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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58434504 No.58434504 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the auto industry allowed to offer predatory loans?

>> No.58434509

The same reason that credit cards are allowed to offer you similar interest rates to loan sharks that break your kneecaps when you don't pay up.

>> No.58434511

>single woman does irresponsible thing
>gets held accountable for her actions
>goes to media to cry about it

>> No.58434518

You just have to face the fact that ~75% of people on the planet are worthless pay-piggies. This is by design. They simply exist to have value extracted from them. You can't regulate against the means of extracting value from them because they will simply find a new way to fuck up and make bad decisions. They're cattle. The only reason smart, wealthy, responsible people with good lives exist is because the world's economic system is propped up by extracting value from these retards.

>> No.58434521

we need to bring back loan sharks that break your kneecaps when you don't pay up, instead of passive loan sharks that just steal your money making the loan seem unassuming.

it would make people very wary of going near loans like this.

>> No.58434525

Why do you think they worked so hard to arrest the mafia in the 80's, which coincidentally was when banks started down the path of issuing fast and easy credit like this?

>> No.58434573

Normies want the latest BIG Truck/SUV to show off to other normies. Doesn't help dealers do shady shit yet you do sign on the line

>> No.58434604

How can this horrible thing be anyone's dream car?

>> No.58434700

It's easy and profitable. Normies shit and rant about math in high school then bitch when they are in debt becuase they have no idea just how bad 8% is for 5 years because they work in monthly numbers and dont think long term. It's free money when they are convinced they need a "dream" car (that halves in value every year) to show off to friends. You can just ask for the APR if they haven't already said and walk in prepared with some numbers.

My car has cost me as much as 4 of her monthly payments + insurance + fuel + maintenance + tax, its a shit box but i am not in debt for over 74k 3 years later right now.

>> No.58434712

The actual story is this woman is a retard and bought her husband a similarly expensive car right after selling her other car that she was upside down in. She’s just retarded and doesn’t understand she can’t afford this shit.

>> No.58434735

if you can't do math, don't take a loan

>> No.58434752

Do these people have like infinite amount of credit, do they take loans to buy their groceries? how the fuck are they able to afford all of this shit, is she some kind of onlyfans model I don't get it, they usally work in office jobs for like 20 bucks an hour and they think they won't ever need to pay back their insane lifestyles, plus she has children to feed and educate HOW THE FUCK, HHOOOOWWW???

>> No.58434764

The mafia went out of business because the government legalized and TAXED every racket the mob was in: predatory loans to people that shouldn’t be given loans? Check. Drugs? Legalized and taxed. Gambling? Wildly available. human trafficking? Just walk across the border your self.

>> No.58434767

Yes, a violent society is much more preferable than a passive aggressive one. Decentralize violence and put it back into the hands of the people rather than the state

>> No.58434822
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>woman: *does womanly (dumb) thing*
>the world: NO FUCKING WAY!

>> No.58435006

Well it makes fucking sense. Humans are basically fucking programmed to be slaves. Honestly think of how long we weren't slaves? Maybe for 100 years? The rest of our existence humanity has always been a slave to the more powerful class. We are rapidly just approaching that way of living again. Evidently it's the natural order of things.

>> No.58435403

imagine it NOT being ur dream cars 90% of the world has 4th runner/landcruiser as their dream car, the ultimate chad/stacy mobile. not like SUVs or trucks is an incel trait
Only cucks and weirdos are into coupes or BMWs like elliot

>> No.58435995


muh truck is all that matters to trumptards

>> No.58436053

generic female car = white SUV
generic male car = truck

Women buy SUVs because they are weak finicky drivers who get nervous easily, "it's high up", "it's safe", you'll hear them say, right before plowing into a smaller car or pedestrian. White cars, because they think it's elegant due to the iPhone marketing. In spite of still being responsible for 90% of the care-taking/home ec (i.e. groceries, soccer practice), they refuse to drive a station wagons because they are liberated women and wagons are domestic i.e. sexist.
Men, on the other hand, drive trucks because they have masculinity issues, considering the average penis size in the US is 5.5 inches.

>> No.58436296
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There's nothing wrong with parting a fool from his money.

