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58434000 No.58434000 [Reply] [Original]

> on the brink of world war 3
> meme stock shit is brewing
> society is soft collapsing around the world
> all the fancy charts anons posted about depressions every few decades and so on point to something happening soon
> US elections coming up
> probably 20 more things I forgot to list

should i convince my parents to sell 50% of their stocks so we can be ready to buy a house when the bubble collapses?

>> No.58434001

no, you're supposed to liquidate before all the bad news happens. now you have to ride it out.

>> No.58434007

isn't it only going to get worse?

>> No.58434008

no, all the bad news swirling around in your head has been long priced in

>> No.58434013

>society is collapsing
Incels on pol being mad they don't get sex from the women they hate doesn't mean anything is collapsing
But by all means if you don't believe me, just sell everything and see what happens.

>> No.58434014

>Incels being mad they don't get sex from women
historically speaking, this is a great indicator of collapse, so your point isn't as smart as it sounds.

>> No.58434016

The last shemitah was 2020. We are not due until 2027.

>> No.58434025

It's all bullish if you position correctly or else it wouldn't be allowed to happen and this is because lines are only allowed to go up on any timescale longer than the average normgroid attention span. Even 2008 was bullish if you zoom out far enough, even Japan and their generation of stagflation was bullish if you zoom out far enough, modern monetary theory demands lines go up and stay up and no economy that matters has any say otherwise. Not snow Mexicans with nukes, not Winnie the Pooh and his one billion friends, not even both of them and India with some hue's thrown in for seasoning combined. Everything depends on the dollar and the dollar is inflationary and that means lines only go up. If you position correctly you go up more bigly than everyone else and rotate into commodities before inflation rapes you but that just buys you time. If you're lucky it buys you more time than you'll be alive and you're considered to be wealthy. That's how money works.

Buy gamestop. Buy a lot of it because it's about to rip hard and can't be contained for much longer. There's your inflation beating hedge that's going to be allowed to win bigly and while it won't be the only one it's the only affordable and easily accessible one left to buy. If you really want to be lulzy direct register your shares with their transfer agent and just sit on them until it pops later this year or early next year and runs to several grand a share or better, it should theoretically run to all of the money in existence but I'm sure a bunch of rich faggots in Switzerland that run the stock market won't allow that and will end up capping it at 69k for the lulz. Or just be gay and long bitcoin and make less money with less risk idgaf line only go up you'll still do okay.

>> No.58434028

gamestop's price is at a 3 year low, what do you mean "can't be contained for much longer"? if the short squeeze theory was true, it'd be easier to contain now than at any other point in time, because the price is so much lower

>> No.58434033

I was with you on the first paragraph but if the second is so true how come I don't hear anything about gamestop outside of 4chan? Thanks anon.

>> No.58434036

The spring is pushed down as far as it can go out of necessity. Why is a memestock at a three year low and not dead already unless it can't be killed and has to be held down to keep everyone holding short position bags on it from getting margin called out the ass? Right now is the time to load the wagon on it instead of paying the premium all the apes did over the past couple years being activist investors, it's free money. All those guys are still buying anyways since it's the only thing they buy which just means getting in at 10 means the lowest you have to sit through is 8 before it breaks the machine holding it down and starts ripping back up to 500+ like it did in 2021 for all the same reasons on steroids with even more leverage and foreign money thrown into it. There's a whole basket of shit that will squeeze that's all tied together by swaps contracts so gme won't be the only thing running just like last time it wasn't the only thing running but it's going to run again and it's going to run hard and in all likelihood it's going to run cyclically every few years forevermore considering how much shit it's tied into because if it wasn't it'd be hitting millions per share like a proper short squeeze because it's oversold by billions of shares. If the entire stock market wasn't fake and gay out of necessity it'd have already hit ass blasting seven digits plus territory. Eventually even the sheer level of fakery and faggotry that the market is built upon is going to start losing hold on the price, I'm betting that happens before the next presidential election is over with or right after it.

>> No.58434038

This is just something my parents said to me, but if the stock market is entirely corrupt how can we be reasonably sure that they won't just keep pushing back the deadline for the shorts again and again as they have been thus far? In fact some people might believe that a full revolution (financial or otherwise) would have to happen before they pay up.
I wouldn't want to argue with you or claim that you're plain wrong for no reason, but I'm hoping that more truths come out of our discussion, so that's why I'm asking.

