is setting an example and shit's out of control.

>> No.58441548

I like how "met in church" is snuck in there as a statistic. Nice peer reviewed study, nigger.

>> No.58441550

Impossible because people will be hell bent on ruining the fun for others and for themselves as well. "My dopamine receptors are fried xD! look at me im so corepilled im unique i know im wasting my time here and im learning nothing productive but i cant stop!! i hate this app!".

>> No.58441556
File: 675 KB, 675x685, 1672073424448325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dating app for 4chan users
It will be a mentally ill ridden sausage fest filled to the brim with bitter, jaded, hateful fucks with enormous main character complexes. Actually fucking disgusting. I'd rather be thrown into a room with 20 roasties than using an app like that.

>> No.58441561

so i profit from this by starting a restaurant that will fail a year after opening. noted.

>> No.58441562


>> No.58442548
