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58424314 No.58424314 [Reply] [Original]

Why is ETH/BTC getting cucked so hard?

>> No.58424335
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it's over, PoS is cursed, and people know it won't get ETF approval by now.

>> No.58424348


>> No.58424350

Crypto is a pump and dump ponzi scam and it always has been.

>> No.58424472

not buying ur solona bags, u should have sold at 200

>> No.58424484

10 years since launch and eth is still just a casino for leverage traders and shitcoin enthusiasts. on top of that it can't scale.

>> No.58424491
File: 451 KB, 1280x720, thecuckchair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you take a seat. Just over there.

>> No.58424493

>Why is ETH/BTC getting cucked so hard?
doesn't that whole staking thing lead into the rich people being able to sell as much eth regularly as you have in total while still having large stack?

>> No.58424498
File: 105 KB, 641x355, 5325385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wdym with getting cucked? halving just happened a few days ago, price needs to fix itself before going bullish, and tbf I thought the price was going to dump harder after a couple of days of halving ending, I guess truflation insights wasn't soo accurate after all

Just wait 1 or 2 weeks and you'll truly see the price getting cucked

>> No.58424503

>eth is slow af
>very expensive fees
>can't scale
>outdated blockchain
and now bitcoin can do the same
basically eth is dead

>> No.58424606

>Just wait 1 or 2 weeks
I need to eat now, not in 2 weeks

>> No.58424609

it will take many more days for the price to adjust itself

>> No.58424620


>> No.58424628
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ETH was always a cuckcoin, i swapped all the remaining ETH i had to SSNC
But BTC is getting sabotage for every single boomer and silent generation faggot that doesn't have the slightest idea of what crypto is

>> No.58424648
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I almost read KUCOIN lmao

>> No.58424649

what is crypto anon?

>> No.58424664
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Idk man I find ETH quite slow/expensive, hell i could even get faster and cheaper shit trading on sol/ssnc and even with congestion get my shit done before ETH finish validation protocol.

Dead coin, KYS eth baggies.

>> No.58424680

if all crypto is good for is hard money (only bitcoin) and gambling, how is any single alt going to keep pace long term when gamblers have no incentive to hang onto old bags?

bitcoin is the White supremacy of crypto
betting against it for political reasons like ethmaxis do will lead you nowhere

>> No.58424827

trust me anon, they don't care about your 000000000.3 BTC

>> No.58424828

BTC is just getting their price fixed, wait a couple of months faggot

>> No.58424837

also you don't have to spend crazy amounts on gas fees

>> No.58424838

Yeah I'm not very comfortable trading on a congested network lol

>> No.58425002
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these are Bobo's last breaths, soon we will be back to the old glory days, even my VINU is looking pretty good after so many bears

>> No.58426520 [DELETED] 
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>these are Bobo's last breaths
MUMU IS STILL POooooooOooomping

>> No.58426920

ETH is slow and Blocklords (only good thing to come out of the ETH project vagina) still doesn't have PVP available.

>> No.58427069
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this was our fault, we got too greedy with the bulls, i just wanted my retardio to buy me a ps5 but i went too far when i saw 2k

>> No.58427228
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lack of normies, but I don't care much when rn I'm doing a speedrun in pinksale, I'm not going to retire without making a coin and winning just a little bit of money with it

>> No.58427910

Why are people holding BTC and ETH when there other alts to buy into.

>> No.58427919

cuz we arnt broke

>> No.58427927

Aren't they kind of the blue chips of crypto? Is there a serious reason not to?
Besides ETH's shit gas prices, I mean. But BTC at least seems pretty constant.

>> No.58428182

kys u should be ashamed for posting such a fag image

>> No.58429553 [DELETED] 

there are a lot of things to buy now, even dextools is getting little gems that no one pays attention to because btc got fat now, not micromanaging is going to get us all screwed eventually

>> No.58429557

there are a lot of things to buy now, even dextools is getting little gems that no one pays attention to because btc got fat now, not micromanaging is going to get us all screwed eventually

>> No.58430139

Regardless I'm buying ETH and looking for a restaking platform that offer ETH Yield so as to earn rewards. This strategies is powered by EigenLayer.