>> No.58434039

Tldr it costs money to keep rolling short positions without the company going bankrupt which is the ultimate goal of shorting it as if it does then those gains are tax free. The fact it's dragged out this long without that win condition having been met means shorts are bleeding out the ass, and they bleed more when they can't keep shoving the price down. I'm betting it doesn't go under 8$ a share for a variety of reasons but mostly because the company itself could just take itself private for cheap which means nobody ever gets out of short positions and then the price actually does go to the fucking moon and the whole market breaks no matter what anyone does. Fuckery in swaps contracts is going to be what the movies are made about years from now because it's why all this shit is connected from crypto to futures to fuckin gamestop.
People talk about it on reddit but reddit is reddit and it's full of normies and fags and overmoderated bullshit. As for why it's not discussed much that's probably because it's a big fucking deal and gamestop and other swap basket related stocks like bed bath and beyond are why this board as a whole is email verification required now because there were so many goddamn shills here because of those topics it was pretty clear people were and still are paying real money to kill discussion of them.

>> No.58434046

The game isn't rigged to keep it from ever paying out, it's rigged to keep it from paying out until that eventuality is planned for and the money is set aside for it to happen. If gamestop had popped off to several million dollars a share back in 2021 like it very well could have it would have destroyed the market because nobody had planned for it. If it happens three or four years later after everyone and their mother knows about it and goes long on it and a bunch of investigations get started on it to figure out who owes what and how much because who was doing what level of criminal shit to even get that kind of upside down to begin with, and the risk gets spread out across everyone that was fucking around to even get the situation that bad to begin with while leaving everything else relatively intact, then that's just business and finance.

2008 should have happened in 2004/2005 but it had to get delayed until it could happen in a manner where it wouldn't destroy everything. The system would do the same again rather than ignoring things to the point that a full retard revolution was necessary for change to actually happen, it's just not going to kick things off until dominos can start falling without knocking the wrong ones over.

>> No.58434482

am i reading this right?
the company going bankrupt is the ultimate goal?
but they get to keep their gains?!
so those big shorters WANT to go down?
if this is true that's a lot of stuff i had no idea about. thanks anon.

>> No.58434485

oh wait maybe i need to reread your post.
you mean their goal is to keep shorting WITHOUT going bankrupt, right?
damn, i can't read shit without commas haha

>> No.58434487

>If it happens three or four years later after everyone and their mother knows about it and goes long on it and a bunch of investigations get started on it to figure out who owes what and how much because who was doing what level of criminal shit to even get that kind of upside down to begin with, and the risk gets spread out across everyone that was fucking around to even get the situation that bad to begin with while leaving everything else relatively intact, then that's just business and finance.
>2008 should have happened in 2004/2005 but it had to get delayed until it could happen in a manner where it wouldn't destroy everything.
damn, that's crazy but totally plausible. where did you learn about this stuff?

>> No.58434557
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>Everything depends on the dollar

>> No.58434582

no one said that my friend.

>> No.58434586

this nigga >>58434025 did, i just miss clicked the magic numbers

>> No.58435148
File: 2.86 MB, 1789x2055, gamo rabu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh! i see.

>> No.58435319


So keep kicking the can until it gets worse?

>> No.58435398

How much total port would u and ur family have if you sold and ur parents sold 50%?

>> No.58435556

maybe like 500k dollars?
i don't think my parents would want to sell their extra apartment...

>> No.58435660

Problem is if wars happening, cash on hand is least of ur worries. That’s cuz ur cash is gonna lose vsluw quick, so only really rich ppl can buy safety. I’d gtet a good sum of money and invest now. But not sell everything. Try to get capital an invest

>> No.58436448

Really! Okay, I didn't consider that as an additional factor. Thanks.

>> No.58436819

How much capital do u think you’ll start with? And how much growth are u hoping for annually.

>> No.58436985
File: 15 KB, 224x225, 648979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on the brink of world war 3
you prepare for that, put half your folio into usa shitcoins and securities and the other half into chinese shitcoins and securities (think something popular like $biao)
>memestock shit is brewing
again, the chinese have just entered the market, if you want to prevail you have to play their game
>society is soft collapsing around the world
more reason to NOT sell, you want to be part of the new society of the rich or live with the radiation-contaminated fags post ww3?
> all the fancy charts anons posted about depressions every few decades and so on point to something happening soon
see point 1
>Us elections coming up
either leave the country or prepare for the biggest massacre the US has seen when trump loses this year's ellections
> probably 20 more things I forgot to list
all i see is that the last ladder of hope is closing and you refuse to take it

>> No.58437005


>> No.58437321

right now we just have several hundred k in dividend stocks which pay back like 8% a year i think

>> No.58437327

Given the handsoff nature I’m assuming yall are going for, that seems to be the best bet.

You could contact ur bank and ask if they have more “higher risk” investment options but most banks such at that. Inflation is at 3.48%, so you at least are outperforming that. I’ve seen some banks do like 1-2% annually and their customers praise em lol.

My question to u is, few 100K is not bad. But you seem to want even more out of ur investments. Why is that?

>> No.58437728

What about DUA anon? I'm also sharing it with my friends. Staking is open and earns NAI from it.