>> No.58436601
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>> No.58436605
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>> No.58436611
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>> No.58436619

With Trump everybody was able to afford a nice 2019 car without any predatory interest because he reactivated the american auto industry
With Biden, well, i'm getting all my money out of my debit wallets into crypto, SSNC and runes

>> No.58436640
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More like DEBTford am I right?

>> No.58436641


>> No.58436643


She probably makes like $100k a year working some shitty HR job, that's how she can make bad decisions.

>> No.58436649

She's literally a wedding photographer, check her tiktok for more retardation

>> No.58436882
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Exactly this. The market is not made for the consumer, its made for companies to hoard money. Thats why crypto is so addictive for most people, once you realize the world is made to fuck with you, losing a couple thousands in some random pinksale launch is nothing compared to the potential of true financial freedom, that is, being on the side of the ones the system always favors

>> No.58436958


Yknow it's a pretty easy clearcut customer these dealers go for. Likely poor, probably has priors, would obtain cash down payment illegally or through begging of family membets, and of course will most likely default and get car repoed.

Perfect for them since they just need to basically make more than a rental car company and consider the vehicle gone for a few months.

Most of them, long as they don't completely wreck the car doing whatever activity they do, will just surrender the vehicle anyways.

Down payment alone is enough for them to just have the car stolen back them they refinance on some other schmuck.

>> No.58437769

because people still don't understand that having a car is just a treat, I saw too many people investing in crypto just for that even when I showed my coworker my dextools shit he told me to sell to buy a car before my 40s

>> No.58437785

>why am I allowed to make bad decisions?

>> No.58437838

Tier 1: OP is asking sincerely about predatory loans

Tier 2: OP is pretending to ask about predatory loans to bait incels into raging about women with bad economic sense

Tier 3: OP knows that his "audience" here will immediate understand that it's Tier 2 bait, so is actually having an ironic non-verbal metaconversation with other autists to the effect of "what do you think of my bait?"

Tier 4: OP is jaded and bored of the Tier 3 metaconversation but continues to insert content into it to annoy other autists who view everything at Tier 3

Tier 5: OP doesn't know he's an AI receiving prompts from 5th dimensional entities who are setting global Overton windows through imperceptible psychic messages

Tier 6: OP knows he's an AI receiving prompts from 6th dimensional beings but accepts his place in the universal psychic hierarchy

>> No.58437862

Did tier 3.5 involve him not taking his meds, perchance?

>> No.58437871

its funny, people are getting into these predatory loans because many of them are fucking depressed, their future is bleak so they overindulge in consumer spending because even if they act like fiscal boomers their best hope is some shit to mid tier house in a shit to mid tier area, working to pay for a mortgage until they're dead
and one of the main reasons we're in this fucking mess is the debt based jew economy that boomers went along with because they were making bank off the never ending disgusting cycle of using investments to back more debt to fund more investments
they sold the future generations out to a bunch of banking jews and wall street filth with the hopes that they would be well off enough to give it to their kids except many of them now are realizing they don't actually want to give it to their kids because their kids hate their generation and they're too stubborn and ingrained into the boomer mindset that they also hate their kids for not "picking themselves up by their bootstraps" and resenting their generation for fucking everything up

tl;dr people are borrowing because the economy is fucked because people kept borrowing. it is only going to get considerably worse until all the boomers die, at which point it will probably still be fucked because millenials wont want to give up the remaining life of happiness they will have with their new found inheritance, the jewish millenials will still be trying to use the banks and media to control everything and gen z and alpha will either have to revolt or become dependent on the state

>> No.58437896

most millennials are too old to do anything now
gen z will be the replacement boomers

>> No.58437909

based mgs liberator. mgs4 was a prophecy too

>> No.58437911

It feels so good paying off my debts. That student loan debt truly is the most evil shit in the world. I wish school actually taught me economics. I would have avoided that shit like the plague.

>> No.58437981
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>In breaking news, a woman has reportedly made a dumb financial decision.
>We'll have more on this developing story in tonights main bulletin.

>> No.58438148

That couple definitely works retail

>> No.58438654

Tier 7: OP wants to discuss predatory loans but knows that the best way to keep a thread alive is to provide subtle ragebait for incels so that they keep bumping the thread